PhantomFury 10 Posted June 30, 2009 I'm hearing a rumour that any plans for an Xbox 360 release have been cancelled - this would be incredibly sad news if true. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxqubit 1 Posted June 30, 2009 ^^ Seems like some kid on that forum is just yelling something. Anyway, again, my impression from the ArmA2/pc demo ... all 360 stuff is already in, save from some minor details Obviously THE big thing missing is the XBL interface. But menu's, controller, scenario editor already seem to be in place. BIS is obviously waiting for the feedback of the pc game to iron out as much probs as they can. Mind you imo ArmA2 is already pretty stable on technical front. I didn't have any troubs on my old crappy system yet (like CTD's and stuff) but i'm only talking offline stuff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maddogx 13 Posted June 30, 2009 ^^ Seems like some kid on that forum is just yelling something. Anyway, again, my impression from the ArmA2/pc demo ... all 360 stuff is already in, save from some minor detailsObviously THE big thing missing is the XBL interface. But menu's, controller, scenario editor already seem to be in place. BIS is obviously waiting for the feedback of the pc game to iron out as much probs as they can. Mind you imo ArmA2 is already pretty stable on technical front. I didn't have any troubs on my old crappy system yet (like CTD's and stuff) but i'm only talking offline stuff The stability issues aren't really existant on the 360, because they don't have to worry about catering to different hardware configurations. They only have to optimize the game for a single platform, so if it works for them it works for everyone. The gameplay and scripting issues should be more pressing, as they have to make sure the missions and AI for example work flawlessly out of the box. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted June 30, 2009 I'm hearing a rumour that any plans for an Xbox 360 release have been cancelled - this would be incredibly sad news if true. Unless you see someone with a Bohemia logo, username and IP saying such things consider them 100% bollocks, and you can quote me on that! Nothing is confirmed for the same reasons that Suma posted, and thus nothing is un-confirmed for the same reasons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhantomFury 10 Posted June 30, 2009 Unless you see someone with a Bohemia logo, username and IP saying such things consider them 100% bollocks, and you can quote me on that!Nothing is confirmed for the same reasons that Suma posted, and thus nothing is un-confirmed for the same reasons. It was merely a rumour which I reported, nothing more to give substantial believe to reports of a cancelled version - I certainly didn't read any more into it than that. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cnickcj 0 Posted June 30, 2009 If they have already signed a NDA then something is in the works , until somebody says otherwise , do you think we are playing the waiting game .... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walker 0 Posted June 30, 2009 (edited) Hi all To the best of my knowledge nobody at BIS has said ArmA II will not be available on console. Quite the reverse: Click Platform It clearly says WindowsNext generation consoles Yet some appear to be bent on trying to start such a concern troll myth; when it clearly is not true. I see such posts in the forum and on others, and on Youtube. They all have the signature "Some one told me that ..." start to them. They seem coordinated and several names keep cropping up. I wonder what company would be trying to start such concern troll rumours and why? I know several journalists are pissed off about it too. BIS have already released a successful Xbox title OFP:Elite and so have the experience and tools to convert ArmA II to XBox 360 and maybe even PlayStation 3, if there is demand. If people are doing it to try to goad BIS staff into making an anouncement when contracts with console manufacturers specificly gag developers from making anouncements until publisher and testing are complete well that is not helpful. And if you are doing it for some pet hate they have of console games or a degree of personal animosity to BIS. That is not nice. When you see them post that link and text along with Placebo's post. Kind Regards walker Edited July 1, 2009 by walker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hurst 10 Posted July 1, 2009 I have the game for my PC, unfortunately it doesn't run so well. I do prefer to play games on my 360 and would love ArmA 2 to make it to the 360. If not, It looks like Dragon Rising will the only realistic military sim available for 360 which is ashame. