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Fromz's sound mod | ffamm1.4

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FFAMM1.41 Perfect Version Updated


* Fix the problem of ATI graphics users error when use low-resolution.

* Amende two RPG-7 explosion sounds

* Amende two M136 explosion sounds

* Revise six grenade explosions sounds

* Revise sound of smoke grenade

* Revise throwing grenades sound

* Repair of the M1A1, M256 shooting sound

* Improve the body flies surrounding environment sound

* Improve the environment sound of sea during the daylight

* Add a pipebomb explosion sound.

* Improve the Shilka fire sound of ZSU23

* Revise Ka50 engine sound

* Revise the AH6, MH6 helicopter engine sound

* Improve the Humvee engine sound

* Revise G36C, G36K, MP5SD, shooting sound

* Improve AK74 series firearms shooting sound

* Improve M4SPR shooting sound

* Improve the M24 reloadSound

* Improve the PK machine gun shooting sound

* Improve the PK machine gun reloadMagazineSound

* Revise AKS74UN shooting sound





ArmedAssault.info - 27MB

Combat-Prison.net - 27MB Thanks Stavanger

Armaholic.com - 27MB Thanks Big

Assault Mission Studio - 27MB Thanks Imutep

armed-assault.de - 27MB Thanks Mr Burns

www.ofp-arma.cznhl.com - 27MB Thanks M@ster

Chinese Server - 27MB



Fromz's Sound Mod | FFAMM1.4 Description:


This mod is a meliorate modification for the military combat simulation game Armed Assault, International community released start Version 1.3.And now, It's updated to v1.4. The FFAMM1.4 is just only a sound mod!


fromz_sounds.pbo, fromz_sounds.pbo.FROMZ.bisign, fromz_ffamm.pbo,fromz_ffamm.pbo.FROMZ.bisign


1.41 Perfect Version


Polo Fromz (Shi Baolong)




[email protected]


Thanks to all friends of the BIS or Chinese ArmA community for help and advices




To use the software you must agree to the following conditions of use:

1. FFAMM1.4 sound mod developer Fromz grant to you a personal, non-exclusive license to use the FFAMM1.4 for recreational purposes.

2. The commercial exploitation of the Software without written permission from Polo Fromz (Chinese name 'Shi Baolong'wink_o.gif is expressly prohibited.




1. 75% above FFAMM1.3 sound effects are changed or improved

(Especially the M2 machine gun and Bo_GBU12_LGB explosive sound);

2. Nearly all firearms and Heavy weapons' sounds are are replaced;

3. More and more new supersonic cracks sounds bater than FFAMM1.3

(Perfect support my Chinese Special Forces Mod);

4. Total new 45 kinds explosion sound for nearly all explosive substances;

5. New 13 kinds of environment sound;

6. More than 20 kinds of land and air vehicle sounds;

7. New missile and bomb fly sounds;

8 .Fix PK, M249, M240 sometimes causes lag in multiplayer;

9 .Signed both clients and server;

10. And some small reforms.




1. Open the "FFAMM1.4_ins.rar", Run extract all the files to your ArmA directory;

2. If you want to use other ArmA MODs, for example Queen’s Gambit, you can writed down "-mod=DBE1;@FROMZ" in your link;

3. For uninstall just simplely delete the @FROMZ folder, or delete the elements you don't want.

You can also use a mod launcher (recommended).

If you don't know how to setup and maintain your mod folders we recommend you to read armaholic's


The Server key file which in the "ServerKey" folder is for multiplayer servers that use signature verification and want to allow this mod. Users don't need it.

To Run Armed Assaut 1.09 beta and above version, You need use the "fromz_ffamm.pbo and fromz_ffamm.pbo.FROMZ.bisign" in "Hotfix1.09" folder.


IV. Other Important Explanation, Please Read!


FFAMM1.4 Test under ArmA 1.08, and ArmA 1.09 Beta, support ArmA:Queen’s Gambit.

Download wmv FFAMM1.41P Combat Firelight Video By Myself 30MB

Thanks M@ster

Thanks Mr Burns

The video below is showing the sounds modification of FFAMM old version (v1.3)

High-res version

Low-res version

As a result of the compatible problem and other reasons, the bullet tracers no longer contains inside FFAMM1.4, If you like them, you can download the FFAMM1.3P and copy the tracers files you want.

The FFAMM mod will update, Please pay attention on BIS community forum, The news of Fromz's Mods.


