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Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

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Kinda wondered why Ah64 crews man the blackhawks. The should be the guys wearing the helmets without the moving eye monical. Laser made some along with AH64 crewmen. The eye peice is slaved to the Ah64 gunsight system for the eye piece hud. The wear the SH-54 helmet usually in blackhawks. Should try and get more radio chatter for the vehicles its, literly radio chatter from the Vietnam war. Kinda funny when there are frefrance to _charlie_ on the comset when we called the russains Crazy Ivan or the Reds.. Kinda diffcult to get chatter that fits seeing that there was no actual exchange with Russain or US forces other than durring the Kosivo disaster. Kinda noticed a issue one of the cut sceen for I think everon the 2 PT-76s and UAZ are operated by US troops instead of russains.. Think all the weapon bugs have been reported, The russain shotguns also lack ammo in a lot of missions.

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News and new screenshots coming very soon. Within the next 24 hours.

Thanks for the patience and please don't spam the thread. The Mod's might close it.

Thanks, Big-Rooney

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Excellent Big Rooney the suspense is almost as they say "killing me". Will you also display a changes/features/new units log ?

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Excellent Big Rooney the suspense is almost as they say "killing me". Will you also display a changes/features/new units log ?

I will indeed display a full list of everything that is included/change and enhanced within the coming 24 hours.

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Hey All

As I stated not so long ago, I'm here with a small update on the status of the mod. This will be may last major progress report before I release the v1.1 full pack.

All of your most recent reports have also been taken into account any bugs will be fixed. These are just the pick of the bugs found and eliminated.




- U.S. Soldier Models Incorrect Model Names.

- U.S. Special Forces Incorrect Textures/Model Names.

- U.S. Soldiers Head Definition Errors.

- U.S. Marines Selections Errors.

- Russian UAZ MG Cargo Proxy Error.

- Several Units Names Were Incorrect.

- Weapon & Magazine Pictures Errors.




- AH-64 Model Changed To AH-64D Model From Franze AH-64 Pack.

- AH-1 Model Changed To AH-64A Model From Franze AH-64 Pack.

- UH-60 Models Changed To MH-60 Models From Ballistic Addon Studios MH-60 Pack.

- BMP-1 And BMP-2 Models Changed To Models From CSLA.

- T-55 (Russian) Model Changed To T-55AWV Model From Red Hammer Studios T55 Pack.

- T-55 (Rebel) Model Changed To T-55A (FIA) Model From Red Hammer Studios T55 Pack.




- US Winter BDU Soldiers No Longer Available.

- All U.S. Soldiers Carring M16A2 Are Now Issued With The M16A4 To Comply With The M16A2 Being Phased Out Of Service.

- Anti-Material Weapons Are Now More Powerful Against Vehicles And Light Armor.

- New Sounds For A More Realisic Combat Feel.

- Several Scripts Have Been Enhanced To Change The Feel Of The Game (Main Gun Recoil, Shockdust, Smoke Backblast etc).

- New GUI Elements Including A New GUI Main Menu Screen And Loading Screen, New Intro Movie On Startup.

- New Readme Detailing The Entire Update Of Mod Version To v1.1.






- MH-6.

- AH-6.

- AH-64D (Hellfires, Rockets).

- AH-64A (Hellfires, Rockets).



- MT-LB (Standard, Repair, Ambulance).

- SA-13.

- T-62M1.

- T-62MV.

- T-72A.

- T-72B.

- T-72B (ERA).

- T-80UD.

- T-80UM.

- Su-24.



- Russian Rebels (Men, Armor, Vehicles).

- MT-LB (Standard, Repair, Ambulance).

- T-72A (Rebel).

- T-72B (Rebel)

- ZSU-23-4M3 (Rebel).




- Local Military Forces.

- USMC LAV-25 (Anti-Air).




- ORCS Development Studios: For Thier BMP Pack And Weapons.

- CSLA Mod: For The BMP's And Desert Vehicles I'm Trying To Get In With Some Middle Eastern Extremists.

- Red Hammer Studios: For Their T-55, T-72, T-80 Packs.

- Ballistic Addon Studios: For Thier MH-60 Pack And Littlebird Addons.

- Franze & xNodUnitx: For The AH-64A And AH-64D Models.

- ORCS/Spetz Natz Mod: For Their ZSU-23-4 Pack.

- Sebastian Muller & Marfy: For Their MT-LB Pack And SA-13.

- Universal: For All The Help With Realism And Some Good Model Addition Suggestions.

- The Community: For All The Bugs Reports That Were Kept Nice And Simple, And Of Course The Support ;] Thanks Guys :]

The New BMP Models From The CSLA Mod.


Russian General.


Russian Rebel Mi8.


Russian Convoy (T-72B, T-72B (ERA), T-62M1).


Russian Su-24.

U.S. Army Special Ops Sniper (Anti-Material).

U.S. Special Forces (New Visual Layout).

U.S. Marines Special Ops.

As I stated above this is my last major report before the release so I mean it this time that I will be releasing the mod soon.

Thanks for the patience and understanding.

Cheers Big-Rooney.

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Very nice Im hoping to be able to download this and play it soon smile_o.gif

Is this the complete readme ?

Marine Special forces last one looks like he has mixed MARPAT and BDU is this correct ?

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finally, some news at last biggrin_o.gif

btw, is it MCM patch or MCM new release?

*mr.guba looks awesome in there! rofl.gif

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Quote[/b] ]This will be may last major progress report before I release the v1.1 full pack.

