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F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

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The USMC has the AV-8. The USAF has the A-10 (and now an F-16 courtesy of Footmunch! ).

Now, what does the USN get?

F/A-18E/F Super Hornet!

UPDATED! See download link for revised 0.4!

Beta 0.45 for ArmA




- Remodeled and improved version of the MAS F/A-18E/F from FP

- Firepower! Including the AIM-9M/X, AIM-120C, AIM-7M, Mk82, Mk83, Mk84, Mk20, CBU-78, GBU-10, GBU-12, GBU-16, AGM-65E, AGM-88, AGM-154A, AGM-84D, and AGM-84H.

- Real functioning cockpits - see your fuel level in the cockpit, aircraft status on MFDs, your location on the map, and more!

- Aircraft damage - take hits and be prepared to hear "WARNING: AIRCRAFT DAMAGE" as your computer lists the various systems damaged or destroyed by enemy fire!

- Aerial refueling: both aircraft come with capability to refuel from a F/A-18F with a buddy pod.

- GUI Arming system: Select your weaponry on the fly through an intuitive menu system.

- Standoff weapon targeting features enable you to strike at the enemy without him even knowing about you!

Download it here (Beta 0.45)

Download the F/A-18E/F Squadrons 2 addon (VFA-14 and VFA-41 generic grey) (Version 1.1)


Mirrors (Beta 0.45):









Mirrors F/A-18E/F Squadrons 2 (Version 1.1)







Mirrors (Beta 0.25):



Known issues:

- Only one shadow LOD.

- Various shadow issues.

- Cockpit modeling glitches.

- MP starts in aircraft can result in initial errors. These should not cause issues.

- F/A-18F - AI commander is useless.

- Aircraft reliability on dedicated server are questionable.

- Various texture issues.

Beta 0.45

- Modified wreck scripting: aircraft no longer deleted. Deleting aircraft caused performance issues.

- Added switches for wreck script control: fz_f18_nowreck and fz_f18_nowrecksmoke

- Added basic static aircraft types for scenery objects. These are just aircraft with all scripts replaced by a simple

one with basic parameters set. Still classed as aircraft, so will explode when destroyed. Wings can be folded in the same

method as with the standard versions.

- Modified Mk80 drop mode text to display which mode has been selected.

- More bug fixes.

Beta 0.4 Changes:

- Yet more bug fixes.

- Key file now included.

- New GUI system.

- New weapon system: fully-dynamic, highly customizable system.

- Thrust enhancement function: enable to gain acceleration bonus.

- Missile warning will now add firing unit to the fz_f18_harmarray if not already there.

Beta 0.3 changes:

- More bug fixes.

- Modified GUI to be self-contained and available when nearby an ammo truck. Toggle with variable fz_f18_noarming.

- Introduced gunner-variant of F/A-18F.

Beta 0.25 Changes:

- Numerous minor bug fixes.

- New Over-G feature: pull over 7.5Gs for too long and risk damage, pull over 9Gs for too long and risk extreme damage.

- Modified arming menu GUI to include new weapon info selection and pre-selected loadouts.

- Introduced scripts to place pre-selected weaponry on aircraft.

Changes since Beta 0.15:

- Some weapon combinations fixed.

- Ejection seat is armed at all times.

- Wreck function introduced: When aircraft is destroyed and crashes, vehicle is deleted and replaced with a wreck model.

- Aircraft rebalanced: center of gravity is in front of the wheels.

- Reduced maneuverability of aircraft as a result of rebalance.

- Stall speed increased to approximately 100-110kts.

- Afterburner acceleration reduced.

- New keyboard-friendly variants with control sensitivity reduced by 50%.

- Canopy model and texture revised.

- Increased sound coefficient for inside view.

Beta Fixes since 0.1:

- ST errors resolved due to binarization.

- Model sections optimized: Main LOD has less than 20 sections.


Franze (modeling, texturing, scripting)

EricJ (revised modeling, weapon modeling, texturing)

Hellfire (weapon texturing, testing)

Nodunit (testing)

Special thanks:

RockofSL - fixed the bug I had with cannon firing point. (FP)

Scripts borrowed/based/enhanced upon scripts from the following:

Colonel Klink






And anyone else I may have forgotten.

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Wow f-16 and f-18 relased in one day xD. Dwonloading Asap wink_o.gif

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Ah, one of my favourites from OFP notworthy.gif Any plans to import your Apache by any chance?