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walker 0 Posted July 1, 2009 (edited) I have the game for my PC, unfortunately it doesn't run so well. I do prefer to play games on my 360 and would love ArmA 2 to make it to the 360. If not, It looks like Dragon Rising will the only realistic military sim available for 360 which is ashame. Hi hurst No need to worry Click the button in the left navigation pannel that says Platform Up comes some sections that say WindowsNext generation consoles Could not be more clear ArmA II is going to be out on console. So you wont have to play that DR. ;) :D In fact it seems pretty pointless to buy DR when ArmA II will be availble on consoles. Kind Regards walker Edited July 1, 2009 by walker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grimnirsson 0 Posted July 1, 2009 In fact it seems pretty pointless to buy DR when ArmA II will be availble on consoles. The better game will get the most points by the let's wait and see which one actually is better. Grim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cartier90 0 Posted July 1, 2009 I have the PC version and am happy with it, I would like it to come too consoles though - the more people who play this type of game, the better - and the more impetus there is on devs to bring out more sims out. Another thing, noone I know has ARMA2 as I know no PC gamers - they all have consoles and look confused when I speak of ARMA2, they just havent heard of it. Online would rock on a console as well as I want to play with ppl I know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercenarynox 10 Posted July 2, 2009 Unless you see someone with a Bohemia logo, username and IP saying such things consider them 100% bollocks, and you can quote me on that!Nothing is confirmed for the same reasons that Suma posted, and thus nothing is un-confirmed for the same reasons. I know you didn't confirm anything, but its so good to read that from you. Though I wonder why publishers aren't pouncing on that. I know if I was the head of a company I would, and not just so I could play it either. That could really be a big break in the normal console cycle, thus bringing in tons of cash. Either way, like I said, I am kind of relieved that you posted in here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxqubit 1 Posted July 2, 2009 Not to make some ppl miserable (avi, grim) but on my LOW SPEC PC (p4 2.8 single core, 2GB ram, XP, AGP 7900GS ... the 7900GS being my only 50$ investment to get the old beast running ArmA2) i am truely enjoying the demo. On top of that, it looks good too. Although i keep it small scale (in the dozens). Anyway, my old pc holds up far beyond my expectation:) But, ok, what does this have to do with 360? I'll tell you (again). It becomes to me more and more clear the 360 version is actuall pretty much finished. Everything feels so much streamlined for controller (of course i play the demo with the controller). Everthing right down to buttons, colors, d-pad/A menu's etc. I even see the 'start'triangle on some screens:) Some things are still missing or i can't test them, like more complex menu's, and of course there is no INVERT LOOK atm (which is quite frustrating:)) Anyway, i'm really wondering what the timetable on a 360 version is. I guess BIS waits a bit for the pc version to settle and to fix most bugs. But is have to say, the stuff i play is just fine. I'm not a nitpicker, and i don't see many bugs ... on top of that, the demo on my old pc is rocksteady ... not a single hw/sw hickup:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted July 2, 2009 Hey MAXQUBIT good for you getting your old PC to run the demo! Your right, I am miserable due to the fact I can't play ARMA2 on my old PC or even play OFP elite right now because my wife is on my ass to get the baby rooms ready for her due date this august. ( I am having twins, this is going to cut my game playing time down!!!!!) Tell me do you have the mission editor to mess with. How many preset templates are there and how many different move waypoints behaviors and formations can you set. Can you see the 3D editor in the menu and can you set any side against any side or is it like blue vs red only setup. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxqubit 1 Posted July 2, 2009 Tell me do you have the mission editor to mess with. How many preset templates are there and how many different move waypoints behaviors and formations can you set. Can you see the 3D editor in the menu and can you set any side against any side or is it like blue vs red only setup.The demo has 2 editors (but limited because it is a demo)1. The FULL PC editor (i'm messing with that, but you can't save) 2. The scenario editor ... THIS one is like the Elite editor. I didn't delve into that one, only 10 minutes, but it works with templates (demo has 3 iirc) and you can add stuff to that. Just like the Elite thing. Funny, there is the welkown GET INTO NEAREST ... this is a Elite waypoint because you