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Arma feedback thread - based on 1.11

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I don't know why but for some reason non-dedicated servers just don't work. My friends and I have tried to start non-dedicated servers for simple coop missions but none of us can ever connect to our servers.

Oh and could you fix the colision detection with the AI, they still walk through walls and each other on many occasions.

Also I love your new recoils, except for the MG. The mg is overpowered now since you can just blast away while standing up.

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"Server Creation Failed"

Make sure you have this in your server config:

Quote[/b] ]battleye = 0;

Mmmm... huh.gif .. may be... I don´t have this directive...

Thanks Dslyecxi!! thanks very much!! I will try it!! wink_o.gif

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This doesnt have to do with the 1.11 patch, but merely a heads up to some people that gets stutters and arent aware that arma runs in V-SYNC = ON mode as default.

Check your Nvidia/ATI control panel and switch TRIPLE BUFFERING = ON. Its OFF by default.

V-SYNC and TRIPLE BUFFERING go hand in hand (on/on - off/off).

I complaint about stuttering in 1.11 because i just forgot about this little thing. Turned Triple Buffering ON and play is magically fluid now.



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I don't know why but for some reason non-dedicated servers just don't work. My friends and I have tried to start non-dedicated servers for simple coop missions but none of us can ever connect to our servers.


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We where playing some REALLY long game.. For about 10 hours. It was some modded Evolution. It was all nice and smooth and i'm happy that both ArmA server and ArmA client worked so long and so good. But at the end of the mission when the whole island was in ruins and damaged cars my ArmA crashed:


win XP ( x32 ), intel Core2Duo, 2Gb ram, ati 3850 512mb, X-Fi audio

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Had the same thing after 10mins when i looked trough several thing sin the Game Library.

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The AI is now much aggressive and partial really dangerous. Helicopters doesn´t affect by the battle on the ground, when the AI "target/autotarget" is disabled or behaviour / combatmode set to "careless/blue".


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72 @ Mar. 27 2008,08:46)]This doesnt have to do with the 1.11 patch, but merely a heads up to some people that gets stutters and arent aware that arma runs in V-SYNC = ON mode as default.

Check your Nvidia/ATI control panel and switch TRIPLE BUFFERING = ON. Its OFF by default.

V-SYNC and TRIPLE BUFFERING go hand in hand (on/on - off/off).

I complaint about stuttering in 1.11 because i just forgot about this little thing. Turned Triple Buffering ON and play is magically fluid now.



according to this information by suma it depends on the brand of your graphics card as well as the drivers you use. apparently ArmA uses a different approach that *should* not need triple buffering enabled. with my x1950pro with the latest omega-drivers the game behaves exactly as suma said, no need to turn TB on on my card. i guess the drivers are well written...

edit: link fixed

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"Server Creation Failed"

Make sure you have this in your server config:

Quote[/b] ]battleye = 0;

Mmmm... huh.gif .. may be... I don´t have this directive...

Thanks Dslyecxi!! thanks very much!! I will try it!! wink_o.gif

Yeah!!! now works fine!!

Thanks!! thanks! thanks! thanks! thanks! notworthy.gif

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I don't know if this is an ArmA issue or a hardware issue but since the 505 release of ArmA I am still getting a texture that stretches across the screen. It also follows movement and if I turn around a bit it will stop. However going back to the same position it appears again.

And whats your Graphics card or driver got to do with the 1.11 patch? When clearly this is to do with your computer. Maybe you need a computer hardware forum icon_rolleyes.gif

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In the previous release I was able to configure the enemy and friend's precision and skill in cfg file. Now I can't find this line anymore.

Does anyone know where can I find it(if it exists yet)?

Thank you very much!

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Hmm the AI Soldiers are better, but something is wrong with the Tanks.... I have only tested it with T72s, but they seem to magically spot me everytime I get in a radius of about 6 meters around it...

even if they are not alerted and all stations point to 12 o'clock when i am closing in from 6 o clock (prone position) they turn around very fast and kill me instantly... no satchel actions possible and sometime sneaking around etc. is impossible...

I just tried to reproduce this but I had no problems sneaking up on a stationary tank from behind (tried several times with both M1A1 and T72 in daylight) and place 3 satchels then crawl back and blow it up, the AI did not detect me once???

Do you have your specific testmission to share? What settings are you using (skill in editor and skill/precision in your cfg)? Are you testing with stock ArmA or maybe you have some addons loaded? Maybe you had other enemies around that spotted you?


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Hmm the AI Soldiers are better, but something is wrong with the Tanks.... I have only tested it with T72s, but they seem to magically spot me everytime I get in a radius of about 6 meters around it...

even if they are not alerted and all stations point to 12 o'clock when i am closing in from 6 o clock (prone position) they turn around very fast and kill me instantly... no satchel actions possible and sometime sneaking around etc. is impossible...

