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Project RACS

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Units look fantastic, it looks as if RACS have a good arsenal growing smile_o.gif

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Oh the fun we will have.

Shame there isn't any sort of up armoured 5tonner or Ural for you chaps to work your magic on.

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Great screen shots Blue flight – I’ll drop you a line when I need some shots of my latest projects.


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After seeing those new pics I have to wait a while before standing up...  wink_o.gif  tounge2.gif

Looking beeeeeuuuuuutiiiifulllll!  notworthy.gif

My absolute fav's have to be the Slat Armoured ones. biggrin_o.gif

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Did you configure the SLAT armor in any way? How will it work, for secctions only? It will work diferent with tandem explosives than with RPGs?

Sorry for being asking so much lately, but this mod is really promising.

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Look like fun. Just a quick question - would it be possible to colour the slats similarly to the RACS scheme (i.e. that dusky desert yellow)? At the moment they kind of look like they've just fallen off an OD Stryker, which isn't bad, but just because I'm an insano nitpicker.

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... any release dates for the CH-47 by now? Can not wait to fly this baby all day long! biggrin_o.gif

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... any release dates for the CH-47 by now? Can not wait to fly this baby all day long! biggrin_o.gif

couple small issues crept up with testing....

will be soon though

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Are there any RSAF CSAR units, or something similar, in the pipeline (like French RESCO or USAF Parajumpers)? I was trying to put together a downed chopper mission and thought it such a pity that RSAF didn't have anything similar. They would go well with those sweet Puma's of yours.  smile_o.gif

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there are still some bugs on the 3 fighter planes

all three seam to still when dropping bombs or missles

and i do have the latest versions tounge2.gif

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there are still some bugs on the 3 fighter planes

all three seam to still when dropping bombs or missles

and i do have the latest versions  tounge2.gif

wich planes specifically..... unfortunately you are the only one still reporting a bug. let me know what your settings are, exactly wich plane and loadout you are using and we will try and re-create the issue......

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A great improvement from the previous work that was already a nice skin...

Next issue could be adding an animation for opening canopy...

Anyway this is one of the bst planes ever released for Arma...

With your incoming Mirage 2000 and other PRACS addons on development or already done, now SLA (with their actual forces) have no hope of invading again the south...

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Hi Chaps I randomly came across a few WIP shots on Armaholic of a RACs reskin of Gnat's Piper Warrior - I'm not sure if this project was ever finished but it occurs it would be a nice addition to the project as most airforces in the world operate similar (usually slightly larger but not always) aircraft for command and liaison roles between airfields.


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Yeah that was my reskin of gnat's piper warrior, even added grenades. I sent him the files but not sure if he ever released it?

Been watching your guys work closely after giving up half way through the M60 on that page, must say your doing a grand job.

I did remake the roundel so I have a larger better quality version if you want it, same with the RACS flag.

hey, found my RACS huey re-skin, that never saw the light of day either.

RACS huey 1

RACS huey 2

RACS huey 3

RACS huey 4

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any of this stuff released? i went to the site download link page does not work >< lol. I seen a few dotted around the news sites but not somewhere all togther?

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@ Red Devil -- Wow my friend that is an amazing skin.... Holy crap.... ART! I hope Gnat releases that piper.

@ Matt -- I will get with Wld427 soon and clear up the releases, but I think our web page will have the latest and greatest pretty soon...Apparently the download links have been disabled, but i will be sure they get updated soon. Thanks for your interest.

Best Regards,


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<s>I'm closing this topic now because the Mod has already been released and an active topic in the A&M:C forum.

There is no need to discuss the same mod in two forums, no?

Please continue discussion here</s>.

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Thanks for reopening Wolle.

Let´s start with some MH500 WIP shots smile_o.gif

MH500 TOW Version:




MH500 Hellfire Version:


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