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avibird 1

ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

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They will be releasing the game at some point , i myself have been reading some of the threads and found one which i can not find again ,as their are so many ,it was about the missons in arma 2 and what bugs where comtained in each mission .

There are still some small issues with the missons from my reading of the thread , until they fix them any new news about the xbox 360 version is not so near ....

I also can see they are working flat out to fix many issues , multi tasking i think its called .

The game is not as far away as you think ... Maybe june the 23rd could change to july the 23rd , or something like that and i also think before the summer is over the game should be release for sure , but this is just my opinion ...

Found the mission bug list i was reading , took a while ,..

My bug report

Ok here are bug's i noticed in this new patch:

1. AI seems to be worse on foot then it was in 1,1 patch to me. They're stucking and just staring at me sometimes but sometimes they're able to snipe me with smg on long ranges. The big issue is also that they mostly shoot 1 - 3 rounds and then they just stare... Some issues mentioned above were present in the prev version also but i wasn't encountering them that frequently...On the other hand they're better in driving now.

2. While playing "Counter attack" (2nd single mission) mission I was stuck in healing until the injured one died. And that dialog with CDKZ member in the building was started even when I was on different stair level.

3. In 1st single mission the scenario was completed without me saving the CDF prisoners.

4. In 4th single mission while description says "Coordinated attack of multiple USMC groups" I was the only one attacking the rest was sitting like ducks on their start positions. The mision wasn't ended after clearing the vilage on my own. But that's something I remember well from OFP and first Arma. Mission restart will probably solve it

5. While playing Armory on Utes as a BMP gunner - the shader effect (you see darker and a bit blurry thru the gunner view) was still activated even when I dismounted the vehicle or even mounted on a different one. I had to exit armory and enter it againt to make it dissapear. I encountered this one just once by the way.


show spoiler

6.In the mission when you capture Lopotev after seizing Chernogorsk I had a little problem with the final cutscene... after killing the guards and razor being saved by the second SF team where should the mission end. I was still playing, team wasn't responding Akula stood still in the warehouse and everyone were invincible. It wasn't possible to pause the game and return to the menu. I had to ALT - f4. After starting the game again and loading the autosafe it worked.

7. Since update to 1,2 I'm encountering much slower loading times of textures and more graphic glitches such as blinking textures and stuff...

That's everything I can remember. I'm really loving the game even when it needs a bit patching. Thank you BIS. I hope my bug report is going to be helpfull at least a bit :-)

Edit.: And this one I encountered when I paused during the cutscene on the ship. Cutscene started from the beggining and animations were bugged...

Edited by cnickcj

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Hello Console COMMUNITY this is AVIBIRD 1, I started this posts to help build a console community awareness and to show BOHEMIA that a lot of people in the console market want this game.

I just had a nice conversation with one of the developers about all the reasons why no information is out about a console game and it's a little more complicated then you think. BOHEMIA wants to make a console game but some of the issues are out of there hands. Most of the reasons are within

this post and make a lot of sense.

Here is a basic outline:

1. Can they get the game to work on the current consoles and will it run well.

2. The PC game needs to make money with sales. How much ?

3. They need to get a console publisher to take the chance with this game ( most publisher wants a COD/BF game to target a bigger market of players)

4. Console games needs to be almost bug free and must go through detail process to be allowed to reach the console market.

5. Video games are not the main focus of the overall company and if it gets to compicated and looks like the profits will be minimum they may not want to put the effort and time.

What do the console community do! We wait, we hope and we watch how well the PC game does. We tell our friends about this game and still help grow the console community awareness. We E-mail BOHEMIA, MS and SONY to show them a market for this game is here. XBOX players should go get a copy of the OFP ELITE and start to play again. I still do and it's still has better gameplay then all the other crap on the 360 right now.

I am little disappointed and lost right now that the game will not have a chance to come out this year. It makes no sense businesses wise to to try to make this game hit the market with all the other crap games due out before the end of the year.

Maybe after OFPDR hits the market and most mianstream players get a little insight of what a real tactical war game can play like and the light bulb will go on in there heads and all the mainstream console players will say WOW only if ARMA2 would come to the consoles this is the type of gameplay we ALL WANT NOT THE COD/BF crap that is out.

WE WANT ARMA2, WE WANT ARMA2, WE WANT ARMA2 and maybe a publisher will say yes we will support this game because there is a market for this game on the consoles.

We all need to keep the faith about this game. Now I going back to play some ELITE and put my 360 back in the closet.