Supposed to be full new MCM-Mod! Hopefully bugs will be very little and not disturbing gameplay (custom) campaigns, missions and atmosphere.

btw is this ticking digital satchel still in? Stealth mission and suddenly noise - *tickticktick wink_o.gif

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Hi Big Rooney,

I also hope the FIA and Resistance vehicles from CSLA can be incorporated in future releases along with the BMP-2 turreted BMP-3 etc.... Now for bottom post I think either CSLA (ACR) or american BDU fits best for Independent forces uniform. Su-25 for Independent forces would be SU-25K (export version of SU-25). Also interesting idea you could use a SU-27 model and make a clone of it as the SU-35 (russia operates su-35) and it would definitely have AA-12 adder missiles capability and be able to carry it (scars su-30 has aa-12 missiles). I also hope that the Independent forces BMP-1 is not the BMP-1P but the at-3 sagger version (malyutka) and that the independent forces still have the BMP-2 as well (with and without sideskirts , and for bmp-1 as well with/without sideskirts versions/variants).

Like I said before variants are very important (ex with different camouflage/without camouflage , repair/ambulance/support etc...... (for trucks etc...) , with side skirts or without , different weapon configurations/armanent loadouts for vehicles/aircraft/helicopters etc....)

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Hi Big Rooney,

The russian airforce su-24's are actually SU-24M2 while the export version (for the rebels in this case) would be SU-24MK. The rebels should actually be called Independent Forces because the Resistance is not just a simple partizan army but a full fledged military force. T-55AMW is incorrect should be T-55AMV (in russian it is T-55AMB). Now since you gave both sides the MT-LB how about giving them the ZU-23 variant mounted ontop of it as well ?

Now for T-62 I believe you forgot the T-62A (slat armour) as it is a common sight to see in Chechnya. Oh no but no T-64BV (with and without skirts) ? (rhs had a t-64 pack and a patch for it 0.96 ?). Also please keep the su-39 but call it the su-25tm (its proper designation).

Now what I have always wondered was what kind of camouflage /uniforms the independent forces would have. I was thinking along the lines the camouflage/uniforms from the CSLA (ACR army of czech republic ) modern ones or the old american BDU. You could even give them russian camouflage for a COD 4 style theme.

I hope you take into consideration all of my suggestions for the future releases of MCM-SLX. I thank you again for you're hard work and for putting me in credits wink_o.gif

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Big-Rooney, I hope you will concider these changes also! A couple quickly came to mind-

A- Please check the C-Rations for American Forces. Especially those that contain the "Alphabet Soup" This soup has been recalled because it is missing the letter "H"

B-Please add more spitshine to the boots of the USMC. We REAL Marines wouldn't be caught dead with boots that are as dirty as what we have seen!

C-Should concider lowering the ammo amount in all T62's. When in combat, they usually don't last long eough to get off one round anyway!

D-And lastly, I hope you would add two different heads to the officers models. One normal size, and one huge mother of all heads! When their ego's kick-in, their heads swell to the size of watermellons! Would be a nice realistic touch I think!

If I can think of any other nonessential items to add, I'll let you know! I appreciate what you are doing, and hope to see this mod out by at least Christmas Day, in 2009!!! biggrin_o.gif

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C - No , use the default ammo loadout and settings provided by RHS. Lowering the ammo will cause the realism to be lost in the t-62.

D - I won't even comment.

Also I will reduce some of my suggestions from the previous posts (such as no mi-28a for independent forces etc...)to make for much better realism but ive been wondering how about giving Bambi's BlackOp's for the Independent Forces Special Forces along with Independent forces having Marines and Airborne?

AFAIR from previous patches (1.05 ?) you added the BMD-3 and BMD-4 (BMD-3M) but I remember that they werent selectable in editor is this fixed now ?

I also hope the T-62 for Independent Forces is now changed to normal T-62A and not the T-62 FIA BEAR/FOX. Big Rooney the T-72A in Independent Force usage would be called the T-72M/M1 while the T-72B would be called T-72M1M and Russian T-72B with era should just be called T-72B (Kontakt-1). T-80UM is incorrect should be T-80U (Mod/Obr. 1992)

I hope there's more in 1.1 because from reading the updates seems a bit on the light side from all this time the new pack has been worked on but im still looking forward to enjoying it.

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Universal, remember what you said about stopping suggestions till after the mod was released?

@Eddie01: rofl.gif

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Yes hmm you are right but I have always wondered what the best uniform/camouflage should be for the Independent forces but if you look the suggestions in my previous posts are actually from more previous posts except the Independent Forces uniform/camouflage. You might say I got pre-release jitters sad_o.gif

Also Big Rooney AT-5 should be for Independent forces as well (used by Iraqi insurgents etc...). Thats a small correction on my part. Btw here's filefront link for su-34 (Thanks Zuku1) http://dodownload.filefront.com/9672761....b380d78

SA-13 should be used by both Russia/OPFOR and Independent Forces.

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I don't know why near the verge of release people are still throwing out ideas of what to add or change. icon_rolleyes.gif

Quote[/b] ]As I stated above this is my last major report before the release so I mean it this time that I will be releasing the mod soon.

I picture playing with the new release Saturday morning. We'll see if Big Rooney will make my dream come true. thumbs-up.gif

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I dont know why women and hating games , ofp etc.... have such a common relationship ?

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jealous - we spend hours with computers and not with them.

Can't figure that one out !


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