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Chernarus is probably going to look much better than Sahrani is, but for the sake of porting so many missions made for Arma I, I'd love to sea a version of it into Arma 2 out of the box.

If they can replace the trees and grass to look like Arma 2, all the best. But it would certainly be a nice addition to be able to download hundreds of missions at launch.

Same goes for Arma I official content : Blackhawk, Harrier, A10...

EDIT : Sorry for full caps in the title... Didn't mean to look like I'm shouting...

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They would probably not be able to fit it on a single DVD then crazy_o.gif

But yea having ArmA content would be great. Especially Sahrani. Then user-made islands can probably be ported very easily since all the objects and textures they use from ArmA will already be there.

Although it wont be up to ArmA 2's standard graphically, and maybe features too. It could be improved, but time spent reworking old content might be better spent on the new content.

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Although it wont be up to ArmA 2's standard graphically, and maybe features too. It could be improved, but time spent reworking old content might be better spent on the new content.

This is the one thing that bothers me. All that time spent making addons for ArmA, while not pointless, they are only going to need tweaking to reach ArmAII standards. It's like when Flashpoint was at its peak, they brought out ArmA, all those mods and addons were never used again by the Arma players.

A perfect example would be the UK forces team, OPFrenchpoint and BWMod. They had some great stuff for flashpoint, unusable in ArmA unfortunatly. Now as there addons are taking some time to complete we wont be seeing them until the middle of next year.

It's like a visious circle, where you get a new game but have to wait 2 years or more for any great addons.

Oh well i just though i'd air my thoughts on this subject. confused_o.gif

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Blergh, i want to forget Sahrani ever existed.

Me too, it was horrible.

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Keeping all ArmA content would make it easier to port maps, but keeping Sahrani isn't necessary.

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Doesn't make business sense including ArmA 1's resources in Arma 2.

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Doesn't make business sense including ArmA 1's resources in Arma 2.

Precisely. But as mentioned before, I think it's possible to use ArmA1 content in ArmA2.

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Blergh, i want to forget Sahrani ever existed.

Me too, it was horrible.

Got to agree!

Not sure why,but theres just something wrong/missing with that island?

Tbh i'd rather have Ofp's maps included!  xmas_o.gif

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I want to have Porto Island from QG.

It beats nearly all!

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If it didn't take them very long to put ArmA stuff into ArmA II then I would love to have ArmA I stuff. The more islands I have the better. I don't really have anything against Sahrani. Most of the problems i've had with it were AI related and that will hopefully be fixed by II's AI. I really like Southern Sahrani too.

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A perfect example would be the UK forces team... we wont be seeing them until the middle of next year.

Your ability to look into my HDD and gauge an accurate release timeframe ,astounds me.

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I find Sahrani pleasant for the most part, but it's more for us to port all the Arma 1 missions than for its intrinsic interest that I'd like the Arma 1 content in Arma 2.

Quote[/b] ]Doesn't make business sense including ArmA 1's resources in Arma 2.

There I have to strongly disagree. It's a strong selling point to say that you will be able to download hundreds of user-made missions for the game almost out of the box. Not to mention all the bonus units like the Blackhawk or Harrier; or Islands like Porto, United Sahrani + the nice queens gambit campagins, all the Warfare versions... Even maps like Uhao or Avgani would be much easier to port this way.

It's very much like saying it doesn't make sense to bring Flight Simulator 9 addons into FSX... or saying that we shouldn't get Cold War Reamred in Arma because it's "flashpoint"...

In 2009 I doubt people will be buying Arma 1 anymore, therefore, having Arma 1 content into Arma 2 wouldn't hurt sales and bring a nice bonus to the game.

And after some time, when you're tired of the gorgeous autumn landscape, you can go and have a fight on a sunny Island... The more the merrier I say.

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I don't care that much, game 2 will come with bunch of new stuff anyways, i think it would take Bis at least 6 extra months or more just to remodel and retexture the old vehicles from Arma 1 to Arma 2, the reworking the islands textures if its not possible to import it into arma 2 with its original texture but if they don't change textures i think the old stuff will stick out like ketchup stain on a white T-shirt tounge2.gif

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Probably wont take long before someone ports in Sahrani anyway.

Thats all great and all, but when its not in the standard game, a lot of less active people dont bother to download it, and therefore a lot of great missions for sahrani will never be played again by those ppl...

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Quote[/b] ]Thats all great and all, but when its not in the standard game, a lot of less active people dont bother to download it, and therefore a lot of great missions for sahrani will never be played again by those ppl...

Exactly : If it's not out of the box OR included into an official patch (which is another solution), then 90% of the public servers and most casual players won't use it.

Only private servers, clans and hardcore fans bother to download all the content, set the right addons path and orders, check the keys etc...

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it's island based on non existing terrain thus completely different from new landscape ...

it would also mean more testing time needed etc...

i would prefer instead of that more important stuff...

also vegetation used on Sahrani is 'outdated' to new one ...

etc etc etc....

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It's true that if something isn't in the original game, as an addon or expansion, then its chance of being used is more than halved.

ArmA2 is said to be able to load ArmA2 content easily and most mission should be portable (1->2).

I'd rather have an ArmA2 content only at the beginning and after sometime, extended ArmA1 portability content.

Most missions play on Sahrani, anyway... Porting them to Chernarus shouldn't be too hard, but it would be 100x better to replay X or Y mission in your favorite location, with updated AI and so on.

CWR, anyone ?


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If they did port it over would that not mess around the object ID's making missions that relied heavily on that unusable?

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I think the question to ask here is simple: Can ArmA2 run the Sahrani, Porto, and Rahmadi Islands NOW? As-is? With no changes made? (VBS2 can I think?)

For folks that DO have ArmA1 it will be a simple matter to copy the maps across...

For folks that DO NOT already have the original ArmA1, BIS could simply give a download archive for the islands for new folks to download from the official website as a free expansion of bonus content, at launch.  "Register here to download the bonus islands...."

So: again - can ArmA2 already run these islands?

Updated versions with better foliage could follw I guess, but this isn't essential to the issues and questions I see here.

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ARMA 1 addons will not work directly within ARMA 2. Various adjustments are needed due to much improved engine.

However, to give you some insight, it seems to be easier (well, much easier) to port from ARMA 1 to ARMA 2 than it was to port from OFP to ARMA 1 as many major technological changes were already done for ARMA 1 (satellite maps, flexible model animation based on model configs, rvmats etc.).

We don't have any plan to include ARMA 1 content in the game itself but we will consider various ways to backward compatibility between the games post release of ARMA 2.

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