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Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

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I dont agree with you're views Vultar on these: Knife, Fist, Shovel, Axe (you also forgot Bayonet and a few others).

I believe they should be kept in the game and they only add realism. I have been in close quarters fights and where the enemy is clearing houses and the close quarter weapons mentioned above saved my skin especially when I wanted to save my ammo or practically didnt have much ammo left.

Hey, I havent said that I want to kick them out of game, I wanted to say that I would love to make Crouched Walk position unhearable for bots.

Universal, just an off topic question, have you ever been in battle?

Don't take this question anyhow bad, I'm just interested.

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No I have not been deployed to Chechnya and wont be (more for MVD) , but I've took part in "mock battles" as per training and wargames and really when I was saying close quarter fights I was referring to MCM/OFP not real life (leave it to the OMON and VITYAZ :P).

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"thanks god"... here I agree with you...

One man in past said "The person who trully wants to go to war, haven't trully been there before"

You know I am only 15 years old and I am 'a person who wants' xD

In my country training is necessary.

But it's offtop.


I want AV-8B in MCM! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

And maybe F117 should got other arms, I think would be better to have about 20 bombs instead of those 2 GBU to be able to do carpet bombing.

And maybe some talibian bestards?

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Hey everyone.

Not long now I promise! Just fixing some last minute things and reading over the config and resource files to make sure theres no major gameplay interrupting errors or any at all really (I hope).

I'll post some nice screens prior to the release, anything anyone would like to see in a nice picture.

Quote[/b] ]just make sure you maintain the stability on the mod to keep framerate and cpu friendly like the present version...

Will try, It seems to be running very nicely. I'm running an old system by today's standards and it works great.

Quote[/b] ]Hey Big-Rooney how about increasing sounds for heavy weapons?

I think of got a good mix of sounds now.

Quote[/b] ]Ok, I mean that AI when spotted an enemy should get behind something like sand bag or wall, lean or crouch and then shoot. One word: TAKE COVER!!! : D

Ok, The AI will take cover if fired upon. They will duck if suppressed. But they can't lean or roll and will crouch into grass or behind something (sometimes).

Quote[/b] ]'2, fire at enemy position 1 o'clock'

For realism purposes this will be changed to fire at Enemy Contact with the radio call for contact.

Quote[/b] ]-(Desert) Sniper (Anti-Material) does not work

-I think that US Army and USMC are using Barrett M107 from 2005, not M82...

-I am really sad that in Menu there can be Russian Theme but there is no USA Theme, Im not american but I think it's dishonest.

-The Menu Intro about US camp with some hummers, trucks and russian specnaz blowing them in hell is a bit buggy.

-I think that the Knife, Fist, Shovel, Axe are useless, because there's no way to sneak to an enemy. Of course we can play rambo jumping from buildings and killing with knife(I love it XDD) but it's no the point of game xP

-I think my post is too long and make some laggs... j/k xP

-About draggin bodies, I know its vehicle engine but I heard some funny things:

4, DRIVER, get in Dragging Body.


4: fuel low.

1: Fixed, Thanks for noticing.

2: Will rename to M107, can't change the model though.

3: There is now two different intros with cool songs from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Staind.

4: That intro movie has been removed.

5: The Knifes serve there purpose, the AI is good with them a close range. You can disable any SLX feature you wish by editing the SLX_GL3_Settings file in the main Mod folder.

6: It not too long.

7: OFP engine limitation. The dragging vehicles is simulated as a car so the AI thinks its actually a car.

Quote[/b] ]I would suggest adding the T-72B (orcs t-72 pack)

Will look into added them also.

Quote[/b] ]Also T-55 with era is properly designated: T-55MV or T-55AMV (from russian to english).

Sorry missed typed the title over the picture, It is AMV in-game.

Quote[/b] ]Something is wrong with recoil, instead of hiting soldier in arm it goes forward

This varies from human model, cause there is no head mod in first person view just a small dot where the player looks from, the recoil can look very strange, also if look into the sky with your weapon you'll notice your arms are about twice as long as they should be.

Quote[/b] ]will be good if it can take out light vehicles such as jeeps or trucks in 2 or 3 shots...just like the true Anti-Material..

I may increase the its hitting power.

