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Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

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Indeed very well done BIS xmas_o.gif


Fog gone!



Smooth Performance

I shot a guy in a UAZ/He slumped over the wheel and kept on driving until he hit a building:D

Don't need the dvd in the drive to run the beta yay.gif

Faster turning in cars


1.I noticed when driving the Open UAZ that the volume was the same quiet as a closed car\when switching to 3rd person it was loud like other cars  confused_o.gif

2.I was playing  a mission and i shot the ai in a car and instead of staying slumped over the wheel he was laying on his stomach through the seat with his head under the wheel

3.Had a hard lock on the Cobra training mission with sound looping had to reboot.

Anyway glad it's only a beta so we can solve these problems.

Nice Work So Far smile_o.gif

Rig i'm using the beta with

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600

Asus P5B Deluxe

Evga 8800GTX

Win XP Pro 32

Nvidia Driver:169.21 WHQL

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damn patch ain't working for me- and it sounds amazing crazy_o.gif

Can anyone confirm if the large savegame/loadgame bug is gone?

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I have one idea - will it be possible to disable vehicle burning and reduce the range of explosion when it falls to the ocean? I find it very funny when tank explodes only because it's sunk. Maybe water shouldn't damage vehicles but disable their engines? So there is ocean of an acid  crazy_o.gif  this is certainly the way water in ArmA and OFP is hurting people. Maybe there should be a kind of "drowning simulation" so the it won't damage anything anymore. Collisions and speeding down should be working as they are (but maybe less speed penalty so heavy vehicles would sink faster). Simply - we need OXYGEN as much as we don't need BODY ARMOR to survive vehicle sinking. Oxygen level meter would be welcome smile_o.gif if it meets 0, guy start fainting.

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I have one idea - will it be possible to disable vehicle burning and reduce the range of explosion when it falls to the ocean? I find it very funny when tank explodes only because it's sunk. Maybe water shouldn't damage vehicles but disable their engines? So there is ocean of an acid  crazy_o.gif

If that's added then I think it should also apply to vehicles when being shot. Realistically they shouldn't blow up just from bullets. confused_o.gif

Anyways, I tried the beta.

- I didn't notice any improvement in AI, but I'll believe you guys if you say it's there.

- The new grass looks decent except there are random patches that are a darker shade than others. I think it should also be more dense, but that would just hurt performance. Personally I'd prefer the grass from 1.08 because it's matched the forest environment, but since perfomance is an issue for other people I understand and agree that it should have been changed.

- The new recoil is fine. I think that the M4 could use a little bit more though. On the other hand the AK74 is more difficult and could use some balancing.

- My favorite fix is the ugly blue sunset and sunrise that seems to be gone. The sky looks much better and now I don't have to avoid playing missions at certain sunset and sunrise.

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Overall very good patch.

- not good:

lowered sound level inside vehicles is really bad. Now I don't hear the engine of the Abrams, M113, Vulcan or the Russian tanks. Outside it's quite normal, inside as good as not hearable. (Playing with FDF_Sounds 1.3) Why in the world had you changed this, it was working perfectly in 1.08?

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Noticed the PK firing full auto from a prone position drives the barrel down and left. Feels odd, don't know if RL PKs' do that, but thought it should be mentioned.

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BIS Crew,

I want to thank you all for the overhaul that is v1.09 beta. I've gone from running the game on minimum settings, barely able to deal with all the jitters, etc. Now the game runs perfect on max settings. Moving on to the save/load CTD issue, that bug nearly made me give up on ArmA all together. Thank you for squashin that mutha.

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hey im away from town (and my gaming rig) can anyone confirum if the bridge fix is...fixed?

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lowered sound level inside vehicles is really bad. Now I don't hear the engine of the Abrams, M113, Vulcan or the Russian tanks. Outside it's quite normal, inside as good as not hearable. (Playing with FDF_Sounds 1.3)

Sound mods/addons will need re-working by their creators. Giving feedback about issues related to addons/mods really isn't appropriate as BIS cannot be held responsible for what an addon/mod does or does not do.

