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Mark XIII (DayZ)

Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

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Heya guys!

Ok just got afew little tweaks to make, get the bikeys sorted & upload 1.4..so here's whats up with whats going down...


- New M4 sound (added punch and new trailoff))

- New M4SD sound (new Attack, quiet, but you still feel like you firing something an assault rifle/carbine))

- Reworked M203 sound (added Umph!*))

- New M2 sound (New attack sound*))

- New G36 series sounds (Louder, more aggressive sounding))

- New M249 sound (Punchier attack sound))

- New MP5A4 sound (Realism requested, I believe I delivered))

- New MP5A6SD sound (..just try it))

- New M16 series sounds (You guys liked the old ones, so I just improved them alittle)

- Reworked SVD sound (Added punch and small amount of bass the the attack, leveled out the metallic sound))

- Reworked AKUN sound (Much tighter/punchier))

- New KVSV sound (Punchier/better trailoff))

- Reworked M107 sound (added punch/louder as requested))

- New DKSM sound (Realism requested...))

- New KVPT sound (Now better suited to calibre))

- Improved PK sound

- Improved PKT sound

- New sonic crack sounds (Realism as requested!wink_o.gif)

- New/reworked Explosion sounds

- Reworked AV-8 Engine loop (longer loop as requested))

- New Minigun sounds (all jocko flocko's work with a little edit from me))

- New M197 sound (Much better loop, much better sound))

- New Sidewinder sound (better quality/ longer trailoff))

- New Tow sound (tried to capture the 'wobbly' trailoff a real TOW makes))

- Reworked all Rockets sounds (Added punch to the attack sound and altered trailoffs))

- New bodyhit/manhit sounds (kept the screaming like bitches to a minimum...))

- New M203/GP25 Explosions (more varied & louder))

- New RPG/M136 Explosions (more varied & louder))

- New hit sounds (more varied)

- New Armour hit sounds (Based sounds on light armour/metal, bullets will bounce off & bounce around within the chassis))..well thats what I intended..if you use mainly

armour and don't like these new hits then pm me, ask me nicely and I'll make up some seperate heavy armour hit sound for you.

- Added Footsteps & Equipment(equipment sounds are there but my config doesn't have the revelent info so your 'roll' noises to go with the rolling animation don't work. (reworked resampled down to 22khz))

- made many 'good' edits to config file, various tweaks to add with immersion & realism

There you have it....

Pretty much changed everything except the vehical sounds, and tbh I've even tweaked some of those, mostly the choppers I think..anyways, its a different HiFi this time round...its a big jump from 1.3.1 to 1.4. I hope you enjoy it all..

Best Regards


P.s..I'll post mirrors as soon as I have them..looking like tomorrow evening.. whistle.gif


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Funkintastic! I'm all ears!

Mark is the jebus of sound. I've never heard anything like it before in any game.

I gotta go along with The.D on this one. I hereby volunteer, neh promote myself as the 2nd Apostle of said Jebus. whistle.gif

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Thank you for this update. Will try to test it tonight (maybe my girlfriend won't let me !wink_o.gif

The modifications sound good smile_o.gif


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Tiny little update,

Due to some unforseen stuff, I shall be uploading HiFi 1.4 to filefront later this evening, faster, cooler mirrors would be greatly appreciated...till then..the weekend is coming!

Best Regards


Foot firmly in mouth crazy_o.gif


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Jebus of Sound (apparently)

In my language it looks kinda offensively  band.gif

Can't wait for the release!

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Can't wait mate ive tried all the sound mods that are out and I do like the sounds in yours over all the other mods esp. the rifles.

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Ah, no, mate you got us all wrong. We didn't refer to the "magical invisible purple unicorn-kind" of Jebus.

"Jebus of sound" is a neologism adapted from "The Simpsons" (Thanks, Homer J.!) which is merely being used here as an allegory (and a not very witty one at that, I give you that, haha) regarding Mark's obvious talent. I was lacking any other words, really.

And I must say, 1.4 is stunning! Stay tuned!

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Listen guys..

I took it as it was intended, as a compliment, that is where it shall stay an also where any more of this off topic 'stuff' will end.

The .D has kindly been playtesting a beta of 1.4 that I think about 2 other people have, so he's got every right to be excited & can say what he likes, especially when it was obviously a compliment.. I have removed the quote from my post, thats enough...This game involves 'virtual' killing, if people are offended at such statements as The .D's, then the game must offend you also...so wtf whistle.gif

I'd say thats that...I'm wasting time here when I could be getting closer to uploading HiFi 1.4, please lets leave any further discussion of this topic untill another time or, method.


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I must say, i was never a fan of any sound mods or any sort of effects mods which are out there, but this one got my attention.

