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Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

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I know it has been fixed, but didnt know how it's called, thnx anyway. But wanted to talk you about something, so reply pm if have time.

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Nice job implementing the GRAA mod system. Looking forward to the release.

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If you had read the previous posts by me in this topic you would understand that the laptop I am using to post from cannot handle more than a certain length on a post before it wont allow me to edit it thereby making it so i have to doublepost. Big Rooney any chance of including M16A2 for US National Guard units ? Also T-72B with era is commonly reffered to as T-72B1. Also how would we enable and disable the new options for 1.1 ? Good Luck and Best Wishes with this mod.

Most Army National guard units get issued M4 carbines in 5.56mm, with PQ2s, Aimpoints/Eotechs combos. I still see M16A2 ans A4s but usualy carried by rear end units most front line units get fully equiped due to complaints about being not getting the propor gear to combat the enemy. Even replaced all our old M1114A1s with M1151 humvess. New nomex protection systems the the next gen IBA body armor.

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Why don't we let Big Rooney finish this mod, instead of asking for all these never ending cosmetic texture changes! Otherwise it will be another year before its out!!!

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Lol yeah last request from me, see if you can get the sky from the ffur mods. I love the shine the lighting gives on the tanks and soldiers.

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Eddie is right.

Here stops requesting. We want this mod, don't we?

So now let BigRooney just finish it in peace and quiet.

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Exactly, ive noticed all that Universal does is request and request, in the amount of time he has done all the requesting he could have made his own mod.

Let Big Rooney finish it smile_o.gif

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Haha nice notice lol


"I don't know what weapons will be used in World War III, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein

Correct it...

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Hey everyone.

Thanks for the continued support for this project. The final bugs and enhancements are being taken care of as I speak. Unfortunately the new option system has made the mod completely unplayable in multi-player mode. However A new config is being designed to remove options and some effects to make multi-player more stable and playable.

As the release gets closer I must inform you that the new release will be conducted in two stages.

1st: The main pack will be released to correct major errors, add some units and correct some models.

2nd: A patch will be released to add more to the mod and fix any errors that may arise after the full pack release.

As the Javelin is a main talking point, Here are some pics of its new capabilities.





Quote[/b] ]Hell yeah, BigRooney nice to hear some news.

Thanks, Nice to post some.

Quote[/b] ]simply awesome.

Thanks for the kind words.

Quote[/b] ]but what is the difference between MCM(or BIS) and FDF recoil??

FDF Recoil is a little stronger than the recoil that is the mod at the moment.

Quote[/b] ]definitely looking forward to the new release as well.
Thanks. Hopefully not long now.
Quote[/b] ]I must admit I dont know much about this mod - are there going to be any ACU units, or is this set in the early 2000s?

It's as Modern as I can get it. The U.S. Army will be total ACU unless you enable the BDU option. (For those who dislike the ACU.)

Quote[/b] ]Ok now for BOH LMAT I clicked on the tank and got a lock on and then fired the missile straight at it and then it before it reached it used top attack.

What unit is this weapon available with. I can't find any effect like this. I've tried all the infantry units with AT weapons and nothing. Just straight firing missiles.

Quote[/b] ]On another note Big Rooney BobCatt has a BTR-80A finished and a BTR-90 close to finished I believe.

Will look into it after main pack release.

Quote[/b] ]-enable or disable slx effects for those who have an ancient computer like mine

-enable or disable that fortification script that makes ai take cover in buildings. Playing the BIS campaign will make it silly.

-Give options for the crosshairs. Some people like me prefer the original bis crosshairs. Others like the ffur one it be nice if u put this option down.

-Give option for smoke caused by an explosion. I dont like the slx smoke too much i feel it's not very realistic and prefer the traditional bis smoke. give an option for that too help with performance too.

- SLX effects can be disabled or enabled by simply editing the SLX_GL3_Settings file and setting your preference.

- This script has been disabled because it made the AI behave strangely.

- Will try to introduce such option.

- Will also try to introduce this as well.

Quote[/b] ]but the didn't this and an enemy saw me and killed a lot of us...and the tank wasn't destroied...did you fixed this bug?