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I like:-

Increased performence in North Island

Bigger compass

Faster movement with any rocket launcher type weapon

Redone ballistics on weapons(esp the rocket travell speed)

Not dying randomly on bikes

Dont like

Noise reduction in vehicles, only because i use the latest FDF sound pack but meh, i guess FDF will have to fix that themselves

flickering textures

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I just noticed that the muzzle velocity of 5,56 × 45 is 1006 mps in 1.09 instead of 850 mps in 1.08

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There are three, relative simple to fix bugs:

1.) The RACS armoured group (M113 + Troop) has a US M113 after you placed the group. The troop is RACS, the M113 is BLUFOR. First after you clicking on the vehicle to edit it, it will changes to RACS M113.

2.) The objects on the map like a compass or watch cannot be fixed in their position and scaling size. In OFP that was standard.

3.) If you are a group leader and uses the CI to command your group, you press following keys F2~F12(or ^)-7-7. For example: F2-7-7. So you tell to the soldier #2 "crouch". But after you pressing these keys you hear only "two,...." not "two, crouch" or similar. The "crouch" sample is missing.

<span style='color:red'>So. All these bugs were allready known and reported to BIS. And after 5 1/2 Months these bugs and hundrets other small, but annoying bugs cannot be fixed by BIS? Missing sounds or false entries in the config? And what is with the trigger that don´t count the users after boarding of vehicles in trigger range? Exploding Sandbags and exploding vehicles in Water? Real sand doesn´t explodes! And the vehicles sinking on the ground - not exploding in Water. Water is not fire!</span>

No, i am not amuses.

For so long time the changelog must be min. 3x longer that it is. The 1.09 is a littlebit better than older versions - its the sense of "patch" - but it is not enough after so long time.


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There are three, relative simple to fix bugs:

1.) The RACS armoured group (M113 + Troop) has a US M113 after you placed the group. The troop is RACS, the M113 is BLUFOR. First after you clicking on the vehicle to edit it, it will changes to RACS M113.

2.) The objects on the map like a compass or watch cannot be fixed in their position and scaling size. In OFP that was standard.

3.) If you are a group leader and uses the CI to command your group, you press following keys F2~F12(or ^)-7-7. For example: F2-7-7. So you tell to the soldier #2 "crouch". But after you pressing these keys you hear only "two,...." not "two, crouch" or similar. The "crouch" sample is missing.

No, i am not amuses.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but how are those three "bugs" anything other than minor annoyances? Do they somehow impact on the actual running of the game, stability of the game, performance of the game? confused_o.gif Isn't it more important that performance, stability and overall gameplay elements are the fixed things? I'm sorry but if you're really getting angry about such trivial matters you really need to seek help wink_o.gif

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Gold Star for the boys!

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:DarkRed'>Thx for the Xmas pressy BI !</span></span>

Nice work, seems A LOT SMOOTHER.

Better "picture" and slightly improved fps, especially in North. Yes grass etc is a LOT better, and reduced fps effects from it.

Beautiful to cruise around in the air.....

But I don't understand complaints about longer load times ..... to me the times seemed slightly shorter if anything!!

Obviously some people are not happy because their bugs weren't fixed, but as a beta release before xmas, I'm very happy so far.

Merry Christmas to the BI team !!!!

Enjoy your break, and we'll see you for the next instalment wink_o.gif



*note compressed and resized jpg's do the screen no justice.

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Maybe I'm missing something here, but how are those three "bugs" anything other than minor annoyances? Do they somehow impact on the actual running of the game, stability of the game, performance of the game? confused_o.gif Isn't it more important that performance, stability and overall gameplay elements are the fixed things? I'm sorry but if you're really getting angry about such trivial matters you really need to seek help wink_o.gif

You started a feedback thread and feedback was given. Don't disrespect or belittle those who actually point out things that should be fixed in your product when asked to.

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This thread is for feedback on the patch and its changes and the problems it may cause under some circumstances and not the what i still dont like about ArmA thread...

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Yes, and the patch 1.09 is too small and there are over hundred very small but annoying bugs in the game. After over 5 1/2 months i can´t understand why the small changes in the config (M113 etc.) or other light-weigth but very known bugs are still existent. Whats your problem? icon_rolleyes.gif

BTW - one, two three small bugs are not the main issue - but the large crowd of there is a pain in the arse.

