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Which faction doyou think is next?

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People's Army?

I would doubt that since that would mean they speak and name their faction in English.

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Someone said earlier that NAPA stood for "Nationalist Partisans."

But then again, Chernarussians don't have English as their main language.

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Nationalist Partisans = Nacionální Partyzáni


Sounds weird to be honest

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Yeah, I know, it sound weird. I only translated it.

It would beter to have the word Národní. But that also sound a litle weird in that combinations.

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National Partisans doesn't actually sound that off wink_o.gif

BTW, I'm starting to get paranoid - I just realized the reason why the Russian video was delayed might be that NAPA was supposed to be presented that week, but BI decided to play with us biggrin_o.gif

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The faction videos are gradually getting bigger, louder and more action packed, remember the USMC one was completely silent then there were the civs, last was the russians, now imagine how aggressive and epic the NAPA will be? (i'm guessing russians as communists are left wing and NAPA could be right wing (similar to NSDAP which was the original name of the NAZI party, and the NAZIs were aggressive and had a strong army) i'm guessing a game with two political extremes will be Sooo much more action packed than ARMA1) pistols.gif

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The faction videos are gradually getting bigger, louder and more action packed, remember the USMC one was completely silent then there were the civs, last was the russians, now imagine how aggressive and epic the NAPA will be? (i'm guessing russians as communists are left wing and NAPA could be right wing (similar to NSDAP which was the original name of the NAZI party, and the NAZIs were aggressive and had a strong army) i'm guessing a game with two political extremes will be Sooo much more action packed than ARMA1)  pistols.gif

Well NAPA's cammo is german...

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well, the Nazi's were actualy left wing, but that doesn't matter because napa are guerrilla's you can clearly tell by the pic. Completely disorganized looking.

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The faction videos are gradually getting bigger, louder and more action packed, remember the USMC one was completely silent then there were the civs, last was the russians, now imagine how aggressive and epic the NAPA will be? (i'm guessing russians as communists are left wing and NAPA could be right wing (similar to NSDAP which was the original name of the NAZI party, and the NAZIs were aggressive and had a strong army) i'm guessing a game with two political extremes will be Sooo much more action packed than ARMA1)  pistols.gif

Well NAPA's cammo is german...

The modern Russian army uses ist own Flectarn D camo(which is actually similar to German Flectarn) for its special forces. Although its possible, I personally doubt a Chernorussian faction is going to use German camo.

An Example of the russian variant for those who do not know it..

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i hope the T-90 is not just a re-textured T-72!! crazy_o.gif

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well, the Nazi's were actualy left wing, but that doesn't matter because napa are guerrilla's you can clearly tell by the pic. Completely disorganized looking.

what are you home schooled in texas or something?

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The Nazist were national socialists. A mix of left and right. But this is irrelevant to the topic.

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Nazi's politic is defined as far-right ideology.

just like Soviet's politic is defined as far-left, even though it had some characteristic of right-wing ideology added to marxism.

and yes it is off-topic sorry,but retarded comment is retarded

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Stop saying the russian are communist. banghead.gif It is clearly a modern russian army in the game. And Russians are not communist anymore

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well, the Nazi's were actualy left wing, but that doesn't matter because napa are guerrilla's you can clearly tell by the pic. Completely disorganized looking.

what are you home schooled in texas or something?

socially far-right, economically far-left.

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Lets skip the politics altogether, and hold our collective breath waiting for the NAPA update wink_o.gif

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The Nazi Party is generally described as being at the extreme or far right of the left-right political axis; however in two dimensional models, such as the political compass (where left and right are described in purely economic terms), the Nazi Party's stance is ascribed to the economic centre.

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Plenty of threads in Offtopic dealing with politics, we certainly don't need one more here.

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Being economically far-right means zero regulation and letting corporations do whatever they want. Being far-left means direct control and nationalisation. In order to rebuild germany's economy instead of money representing gold reserves like most nations (of which germany had none), Hitler changed it so it represented land. Such direct action makes him left-wing. And so began his rise to power. Pass me my diploma.

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Nazi's were supported and funded by communist fearing rich corporations and its owners, that caused nazi to become anti-communist party. Nazi's economic policy was never close to being far-left, or rather it couldn't

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Hello ?!?

No more bloody politics here in this thread please.

Anyone who comes up with with another political message will have to play OFP-unpatched, naked in the bohemian woods.smiley_emoticons_indianer_igitt.gif

What´s up with Placebo and the unschedulled update ? Guys at BIS are playing the old "patience is a virtue" game.

Oh well..so be it...patience is a virtue...


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Nazis are Nationalist Socialists.

Nationalist=Political Ideology

Socialist=Economical Ideology

What the fuck about right or left wing?Why you have to put them right or left?

Communism is a mix of political and economical ideology that has some major differences with national-socialism so thats why someone is anti-communist.

As long as I remember nazi partys were legal when Stalin was the USSR leader.

Sorry for the off-topic.

I hope today we see some NAPA.I think its like something Chechenya querillas.

Edit: Oh now I have to play OFP unpatched.Thank you guys.

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