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Silvio Camolesi

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About Silvio Camolesi

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    Private First Class
  1. Silvio Camolesi

    How to change the enemy precision?

    I know that there was a parameter in config file that changed the enemy precision and inteligence, but I can't find out it anymore. Could anyone tell me if it is still possible or not, and how to do, if so? TIA
  2. Silvio Camolesi

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.11

    In the previous release I was able to configure the enemy and friend's precision and skill in cfg file. Now I can't find this line anymore. Does anyone know where can I find it(if it exists yet)? Thank you very much!
  3. Silvio Camolesi

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    I'm too sad with ArmA. So sad that I've uninstalled it after play less than 30%. Like many here said, there is something missing. Maybe I had get old, I don't know. I look to the rack at my left side and there they are, the two amazing boxes from CWC and Resistance... the games that marked a time in my life, in my mind, an experience that I'll never forget, cause I lived there, inside of that virtual world. There is something wrong, but I can't point a finger, like said here before by the others So sad... it should be an amazing experience... too sad... too sad...
  4. Silvio Camolesi

    I'mAI fireteam does not follow me on bridge.

    I'm not a programmer too, but I think that it shouldn't be so hard to make AIs to go from point A to B or to follow a leader. First that AIs have no eyes, and the island and all of the objects are nothing more than an extense list of numbers, so everything happens in terms of numbers. I think AIs get stuck sometimes cause they look to the point where the leader is before try to move until there, and there are some classes of objects, such as bridges that "blinds" its "visions". The leader could leave "crumbs" in the patch: a list of coordinates that indicates to AI the point to step over. If the leader step these points, obviously AI can step them too. A counter should be triggered when a order "fall back into formation" was given, so any AI should be or in its position from the leader, according to the formation, or in one point from the patch "crumbs", and on the way to go next to the leader position. If this counter reachs a specific number and AI is still stuck or far away from the destination point, a new counter should be opened for that AI. Them AI should consider a new temporary COLUMN formation and try step the crumb patch left by the leader. So AI will not look to the point where leader is, but to the last point of the patch crumb and try to get there.
  5. Silvio Camolesi

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    500 fixes, patches and improvements and still too few to get this game rocking. And it is just an obligation once this game has been released not ready. And I couldn't see anywhere written about AIs behavior or hillclimb issue. I'm still waiting for the "final" patch, and sure this will not be the final. About those games that never receives patches, maybe them don't need. In the past when internet was not what it is today, software houses took care to release polished games, so you rarely need to download any patch. Today the developers became hurried, cause they know the internet will be there to distribute their late work. Marek and his team deserve our respect first as humans, second for being the developers of the game that we love (OFP) and third cause them are obviously working hard. So I respect them, but I'm still waiting to see this game ready...
  6. Silvio Camolesi

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    We seriously don't need so much weapons, vehicles, airplanes and so on. We need to start with simple things that work "right". And ArmA has too many things, and too much working wrong... Gazmen, I think ArmA is OFP 0.5...
  7. Silvio Camolesi

    1.08 servers

    If in this patch AI could find the truck between a radius of 50m it will be a great step forward...
  8. Silvio Camolesi

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    bugs can be correct, bad programming is a bit difficult but you can change your style and your alghorithyms, but a bad plan is almost impossible, except if you make a new game
  9. Silvio Camolesi

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    For my understanding, this thread is about "disappointing", so this is the place to cry, to complaim, to yell our frustration with this game that was supposed to be great, but it is not. This is not a "feature request" thread, neither a "bug report" thread. This is a "disappointing" thread, and it won't stop until BIS achieve the reasonable. Many things here are just features request, and other are just bugs report. But the majority is none of them. The complaints are about the wrong way that things work, not cause they are bugs, but because they are bad. As example, AI pathfinding is not a bug issue. It is bad programming, bad ideas working without any problem. It works without errors in the way it was programmed to work. In the same way other things were born wrong in their concepts. And that is fearful, cause if it is not a bug, probably it won't change, because there are so many bugs to correct that it is supposed that the team is working to fix them, not to change the concepts behind the code. For my understanding, this game needs urgently of better AIs. They are killing the game, and it has been fast. The game not even was born, and it is already gaining bad fame, mainly, almost exclusivelly due the stupid AIs. So, please BIS, concentrate your enforces to improve the AIs, cause in the way the things are going, they will become the most notorius artificial grave-diggers ever made!
  10. Silvio Camolesi

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    I'm not a programmer, but I have notions. I don't know anything about how ArmA is programmed, but I can suppose things. And one thing that I can't understand is why the AI behavior can be so stupid so many times. In one side they are exaggeratedly good: once they find you their aim is really from robots. But in other side, they are terrbile, mainly when they are from your team. If you order to attack a BMP, why they get up just in front the enemy and take so long time to fire? Is it so hard to program a behavior where an AI when engaging a tank, first look for objects between it and the target, analyse their heights, find one that be low just enough to put the launcher's tube outside, go until there  crawling, and plan a position to first prepare its gun, for after try a shot, doing a quick move back to the protection? Or is it so hard to make a constant cicle of perception in all of the AIs, so when they listen to a shot the first thing they do is get the dirt and go find cover? Cause it is so weird when you start firing a group and they stay there, waiting to be shot, with no reaction. I think I'll reinstall OFP and play again, just to remember and compare...
  11. Silvio Camolesi

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    After a brief excitement, I'm sad to announce that for me this game is crap. I saw ArmA for the first time about two months ago when reading a forum about games in general. That age I didn't realize that ArmA was from Bohemia. When I received a newsletter from Gamestop with details I couldn't believe what I was reading: the spiritual sequel from my favourite game ever! But that was true, and I didn't linger to buy it from Sprocket. Since then until now is one disappointment after other one, cause my mainly objective was to revival the same adventure that I lived with OFP Cold War Crisis, Red Hammer and Resistance so many times. And that has been impossible cause the lack of the inteligence of the AIs. If AI means Artificial Inteligence, in ArmA it should mean Artificial Idiot, cause I never saw such morons so well simulated. They do everything wrong, they don't obey, they fail, they do things that a human would never do, they are so stupid that is hard to believe that these are the same from old OFP. I'm not saying that OFP had brilliant AIs. No, they were not so good, but in ArmA they are simply awful! Beside AIs, and the various bugs that I can't stop to find out, the Campaign.. oh... my... God... waht is that? There are missions sincerely boring. This is not the sequel of the OFP. That should be great, vertiginous, stupendous, something that stimulate you to desire more, do not get away from the pc. Is there hope in the future patches? I don't know. I have the lastest beta patch, and that is supposed to be much better than 1.05 version, but there are so many bugs, the AIs are so stupid and the Missions from CA are so boring that I can't believe in the future. Will be possible to improve the AIs behavior? Will we have a decent Single Player experience? I can't play this game anymore... and that is so frustrating
  12. Silvio Camolesi


    ArmA is supposed to be a combat simulator where the height and age of civilians don't matter. That is not a Simcity or 2ndLife. But would be funny, with children, dogs, many cars, bus, a completly and live city to be entire killed by crazy kids in their PCs late at home
  13. Silvio Camolesi

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    Sprocket, Atari, US, UK, CZ... thousands of versions, thousands or releases, thousands of confusions, thousands of threads from unhappy people around the world with so many dificultes just to have and play a single game!!! Please BIS: rejoin with Codemasters, for love of your customers!
  14. Silvio Camolesi

    AI has rayvision?

    Hey stuff you Silvio Camolesi, im an ex BF2 player and have never complained and compared the games at all. You cant knock BF2 fans for playing this game (thats right game), i enjoy my FPS and Armed Assault is my favorite at the moment. Are you saying that this Armed Assault community are not willing to let BF2 players or other FPS be welcomed, instead you have to slag them off. I personally dont bring my BF2 skills over to this game (you cant) its a team playing army sim which works well. How do you know BF2 players "are the hell" as you say you never played it? and whats with saying about retarded kids? My brother has learning difficulties and to use that comment is an insult, you are the lowest of the low. You Sir have no sense and should be banned for posting comments like that P.S The game isnt perfect but still enjoyable and patches to come will fix issues and im behind BIS and this community to test and report bugs, my money was well spent You understood everything WRONG! I'm deffending people who play BF2 or any other game. I think anyone can opine, and who play this or that game does not matter. The unique thing that matters is the GOOD SENSE English is not my language, I think it is not you too, so try to read again what I wrote, and try to understand what I tried to say.
  15. Silvio Camolesi

    AI has rayvision?

    There are three types of people populating here: BF2 fans, OFP fans, and GOOD SENSE PEOPLE, that for God blessing is the majority. For blinded OFPs fans, BF2 players are the hell, they have no voice, no reason. They are retarded kids with 3 years, and use to eat ice-creams with their ears! I never played BF2, I have no interest in it, I'm a big, enourmous fan of OFP, but I fit in that third group, the GOOD SENSE people. And I'm very upset with people that simply think that who has complains is a moan, and EVERY SINGLE FORUM, of every single game, on every place around the world, always will have people who judge itself as owner of the all reasons, owner of the forum voices, and in the most of the cases, people like that are always in the foruns to protect the game against everything, against who complain, against who has critics, agains the aliens!!! They are the deffenders of the game, cause the game is perfect and no one who criticize the game has reason, never!!! They act like guard dogs, believing that they are giving a BIG support to the game, to the devs, and to the community. BUT THEY ARE NOT! Comon, this game has so many bugs and so many lacks that the devs not even are able to follow them a single forum.: they need a track bug system to organize so much complains. They are fixing and patching everything since the release, and they have still too much work to do, and one of the important things is this super natural skill from the AIs. For me no matter that I have options or how to edit a file, cause I want to play against defaults AIs that fight in a life-like level. I don't want any cheat or arrangement, cause if I start changing the game definitions, soon I will be playing other game, but not ArmA!!! The game can't be perfect, cause it is impossible, but must intend to perfection. If there is so much complain, it is not weep, it is a fact, and that must to be said, cause the devs must to listen to the community, and work on those things that can kill the game! So, the problem exists, and it is a hudge problem that many times pissed the people off, and please OFP fans, let us complain. Do you love OFP? I do love too!