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Here is a basic outline:

1. Can they get the game to work on the current consoles and will it run well.

2. The PC game needs to make money with sales. How much ?

3. They need to get a console publisher to take the chance with this game ( most publisher wants a COD/BF game to target a bigger market of players)

4. Console games needs to be almost bug free and must go through detail process to be allowed to reach the console market.

5. Video games are not the main focus of the overall company and if it gets to compicated and looks like the profits will be minimum they may not want to put the effort and time.

Ok, i made a .02 cent analyses on ArmA2/360 coming in 2009/2010. Be prep'd to be shocked!

I took the 5 points of Avi and put a percentage of success on it. Also take into consideration that every single point can mean a NO-GO

So, here it is, and i am being generous with the success estimation:

1. 70%

2. 80%

3. 60%

4. 60%

5. 70%

If all points have to be passed we have a change of 14% (fourTEEN) on a ARMA2/360 version

Well, my decision is made. I'm going to just enjoy the 360 games coming out, incl OFPDR ... and i might actually purchase ArmA2/PC if i upgrade my pc (basically because of music production). That won't be this year, but 2010? Perhaps.

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I still do and it's still has better gameplay then all the other crap on the 360 right now.

It makes no sense businesses wise to to try to make this game hit the market with all the other crap games due out before the end of the year.

Maybe after OFPDR hits the market and most mianstream players get a little insight of what a real tactical war game can play like and the light bulb will go on in there heads and all the mainstream console players will say WOW only if ARMA2 would come to the consoles this is the type of gameplay we ALL WANT NOT THE COD/BF crap that is out.

I don't think you are helping a possible release of ArmA2 by making such statements. I mean I'm all for ArmA2 on the 360, but to constantly repeat the mantra that there's only 'crap' out there for the hardcore gamer console is nonsense. You know, I'm a grognard, that's someone who is deep into playing military strategy simulations (hex'n counter 'games' often with huge maps, many thousands of counters, 50+ hours for the campaign game and complex, long rules), so I have a tendency towards serious games. But I play many games and different genres and there are many excellent games available for the 360.

And that CoD and BF are not military sims don't make them bad games or 'crap'. It's not only about a niche game here and there, it's also about how the mainstream gamers hear about these milsims. If all they hear is 'what you are playing is crap, look here - that's the real stuff!' the only thing you'll achieve is that they think 'WTF? - I go back playing fun games with people who don't bash my hobby.' The point is, the mainstream gamers don't need these games, don't need us - we want to see the game be published on the 360 and so we need them...if some folks from this mainstream are directed to this thread, reading your constant bashing of all the other games available for the 360, I doubt that this will spark any interest on their side.


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We all wish to play this game , i myself was hoping it would be released before i went away for a month on holiday and was thinking i would bring my xbox with me , now my hopes are for when i return.

Will i have something to play on my console i will enjoy . .

That is the question ? i feel a good feeling is my answer...

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Me an a friend are going to be purchasing OFP elite sometime soon. We plan on thoroughly enjoying the mission editor. So we'll have something(console wise) to tide us over until ARMA 2 comes out for the 360. Let's just hope it's sometime before we're all old and rotting...

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If its going to be so hard to release a War Sim on say the xbox why would BIS even bother they should focus on the version already released and get that fixed if a console release isnt scheduled for this year.

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I don't think you are helping a possible release of ArmA2 by making such statements. I mean I'm all for ArmA2 on the 360, but to constantly repeat the mantra that there's only 'crap' out there for the hardcore gamer console is nonsense. You know, I'm a grognard, that's someone who is deep into playing military strategy simulations (hex'n counter 'games' often with huge maps, many thousands of counters, 50+ hours for the campaign game and complex, long rules), so I have a tendency towards serious games. But I play many games and different genres and there are many excellent games available for the 360.

And that CoD and BF are not military sims don't make them bad games or 'crap'. It's not only about a niche game here and there, it's also about how the mainstream gamers hear about these milsims. If all they hear is 'what you are playing is crap, look here - that's the real stuff!' the only thing you'll achieve is that they think 'WTF? - I go back playing fun games with people who don't bash my hobby.' The point is, the mainstream gamers don't need these games, don't need us - we want to see the game be published on the 360 and so we need them...if some folks from this mainstream are directed to this thread, reading your constant bashing of all the other games available for the 360, I doubt that this will spark any interest on their side.


You are not hearing what I am saying. I play all the other games on live COD/BF/GRAW/RB6 yes they are fun for a few weeks but they get old real soon. The gameplay has no real team focus and for that they are crap. When I play on live a tell everyone I meet about OFP/ARMA GAMES to try to help get people to look at this game and see it for what it is.