Quote[/b] ]Hey, I havent said that I want to kick them out of game, I wanted to say that I would love to make Crouched Walk position unhearable for bots.

Unfortunately that would be hard to do as the AI use very sensitive sensitivity control to detect enemy presence.

Quote[/b] ]No I have not been deployed to Chechnya thank god

I didn't know you were in the Russian Army. Explains why you know all the designations for the vehicles.

Regards, Big-Rooney

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smile_o.gif Big Rooney the news brings tears to my eyes , playing 1.1 will be like gazing upon and touching a masterpiece.

Big Rooney If I may mention can yuo consider adding the RPG-27 for both the rebels/resistance and the Russian side. You could simply use a rpg-26 model from orcs rpg pack and clone it and call it a rpg-27 while still having/being able to use rpg-26 as well. I have also seen rebels using the rpg-27 but in less quantities than the rpg-29 because of higher costs (can you believe a rpg-29 costs less than an rpg-27 :O))

Also I may have mentioned it before but for russian motorized infantry we have RPO-SHMEL. Maybe you can add that (use a rpg-18 model from orcs rpg pack).


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"I'll post some nice screens prior to the release, anything anyone would like to see in a nice picture."

Yay! I want to see Airforce fight.

"Patch 1,1"

I'm not sure why it's 1,1 because I'm playing 1,2 already xD

About loading screen. In 1,0 there's guy with javelin, 1,2 guy looking at Rus camp. I would like to see something which can be admired. Like a photoshop-improved Urban Assault, or a beautiful landscape, is it possible or I mentioned about it too late?


Another daily report ; )

Today about animations, Hummer with M240's shooter got different animation, ok, but we can't know if he's dead or not. Aftter dying animation doesn't change.

Well, I was playing with station M2, shooting to urals and then?

Poor rebels had bug when died.

I've placed screen shot of poor rebels Here

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Hi Big Rooney,

Have you eliminated the pause between one command before the other command goes and another in lets say squads etc... because it is very annoying and doesnt really help in a firefight.

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Hah I was flying SU-39 ingame and landing reminded me of my old flight simulations

"Red Jets" with Russian jets from old MiGs to the newer SUs

"F-16 Agressor" with F-16 of course

I see that in MCM when rocket is coming plane is dropping craft, but is it possible to hear alarm also? It's not necessary ofc, I could say 'very little element' but would with future upgrades it will took real flight simulation to ofp ^^

Btw. I love landing system in SU-39, it's just dream to land... I landed today 30 times and I dont have enought (1 crash crazy_o.gif )


Groar... Javelin have difficult to destroy targets from more than 300m... And If I try to use top-attack it can't kill anything just miss like 20m+ always.

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Quote[/b] ]I think that the Knife, Fist, Shovel, Axe are useless, because there's no way to sneak to an enemy.
I managed to kill an enemy with a shovel during a mission where I had ran out of ammunition. The enemy was firing at other friendlies and I was able to sneak up and kill him with the shovel.

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Hey All.

Really soon the new pack will be released, just got the new config options done. There from the GRAA mod my Sanctuary. They allow to to change the Animations, safe Animations, AT stances, running with AT weapon, crouch actions, leaning, 3rd person view, field of view and many other things.

F-15C battles with Su-33.


Russian Spetz Natz with new weapons.


Russian Mi-24P takes off with ZSU-23-4M3 guarding airspace.


AH-64D (16 Hellfires) engages Russian tanks.


AH-64A (4 Rocket Pods) targets enemy positions.


Quote[/b] ]BOH has implemented that top attack option for the LMAT atgw.

I didn't see any such ability with that weapon when recently played the BOH mod.

Quote[/b] ]Also I may have mentioned it before but for russian motorized infantry we have RPO-SHMEL. Maybe you can add that (use a rpg-18 model from orcs rpg pack).

Check on both requests.

Quote[/b] ]but is it possible to hear alarm also?

Didn't even realize that. Thanks for spotting.

Quote[/b] ]Groar... Javelin have difficult to destroy targets from more than 300m...

Will attempt to find a solution to that problem. Thanks for reporting.

Quote[/b] ]The enemy was firing at other friendlies and I was able to sneak up and kill him with the shovel.

useful aren't they. Good for CQB engagements.

