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New ArmA II Pictures!

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Best. Screens. Ever.

Really nice battle happening there.

Battle? Where?

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Wow new screens, very nice :bounce3:

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This screen screams Laaagggg


Look at all that forest. :)

I don't think so....

It was reported in Press previews before, that Arma2 runs with Viewdistances like 4000m rather fluid on the most testing systems.

Also in the Dev-Blog or Linda Preview i think they mentioned a technology in use which only renders the parts (leafs, branches) which you can actually see - all others which are obstructed, are not rendered by the engine...

I might be mistaken though, was back in 2008, wasn't it?

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Pfff, I don't know If my PC will be able to move it properly... 9600 Geforce 4RAM will be enough? xD

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i see alot Pics cant wait anymore acouple weeks and we can enjoy!!

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Not so much new images, as I believe they were taken at the same time as a recent video was from a Spanish group (the one where they drive the hummer around, which had awful sound), but they are high quality where as the video was low-res.


Or direct link to forums with large images. But nothing particularly amazing shown.

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I am not reading every page of this topic, but idea games have posted "exclusive" images when they posted a news about Chernarus revealed :


The first one is known, but the 3 others are "new" (at least to me, i haven't seen them). We can see a little bug with the trees on the "emitter" screenshot.

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Are there any detailed screenies that show the part of the tree where it comes out of the ground? I'm a big fan of the lush forest environments they have been showing us as they really do enhance the experience greatly. My major aggrevation with just about all games that take place out in nature is the way the tree connects to the ground. 10/10 games I've seen just have the tree plonked on the ground without any interaction between the two, makes it seem so fake.

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Look at the forest in the background. You can see the beginning of the roots.

Your point being?

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His point being that, answering to OverDawg, there are actually detailed roots of trees coming out of the ground.

On 4th picture render distance of grass does not seem too high, and it doesn't seem to blend very well with the texture behind it... still, great pictures. Can't wait to play & fight in there.

Paul, by bug in the trees you mean those leaves on top of them hanging in the air by themselves? I've always seen that kind of things in bushes and trees in both OFP and ARMA1, but I guess it is more clear in that picture. I wish they gave a more "solid" aspect to the vegetation to avoid that. Still, I think trees look great (e.g. tree on the right on 1st picture, it's amazing!). Good job BIS.

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Imagine zombie/infected co-op in Chernarus at night, having to run for your life through the forests... :outtahere:


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Not intense enough. How about zombie chickens, cows, goats, boars, and dogs to go along with human zombies? :D That would be intense. I see a definite zombie mod coming. Along with a WWII mod. And all of the other mods that are made for every game eventually. But I'm looking forward to a zombie mod.

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Bah.. I'm trying to get some of my friends pumped up for arma 2 and wanted to show the before and after pics of the chenarus town after being destroyed. I looked through this thread but couldn't find it. Anyone have a link?

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Bah.. I'm trying to get some of my friends pumped up for arma 2 and wanted to show the before and after pics of the chenarus town after being destroyed. I looked through this thread but couldn't find it. Anyone have a link?

On the arma 2 facebook photo album


Also a link here in the forums http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1276869&postcount=2789

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