Jennik 0 Posted December 12, 2008 Greetings fellow soldiers! This forum and its servers have been active for a very long time, we’re proud that these days there are more than 50,000 members. However, such an amount of users and traffic is going to be too heavy a task for an old fashion Ikonboard engine. This forum definitely deserves a new engine and location. It's my pleasure that I can now introduce you to the public beta of our new Bohemia Interactive forums! Before the official opening, we would like to ask for your help to beta-test. <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Link: Bohemia Interactive Forums - Public Beta at</span></span> Forum will be reset again Note: Any post and threads made on the new forum, account changes, passwords, modifications etc. at the Public Beta Forums will be lost once the forum will be upgraded as the primary forum. Use the new forum only for testing, not for real discussion, this stays here on the old forum until further notice. Please, pay attention to these known issues: 1) Passwords don't work - You need to use Password Reminder at the new forum to reset your password. Keep in mind you will need the email address you used for registration at this (old) forum. If you no longer have access to the Email address in your account here then send Placebo a PM with your new Email address and he will change it manually for you, please do not attempt to manually change your Email address as that will make your account inactive due to an Ikonboard bug. 2) Broken BBcode signatures - - Might be corrected in final version, but most probably you will need to change them yourself. 3) Broken user names - If your user name contains non-standard characters it might not work at the new forum. We expect that around 100 users could potentially experience this issue. Fortunately, this doesn't mean these accounts will be unavailable; we already have a solution which will correct this issue in for the final public version. 4) User groups - It might be that your account will not be correctly moved to the original user group. This will be corrected in the final version. 5) Moderating rights - - If the moderators experience some issues or limitations, report it to the Moderating Forum here. ! Please, report to this topic any other issues or limitations you may encounter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Colossus 2 Posted December 12, 2008 Wohoo! Finally a brand new forum system! Thank you BI! EDIT: It seems I can't register nor log in: Quote[/b] ]-The email address you entered is already in use. If you have forgotten your password, please click here. -That username is already in use or does not meet the administrator's standards. If you are Colossus and you have forgotten your password, click here. Attempting to log in will result in a 'wrong password' message. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xeno 234 Posted December 12, 2008 Did you reset your password ? Quote[/b] ]1) Passwords don't work - You need to use Password Reminder at the new forum to reset your password. After you have done a password reset login is no problem anymore. Xeno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snake Man 407 Posted December 12, 2008 It says "Your PM box is 100% full." even though in this "old" forum there is still plenty of space. So private message box settings in new forum don't match with the old one. Good choice for forum software, while vBulletin is not my favourite forum software, its well known and I assume quite stable. So I'm looking forward of doing Forum Business in the future for ArmA / ArmA 2 etc Edit: Also my signature turned out weird on the vBulletin conversion, it looks like this:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">http://\"http//\" However it should be naturally just Hope that helps to tweak the conversion process Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Colossus 2 Posted December 12, 2008 Did you reset your password ?Quote[/b] ]1) Passwords don't work - You need to use Password Reminder at the new forum to reset your password. After you have done a password reset login is no problem anymore. Xeno Ah.. hehe. I was sure it was refered to the 'Remember Me?' button at the quick login, which will remember your password. AKA a Password Reminder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jennik 0 Posted December 12, 2008 It says "Your PM box is 100% full." even though in this "old" forum there is still plenty of space. So private message box settings in new forum don't match with the old one..... Edit: Also my signature turned out weird on the vBulletin conversion, it looks like this:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">http://\"http//\" However it should be naturally just Hope that helps to tweak the conversion process 1) default PM storage settings is 50 messages, so what number would be enough for you? (already set to 100 for reg. users) 2) I have mentioned the issue with signatures... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sparks50 0 Posted December 12, 2008 Let me sneak in a "awesome". Also thanks for putting the Arma edit section on the same page as the rest of the Arma board. I'm not too sure about the lack of functionality and color scheme, but I guess thats where the "beta" comes in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jennik 0 Posted December 12, 2008 Let me sneak in a "awesome". Also thanks for putting the Arma edit section on the same page as the rest of the Arma board. I'm not too sure about the lack of functionality and color scheme, but I guess thats where the "beta" comes in. You should be now. Moderators, please check moderating forum here for more instructions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snake Man 407 Posted December 12, 2008 1) default PM storage settings is 50 messages, so what number would be enough for you? (already set to 100 for reg. users) Well, if you convert from one forum software to another, naturally you shouldn't decrease some limits "on the fly" as then some things are deleted automatically like in this case the private messages. I guess 200 is the limit in ikonboard forum, I really think it should be the same on vBulletin on the conversion moment, if you guys want to decrease it later, please inform users before doing so that "important" messages can be saved by deleting others. As for how many it should be... well I guess its decision based on technical aspect and admin preference. Technical side considering, I believe vBulletin uses mySQL so having a large, private message config should not strain your server... But, please keep it at least the same as in ikonboard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr.g-c 6 Posted December 12, 2008 Yes thats a very great step forward... What i would like to suggest, is when you go into the "Arma2-Section" that the whole theme changes into the color scheme which the Arma2-Homepage uses. So to speak, not only the background-image but also the red-ish/orange-ish into that more "darker" scheme.... Anything else seems to be looking very good! Good Job! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SWAT_BigBear 0 Posted December 12, 2008 haha, Placebo spanked me in the new board. I've hosted vBullentin before, any chances of the features such as games/casino being added? