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About six6six

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  1. six6six

    ww4 anims beta

    Would it be possible to have 2 things? 1. Russian soldiers in fur greatcoats like in CoD4 Link 2. To have webbing like the soldier closest to us.
  2. six6six

    ww4 anims beta

    What are the name of the optics. I tried to find them in the config, but I cant find where you actually configged the weapons.
  3. six6six

    ww4 anims beta

    2 things. 1. Can we make sure that line riflemen have 6/7 mags on them, as its a roughly realistic load and it means you dont run out of ammo too quickly. 2, Are you going to do any sort of British DPM? (not a request, just wondering)
  4. six6six

    ww4 anims beta

    I actually meant the soldier model names.
  5. six6six

    ww4 anims beta

    1. Can you change the aiDispersionCoefx and aiDispersionCoefy to something around 7, from the originl 1ish? This is what FFUR and WGL have and it makes the AI soldiers inaccurate (but not overly so), while leaving realistic accuracies for the weapons. 2. Eventually, can we have a list of the names of the models, to make it easier to do config replacements for personal use?
  6. six6six

    ww4 anims beta

    Can one of the East Corps have an AN94? There is only 1 I have found for OFP, and its not the greatest looking weapon mod ever.
  7. six6six

    CiA co-op night

    What sky is that in your pic?
  8. six6six

    Second Barrel

    Is it possible to make the second muzzel for a weapon a laser designator? I mean the muzzel usually used for a grenadelauncher, could it be configged into a laser designator?
  9. Id like to use the larger explosions from the COC 1.1 155mm artillery on laser guided bombs, just to improve how it looks, and make it look more realistic, but I cant get my head around the drop command. I also dont know how to make it so that it generates the smoke when the LGB detonates. Can someone help?
  10. six6six

    CiA co-op night

    Well on Sunday I had no problems with a different anim pack, and on one mission I got around 20 infantry kills, so I think it just detects that on your computer you got a hit and sends that to the server, or something like that.
  11. six6six

    CiA co-op night

    Is it possible to use different anims without crashing the server? I say this because the standard flashpoint ones are horrible to look at, and dont feel right.
  12. six6six

    CiA co-op night

    Hey, here is a quick preview pic of a mission I am starting for you to play, named FOB Richard (need a better name for the FOB atm, so if you have one, suggest it.), and yes, I did build that base from scratch. http://i278.photobucket.com/albums....MG]
  13. six6six

    CiA co-op night

    Here are all the screen shots I took at last nights game. I had great fun last night. http://s278.photobucket.com/albums....h%20oct
  14. six6six

    CiA co-op night

    Ill play it. Ive played missions like that a while ago, and it was good fun.
  15. six6six

    WGL 5.12

    What happened to this. I went online both before and at the designated time, but there was noone on.