Most people I meet want a different game then just run and gun they want a military strategy gameplay but all the games are just run and gun. How long can you play COD/BF before you turn off the power to the XBOX for me maybe 1 hour. How long can I play OFP elite on the old XBOX 7-8 hours before I know it, that is my point.

I have stated what the true facts are and it looks like we are not going to get ARMA2 for sometime and maybe not at all for the XBOX 360. Sorry if the truth hurts, but it's the truth. Lets all keep the hope. I will still play all the other crap games for my XBOX 360 and get a new game every few weeks to F with and continue to go back to play OFP ELITE a few times a week like I have been since 2005.

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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MR. Happy Brite, Am I MR Guess lol. If you looked at all the interviews from BOHEMIA since 2007 and have a little insight then you would know there is more money to be make on a console game then the PC market today.

Overall more people play console games then PC games world wide and this is a tend since 2003-2004. Yes world of war crap has more people on online but that is just one game not the whole market. It is a lot harder to make a fake copy for a Console game so fewer lost sales and more opportunity to make a quick buck with very littel work for a company with DLC.

The only real issues are can a console run ARMA2, how much will they need to cut down to make it work good and how many console players really want a game like this. Spectrum of games: Other RUN & GUN games on the market/HALO/GTA4/COD/BF/FARCRY/GRAW/RB6/AA/OFPDR/FSW=ARMA2. I feel a lot and a lot more don't know it yet because they have no clue just look at the other games. Most people who play the games on the right would love this game and most people who games on the left will not. The question is all the players in the middle.

MR. Happy Brite have you ever played OFP ELITE. Then you would know the XBOX controls worked great for the game especially with vehicals so much better then BFBC vehicals.

But it'll still be cool to see it on XBox though, financially you would make more profit. BRAINS!!!!! But it would just be kind & generous & humane to give us this game onto Xbox

Hello Console COMMUNITY this is AVIBIRD 1, I started this posts to help build a console community awareness and to show BOHEMIA that a lot of people in the console market want this game.

I just had a nice conversation with one of the developers about all the reasons why no information is out about a console game and it's a little more complicated then you think. BOHEMIA wants to make a console game but some of the issues are out of there hands. Most of the reasons are within

this post and make a lot of sense.

Here is a basic outline:

1. Can they get the game to work on the current consoles and will it run well.

2. The PC game needs to make money with sales. How much ?

3. They need to get a console publisher to take the chance with this game ( most publisher wants a COD/BF game to target a bigger market of players)

4. Console games needs to be almost bug free and must go through detail process to be allowed to reach the console market.

5. Video games are not the main focus of the overall company and if it gets to compicated and looks like the profits will be minimum they may not want to put the effort and time.

What do the console community do! We wait, we hope and we watch how well the PC game does. We tell our friends about this game and still help grow the console community awareness. We E-mail BOHEMIA, MS and SONY to show them a market for this game is here. XBOX players should go get a copy of the OFP ELITE and start to play again. I still do and it's still has better gameplay then all the other crap on the 360 right now.

I am little disappointed and lost right now that the game will not have a chance to come out this year. It makes no sense businesses wise to to try to make this game hit the market with all the other crap games due out before the end of the year.

Maybe after OFPDR hits the market and most mianstream players get a little insight of what a real tactical war game can play like and the light bulb will go on in there heads and all the mainstream console players will say WOW only if ARMA2 would come to the consoles this is the type of gameplay we ALL WANT NOT THE COD/BF crap that is out.

WE WANT ARMA2, WE WANT ARMA2, WE WANT ARMA2 and maybe a publisher will say yes we will support this game because there is a market for this game on the consoles.

We all need to keep the faith about this game. Now I going back to play some ELITE and put my 360 back in the closet.

I have no idea why i loled at the post but you're the wise man on this thread, "We all need to keep the faith about this game"

Edited by HappyBrit

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Not really, I'm not taking the thread away, it's simply no longer stickied because it's more important to get feedback on the 1.02 patch (for example) than it is right now to stop people posting new Xbox threads (the only reason this thread was stickied in the first place), I also want to Sticky Dsylexci's excellent tactics guide at some point and again cannot because there's IMO too many stickies.

he is still right , you need to sticky this

not only for people looking for info on the xbox version , but so that interested publishers can gauge interest from the community

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So whats the deal with that website stating summer 2009 and its published by conquest? i forget the link, its a few pages back.

Looking at the specs of the 360, im pretty sure that an opptomised version would run and be well received on 360.

But please do not release the "Elite" scenario again. I.e where we have to wait 3 years for a game that looked, well....three years out of date. Gameplay alone will not keep gamers coming back. You need the eye candy too!