Indeed. The Resistance forces now destroy the T-80 and the mission continues as it does. The latest SLX is 1.1 found Here.

Quote[/b] ]Big Rooney any chance of implementing TX_UTILS

At the moment I haven't got time to implement this scripting system. Also it may not be frame-rate friendly and the SLX scripts already make a frame-rate hit themselves.

Quote[/b] ]how about adding radio chatter on the vehicles as a finishing touch

I can't really find any radio chatter to put into the game and frame-rates are also an issue. Although it would be a small frame-rate hit.

Quote[/b] ]I love the shine the lighting gives on the tanks and soldiers.

This is not the sky its the Materials section in the config. In my mind its a bit too extensive. The shine in the mod at the moment is adequate.

Kind regards to all. Big-Rooney

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Quote[/b] ]1st: The main pack will be released to correct major errors, add some units and correct some models.

Will be there your new ORCS-based BMP2 and Grey CH46? If I remember correctly you've been asking is there any CH46 for OFP. Did you found and retextured any? smile_o.gif

Anyway, great job. Thanks for keeping ofp and community alive. wink_o.gif

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Thanks for the news on the updates Big Rooney . I hope you fixed the problem with the civilian zil (solution was stated on page 28 by me) and I really do hope that you will consider the T-72B(M) 1990 in the release of 1.1 . Other than that Im eagerely awaiting and quiet as a bunny (might want to check javelin damage because a single javelin round destroying a T-90A Vladimir dunno seems farfetched) wink_o.gif

PS: as always recheck and check my posts as they may have been edited.

Proud to help such an excellent mod , Big Rooney you're continued support of OFP and excellent mods just makes me smile smile_o.gif.

Quote[/b] ]

Big Rooney what I have always wanted to see for flashpoint made was the T-72B (mod 1990). Its a widely used modernized T-72B and has T-90 style ERA. To make it you should probably modify ORCS T-90 and add 2 kontakt-5 blocks (1 per side) and remove shtora and add T-72 front light. T-90 has 3 blocks per side while T-72B Mod 1990 has 4 and no SHTORA.




Quote[/b] ]What unit is this weapon available with. I can't find any effect like this. I've tried all the infantry units with AT weapons and nothing. Just straight firing missiles.

I swear I remember it was for the BOH type 01 lmat at soldier. I fired the missile (after locking on to the t-90) and fired straight then when it almost was near it it went up at 45 degrees then down at 45 degrees. I played it with BOH 1.46 bugfix but it is possible I may have been also playing it with also FFUR-85-SLX.

PPPS: Big Rooney after MCM-SLX will you turn to ArmA or make a cold war (1989 ish) mod like MCM-SLX?

PPPPS: Missile ammos etc... (as seen in screenshot missile is called Javelin but it should be called FGM-148 (actual missile ammo) and same goes for others.

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Big Rooney small point of mine I wanted to make. After watching some russian films I saw that mostly the officers wear a camouflage similar to American BDU but dont have fancy body armour and just plain BDU cap maybe this could also be implemented to supplement the russian officers ?

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Quote[/b] ](might want to check javelin damage because a single javelin round destroying a T-90A Vladimir dunno seems farfetched)

Well, it's not true, javelin point is not to destroy tanks, when it's close to target first damage is taken on main armors and then second gets into tank and kills crew with extreme atmosphere.

I dont know how strong T-90A is but even if Javelin can't break into it, it's sure that it's not able to fight after such a damage.


I am waiting for main version to report some buggs nener.gif

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Quote[/b] ](might want to check javelin damage because a single javelin round destroying a T-90A Vladimir dunno seems farfetched)

Well, it's not true, javelin point is not to destroy tanks, when it's close to target first damage is taken on main armors and then second gets into tank and kills crew with extreme atmosphere.

I dont know how strong T-90A is but even if Javelin can't break into it, it's sure that it's not able to fight after such a damage.


I am waiting for main version to report some buggs nener.gif

Javlins knock out any tank currently in use. A tank gets hit by one, it is out of action untill it is towed away and repaired off field, unless the ammo/fuel cook off. Will be like this untill at least 2015.

