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ArmA 2 on PlayStation 3

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The PS3 is sweet, incorporating the motion sensor aspects would be cool.

That's a good point, optional motion controls for vehicles could be really fun.

If they implemented motion controls for vehicles in the PS3 version of ArmA 2 that would free up the sticks, which would make the sticks available for other things like freelooking, switching positions, and/or selecting and firing weapons.

Motion controls could also be used to issue orders. For instance, holding the "orders" button and flicking the controller down would make your character yell "Everybody go prone!".

I think motion controls definitely have some potential in ArmA 2.

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Just as long as when they're doing it, they don't restrict certain keyboard shortcuts on the PC version (a la Call of Duty 4 or BioShock, whose control systems seemed oversimplistic for somebody used to playing PC exclusives), or "dumb down" the editor on the PC version, a version of ArmA 2 on the PS3/Xbox 360 could be a good idea.

Let's see: The main problem with porting a full-scale FPS game from the PC to a console has always been the lack of control buttons on the joypads. My problems would lie with trying to adapt the orders system from OFP/ArmA to the joypads - how do you select different units? I'm sure OFP: Elite figured this one out, but I haven't played Elite, so I don't know how that one works out. I know that consoles can strictly use keyboard and mouse, but I doubt that many gamers are going to want to have to try to find one of those sets.

Voice controls would be an interesting, if difficult-to-implement way of ordering units around - I remember a PC application called Game Commander which offered this sort of capability, but I wouldn't hold my breath about feasibility, especially since there are going to be so many diverse accents to account for.

I'd love to take on the console gamers with my keyboard and mouse combination - and see how quickly I wipe the floor with them!

Quote[/b] ]My two cents are that why cant we have a PC exclusive Game, it seems the such a concept is no longer possible in todays market.

Crysis is very much a PC exclusive - I would believe it to be too stressful for even the PS3 at high specifications, judging by the way it gives 8800 and 9800 GeForce cards a hard time.

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I'd love to take on the console gamers with my keyboard and mouse combination - and see how quickly I wipe the floor with them!

Are you serious? I guess you are seeing the exclamationmark i.s.o a smiley.

I'm just a happy 360 gamer (even if this is a PS3 thread). I don't need hostile pc gamers showing-off their elitist arrogance.

If you want to 'join' for some serious fun, ok, otherwise just stick with your own platform (the whole cross-platform gaming is a big mistake, uhmm perhaps not for online poker)

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Quote[/b] ]My two cents are that why cant we have a PC exclusive Game, it seems the such a concept is no longer possible in todays market.

Crysis is very much a PC exclusive - I would believe it to be too stressful for even the PS3 at high specifications, judging by the way it gives 8800 and 9800 GeForce cards a hard time.

Quote[/b] ]Crysis developer and PC gaming evangelist Crytek may soon fly the flag of multiplatform solidarity, as company president Cevat Yerli revealed in a recent interview that the studio will no longer create games exclusively for the PC due to poor sales and game piracy that he says is "encompassing Crysis."

Well if even THEY have problems with sales crazy_o.gif

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Ok, the Magazine "Gamezone.de" claims that Arma2 will be out for both Playstation3 and Xbox360.


Quote[/b] ]Der zweite Teil zu "Armed Assault" befindet sich bereits in Entwicklung. Dieser soll diesmal jedoch nicht nur für PC, sondern auch für Xbox 360 sowie PlayStation 3 auf den Markt kommen

Translated something like:

"The second Part to "Armed Assault" is already in development. This time it shall not only come on the market for the PC, but also for Xbox 360 as well as for the Playstation3."

Just wanted to share this info with you guys.

Best Regards, Christian

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Quote[/b] ]I don't need hostile pc gamers showing-off their elitist arrogance.

The fact remains that PC gamers have always been known as the more hostile and elitist for most game genres, and there has been the keyboard/mouse vs. gamepad war for quite some time. Yes, the gamepad certainly has its advantages - I wouldn't want to play the likes of, let's say, Mario or Tekken on a KB/M combination - but the mouse is generally a more precise and accurate tool for the likes of FPS and RTS games; it's easier to be pixel-perfect. When this game is transported over (and it will be), I don't expect that it will have cross-platform multiplayer precisely because of that elitism (of which I'm very much guilty).

Quote[/b] ]Well if even THEY have problems with sales

I would expect them to have problems with sales. The hardcore PC gamer is a rare breed, so few gamers are going to be able to play the game. And we, as Operation Flashpoint and ArmA players, are an even narrower cross-section of the hardcore market (because OFP and ArmA are definitely hardcore gamers' games, as well as being specialist-market games). So, I doubt that we'll have many pre-pubescent 12-year-olds screaming down their mikes for long, because they'll be so puzzled on how to play the game on whatever platform, and they'll be pissed off for dying so often.

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Quote[/b] ]I don't need hostile pc gamers showing-off their elitist arrogance.
The fact remains that PC gamers have always been known as the more hostile and elitist for most game genres, and there has been the keyboard/mouse vs. gamepad war for quite some time.