I just tried to reproduce this but I had no problems sneaking up on a stationary tank from behind (tried several times with both M1A1 and T72 in daylight) and place 3 satchels then crawl back and blow it up, the AI did not detect me once???

Do you have your specific testmission to share? What settings are you using (skill in editor and skill/precision in your cfg)? Are you testing with stock ArmA or maybe you have some addons loaded? Maybe you had other enemies around that spotted you?


I expirienced this several times in Multiplayer on different Servers... at least on one of them there is no AI related Mod active...

I tried in Singleplayer some minutes ago and it worked for me too, but Online I still got it... could this be lag related? I know some Animations are "skipped" in Multiplayer, but sometimes the turret of the Tank turns to my direction even when i stand behind a wall... the don't shoot, but they seem to spot me at least for about 30 secs... I'll test it a bit more... maybe it is just Desync or something...

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I don't know if this is an ArmA issue or a hardware issue but since the 505 release of ArmA I am still getting a texture that stretches across the screen. It also follows movement and if I turn around a bit it will stop. However going back to the same position it appears again.

And whats your Graphics card or driver got to do with the 1.11 patch? When clearly this is to do with your computer. Maybe you need a computer hardware forum icon_rolleyes.gif

It only happens with ArmA. Doesn't matter if I update drivers or whatever. Every other game works fine. Thus it is quite obvious that it has something to do with ArmA.

How mature you are for taking a dig at me because of my response to your completely offtopic yet another CTF rant.


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I expirienced this several times in Multiplayer on different Servers... at least on one of them there is no AI related Mod active...

I tried in Singleplayer some minutes ago and it worked for me too, but Online  I still got it... could this be lag related? I know some Animations are "skipped" in Multiplayer, but sometimes the turret of the Tank turns to my direction even when i stand behind a wall... the don't shoot, but they seem to spot me at least for about 30 secs... I'll test it a bit more... maybe it is just Desync or something...

I've only tried it in the editor so it could very well be a MP related issue. Since I'm unable to host any MP games (ppl can't connect) I'm unable to test it in MP for time being, maybe someone with a ded. server up and running can do a simple MP test and verify?


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Being unistalled almost a year and know intall it and try when friend of my called and said they fix the vista64 + 4gb issues and know its finally working!! yay.gif

Also bought Quuens gambit too today.

Thank you!

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1.11 was a dream with Vista x64 8800 etc etc (all the things that were 'bad'wink_o.gif

However (I have double posted, but tech support seems a lil dead)

Since Vista SP1, myself and others in our clan are having CTDs/BSODs which we didn't have prior to Vista SP1

I know maybe not BIS fault, but i suspect vista users are gonna move over to SP1, and this problem could become more widespread. If only I had an error message to give to you guys.

The 1.11 patch is brilliant, I have no complaints, and this is what I feel we've been waiting for. Our clan members give it the thumbs up.

Please before making a final 1.12 (i guess) consult the vista bug, that's my only wish ;-)

Nice job.

Rant here, I have to get it off my chest because I know many others feel the same way I've spoken with in the Arma community:-

@Dyslexcia - the amount of people who misunderstand you is incredible, is it not possible that somehow the problem lies with you, as opposed to many of the forum users who you assume have problems of their own? IMHO you have a nasty habit of taking peoples posts and quoting completely out of context, maligning and flaming them for it making them out to be stupid, and thereby invalidating their opinions in a public forum.

Edit - Arma 1.08 seems to work fine with Vista SP1, and Arma 1.11 works fine with Vista pre SP1. I have checked microsoft forums, and it appears there are several other games having problems since Vista SP1. I have experimented with the Arma 1.08 memory usage and maxmem settings with no benefit.

I do however (for the 30 seconds or so b4 the CTD) get 60fps with all settings full apart from postprocess where as before I would average 30.

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I don't know if this is an ArmA issue or a hardware issue but since the 505 release of ArmA I am still getting a texture that stretches across the screen. It also follows movement and if I turn around a bit it will stop. However going back to the same position it appears again.

And whats your Graphics card or driver got to do with the 1.11 patch? When clearly this is to do with your computer. Maybe you need a computer hardware forum icon_rolleyes.gif

It only happens with ArmA. Doesn't matter if I update drivers or whatever. Every other game works fine. Thus it is quite obvious that it has something to do with ArmA.

How mature you are for taking a dig at me because of my response to your completely offtopic yet another CTF rant.