won't find that in the FULL editor. Other q's i can't answer atm. But i have a funny find Now ... BLACK?? I first thought it said BACK but bLLLack? That is a ref to the OLD xbox which had a white/black button on the controller ... hence, this looks like a continuation of the XBOX Elite thing because the bLLLack is actually the RB button and works as such. As. said a very small 'find' but it sure is one more hint that the dev's were into XBOX (and e.g. NOT into PS3 or other stuff) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ATC Forgiven 10 Posted July 2, 2009 Ive been checking these forums everyday waiting and hoping for a release date. I am apart of a community that had no idea these games were even possible when the original xbox came out. We started on Tc Summit Strike and what we thought were tactical games. The OPFE hit the shelves and that was it. Bought the 360 hoping for backwards compatibility and have been waiting ever since. For my 2 cents, if I can tell em go here, stop here, shoot here Im good. Cant wait till something comes out thats not start, die, respawn, start, die, respawn. For my question, I have yet to see flir vision on youtube. If the demo has it id appreciate a pic.Thanks. BTW Avibird, not sure if we hit it off or not, but I remember you on the xbox. My gt was Df 223rd Brig General. Shoot you guys soon....well hopefully :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted July 3, 2009 (edited) The demo has 2 editors (but limited because it is a demo)1. The FULL PC editor (i'm messing with that, but you can't save) 2. The scenario editor ... THIS one is like the Elite editor. I didn't delve into that one, only 10 minutes, but it works with templates (demo has 3 iirc) and you can add stuff to that. Just like the Elite thing. Funny, there is the welkown GET INTO NEAREST ... this is a Elite waypoint because you won't find that in the FULL editor. Other q's i can't answer atm. But i have a funny find [iM][/img] Now ... BLACK?? I first thought it said BACK but bLLLack? That is a ref to the OLD xbox which had a white/black button on the controller ... hence, this looks like a continuation of the XBOX Elite thing because the bLLLack is actually the RB button and works as such. As. said a very small 'find' but it sure is one more hint that the dev's were into XBOX (and e.g. NOT into PS3 or other stuff) Ive been checking these forums everyday waiting and hoping for a release date. I am apart of a community that had no idea these games were even possible when the original xbox came out. We started on Tc Summit Strike and what we thought were tactical games. The OPFE hit the shelves and that was it. Bought the 360 hoping for backwards compatibility and have been waiting ever since. For my 2 cents, if I can tell em go here, stop here, shoot here Im good. Cant wait till something comes out thats not start, die, respawn, start, die, respawn. For my question, I have yet to see flir vision on youtube. If the demo has it id appreciate a pic.Thanks. BTW Avibird, not sure if we hit it off or not, but I remember you on the xbox. My gt was Df 223rd Brig General. Shoot you guys soon....well hopefully :) Hey maxqubit nice find and T3 Forgiven I played with a lot of people on the elite and all were welcome only if you could follow orders and play for the team and not your own score. I played mostly COOP missions and were not into the whole fake clan crap with the little kids. Just hard ass multiple objectives COOP MISSIONS with a good group of friends. Gentleman only 5 days left until the north american release (the beggist market in the world). I know for a fact that they have being working on a XBOX 360 version at the same time as the PC. BOHEMIA has stated this a few times during interviews, We have found little cues like the one maxqubit gave above and some other hints like that in the pasted 10 months and A LITTLE BIRD TOLD ME (hint hint hint). We know why they can't say officially at this time but they have some other issues right now. Please look at my outline. Here is a basic outline: 1. Can they get the game to work on the current consoles and will it run well. 2. The PC game needs to make money with sales. How much ? 3. They need to get a console publisher to take the chance with this game ( most publisher wants a COD/BF game to target a bigger market of players) 4. Console games needs to be almost bug free and must go through detail process to be allowed to reach the console market. 5. Video games are not the main focus of the overall company and if it gets to compicated and looks like the profits will be minimum they may not want to put the effort and time. Number 1 and 3 are the biggest issues right now. BOHEMIA main focus is the PC right now and let them get all the PC markets out and lets hope the sales continues to be good. Gentleman, Please just have some more patiencs we will know soon if we get a version. BOHEMIA will not go down without a fight for the console market from codemasters. Edited July 3, 2009 by Placebo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercenarynox 10 Posted July 3, 2009 Gentleman only 5 days left until the north american release (the beggist market in the world). Umm? Didn't North America already get Arma 2? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhantomFury 10 Posted July 3, 2009 It would be nice if they gave us some information regarding a console version, other than wasting our time trying to work out whether there's any intention for a release. I've emailed them but no response, doesn't look promising. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
recoill 0 Posted July 3, 2009 To anybody who's playing the demo or the full game, what mission templates are in the mission wizard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XGS Che Guevara 0 Posted July 4, 2009 It would be nice if they gave us some information regarding a console version, other than wasting our time trying to work out whether there's any intention for a release. I've emailed them but no response, doesn't look promising. Don't worry about it. They can't formally comment about a console port until they've found a publisher for the console port. Apparently they haven't. As soon as they do they will let us know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted July 4, 2009 Umm? Didn't North America already get Arma 2? I was talking about a hard copy. Quote: Bohemia Interactive and Got Game Entertainment announce their partnership for ARMA II's North American release Prague, Czech Republic, June 22nd - Bohemia Interactive, creators of award winning military simulation Operation Flashpoint* and ArmA: Combat Operations and Got Game Entertainment, US leading publisher of interactive entertainment games, announced today their partnershipfor the North American retail release of ARMA II, one of the most anticipated PC Game of 2009. The two companies have partnered together to bring the game to most major retail outlets throughout North America this July. Bohemia Interactive once invented the genre of realistic military sand-box games and it aims now to re-define that genre with its upcoming game ARMA II, the ultimate military simulator, powered by the 3rd generation of their original Real Virtuality engine that's also used to train soldiers in numerous countries from Australia to the United States. "North America is one of the most powerful and important markets in terms of a game's marketing and distribution," said Marek Spanel, Bohemia's CEO. Spanelcontinues "We were looking for responsible and credible partners who will focus on ARMA II with the kind of drive and enthusiasm that this huge project deserves. We feel Got Game Ent. will be the right partner for us and I believe together we will make ARMA II a success in North America." "We are very excited to bring ARMA II to the North American market," said Got Game Entertainment President Howard Horowitz. "This caliber of game brings Got Game Entertainment to a new level of excellence and certainly ushers in a new era for our company." ARMA II will offer the ultimate realistic combat simulation experience in a modern day setting. With unprecedented freedom of movement, actions and tactics, unbeatable detailed weapons and military hardware, easy-to-use built in mission editor and one of the most dedicated online communities around. The game will allow players to immerse themselves into the battle as never before. ARMA II is scheduled for an in store Date of July 7th, 2009. For more information please visit the official homepage at and The sad thing is only 3 days left and almost all stores i go to and ask have no clue about this game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
InFireBaptize 0 Posted July 4, 2009 Umm? Didn't North America already get Arma 2? got the hard copy on June 23 from CDWOW and i live in Canada Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercenarynox 10 Posted July 5, 2009 I dont understand what publisher wouldn't take Arma II. I'm sure it'll happen soon though. I just hope they dont pick a publisher that tries to change the game. Though I have no doubt BIS wouldn't let that happen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raphier 0 Posted July 5, 2009 I dont understand what publisher wouldn't take Arma II.I'm sure it'll happen soon though. I just hope they dont pick a publisher that tries to change the game. Though I have no doubt BIS wouldn't let that happen I dont understand what publisher wouldn't take Arma II, I just hope they dont pick a publisher that tries to change the game. Obviously, publishers who tries to change the game, wouldn't take Arma II....(starting from big one's) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites