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The most important features ARMA 2 needs to have

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im sorry but the game has to be dead stable, the prior games released all crashed and bugged, id rather take less content and more stability.

also, a choice to have more of a seamless movement, today the game (arma) you take steps when you move, which is a bitch when you are indoors. i'd like to see more of a standard fps seamless movement

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* increased loading time of textures (when turning around). sometimes you see those ugly low res textures before the higher quality loads

* real coalition system, reduce clipping

* urban combat, improved inhouse movement etc

* improved AI

* lagfree gameplay in MP

* improved MP code to be able to sniper people from distance (currently its quite impossible due to "jumping" players at distance = lag issue)

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im sorry but the game has to be dead stable, the prior games released all crashed and bugged, id rather take less content and more stability.

also, a choice to have more of a seamless movement, today the game (arma) you take steps when you move, which is a bitch when you are indoors. i'd like to see more of a standard fps seamless movement

No butter walking in arma2, it just needs more precise stepping instead of giant leaps.

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You need to make an Island, not too big of one, one that would just have a single town/city. All the houses there you should be able to enter and have nice detail, and it should be pretty much an Urban combat map. If you can't do it for ArmA2, then make it as a Expansion pack.

To me thats what ArmA has lacked, indoor fighting, I know its not possible cause its such a large map, but if you could make a new smaller map, maybe you could do such a thing. It's one reason why I lean more towards OFP2 cause it looks like they will focus on some nice Urban Combat fighting.

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You need to make an Island, not too big of one, one that would just have a single town/city. All the houses there you should be able to enter and have nice detail, and it should be pretty much an Urban combat map. If you can't do it for ArmA2, then make it as a Expansion pack.

To me thats what ArmA has lacked, indoor fighting, I know its not possible cause its such a large map, but if you could make a new smaller map, maybe you could do such a thing. It's one reason why I lean more towards OFP2 cause it looks like they will focus on some nice Urban Combat fighting.

Watch some films of current status of both games, read news and then write what you want.

Firstly, In ArmA2 there will be lots of detailed enterable buldings, I even saw one that is much bigger than ArmA1 "hotel" and looks better. AI will also be able to use them, camp in windows and behind everything - watch films(films download - armaholic.com).

Secondly, Island with city? Porto is one, earned with Queens Gambit Expansion Pack... always you can download some addons like city by Opteryx which is really nice. About enterable buildings... well it's harder thing to do confused_o.gif

Finally, OFP2 will focus on some nice CQB? Omfg man what are you talking about? Who wrote that? Codemasters? All they've shown us so far were some fights in woods and fields...

Please show me the website on which you found it, ok?

Not forum or somthing, official website.

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- Separate AI behaviors for different types of units.

- AI that uses nomal military tactics. (Runs from cover to cover and does not wheel around in the open, uses suppressive fire etc).

- When threatened AFVs should try to keep their front towards the danger and pop smoke and back away towards the cover. (Or make a quick dash forward if cover is to be found near by).

- Functioning Indirect fire (mortars, arty).

- And yes a chance to stab or hit opponent with something. Rarely succeeds, but still a must.

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I agree with the previous posters that moddability is a big deal and will make this game survive a good long time. An easier 3D model/anim import pipeline or user friendly 3d editor would go a long way to making the game more modifiable.

Exposing UI (HUD) positioning/appearance to user accessible script would make the game much more modifiable as well.

I also agree that we are all hoping ArmA2 has a more efficient engine, without the lag/ player position reporting issues ArmA has now.

A fix to the JIP problem, perhaps just instancing a separate temp server process to allow a Join In Progress to not lag the entire server (particularly on multicore systems).  I'm surprised that wasn't addressed in one of the patches for ArmA 1.

 I'm sure the gameplay stuff (AI and MP improvements) have already been worked on.  This late in dev, exposing things to script for modders (while still fighting for a hacker-free environment) seems like something that might still be possible.

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Don't you people think you are repeating the same sh*ts repeatedly?

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For me this game can be even released in 2010. I don't really care when, I care only about quality, about details. I think that bis should stop adding extra huge features like RTS system, but start working on details, the big onces, the small onces and the tiny ones. Effects!!!! Even the things that need 5-line command but gives extra feeling. ArmAII is expected to be "best warfare simulation" of years(for example by me and more), so it should be... of course...

Realistic smile_o.gif

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For me this game can be even released in 2010. I don't really care when, I care only about quality, about details. I think that bis should stop adding extra huge features like RTS system, but start working on details, the big onces, the small onces and the tiny ones. Effects!!!! Even the things that need 5-line command but gives extra feeling. ArmAII is expected to be "best warfare simulation" of years(for example by me and more), so it should be... of course...

Realistic smile_o.gif

I agree. Usually I'd be begging for a game to come out as soon as possible, but this game is different for two reasons:

1. I've been very impressed with most of the changes so far.

2. I respect BIS and want them to sell as many copies as they can. This means ArmaII will need good reviews, and to do so it cannot be buggy "out of the box".

Good luck guys. smile_o.gif

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I think the best way to ensure success is to remember balance and efficiency.

Movement: Make it less clunky, but don't make it smooth to the point it becomes counter-strike like or arcadish. Also focus on urban/building/CQB combat more.

Graphics: Give it graphical updates, which has already been done (occlusion, better shading), but don't go overboard to the point where it is sucking to much power, so efficiency should be top priority in the graphical engine. Also, please have better grass detail at a distance, maybe even just having some two-dimensional tall grass clumps beyond the radius of detail. The green flat texture for the distant grass needs more detail. Have more DETAILED and LARGER FORESTS.

Physics: Pretty much like movement, except focus on unit capacity, so we can still have a massive amount of units like arma1. Also, efficiency such as the multi-core stuff should be top priority.

Vehicle/unit types: There is no limit to this, as with harddrive capacity being very extreme these days. I say go overboard.

Net Code: This is a huge problem. JIP lag has never been worse in any game. Efficiency should be SUPER top priority here.

AI: Micro AI should solve most problems, but DON'T get lazy on this or I shall shake the earth in anger. AI must be able to take cover around complex objects, such as a moving tank, apc, truck, building, sandbag, and bush/tree. The grass should also be important, make sure it has an affect at all ranges and diversity.

General Efficiency: Bugs, Net Code, and graphics, should all run much better. Graphics on medium-low should run very well on a machine with a 8600gt (35-40fps minimum in combat). And better efficiency when lots of units are placed on the map.

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Movement: Make it less clunky, but don't make it smooth to the point it becomes counter-strike like or arcadish. Also focus on urban/building/CQB combat more.

Physics: Pretty much like movement, except focus on unit capacity, so we can still have a massive amount of units like arma1. Also, efficiency such as the multi-core stuff should be top priority.

Vehicle/unit types: There is no limit to this, as with harddrive capacity being very extreme these days. I say go overboard.

Net Code: This is a huge problem. JIP lag has never been worse in any game. Efficiency should be SUPER top priority here.

AI: Micro AI should solve most problems, but DON'T get lazy on this or I shall shake the earth in anger. AI must be able to take cover around complex objects, such as a moving tank, apc, truck, building, sandbag, and bush/tree. The grass should also be important, make sure it has an affect at all ranges and diversity.

General Efficiency: Bugs, Net Code, and graphics, should all run much better. Graphics on medium-low should run very well on a machine with a 8600gt (35-40fps minimum in combat). And better efficiency when lots of units are placed on the map.

I think that performance is TOP SUPERIOR ( wink_o.gif ) thing in every game.

I agree with all above especially with the one about units and vehicles. Also as ArmAII is expected to have wild life and CIVILIANS, it is necessary to have tons of civilian use vehicles such as trucks, pickups and of course cars. Also as "Sahrani Life" is one of the most popular online game(and BIS knows it) more cars are necessary, because only BIS stuff gives a 100% sure of its perfection.

About micro AI, Marek says that those AI will use supressive fire, will use everything as a cover, buildings (inside and outside for example rooms corners balconys) et cetera....et cetera....

The only thing I hope is that BIS is reading what we write here, otherwise we've just wasted our time, haven't we?

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story plot

I think these three are the pioirty that BIS should do

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I think that with this one everyone agree.

BIS... we want...

Avtomat Kalashnikova from year 1947... so called...


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Fairly sure I saw at least an AKMS or AKS47 in the screenies (being toted by the CDF), so even if it's an AKMS, an AKS47 is essentially child's play to make from that base, and a normal AK47 just needs a wooden stock.

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It would be ubercool if the carrier is indeed playable, and if wind does affect the aircrafts to some degree.   Imagine having a crosswind landing...  on a moving carrier ! ...nahh just dreaming.



I hope they somehow make the ocean (surface/underwater) "ready" for future navy addons, including submerged units (like being able to be submerged beneath another unit).

I know this is probably pretty far down the list of priorities, but I can't help thinking of what an insane game A2 might turn into.

The scale of it all...

(CROSSWIND landings on a carrier is not really realistic tounge2.gif ).[/E]

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I do also look at weapons in ArmA2 vids in first person and I am disappointed. Why? Because I can't see the weapon, only barrel and piece of ris. But yeah, it is connected to FOV.

Omg, then I can repeat myself once again... FOV1.08 biggrin_o.gif

But hell... it is up to BIS, I've experienced already that those guys can do a thing that noone even dreamt of before. (For example carring wounded).


I used to say "Im buying arma2 for sure"... ShaderModel 3.0 and DualCore requiment (As Maruk said) kicks me out until I buy new computer biggrin_o.gif

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I do also look at weapons in ArmA2 vids in first person and I am disappointed. Why? Because I can't see the weapon, only barrel and piece of ris. But yeah, it is connected to FOV.

Omg, then I can repeat myself once again... FOV1.08 biggrin_o.gif

But hell... it is up to BIS, I've experienced already that those guys can do a thing that noone even dreamt of before. (For example carring wounded).

I agree, it feels kind of strange only being able to view the barrel of the weapon. I don't think the strange FOV when zoomed out was such a big problem, especially when it's fixed by just looking through the sights.

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A summary of what I have to say before ArmA2 is relased. Slow the action down. Either by mission design or the default AI. It's not a feature that needs lots of work. In fact it's about increasing the priority of seeking cover and staying covered, and lowering the priority of getting from one waypoint to another, and increasing the time between moving from one waypoint to another. In addition to realistic engagement ranges it leads to slower gameplay, but in spite of that - more shooting, and suppressive fire use from both fighting sides. It's more or less about achieving the same thing truerange combined with second's suppression scripts offer.

AI in all modes apart from safe, after getting to a waypoint should stop for a while in order to scan the surroundings. Time should depend on the suppression level and current mode.

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I think different language voice-over is amust for ArmA2 where we have at least two real-life nations Russia & USA.

Russians shouldn't be communicating in perfect English. Plus there should be emotional overtone in verbal communication. It's pretty hilariuos when an AI, in vanilla ArmA, in robotic answering-machine-like voice says: "oh no, one is down..." AI should be screaming, shouting, taunting, crying - in short what real life humans would do when they are in the middle of a battle. In my opinion, the greatest example of realistic voice-over mod is ECS.

So my simple question is: BIS, did you care to invest into real life russian and american english voice-over? Very critical!


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Don't you people think you are repeating the same sh*ts repeatedly?

then it should make it quite easy for BIS to see some things that would make a lot of people happy and the game possibly that much better.

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