Before all the hardcore "Elite" players jump on me, i bought it, loved it, but nobody i knew on LIVE had it, most looked at the graphics and were turned off.

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You are not hearing what I am saying.

I do hear what you are saying:

I will still play all the other crap games for my XBOX 360 (...)

You obviously didn't get my point. Most gamers will play other games exclusively or in addition to sim games on consoles and they most likely don't want to hear their games called crap because it's not about realism. That kind of 'promoting' the MilSims will only alienate these players.

I play all the other games on live COD/BF/GRAW/RB6 yes they are fun for a few weeks but they get old real soon. (...)

How long can you play COD/BF before you turn off the power to the XBOX for me maybe 1 hour.

So they are apparently not fun enough for you it seems. I played CoD:MW for one year almost daily and that for 1-3 hours a day. It didn't get old that soon and that goes for all the players I know.

The gameplay has no real team focus and for that they are crap.

It will depend on the team, the players, not so much on the game. Ask Max Q, I suppose he will tell you that he has lots of fun and team work with his clan when playing Bad Company.


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It will depend on the team, the players, not so much on the game. Ask Max Q, I suppose he will tell you that he has lots of fun and team work with his clan when playing Bad Company.
Correct. BFBC is an amazing game. And team work in that game is key (esp in the goldrush mode)

It has also arcade features and is a bit too fast/hectic for my taste, nevertheless, while i'm not at all brilliant at that game, and more than often a bit overwhelmed by the chaotic nature, BFBC has a lot of qualities.

Same is true for MW1. (but here is well it is just a tad too arcade/fast for my taste) ... i was the classic Ghost Recon guy with a touch of Rainbow Six (well and Elite)

So i agree with Grim. I will never say BFBC and/or CODMW are 'crap' (although they are arcade to some extend) they both games oozing quality. And i play those games because of the quality. So, why don't i play quality Halo or Gears? ... well THOSE games are scifi etc. I prefer modern military settings. That is what i mean with SPECTRUM

MW2 - BFBC2 - OFPDR - ARMA2 ... on console, i would buy and play all 4 and none of them would be 'crap' in my eyes.

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I agree with the comments about attracting new fans.

There is no point taking an elitist approach (pardon the pun) when comparing ArmA 2 with the other crop of modern shooters. The other games mentioned are great in their own right, but many gamers I've spoken to are looking for something more absorbing which is exactly what ArmA 2 will be. If they do release it for Xbox 360, then they will have no direct, like-for-like competitor. They could really take the market by storm in my opinion.

Xbox Live numbers are growing and many new Xbox gamers are from PC roots. I don't know the facts and figures, but I'd imagine that the console crowd is now a different demographic to what it was 4 years ago. Surely there's enough demand to warrant a release?

In relation to one of the factors on Avibird's list, does anyone know how well ArmA 2 is selling on the PC?

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I am sure xbox 360 outsells the pc when it come to games that are for multi platform ,

i will look up some statistics tomorrow just to compare games that are multi platform and out perform the pc in sells .

And yes JB TIME you are correct in saying many pc user now have a xbox 360 , it cost far to much money upgrading a pc just to play the lastest games , many people just haven't that sort of money anymore .

If i were a publisher or game developer the console market would be my main target in terms of revenue and sale and demend value .(sale and demend value because people finish games in this a few short hours , then a need another to pacify there desire for a game that is satisfying .

I also found many xbox 360 owners buy a new game because thier friends have the same game or just for the sake of buying a game that looks good , plus i have friends that finish games very quicky with no real replay value , after single play there is multi player and the replay value starts to kick in ....

There is a xbox 360 trend and gaming habbits that many gamers possess...

well in Czech store xzone.cz you can pre-order Xbox version of the game so i suppose that you will be able to order it few days/weeks/months/years/milleniums :232: after czech xbox gamers.


Publisher in czech rep. should be Conquest.

ArmA 2 (XBOX 360) - czech language

Tranlated via "Google Translator"


But dont know if there will be any gift like in PC version (Helmet for both versions - normal and special) + t-shirt, camo bag, vallet, etc. in special edition

ArmA 2 Special edition - czech language

Tranlated via "Google Translator"

Edited by cnickcj

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does anyone have any usefull information about the release of ArmA2 on the Xbox 360

Yes if you took a little time and looked at this post then you would know all we know about the release of ArmA2 on the Xbox 360.

I little hint for you go look at the outline I made a few pages back and you will know where we the community stand at this time.

---------- Post added at 02:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 AM ----------

Hello community if you have been reading this post then you know where we stand at this time.

ARMA2 has a North American publisher named GOT GAME ENT. Does anyone know if they ever published a console game before. I looked but I have no clue about there histroy.

