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Mark XIII (DayZ)

Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

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DOD? what thats about then ?

BLUFOR- Could you also maybe expand on the 'not my cuppa tea', because I'm up for changing stuff mate. I make regular updates and encourage requests/comments.

Or have you just downloaded the mod and jumped to the end of the thread without reading through it?

I'm happy to except critism its just I'd rather you told me what you didn't like about it exactly, rather than saying 'its not for me'.

Are my sounds too quiet?  does my m4 sound suck? you know that sort of thing, the way I see it, if your gonna bother to post something, even if its negative, be descriptive enough for me to maybe change/modify it so you'll maybe consider downloading the next version!

I'm sorry mate, its just most other people have been far more descriptive and I really want make something special here. I want all of you guys to be part of it too, and by contributing your input you could help make something Awesome!

Remember people, the devils in the detail...


mark XIII

sorry about that but i just typed down my opinion and didnt elaborate because im a really lazy person. what i meant by DOD is Day of Defeat, old half-life mod. most of your sounds sound like they come straight from a dod soundpack, especially the reverbs.

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Well...thanks for responding

I'm not gonna get into this too much for fear of saying something nasty. My mod is made by ME whilst using MODERN audio software. As far as I'm aware DOD (Day of Defeat) was written eon's ago so I do find it slightly insulting that you'd pick such and old game. Not to mention the fact that my sounds should come from DOD or any soundpack made for it. Erm Copyright anyone?

All I can say is this..I spent months making up weapons sounds and saundry. I used polo's config and replaced his sounds with my own one at a time. if you do manage to find a sound that isn't mine, its polo's....period.

Sound 'Creator' for HiFi Sound FX


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@BLUEFOR i played DOD for many years including DOD:S and i cant see how you have come to your "conclusion" that he has "stole" the sounds from DOD, have you bothered to even listen to the sounds in a fire fight or even used them playing

MP i DONT think you have to be honest, so before you make comments like that actully try it "properly" before you speak

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I guess peoples experiences are different as we all have different HW-configurations. You cant compare onboard sound with x-fi, nor can you compare 2 speakers with a professional headset.

Then you have all the software adjustments too, so its not that strange that peoples opinions differ when it comes to soundmods.

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woah woah calm down. im not accusing anyone of stealing anything they just sound familiar.

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Would it be an idea to replace the old FDF Sounds

with this one...

Im having problems with the FDF and vehicles...

Its not that inspiering to hear birds when flying

a Harrier...

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You'll have to tweak sound obstruction and occlusion per each vehicle in soundmod config.

However that should be dependant even on seat / zip / unzip... that's one of the things that ArmA isn't capable of.

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Mark, friend, don't worry about anything.

You're doing a fantastic job, your sound is unique and doesn't resemble any other sound mods, I've been using your mod since it was released and I still love it.

Your best aspect is that you're wanting the community to give you feedback, so you can change accordingly. Unlike some modders, you actually listen to us which is marvelous and you take your time and dedication to create this brilliant mod.

Please keep up the fantastic work, can't wait for more releases!

Your dearest fan,

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Amen, even got my mates addicted to your sound mod now. Keep up the fan-damn-tastic work! biggrin_o.gif

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Simply amazing sound mod and by far my new favorite, great work!

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Vehics seems left out...

Oth than that it sounds great....

Vehicle sounds will be included in 1.3, which will be out today or tommorow.

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Ok guys...enjoy!

V1.3 Fix/Update

-Optimised 95% of the sounds for better performance (Numerous sounds left alone for immersion, ie; sniper rifles, reloads etc)

-Reworked M240, Per forum request (More bass more chainlink action..)

-Reworked M249, per Pm request (Treble boost and sound modified)

-New M4sd, personal choice (I hated 1.2's version, so try this, and let me know!wink_o.gif

-New M2, personal choice (same as above, not enough punch in 1.2)

-New M9sd, personal choice (thought I'd see what you thought of this...?)

-New Sounds for Helicopter engines (all of em I think!wink_o.gif

-New Sounds for Aircraft (same as above! added more rumble..I live next to an airport!wink_o.gif

-New Gau 8 Avenger sound, forum/pm request (this is abit experimental, I'll explain later on the forums if people are interested.?)

-Reworked Cobra 20mm cannon, per forum/pm request (more realistic? tell me what you guys think?)

-Possible smaller fixes I can't remember :$

-Definate G36c burst fire sound fix and recoil fix! (Thankyou zGuba and all the Guys at Kelly's hereos! Your all heroes over here!wink_o.gif



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Way! Downloading and trying out, I'm sure it's quality as usual.

Thanks again Mark.


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- New Cobra gun sound is OK, just make it shorter (ArmA M197 burst is 5?)

- Still having issues with GAU-12 and M134 - probably the sound files are too rich for my audio chip...

Well... it's connected with FDF config I still use xD so don't really care about...

What's left? G36a subclass Burst must contain SoundBurst = 0!!!