It is the arrogance which bothers me (not the mouse, keyboard, gamepad, that are just 'input-devices', and that is just a choice a gamer makes)

I was once a pc junkie but i learned to enjoy a controller with Halo. The 360 controller is imo the best controller yet (esp. for shooters). Versatile and makes me switch from Bioshock to Mass Effect to Ace Combat to PES2008 to Vegas to GTA4 and now GRID (demo) with ease. *I* don't want to go back to m/kb, controller is fine for me.

So let us console gamers have ArmA2 and OFP2 on our respective consoles. We don't need pc gamers for a 'war', we have our own 360 vs PS3 war:)

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Ok, the Magazine "Gamezone.de" claims that Arma2 will be out for both Playstation3 and Xbox360.


Quote[/b] ]Der zweite Teil zu "Armed Assault" befindet sich bereits in Entwicklung. Dieser soll diesmal jedoch nicht nur für PC, sondern auch für Xbox 360 sowie PlayStation 3 auf den Markt kommen

Translated something like:

"The second Part to "Armed Assault" is already in development. This time it shall not only come on the market for the PC, but also for Xbox 360 as well as for the Playstation3."

Just wanted to share this info with you guys.

Best Regards, Christian

Thanks for that information, mr.g-c. Do you have any idea if Bohemia Interactive gave that information to Gamezone directly, or does it seem as if Gamezone is just speculating?

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Let's see: The main problem with porting a full-scale FPS game from the PC to a console has always been the lack of control buttons on the joypads.

You can forget about considering that to be a problem because Operation Flashpoint: Elite actually has very comprehensive and well tuned controls, and since ArmA uses a similar control scheme I can see the translation working perfectly on this generation of consoles.

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We don't need pc gamers for a 'war', we have our own 360 vs PS3 war:)

Man, people think that XBL and PSN can be bad in their own rights, but can you even imagine the s***storm that would be created on a unified online service for the two consoles?

Although, Xbox vs. PlayStation battles in ArmA would be kind of awesome.

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Good luck with that, to the PS3 users.

And proper Anti-Virus Software for the PS3, if there is something like that, else that will get very risky.

I don`t think you get you`re console exchanged, or fixed for free, if the system is ruined. huh.gif

Sorry mate, but unlike the xbox the PS3 uses linux, which is a far better OS and can't catch viruses, so there is no threat of that, besides you could just reload the OS and there ya go a new fresh install :P

As for ArmA II if its only on the 360 then they are simply slitting their own throught because OFP2 is on both systems, so ArmA II must follow suit to keep up.

And as for the keyboard and mouse, PS3 can easily use ur generic USB keyboard and mouse on it, simply plug it in. I would recommend BIS code support for it into the PS3 version since thats the only thing that would prevent the PS3 running with keyboard and mouse on the PS3 version of arma II

just my 2c's

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Sorry mate, but unlike the xbox the PS3 uses linux, which is a far better OS and can't catch viruses

While it is possible to run Linux on a PS3, it doesn't come with Linux. It comes with it's own special operating system, and so does the Xbox.

And can't catch viruses? Well 'sorry mate', but any operating system can be infected with a virus, as long as the virus is made to run on that operating system biggrin_o.gif

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This thread isn't for debating which console is better than the other.......

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Let's see: The main problem with porting a full-scale FPS game from the PC to a console has always been the lack of control buttons on the joypads.

You can forget about considering that to be a problem because Operation Flashpoint: Elite actually has very comprehensive and well tuned controls, and since ArmA uses a similar control scheme I can see the translation working perfectly on this generation of consoles.

I still don't get it how can we lead our 64 men army with console controls?!!

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one thing about the PS3 is that it has a very unusual core structure whereas the 360 has a nice simple triple core, not sure if BIS would be able to code for it without the huge team and budget of codies. i personally want the game to get to as many people as possible, it's time we stopped this platform war.


the use of the d pad for commands in ofp:elite was fine and the new map commanding feature will make commanding 64 guys easy.

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one thing about the PS3 is that it has a very unusual core structure whereas the 360 has a nice simple triple core, not sure if BIS would be able to code for it without the huge team and budget of codies. i personally want the game to get to as many people as possible, it's time we stopped this platform war.


the use of the d pad for commands in ofp:elite was fine and the new map commanding feature will make commanding 64 guys easy.

Well that new map comanding requires a precise mouse motion,

and with PS3 controller, good luck putting that damn cursor on a house, drawed as a tiny box on a map!


Also If BIS is going to make Arma2 for PS3's, I can sure tell you that they are better at programming than Valve! Because Valve got hard time on making their games for PS3 (alto. EA Devs ported it).

Not to mention that PS3 is OpenGL on Vanilla. yay.gif

SO it's a hard time for to believe that there will be a PS3-version. Otherwise we would see completelly new engine in the works.

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It's possible, but dang will it be a headach for them  confused_o.gif

I say good luck to them, if they do it sweet, if not, then oh well.

It would be nice if they could confirm one way or the other. Either way I plan to get OFP2 on PS3 first then either ArmA II or OFP2 on PC afterwards, it depends on what they turn out to be like as to which I go for.