I don't know why, but i tried the version 1.3, and from that moment i started periodically checking this topic for links to the version 1.4 (please, please, hurry up ;-).

It's awesome! Thank you very much, it really makes a huuuge difference.

There are some sounds which i don't like so much, but on the other hand even those are still better than the original ones (sorry BIS, i love you, you are doing great, but there is allways some space for improvements).

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no offence intended matey^^ removing....

Hey, I wasn't serious! I didn't get angry of that rofl.gif

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Hahaha, fair play, well mate I've just got in from a long week at work, I'm trying to get things sorted and get 1.4 up and running for you guys, I'm really looking forward to feedback on this release, I'm super chuffed with it..



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..I would have got intouch with Foxhound and some of the other guys to give them a heads up on the release but I'm having issues with logging into their relevent sites...So mirrors would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards



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Must.. download.. fast..

Oh i cant wait to try it out, thank you thank you smile_o.gif .

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I am utterly and truly amazed by this piece of acoustic art.

Sorry if I sound like a pathetic fanboy just now. I'd say I usually keep rambling on about how I don't like this and don't like that - but this sound pack left me flabbergasted.

Note how Mark managed to get the right volumes and trail-off relations for all the different calibers and rifle types. Compare the G36 to its G36C version, the M4 to an M16A4 and then check out the majestic boom of an M107 or even the M163 Vulcan.

He made these sounds from scratch, so there's no "Ooooh I know this Beretta sound from that movie I saw yesterday"-effect, too.

I seriously think this should be the default sound in ArmAII - BIS, have you considered hiring a sound designer? This guy's got some talent!

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Hey guys,

Thanks for the lovely comments...I didn't think anyone was still up...

arrgghh...bikeys are broken, you guys know what I'm like by now at this part of the addon business...I do sucketh..still, use the addon keyless for now, I will get it sorted, sooner rather than later... I suggest some steathly missions, silenced weapons, and some satchels! now go have some fun




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Awsome sounds Mark!

Are these sounds based on real gun sounds? Because they sound really realistic.

Theres still that ugly BI sound when a bomb goes off.

And the sound volume goes down when theres to many sounds going off. Ecp. in a big firefight. I think this has something to do with the config.

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Mark, you are a rock star mate, you'll live in my HD as a slave of sound editing, LOL. May the force be with you notworthy.gif

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Comrade12 -

Quote[/b] ]Are these sounds based on real gun sounds?

Oh yeah mate, I made extra effort this time to 'capture' the real element of particular sounds especially the weapon's firing sounds. You know realism is a personal thing, just like sounds within the game. Define 'realism' for a game, is it tidying up youtubeliveinIraq samples?....Is it destroying your hearing with the sort of volumes & frequencies R/L weapons use? To me, its about the fine line between Immersion & Realism , about capturing the weapons 'feel' and about building up a good frequency base for my sounds, this is the problem with sampling youtube/live fire footage I guess..

I live in the uk, and for most of us we don't have the kind of access to firearms thats some of you guys do stateside, I understand the concept of mic placement and the recording of such sounds and I guess that helps me create the much needed 'punch' to my sounds that lack in others, difference is I have to invent mine. You could argue that my sounds are heavily processed but i'd say, for 1.4, there the closest I could make them sound to the real thing whilst giving me enough creative license to actually enjoy working on them.

My background is mostly a musical one although I have made sound addons for other games in the past. I think the first game I attemped to mod was Medal of Honour (which had quite good default sounds compared to Arma..) anyway it turned out well so every time a decent game came out I would have a go at changing stuff to my liking. During this time I was using Akai & Roland Hard sampling equipment so I have lots of time in on sound editing software/hardware. This I would say is the most important thing when trying to do something like this..You need to make it fun, and you need to be interested in how it all works...

Anyways enough of me blabbing..I look forward to hearing your opinions on 1.4

Best Regards Mark XIII


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Ok guys, got a guy over at the armaholic forums saying he's having a few problems with the following things;

Weapons quiet ?

NO footstep sounds whatsoever!?!!

I would have responded, but for some reason I can't login to armaholic despite being a registered user??? also, I have neither of theses problems, besides which I'm about to have an hours online playtesting with some friends, if I find any issues myself I shall post them when I next return..



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The sounds are good wow_o.gif , but i really dislike crazy_o.gif the fact that the machine gun in the tank is more loud than the main gun! M1A1, T72.

If someone tell me how i correct that in the config, i will be glad biggrin_o.gif .

class 2A42 : CannonCore {

class LowROF : Mode_FullAuto {

sound[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\h\2a42_vs", 20.0 smile_o.gif , 1};


class HighROF : LowROF {

sound[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\h\2a42_fs", 20.0, 1};


Is that the smile_o.gif sound intensity?!

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