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted December 12, 2008 Its too white behind the txt hard to read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kronzky 5 Posted December 12, 2008 I'm not sure if the color scheme is final, but if anybody wants to change it, to match their personal preference, here's how you can do it (that is, if you use Firefox). [*] Find your profile folder (this will be something like C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[someRandomCode].default). If there are several profile folder, add a new entry to your bookmarks, and then look where the newest version of places.sqlite ended up. [*] Go to the \chrome folder in there, and open (or create) the file userContent.css [*] Add the following lines: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">@-moz-document domain( { Â Â :link {color:#a21a21 !important} Â Â body, .thead {background:#666 !important; color:#fff !important; background-image:none !important} } Now you can play around with the color definitions, and make'em look any way you want. The color definitions that I entered above, just to make it a bit more readable, look like this: Â Â Â . Not perfect, but it's a start...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jerryhopper 286 Posted December 12, 2008 whahooo! Santa is early this year! this is a small step for a webmaster, but a big step for the community! [edit] i see all data was ported, and therefore i have to rephrase. so, here it goes. A small step for the community, and a pain in the ass job for the webmaster. respect! BUG(?) or Feature missing. I have been trying to get VIDEO in the BIS forums, and succeeded. it seems that the VBulletin doesnt allow flash embedde. * falls down on his knees and beggs * PLEASE PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE ENABLE FLASH EMBEDDING! example of what i mean: ------------ " <OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=400><PARAM NAME=MOVIE VALUE=><PARAM NAME=PLAY VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=LOOP VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=QUALITY VALUE=HIGH><EMBED SRC= WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=400 PLAY=TRUE LOOP=TRUE QUALITY=HIGH></EMBED></OBJECT> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jennik 0 Posted December 12, 2008 it seems that the VBulletin doesnt allow flash embedde.* falls down on his knees and beggs * PLEASE PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE ENABLE FLASH EMBEDDING! I went through the settings and it seem it doesn't support flash. I would be solved by allowing html tags, but it's very dangerous and might cause very serious issues and attacks. I'm sure there must be some plugin for vBulletin to allow flash embedding, I'll check it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jerryhopper 286 Posted December 12, 2008 it seems that the VBulletin doesnt allow flash embedde.* falls down on his knees and beggs * PLEASE PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE ENABLE FLASH EMBEDDING! I went through the settings and it seem it doesn't support flash. I would be solved by allowing html tags, but it's very dangerous and might cause very serious issues and attacks. I'm sure there must be some plugin for vBulletin to allow flash embedding, I'll check it out. i will help looking, and else we could maybe write one our own. -==found it!==- the *cough* competition *cough* has an 'embed youtube' thingy implemented. but i wouldnt look to much to them, as their forums have more leaks than i have hair on my head. Â Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted December 12, 2008 Is it really needed? I don't think so, we can embed video like youtube, if someone wants some kind of flash video embedded they can simply upload it to youtube as a regular video instead and embed it right? More secure solution. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Colossus 2 Posted December 12, 2008 Should be possible to use custom BBcodes to enable Flash or perhaps just YouTube. - Tons of mods and plugins. Most recommended at the vBulletin forum, if you are searching for customized tools. How To Make a YouTube BB Code ( - Jake Bunce (vBulletin Team) I'm sure the guys at vBulletin can tell how secure this is, or wether or not they got something to counter it. If it is unsecure when runned indepedently. EDIT: Seems someone got ahead of me  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kenwort 0 Posted December 12, 2008 Well Flash embedding maybe isn't that needed but surely there should be and [vimeo] bbcodes vBulletin is a nice forum engine, just hope you guys can get a talented designer to create you a suitable design, simple in size and colors. edit: seems the new forum is kinda slower for me then the old one Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jerryhopper 286 Posted December 12, 2008 Is it really needed? I don't think so, we can embed video like youtube, if someone wants some kind of flash video embedded they can simply upload it to youtube as a regular video instead and embed it right? More secure solution. Its as secure as it is right now in this ikonboard. And.... on this board its hardly used. The advantage of this is, that we can post highres movies like vimeo. youtube has shitty quality. And im not even mentioning a some secret projects im working on like ArmATube & Channel6 TV (yes, real 'arma' tv with real arma programs on it. ) Besides that placebo, i could broadcast some soccer-matches of your favorite clubs on the sports-channel.... Â when it comes to security, you can just put a crossdomain.xml in the root, which allows external connections to trusted domains..... like mine you know im completely trustworthy! @kenwort & jennik Creating some indexes on tables can speedup the shit like 800% or so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaKa 0 Posted December 12, 2008 Did I tell you how much I love you guys? I really do! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted December 12, 2008 The advantage of this is, that we can post highres movies like vimeo. youtube has shitty quality. We have a plugin on the new forum that supports tons of hosts, not just youtube, I used that as an example, plus Vimeo doesn't allow gaming videos so I think they're the shitty one considering it's a gaming forum....... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jerryhopper 286 Posted December 12, 2008 The advantage of this is, that we can post highres movies like vimeo. youtube has shitty quality. We have a plugin on the new forum that supports tons of hosts, not just youtube, I used that as an example, plus Vimeo doesn't allow gaming videos so I think they're the shitty one considering it's a gaming forum....... ok, so what's this then? also - if that plugin will be there, we should modd it for ArmA-Tube. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sparks50 0 Posted December 12, 2008 Didnt youtube start with 720p some weeks ago? Thats good enough for me(dunno if its restricted somehow). The usual 480kbits is decent too. So I don't see the problem Jerry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VictorFarbau 0 Posted December 12, 2008 Good to see there's still budget for this branch of the company Personally I had some problems with readability (light yellow text on light grey background and some other unfortunate color combinations). I'm coming to an age where I depend on more contrast apparently and I don't want to lean forward all the time   Thus I hope the forum software will allow for custom color schemes or skins. Thanks for considering this, VictorFarbau Share this post Link to post Share on other sites