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Guest RKSL-Rock

@ Franze nice to see it out but I'm afraid I have a list of problems just after 5 mins in the editor... sad_o.gif

1 - Handling is far too light.  It’s possible to turn 90 degrees form the direction of flight in a second or two.

2 - AI does not retract the landing gear.

3 - Its possible to fly with the wings folded up

4 - Its possible to fly with canopy open. (Why didn’t you use the cabin animation source?)

5 - My arma.rpt file hit the 4.1mb mark in 5 mins.  First time I’ve ever seen it go higher than 2mb.  It’s mostly ST Warnings, but given the volume it’s not going to be useable in MP.

6 - Dropping the tanks damages the plane.

7 - Serious Action menu Lag - i.e. press the targeting options and it takes a few seconds before anything happens.

Re #2 Im assuming you've used retractinggear=0 to make it carrier compatible?

I can probably help you fix #1,3 and 4 if you like.  It should remove the needs for some of the scripts.  If you are happy for it not to be carrier friendly I can help you with the gear too.

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a bit difficult to handle but once you get used to it, it becomes one hell of an airplane


Great work

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I must to say that the scripts (specially the damage sistem) are simply great. The textures needs reworking but it's not a priority for me.

After that, the other thing i have to say is the flying sistem. I know that is a Beta, but is the same hiper-sensible sistem of ArmA, and for that reason I'll stick with the F-16 until is improved by you or BIS.

Take it as an offense if you want, but know that I'll be waiting the new version with high hopes.

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@ Franze nice to see it out but I'm afraid I have a list of problems just after 5 mins in the editor... sad_o.gif

Yeah, that's part of why it's beta.

Quote[/b] ]

1 - Handling is far too light. It’s possible to turn 90 degrees form the direction of flight in a second or two.

High instantaneous turn rates are possible, but they result in a extreme amount of speed loss as opposed to a relaxed turn.

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2 - AI does not retract the landing gear.

AI will retract the gear unless you're in the aircraft with them.

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3 - Its possible to fly with the wings folded up

Yes, I haven't figured out how to handle this yet.

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4 - Its possible to fly with canopy open. (Why didn’t you use the cabin animation source?)

It's possible to fly without the canopy, yes. If you leave the canopy open and pull speeds greater than 30kts, the canopy will separate from the aircraft.

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5 - My arma.rpt file hit the 4.1mb mark in 5 mins. First time I’ve ever seen it go higher than 2mb. It’s mostly ST Warnings, but given the volume it’s not going to be useable in MP.

I don't even know what ST errors are or what their cause is.

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6 - Dropping the tanks damages the plane.

Tanks must be dropped while flying level.

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7 - Serious Action menu Lag - i.e. press the targeting options and it takes a few seconds before anything happens.

Not sure on this one? Haven't noticed any lag with action menu usage or functions.

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Re #2 Im assuming you've used retractinggear=0 to make it carrier compatible?

And to prevent exploding when gear fails and you have to belly land.

Quote[/b] ]

I can probably help you fix #1,3 and 4 if you like. It should remove the needs for some of the scripts. If you are happy for it not to be carrier friendly I can help you with the gear too.

I could use some help with #1 without a doubt; I had a lot of trouble getting that just right. Unfortunately it seems what works for me doesn't work for everyone...

3 I'll probably come up with something and 4 isn't exactly a glitch.


Sorry you don't enjoy it that much mate.


No, the Apache will not be ported.

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Oh my goodness gosh! Thank you ever so kindly sir Franz (and all others who contribitued). Brilliant, two jets released within days of each other, this is an excellent start (still beta-y)


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ST errors are places where the mapping/textures have become/or were mapped stretched.

Suma/Earl (Can't recall whom) wrote a little piece about them in the editing forum. Essentially, according to what he posted, they 'shouldn't' cause any major problems, except that the normal and specular maps will cease to work, or work incorrectly on ST faces. Whether or not the engine struggles trying to calculate how to normal map these ST faces, I don't know.

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Nice to see it in Arma.

I noticed something wrong with the hud: The "level lines" in the hud do not stay parallel to the horizon... unless that's part of the "Cockpit modeling glitches." you mentionned.

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was the gun sound designed to wreck speakers or as a joke? Its unusable if you have to turn off your stereo before you fire. Also why do we need a whole new separate category (men, air, armor) just for two planes? confused_o.gif

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