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You must remember that we are talking about "Relikt" ERA not Kontakt-5 era. Relikt is superior to Kontakt-5 and is used on T-90A. I'm not gonna start an argument discussion over this because facts are facts and dont even mention Iraqi tanks getting destroyed by javelins rofl.gif

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correct me if i wrong,

as far as i know that why javelin gets one-hit-kill to any tank because of the projectile targeting mechanism is programmed to have impact point at the topside of the turret (mostly have thin armor and close to the tank's ammo storage). don't know if It penetrate or explode on contact and shredding the inner armor (with the passengers too biggrin_o.gif)

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Well Big-Rooney don't let us wait too long.

As far as I remember Javelin has two attack mods: direct and top. penetration is about 600mm.

T-90s protection are:

conventional armour plating



NBC protection equipment.

(Universal would be nice if you link your findings here)

It's an arms race and nobody can't say exactly what is in research & development.

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Quote[/b] ]As far as I remember Javelin has two attack mods: direct and top. penetration is about 600mm.

T-90s protection are:

conventional armour plating



NBC protection equipment.

(Universal would be nice if you link your findings here)

It's an arms race and nobody can't say exactly what is in research & development.

T-90 has ceramic armour in addition to conventional armour plating and so does T-90A but the ERA is kontakt-5. Below is armouring of T-90 (first is against Kinetic rounds , then second is against Tandem/Conventional). Relikt is being considered for application on modernizing T-72 and T-80 variants (small correction)

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">http://btvt.narod.ru/4/t-90_v_strou.htm

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Don't be angry on universal, he's sometimes just overpowering Russian technology.

Umm.... remember, one Javelin missile costs 40,000$, tanks cost like tens of millions, always we can shoot 2 javelins if 1 is not enought, 80,000 vs 10,000,000 is good for us, isn't it? ^^


Translate this site properly(cause google trans s*cks) and we will be happy xP


In which program I can open SLX_GL3_Settings ?

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You must remember that we are talking about "Relikt" ERA not Kontakt-5 era. Relikt is superior to Kontakt-5 and is used on T-90A. I'm not gonna start an argument discussion over this because facts are facts and dont even mention Iraqi tanks getting destroyed by javelins  rofl.gif

Have you seen this "Relikt" armour resisting a Javelin attack? Didnt think so. I think that, in the absence of real life knowledge, that Russian claims about their "uber-armour" should be taken with a pinch of salt. On a more pragmatic level - I think for the sake of balance that the Heavy AT weapons such as RPG-29 and Javelin should be one-shot-kill to prevent tanks overpowering infantry. Besides, there are reports of the RPG-29 penetrating the front armour of a Challenger 2 in Iraq, Im sure the more sophisticated Javelin would be just as capable.

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Quote[/b] ]Don't be angry on universal, he's sometimes just overpowering Russian technology.

No I don't. I only state what is true and nothing else. RPG-29 was introduced into service before Javelin. Read this : http://russianarmor.info/Tanks/TRIALS/19991020.html wink_o.gif.

Edit: Big Rooney maybe you can implement the KORNET just make a duplicate of the KONKURS-M rocket and call it 9M133 Kornet

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kornet) and have both East and Rebels to posses it along with Rebels having KONKURS-M. War Games League (WGL) has a KONKURS-M possibly retextured or reskinned and its called a 9M133 Kornet. [in the absence of an actual KORNET model , which I believe was never released/made].

&Thought: maybe Big Rooney you could edit both KONKURS model and AT-7 (dkm) to make the Konkurs huh.gif &

And please give Russia/Rebels the AT-7 Saxhorn , and the AT-13 Saxhorn-2 (all from DKM AT-7 model).

I hope thats not much to ask. notworthy.gif

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and yet both have different effects RPG as it sounds throws an explosive meant to destroy the tank while the javelin's target is the crew not the tank.

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I'm sorry for this stupid question but is a curiosity: did you see that something, in the ffsx85 you are hit, the character drops down and he roll himself for the pain..then, after some seconds, he takes the weapon and he can restart to fight...is a nice realism sensation and if you didn't insert it in SLX, I can say you to add it....I love the realism (mmmh....I think that I'm going to be crazy rofl.gifyay.gif )

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