Have Fun!

Polo Fromz

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Cannot create system memory surface 4444, 1024x768(size209752 b)

Error code 887686c

it does not work  confused_o.gif   help

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Reinstalled ArmA to give a try to this new SFX pack and encountred the same error, to fix it:

- Unpbo frommz_ffamm.pbo

- Take out the following file $PREFIX$

- Unbin the config and take out the following lines located in the bottom of the cfg file:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class RscStandardDisplay {};

class RscPicture {};

class RscDisplayMain : RscStandardDisplay {

class controls {

class Background : RscPicture {

x = 0;

y = 0;

w = 1;

h = 1;

text = "\fromz_sounds\c\ffamm_splash.paa";

colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};




- Then Unpbo fromz_sounds and delete $PREFIX$

- Pbo both folders and put'em into your MOD folder or Fromz one and everything will work properly.



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no dude oh no sad_o.gif

the new sound pack is horrible i rather stick to 1.3 sound pack actually ive just heard FDF in xam so i will pass to FDF sorry man you lose some you win some sad_o.gif

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This pack is very close to what I heared in real life so far since the 'mettalic aspect' of firearms SFX is quite well reproduced, loud and vivid.

In real life, you don't perceive the echo in the same way depending on whether you are close to the weapon or not.

If you are the shooter, the echo sounds really tiny compared to whether you are watching "a shooting sequence" from a specific angle and a certain distance.



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Thanks Fromz!! ...and TB!

Would be good if this little error warning could be fixed by Fromz asap. smile_o.gif

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how do u run the 1.09b sounds?? i put the sounds in beta/addons.

should i run them in root or what???

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Reinstalled ArmA to give a try to this new SFX pack and encountred the same error, to fix it:

- Unpbo frommz_ffamm.pbo

- Take out the following file $PREFIX$

- Unbin the config and take out the following lines located in the bottom of the cfg file:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class RscStandardDisplay {};

class RscPicture {};

class RscDisplayMain : RscStandardDisplay {

class controls {

class Background : RscPicture {

x = 0;

y = 0;

w = 1;

h = 1;

text = "\fromz_sounds\c\ffamm_splash.paa";

colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};




- Then Unpbo fromz_sounds and delete $PREFIX$

- Pbo both folders and put'em into your MOD folder or Fromz one and everything will work properly.



How do I Unbin the config?


Nevermind, I used Eliteness to open the bin file and edit it.

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how do u run the 1.09b sounds?? i put the sounds in beta/addons.

should i run them in root or what???

In the page info at armaholic or the readme inside the download:

"To Run Armed Assaut 1.09 beta and above version, You need use the "fromz_ffamm.pbo and fromz_ffamm.pbo.FROMZ.bisign" in "Hotfix1.09" folder".

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Yeah released smile_o.gif Thanks fromz

Mirror from Assault Mission Studio.




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Ive tried the "unfixed" version for 1.09 and it is working without any error.

Thanks. notworthy.gif

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"unfixed" version works for me fine in 1.08, and with "fixed"

version, servers that are checking signatures, kicks me...

So I advice you to use "unfixed" version with resolution

higher than 1024x768

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WoW Great sounds notworthy.gif

Indeed! Actually the first not "in your face" soundmod that i like biggrin_o.gif

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Oh man here we go again, i ask every ArmA site owner to take this mod away from download sections due copyright violations.

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Oh man here we go again, i ask every ArmA site owner to take this mod away from download sections due copyright violations.

Copyright violations? What? How can a third-party mod be copyrighted and what is (if it was possible) in violation?

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Oh man here we go again, i ask every ArmA site owner to take this mod away from download sections due copyright violations.

Copyright violations? What? How can a third-party mod be copyrighted and what is (if it was possible) in violation?

Okay there might be a bit language barrier here so i explain a bit more.

This is from FDF soundpack licence

Quote[/b] ]All material in the FDF sound pack is copyrighted, free redistribution is permitted for the original

FDF sound pack package as long as it is kept unmodified and distributed 100% free of any kind of charge.

Distribution of parts of the FDF sound pack or the distribution of modifications of the Finnish Defence Forces mod

is forbidden without permission from the authors.

Now the author of this Fromz's mod is using and distiributing some sounds from the FDF pack without permission.

I´m not sure what is the right term for this action but maybe you could explain it to me.

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arf bad news to seen violation, team work are possible?

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