So. You're GO, soldier smile_o.gif

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I figured I'd give you guys afew days of posting comments and requests, while I do my best to implement said requests ready for another weekend update..YaY

...like I've said before, I want to get stuff sorted to the point where people are happy with the current content of HiFi FX then begin work on adding addition content and so on..

I've noticed afew issues myself with 1.3 already, for instance I forgot to sort the humvee sound...it sucks, so that'll be changed for the next update. Av-8 and A-10 cannons need serious reworking in my opinion...These things I'm already gearing up for so expect these sounds to be changed in 1.4

Also I'm due a review from my good friend Ornbine this week, so I'll begin looking at anything he finds too..

By the way, if you guys disagree with anything I intend to change then let me via pm or the forums and I'll seriously consider leaving it alone... As usual all comment and requests are more than welcome, they are crucial to the development of this addon! Lets show up the people that get paid for doing lesser quality works thus making us go out and do this in the 1st place....(hehehe, I'd probably do it anyway)

Well, thanks for helping, supporting and downloading this addon..

Best Regards


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Mark I hate to ask but is there any way you can update the first post in this thread when you post a new version? I only ask because if someone is unfortunate enough to not have followed the development cycle of this terrific mod, they'd potentially have to scan through many pages to get to the latest release.

BTW, dl'ing now; can't wait to try it out.

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Sounds great except for a few bugs.

Somethings of the the things i've noticed:


-M4/M16 reload sound doesn't quite match the animation [MINOR]


UH60 MG / AH6

-UH60 MG/AH6 guns sound goes on past when the gun stops rotating.

-Not sure if this is your config or the game, but if you shoot the AH6 guns continuously for a bit, the sound volume trails out until everything is completely silent...

M163 Vulcan

-Gun does similar to AH6 / UH60 MG, continues slightly after the gun stops rotating.

-Engine doesn't have quite enough punch. (M113 too)

Stryker (All of them) / HMMWV (All of them)

-Engine doesn't have much punch, leaves me thinking i'm not going full speed when i really am.

Stryker Mk19 / HUMMWV Mk19

-Gun doesn't have enough punch.

-Mk19 explosions are varied, but the highest pitch one seems a little static-y.

AV8B Harrier

-AV8B engine sound isn't loud enough. I had it fly over and i had to turn my volume up to hear it.


(just a cool video to see too)

-GAU-12 sound loop is off. It plays and there is a giant gap before it plays again, even though the gun is still firing.


-GAU-8 hun loop is better, but still a little off. If you shoot 1 burst, you can sometimes hear the start of the loop again after a large silence. If you hold the button down it acts much like the AB8B gun sound. Constant firing, but the sound loops between firing and silence.

AH-1Z Cobra

-Engine doesn't have enough punch i don't think. At full RPMs, it still feels like the engine is warming up.

Example engine sound:

(crappy mic screw most of it up, but you get the idea)

Fly over is pretty weak too.

What flyover could should like:


-M197 sound loop sounds a bit wonky, just hold down the mouse button and listen to it for a bit. [Most noticeable when the engine is off and you are in the gunner seat]


-"High" gun loops like a burst fire when the gun is actually full auto.

-Engine is a little weak as well.


(Very beginning, before the music starts)


-Not sure if this is supposed to happen, but when you drop a bomb is sounds like a small rocket is going off.


-"High" gun has the same problem as the KA-50 "High", loops like a burst fire when the gun is actually full auto.


-Engine is better than Stryker and HMMWV, but it still feels like the engine doesn't have much punch, leaves me thinking i'm not going full speed when i really am.


-Gun sound seems a bit off, but i can't find a good video to hear what its supposed to be like.


-Engine is like Stryker and HMMWV, feels like the engine doesn't have much punch, leaves me thinking i'm not going full speed when i really am.


-AGS30 gun has an odd sounding shot, not sure how it is supposed to sound, but it doesn't sound quite right.

-AGS30 impacts are like the Mk19 impacts, the high pitched one has some static in it I think.

All tracked vehicles except M1A1

-Engine has a noise that sounds like it is running over sticks constantly.

I didn't sit down here to write all of this, these are things i noticed while testing it out.

Honestly, i love this sound mod and i'm just trying to help you make it better =)

If anyone disagrees with what i've said for some things, they may be right. Not everything i've said is based on comparisons to real life.

Also, i noticed you fixed the config like i pointed out =)

[EDIT: I started writing this when Foxhound was the last post, HA. So if i repeated anything someone else said, sorry]

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Hey guys.

Thanks guys for responding so quickly, this is exactly what I want..

Updated 1st post as recommended (Thanks Duke!wink_o.gif

Lebson...Seriously thankyou! I will checkout those clips and thankyou for commenting its appreciated mate ...sorry for not getting you a beta, been busy^ whistle.gif

hehehe...B****R....now thats how to post a comment!


Ok guys I will do my best to work on the negatives but for now, I'm gonna go finish off my lawn, its a lovely day outside and I don't wanna waste it! pistols.gif



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