manzilla 2 Posted January 20, 2009 nice patch havent tried it yet ,,the sfhumvv in sp ,,does it work,,all i want is a yes or no ,,been asking for ages and no reply. No it still doesn't work. I'm not sure why there's been no answer yet, have you given a bug report on the tracker? It was stated it worked in the Alpha but I've never been able to get it to work since the public release. Even with vanilla ArmA v1.15 and only ACE my squad won't engage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alex72 1 Posted January 20, 2009 Really nice with a patch. Thanks for the hard work! Some things not so ok with the patch though. The problem with insurgent/s posted at armaholic comments. (comments to the patch). "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles.ACE_SoldierEAAAB_IRAQ_INS" Something i think needs to be corrected (IMO anyway) is the weapon moving/wiggle too much. I mean when you enter the game and look at your weapon its like your weak as hell. Its all over the place. Look through an ACOG and it shakes all over the place. And thats just after entering so your not injured or tired. I checked against stock ArmA and they wiggle around much less. So it seems like the soldier holding it is stronger. As he should be IMO. EDIT: Even lying down with a bipod weapon shakes now. So there must have been more shake added (weaker arms). Best regards Alex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted January 20, 2009 No guaratees, but taking a copy of the original @ACE addon before applying the patch would be a good idea. Then edit the original mission by deleting suspiscious units placed in the editor until the addon requirement dissappears from the mission.sqm file (at the top) when you save it again. 'Bug': M107 now uses M82A1 magazines 'Bug' because I think the mag should reflect the weapons name in this case. Bug: I'm not able to pack HuntIR rounds or the Monitor. Bug: The unit Independent\ACE Guerilla - Insurgent\Insurgent, IED, Large (others not tested) can not use the IED. The action is there but it doesn't do anything. Bug: Still got LaserMarker overlay on Binoculars if I carry both. Any way of changing LD readout from mils to degrees? The people I play with aren't *that* militaristic. If we talk in degrees, we all understand eachother. We never used mils in the army either, only degrees for our purposes (combat engineer). I'm noticing I can now use removeAllWeapons this; this addWeapon "Binocular" and the 'b' key works properly again. I'm curious though, are there any unforseen dangers of doing this? Bug: The SU-27s look and handle great! But mando flares button (left shift) doesn't work. Bug: Stinger Ammo is still "lost" when you drop it on the ground due to missing model (not even the bags). Andys Mags fixed this prior to ACE, and since ACE is now using Andys Mags I guess there is simply a broken link somewhere. Bug: Noticed that the two new G36 weapons are not included in the 'full' weapons crate. If so, there might be others as well. Request: The Ch47 looks awesome, and I like the paint job. I would like the russian BMD-1 to have the same painting scheme as the rest of the east equipment to not stand out so much. Also, something has to be done about its (autoloader?) sound which is waaay to loud. Request: A SMAW gunner (and assistant?) to the US Army Infantry units? I know it's primarily USMC system, but Army is adopting them? Thanks: * For the flare gun and M4-Aimpoint M203. Now I might even make available the M4s again in my mission (the acog only one was a bit too much for me). * For the weapon rest system. Now we might actually be able to hit something as the dispersion and weapons sway made sure human players couldn't hit anything while supressive fires (?) from the AI would hit long before we could even see them. * For the SMAW spotting rifle. Never expected this to be possible. I noticed I get perfect zeroing using spotting rifle equally for both the HEAA (default) and HEDP (forgot to check the FTG which is even heavier) round despite being different weights. Is this realistic? I ask because I have to compensate manually using non-zeroed ammunition for the MAAWS. * And everything else I haven't even touched yet, only been at it for a few hours I still have no clue what those Smoke/Illum choppers are supposed to be good for. Are these support functions fully implemented yet? I had some groundtroop support functions from helis back when I tried some mapfact (I think) addon. I'm seriously wondering how ArmA2 is going to compete with this though other than nonscripted AI, visuals, and maybe sound. Great work, and a superb patch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Binkowski 26 Posted January 20, 2009 Well here's a thing other than the SF. Which is really bothering me, how in the world do you get the weapon rest to work? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted January 20, 2009 Shift-Space is the default combination when you're very close to an object it works with. Found another thing: The MASH is still filled with unuseable stuff that aren't included yet (Splint, plasma etc). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Binkowski 26 Posted January 20, 2009 Shift-Space is the default combination when you're very close to an object it works with.Found another thing: The MASH is still filled with unuseable stuff that aren't included yet (Splint, plasma etc). Thanks man! Appreciate it. Also, I can't wait to use those IV Bags and plasma in the field oh the joy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted January 20, 2009 I never got any reply if anyone else was having a problem with the SF anti-armor and heavy sniper units appearing under ground in version 1.00 so I'm still not sure if it was just on my end. But now the game crashes if I try to put an SF strike team Operator(M136) on a map in the editor and try to preview it? EDIT: the Heavy sniper does it as well. CarlGustaffa, It looks like there's 3 G36's missing from the all-in-one crate. the K A1, C Aimpoint and C EoTech variants aren't in there. I've haven't seen any others yet but I haven't looked much further. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flanker15 0 Posted January 20, 2009 Great patch! New stuff I noticed the AI will try to heal each other now (with mixed results) and that I get a message when the enemy is doing it too! I've noticed that knocked down enemies switch over to lying on their stomache if they're not dead which looks pretty weird. You can shoot your gun when you're unconsious, you can even aim it sometimes (looks funny with the gun sitting still out of your hands but shooting)! The M1s have more realistic rear armor now but their side armor is still too strong, they can take a SABOT from a T-90 (I presume they use the newer long rod darts) and still work (when a T-heat RPG warhead would be more than enough to penertrate the side armor). They can even absorb a T-Heat RPG to the back! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted January 20, 2009 The SF Operator(m136) and heavy sniper(all variants) still do appear under ground for me when I add them as AI, the crash occurs when I set one as the Player. So my prior post was only half right. Once again, is this only me or do others get this? I'm trying to figure out if this is a bug or just my set up. I don't want to submit a bug report if it's me. I'm trying with just vanilla ArmA v1.15 + ACE unless I'm overlooking a rogue file that slipped in there some where. Some check this out for me please. It takes all of one minute to try. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flanker15 0 Posted January 20, 2009 I checked it Manzilla. My SF M136 and SF Heavy sniper (all 12 types) both work fine for me in the editor, I can play as them and spawn them as AI. I just stuck them all on the ACE-Ramidi runway and they seemed to be fine. Ok one thing that is buggin me in the new version is the new weapon status in the top left, it's not colour coded anymore and the shades of white between unloaded and ready for vehicle weapons are too similar. Any way to get the Green/Red/Yellow back? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Q1184 0 Posted January 20, 2009 Ok one thing that is buggin me in the new version is the new weapon status in the top left, it's not colour coded anymore and the shades of white between unloaded and ready for vehicle weapons are too similar. Â Any way to get the Green/Red/Yellow back? You can disable it in ace_clientside_config. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alex72 1 Posted January 20, 2009 EDIT: Weapon resting. Ah yes, super idea indeed. But it shouldnt make us sway more just because of that. Tested out some snipers and in sitting stance they really aim bad. You feel like a very bad sniper at best. Anyway its just my take on the beta so far. The mod is coming together beautifully, but In my opinion i think you should ease down on the bad aim so it goes back to what it was before (wich still has shake). And when we use sys_weaponrest it goes completelly still. EDIT2: The thing that suffers a lot of this is the CQB walking and shooting that was superb in the first beta. Thanks. Regards Alex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted January 20, 2009 @Rangefinder problems: there should be no ace_sys_rangefinder addon anymore in your ACE v1.01 installation, if it is, somehow your installation is broken. There should afaik be no problems with LD/Bino overlays etc, unless Spooner has that problem aswell in his SPON Rangefinder. @Bug reports and feature requests: Cheers. But to be sure your bug report or request is processed, please report and track it at our project tools: @Interface and/or other unwanted features: Please keep track of dta\ACE\ACE_ClientSide_Config.hpp and the other files located in the folder. There are quite some settings available, from key assignments, to group tracking markers, to tracers, to UI and Sound settings Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted January 20, 2009 Thank you Flanker15! After reading your post it hit me, check if the jonny's SF .pbo is still in a folder. Sure enough, there it was. The original version was conflicting with the ACE units. I had a feeling I was missing some errant file. I can't believe I kept missing it. And I'm not sure why in the hell I had it in the main AddOns folder. I haven't placed something in that folder since the early days of ArmA. Â sickboy, I see the XEH file in the patch has a newer date then the one from v1.00. Should we delete the previous version from the other mod folders and copy/paste the current one? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted January 20, 2009 @Sickboy. That's correct, I don't have the old rangefinder installed, so I guess that's a small problem with SPON version as well. Not the biggest problem though. I have an idea for an ACE component. I have made myself an addon based on truecrosshairsveteran where I am getting no crosshairs on anything, except on those weapons that gives me a target lock (stinger, javelin etc). Some public servers are still fighting "cheaters" by enforcing the nocrosshair server setting which unfortunately also disables visible locking. I've taken out friendlies because of it. The idea is as follows: The config file on the server determines the amount of crosshair help you wil get on the client; full crosshairs, some crosshairs (disabling for rifles only, but keeping for grenades as those can be hard enough by itself), and no crosshairs, all of which also will give you a lock indication. TOWs should only have visible locks on the easiest setting, as TOWs now can be controlled; the AT guidance setting is a thing of the past. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spangg 0 Posted January 20, 2009 I see the XEH file in the patch has a newer date then the one from v1.00. Should we delete the previous version from the other mod folders and copy/paste the current one? As far as I know 1 place of  the xeh is necessary so i guess you should delete the rest from the other folders and leave only 1 (this new one). Somebody correct me if im wrong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cross 1 Posted January 20, 2009 With Ace version 1.01 Is anyone having headbug issue when wounded and dragged. Your soldier get up but you have headbug and cannot move. If you are dragged next to a vehicle and if you manage to get into the vehicle and get goes away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
action man 0 Posted January 20, 2009 This mod is good is good but for me who has a "normal"computer is causes lag!! Shame realy because with last two BIS patches i got A.A to run smoothly! The mods that came ot with OFP did the same in the beginning but Thunderbird optimized scripts ect and his mod didn't cause any lag. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr_Tea 0 Posted January 20, 2009 The AI in SF Hummers still can`t use the mounted guns.Now it`s worse than before, because the game lags like hell when driving those vehicles. Edit: ArmA lags like hell with A.C.E. 1.01 when i place only one soldier on Rahmdi. Thats not normal. I tested the same without A.C.E and the problem is gone. A.C.E. 1.01 is unplayable because of the lag i get, before i updated it there was no problem performance wise. So long guys, i´m out of here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twisted 128 Posted January 20, 2009 got to play this pathc last night eventually. what a big improvement! the AI kicked my ass compared to pre-patch were they were much more docile. great! enjoyed the mount gun on surface - it really is a revolution! but it kept getting unstuck when i tried to turn around to aim at enemy. I'd recommend keeping it on surface until space+shift is pushed again. sort of like a toggle. Love the new weapon sway while standing! crouched sway may be a bit high but going prone/supported fixes sway wonderfully. and the recoils 'feel' spot on for almost all weapons - a job that isn't easy at all. kudos. weapon box had no ammo in - which meant i had to get my AI to gear at weapon box then pick up ammo. didn't expect that. all in all, congratulations to all the ACE team for such a fantastic release! this is a legendary release for ARMA. you guys have revolutionised the game for me and many - sure there are things that need fixing but such a well done job. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ck-claw 1 Posted January 20, 2009 but for me who has a "normal"computer is causes lag!! Define 'Normal' computer? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daniel 0 Posted January 20, 2009 Havn't tried anything other than the M240 so far, but the weapon rest works really well with it. So I guess it's doing its job there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alex72 1 Posted January 20, 2009 Love the new weapon sway while standing! Walking and aiming wich is a new feature of ACE is being cancelled out with the new super sway. So i cant see how this is a good thing. And i thaught that was a really good feature as its realistic. Many want high recoil and a lot af sway around here. I dont know why as it isnt there in reality. Not for me anyway. When your trained on a weapon, you know how to control it. Wouldnt make sense any other way. In real life you can use your muscles in ways you cant in the game. So having sway there that you cant control isnt so good. Some sway should be there, but this is definatelly too much. IMO ofcourse. Not a rant guys i love this mod. Its the best thing ever happened to arma. Just want to give my view on it. And ive done it now twice about this, so im gonna shut the hell up now. Back to testing ACE some more. Cheers Alex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted January 20, 2009 With Ace version 1.01Is anyone having headbug issue when wounded and dragged. Your soldier get up but you have headbug and cannot move. If you are dragged next to a vehicle and if you manage to get into the vehicle and get goes away. Yeah!! we get that headbug issue thing too.. seems when you have it your standing up but others see you lieing down. So long guys, i´m out of here. Cya Later Mr-Tea!  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
telejunky 0 Posted January 20, 2009 Mirror by > klick < repacked in 4 parts for comfortable downloading. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 The Patch will be added as soon as i can Share this post Link to post Share on other sites