If it is quite obvious to you, that it has somthing to do with Arma. Why then at the start of your post do you say "I don't know if this is an ArmA issue or a hardware issue" I mean, if you already know it to be an Arma issue, why post in the first place saying your not sure?

You already said you had this problem prior to the new patch, so it was my guess then that it could be your Graphics card. I gave you some good advice. Yes i had a little dig, but If you don't like a dig back then don't start one in the first place. Atleast my dig came with some good advice (Graphics Card)

I commented on not seeing any Ctf servers running 1.11 patch, because i'm really not sure if its a problem with my game not picking these servers up, or if its somthing to do with the patch. I mean what good will the game be to me if i cannot see the servers.

I also feel you are offtopic considering you had the problem prior to the new patch. I mean 1.11 patch hasn't caused your problem has it.

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I have no more time to check, but I have just ran ArmA 1.11b stable, and as it should be for 15mins without a CTD with vista x64 SP1 (before I was avergaing 30seconds until crash).

All settings high/very high (apart from PP) and its 60fps apart from dense wooded areas where it drops to 40ish

This is what I have in my command line. If anyone else is having trouble, give this a go, it seemed to work for me, but I dont have time to continue testing.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

"D:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\beta\arma.exe" -mod=beta -mod=DBE1 -nosplash -vm108 -maxmem=1024

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@Dyslexcia - the amount of people who misunderstand you is incredible, is it not possible that somehow the problem lies with you, as opposed to many of the forum users who you assume have problems of their own? IMHO you have a nasty habit of taking peoples posts and quoting completely out of context, maligning and flaming them for it making them out to be stupid, and thereby invalidating their opinions in a public forum.

Overall I feel that Dslyecxi is a good guy, is intelligent, and is generally after very positive results for the ArmA community. However I see his responses to people who are not on-the-mark with their posts go too far the other way, stretching both the facts and his good name rather thin. He seems sometimes to make statements not due to confidence in their validity but rather confidence that most people on the forum/thread are "on his side."

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I have no more time to check, but I have just ran ArmA 1.11b stable, and as it should be for 15mins without a CTD with vista x64 SP1  (before I was avergaing 30seconds until crash).

All settings high/very high (apart from PP) and its 60fps apart from dense wooded areas where it drops to 40ish

This is what I have in my command line. If anyone else is having trouble, give this a go, it seemed to work for me, but I dont have time to continue testing.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

"D:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\beta\arma.exe" -mod=beta -mod=DBE1 -nosplash -vm108 -maxmem=1024

Try turning off Post-Processing and/or Anti-Aliasing. Mine used to crash quite a bit because I had one of those on (I don't remember which one). Then if you turn them both off and it works fine try turning one back on and checking to see what works and what doesn't. Maybe you could even get it to work on medium or low or something I am not sure. I just thought i'd throw this out there. I'm not sure if it will help but I know that mine used to crash a lot when I had one of those on. Hope it helps.

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Here is a funny thing...

I didn't know there was a another patch out. I did see the topic but for some reason I got confused with the version number and thought it was an old topic. Older than 1.9 beta patch.

I downloaded and installed it last night and I was surprised to see that I could run one of my custom missions (pretty busy mission too) on maximum (all settings on Very High and and a 1680x resolution) with a frame rate around 30-40. It lagged a little bit when I turned around to face a new area for the first time but nothing very annoying.

That is great. I didn't have time to check everything out but I am very happy as it is.

Thanx BI

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Just to elaborate, the 'stretching textures' problem only happens with ground and sea textures. Before 1.09 it also happened with the red and white barriers that are in towns. But just ground textures now.

Also while playing a coop last night I noticed that a section of the ground looked like it was elevated slightly above the adjacent section. The texure joining the two was also stretched a bit. This was around Everon area of North Sahrani.

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Just to elaborate, the 'stretching textures' problem only happens with ground and sea textures. Before 1.09 it also happened with the red and white barriers that are in towns. But just ground textures now.

Also while playing a coop last night I noticed that a section of the ground looked like it was elevated slightly above the adjacent section. The texure joining the two was also stretched a bit. This was around Everon area of North Sahrani.

That area has always been there for me. I've also noticed it quite a few times near Masbete.

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Just to elaborate, the 'stretching textures' problem only happens with ground and sea textures. Before 1.09 it also happened with the red and white barriers that are in towns. But just ground textures now.

Also while playing a coop last night I noticed that a section of the ground looked like it was elevated slightly above the adjacent section. The texure joining the two was also stretched a bit. This was around Everon area of North Sahrani.

That area has always been there for me. I've also noticed it quite a few times near Masbete.

Ah right. It was the first time I have ever noticed that. Don't usually use the North Sahrani area a lot.

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