The biggest thing we the XBOX community needs to happen is for PC sales to go through the roof and a publisher to say hey there is a market for this game because not all console players want a COD/BF gameplay. WE ARE IN!!!!!!!

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Because BI said they are working on a 360 version in parallel to the PC version. But folks start to actually doubt now that it will come out - check out the discussion in this very thread...


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i was trying to map out a good setting for a xbox controller for arma 1, and there just isnt enough buttons.

Edited by i am haji

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No one has said the game is not coming out ... If it isn't we will be the first to know .......

If i was a wizard , i would send a handful of programmers from nasa and microsoft to help to with the fuction of the game ,, wheres my wand .... lol

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I am sure xbox 360 outsells the pc when it come to games that are for multi platform ,

i will look up some statistics tomorrow just to compare games that are multi platform and out perform the pc in sells .

And yes JB TIME you are correct in saying many pc user now have a xbox 360 , it cost far to much money upgrading a pc just to play the lastest games , many people just haven't that sort of money anymore .

If i were a publisher or game developer the console market would be my main target in terms of revenue and sale and demend value .(sale and demend value because people finish games in this a few short hours , then a need another to pacify there desire for a game that is satisfying .

I also found many xbox 360 owners buy a new game because thier friends have the same game or just for the sake of buying a game that looks good , plus i have friends that finish games very quicky with no real replay value , after single play there is multi player and the replay value starts to kick in ....

There is a xbox 360 trend and gaming habbits that many gamers possess...

Well, been PC gaming since 8086 days ( 512k memory and 2 low density Floppies) and have never owned, nor will I ever expect to own a console.

I upgrade prob once a year if I find a title that really catches me and go from there. Just finished an upgrade for Arma 2 actually, a GTX295 and TrackIR 5 Pro.. and I trully cannot tell you the difference TrackIR makes..

Compared to my other hobbies (Sports Cars, Sports Bikes.. and maybe a boat if wife gets her way :eek:) PC gaming and upgrades are pretty cheap for the amount of entertainment value you get out of them. I have a dedicated PC and screen in a racing cockpit for when I do online racing leauges, rFactor and LFS - and there is no racing sims for consoles that compare to LFS for handling .... lots of arcade racers for consoles thou :(

So I strongly disagree with the statment that PC gaming is too expensive ... its as expensive as the PC gamer wants it to be.

I would love to see BI release a Xbox port of Arma 2 thou, but it would have to be a limited or cut down version. Arma 2 is bring absolute powerhouses of PC's to its knees, even with massive optamisation there are very real limits of the console's resources. Crysis was not able to put onto a console for the same reason, and now we have PC's (many listed throughout the forums here) that can play Crysis on high to very high settings at a decent resolution and fps (1920 x 1600 + etc). And Arma 2 is starting to look like it is even more CPU bound... thats alot of processing power.....

I would have to question, just how much does a final console version resemble the "real" Arma 2 experiance ?

As I said, I am all for BI to make and sell a console port, it may grab the attention of thoses that may not have normally been interested in a non-instant gratification fps and might even help convert them to the "real" experiance as there situation allows.

I also have to wonder how the controls/hotkeys will work for a console version...sooooo many damm keys just on the PC version to remeber :confused:

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One thing you have to consider is that consoles only support 720/1080 resolution, so if they limit it to 720p, the gfx load is far less than e.g. 1920x1600.

However since Arma is a CPU hog, they have to optimize their hyperthreading by far. The fact that they say that dual core with high frequency is better than quad with low frequency is pretty much proof that the hyperthreading (in Arma2) isn't that great.

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Because BI said they are working on a 360 version in parallel to the PC version. But folks start to actually doubt now that it will come out - check out the discussion in this very thread...


People have a short memory or just have have no clue. If you played OFP1 and then played OFP ELITE you would know the controls work just fine. Yes you have less keys/buttons to use but it was not a problem to the console community when we were playing. The controls are not the issues. Just look at my outline.

Here is a basic outline:

1. Can they get the game to work on the current consoles and will it run well.

2. The PC game needs to make money with sales. How much ?

3. They need to get a console publisher to take the chance with this game ( most publisher wants a COD/BF game to target a bigger market of players)

4. Console games needs to be almost bug free and must go through detail process to be allowed to reach the console market.

5. Video games are not the main focus of the overall company and if it gets to compicated and looks like the profits will be minimum they may not want to put the effort and time.

Number 1 and 3 are the biggest issues right now. BOHEMIA main focus is the PC right now and let them get all the PC market out and lets hope the sales continues to be good.

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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