I can say one thing for sure, 2008 is gonna be a very long year  rofl.gif

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It's good to see that the new ArmA 2 website is up (http://www.arma2.com/). One thing I've noticed is that at the bottom of the main menu on the right hand side of the screen there is text that says:


PC and Next Gen Console (TBD)

Expected release date:

Q1 2009

I would like to know if the singular use of the word "Console" is just a typo or if Bohemia actually intend to produce ArmA 2 for only one console. Also, since a release date is stated at the bottom of the text, does the "(TBD)" mean that Bohemia is currently trying to decide which console they will choose to develop ArmA 2 for?

I hope for the sake of a better gaming world that the text in question is just a typo. Otherwise, it seems to be a fairly obvious shade job being done on the PS3 version that Bohemia had said they would produce (in a roundabout sort of way) when they intially announced ArmA 2, back when release dates for the game read; "for PC and next gen consoles".

Bohemia, if you actually are in a "TBD" stage for the console version of ArmA 2 please consider the technical points I, and other PS3 users, have made in this thread. We only want to support your company by buying and playing your game, is that too much to ask for?

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Have you heard of UT3 on PS3?

A first for consoles but you CAN import by usb stick usermods into UT3 on PS3.

(I myself don't have a PS3 yet, but a friend just told me that it is possible ... dunno if it will be big but the idea is there ... IF it works, well it is another stab into pc gaming, and another 'pc exclusivisity' lost, like hires, like online, like you name it)

Modding games for consoles is nothing new, I did my own sound mod for Daytona USA on Sega Dreamcast replacing over 60 sounds.

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Have you heard of UT3 on PS3?

A first for consoles but you CAN import by usb stick usermods into UT3 on PS3.

(I myself don't have a PS3 yet, but a friend just told me that it is possible ... dunno if it will be big but the idea is there ... IF it works, well it is another stab into pc gaming, and another 'pc exclusivisity' lost, like hires, like online, like you name it)

Modding games for consoles is nothing new, I did my own sound mod for Daytona USA on Sega Dreamcast replacing over 60 sounds.

you sure know how to 'mod' sounds into some game for console. Now do all that on PS3 and we'll shut up.

PS. Now replace some characters and well talk...

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Have you heard of UT3 on PS3?

A first for consoles but you CAN import by usb stick usermods into UT3 on PS3.

(I myself don't have a PS3 yet, but a friend just told me that it is possible ... dunno if it will be big but the idea is there ... IF it works, well it is another stab into pc gaming, and another 'pc exclusivisity' lost, like hires, like online, like you name it)

Modding games for consoles is nothing new, I did my own sound mod for Daytona USA on Sega Dreamcast replacing over 60 sounds.

you sure know how to 'mod' sounds into some game for console. Now do all that on PS3 and we'll shut up.

PS. Now replace some characters and well talk...

I couldn't care less what console it is, like I said modding games for consoles is nothing new. Consoles dont have the huge possilities of PC game modding, but it's allready been done before regardless of how big or small changes are made to a certain game (it's still modding)

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perhaps somebody involved in games dev could confirm or offer their views but i would've thought it would make financial sense for BI to release ARMA2 on both consoles.

i realise that code would have to be rewritten bringing with it new headaches for a relatively small company but all the graphical/basic coding resources are already in place and we've seen from GTA4 that both consoles can perform similarly when pushed (with the ps3 just pipping it...cough).

surely the amount of work and money invested in porting the game over from, say, 360 to ps3 is worth the vast increase in potential market..?

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The following post is aimed at those who object it being on consoles...

0MGz0Rz ArmAII shudnt b on PC!!11one shud make it ps3 and x360 xcloosiv!!1eleven


Yeah, that makes about as much sense as moaning about it being on consoles too =P

If it bothers you, don't look at it. Moaning about wanting it PC only isn't going to change anything for you PC folks. It'll just make more people happy and make BIS more money, what else could you want?

360 controls can be quite accurate (I played a PS3 and they feel a bit dodgey but i think they can handle it, But the PS3 also doesn't seem to perform as well as the 360, sure it can handle it though) and if you havent noticed most PC players and PC games are just as arcadey and dumb as you claim console players are. They're call normal human gamers.

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I don't really blame staunch PC gamers for not knowing any better about the current generation of consoles, or for not knowing how great Operation Flashpoint: Elite is (for a console game). Afterall, most PC gamers don't really have first hand experience with either of those topics.   

It's just unfortunate that in dismissing the console versions of ArmA PC gamers are inadvertently (and sometimes advertently) dismissing Bohemia's developmental prowess. Operation Flashpoint: Elite is the obvious example of what Bohemia can do with consoles, and it's a damn fine example at that.

I have no doubts that Bohemia will do a great console version of ArmA 2. The only thing I am worried about is that they won't support the PS3 and in doing so they will be dropping a block on a large market. A market which, like their PC market, thrives on games with technical features like modding, open network, keyboard and mouse support, and large immersive combat experiences.

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