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No this thread is for overall feedback of the game once patched up to 1.09 (that criteria is so that we don't get people whining about stuff in 1.00 that was fixed in 1.05 or whatever) The 1.09 is released thread is for specific feedback related to the 1.09 patch (I probably didn't make that clear enough) smile_o.gif

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Overall, I love the patch.

Regarding the new recoil- the recoil seems somewhat light for all weapons now. It's possible to shoot any machinegun now from the standing position now with excellent accuracy and control. While I view the new recoil as an overall improvement, the machineguns in particular now seem to be too powerful. Also, I perceived little difference in my cursory glaze-over between weapon calibers and the way they perform, recoil wise. The .50 cal sniper rifles seem to be able to come back on target VERY fast from a standing position.

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Yes, and the patch 1.09 is too small and there are over hundred very small but annoying bugs in the game. After over 5 1/2 months i can´t understand why the small changes in the config (M113 etc.) or other light-weigth but very known bugs are still existent. Whats your problem? icon_rolleyes.gif

Bugs get prioritised and the most important to the most people get fixed with the time available to fix them, it's that simple. Maybe you think too little was done in too much time, but you're not involved with the running and organisation of a game development company so your opinion can never be based on full and appropriate information, not your fault of course, just a fact of life smile_o.gif

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Yes, and the patch 1.09 is too small and there are over hundred very small but annoying bugs in the game. After over 5 1/2 months i can´t understand why the small changes in the config (M113 etc.) or other light-weigth but very known bugs are still existent. Whats your problem? icon_rolleyes.gif

BTW - one, two three small bugs are not the main issue - but the large crowd of there is a pain in the arse.

My problem, lets not get this personal again, shall we?

You should know best how hard it can be to make something and get it bug free as you made some huge missions that needed a lot of time to becoem as good as bug free.

So what do you think how much work it is to get a game bug free?

Also what do you think how much priority you can give little bugs if each day of working on a patch costs you lot of money and manpower that you could use for other projects while you dont earn anythign from the patches.

Seriously, i can play ArmA without problems with this patch and i dont get why every time huge things get fixed we need to dig out the tiny things again.

Ok that M113 example indeed should be fixed but like Placebo said it isnt something that really affects the playability of the game.


Btw, wouldnt mind talking to you on ICQ again if you want, or are you still mad about that "red crow" disaster? :/

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Not a major issue but something I noticed. When a DC-3 hits an AH-1 with full force the DC-3 explodes and the AH-1 loses its tail-rotor... thats it.... just its tail-rotor. Don't ask how I found this out. I also replicated it a few times. Hell you don't even have to fix it its fun to do. Not to mention the probability of this being a problem in any mission is quite small. An Ah-1 flying into an Ah-1 takes them both out still so I think its a minor issue with the DC-3.

I am liking the patch. Im having a few minor problems but I think I just need to tweak my graphics a bit.

Good job BIS.

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The thing i more like on this patch is that ArmA is more fluid, less graphic lag. More smooth. I can add more ViewDistance without losing much performance.

I really thank BIS for that. One of the most importand aspects in this game is how smooth we can play it the better.

I really dont know where they improved the Ai behavior.. to me they still act dumb. 5m from the enemy in the desert and they pass by without firing (strange).

I have not tested much but i have to say that i still dont like the recoils. No difference from prone and standup pos. And looks like there are no recoil at all.

In M1a1 when we fire a sabot and the projectile hit the ground looks like we fired a rock. I know they said explosion of sabot changed but that looks extreme. some times i cant even see where the sabot hits.. no smoke no explosion.. nothing.

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The texture loading bug got even worse for me with this patch. confused_o.gif

Using a AGP 7600 GT 256 MB

When I turn around in northern villages houses appear untextured and stay like that for quite a while. Same with trees. I also have a new effect when looking at wrecked vehicles, specifically trucks for now. First the look ok, next when I zoom in the switch back to undamaged texture and after a while switch back to damaged texture. Same with using scope.

Lowered my overall settings but still much more LOD delay than with 1.08 confused_o.gif

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- Is the compass supposed to be that size(close to the eye)?

How is that a negative feature?

It wasn't really meant as negative.

More like: "Is it a bug or a feature?"

I like it that way too.

MfG Lee xmas_o.gif

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