Best Regards All,


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Looking good Big R. I can't wait for the final relase yay.gif

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Looking good Big R. I can't wait for the final relase yay.gif

Where did you pop out from, Haven't heard from you in a while, Anyway the release is very close. It kind of annoying when you find some bugs just as your about to upload. But I'm sure I've found em all this time.

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Excellent Big Rooney , especially loving those Spetsnaz. I remember that FFUR-SLX 2.0/2.5 had the General Guba replaced by a more modern Russian general in russian camouflage can this be done ?.

Also I certainly have mentioned this before but any chance of OMON/VITYAZ (rhs) and possibly FSB ?

Also excellent idea to add AH-64A I was gonna say that but you read my mind.

I think that in addition to Beryusa's guarding the airspace the Tunguska 2S6M1(2K22M1) so thats the proper designation for current vehicles.

If its no problem can we some some resistance screenshots (armour , aircraft etc...)?

Edit:check this topic for additional spetsnaz equipment (good choices on weaponry for spetsnaz [they seem to use a mix of gp-25 and gp-30] :


(http://vityaz.sensey.ru/pics/130.jpg) 6G30/RG-6 grenade launcher in VITYAZ use.

Eagerely awaiting the next release smile_o.gif

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It is common to see spetsnaz with aks-74 (w and w/o gp-25/gp-30 and ak-74m (w and w/o gp-25/gp-30 and sights) but you can also see anti-terror units and mvd spetsnaz using ak-103's , an-94 etc...) along with certain GRU spetsnaz units and please dont forget to give them sights for the weapons as options smile_o.gif

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Hey Rooney, Mod's lookin great.

No need to change the model of the m82, as the m107 is an m82a1. the original xm107 was scraped by the army cause they didn't see the need for a bolt action rifle. instead they changed the designation of the m82a1 to the m107. and the USMC uses the m82a3. There supposedly going to have the new m107's fully issued by the end of the year.

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Thoughd id ask Big Rooney but any chance of including a config where if players wanted to they can reenable slx ai manouvers et. al.

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|]) @ ! l_ Y R 3 P 0 R 7

-F-15 arms are not disapearing after shoot


-Shoot with Maverick from A-10 causes huge lagggg! Almost always crash game.

-AT rockets from Mi-28 are too weak, about 4 to destroy M1A2, what's more they are very unaccurate.

-How about adding a music to menu or to editor.

Seether - Out of my way

I think it's typical sound to films with army,cause it suits and can be seen on few films aobut military

Here's and example


-Stryker's optics doesnt work.


-How about replacing UH-60 w/ M2 with UH-60 GAU-12 on both sides?

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"-How about replacing UH-60 w/ M2 with UH-60 GAU-12 on both sides? "

Why. Big Rooney already mentioned about adding the GAU-12 variant of the UH-60 (MH-60 model now by BAS). But strykers optics need to be fixed definitely and yes that Issue was known.

I dont have any crashes while firing Maverick. Most likely ure system specs.

Edit: Big Rooney check this out please: http://flashpoint.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=47697 there is excellent ZIL-130/131 and Zil 431510 pack released for civilians. I think that they would be worth to replace the existing trucks for civilians and to complement/supplement them.

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Sorry, I never know if something was mentioned about before. But it's never bad to say it again, means that this bu is 1st place to fix cause it flash our eyes wink_o.gif

Another -.-

(Dunno if metioned already)

As a SpecOp Assaulter when I dismount aimpoint everything works fine, but when Aimpoint is on, there's no ammo. It's SMG.


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Those civilian Zil's would be a nice change of pace - Universal do you know what island was used in the screenshots on Flashpoint.ru - I looked through could see mention anywhere.


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Hi Chapman,

Unfortunately no I do not know what island is used for those screen shots. What I do know is that the island isn't finished (about 30%). Btw I also noticed that on the russian flashpoint forums seems there is a Ka-60 released and a Mig MFI by Evgeni but the links are down sad_o.gif. Evgeni never released his Il-76 (http://www.flashpoint.ru/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=46684&d=1171638089)

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Hell where is this update?! ;s

BigRooney, what's going on? Some more bugs discovered? More configs? ;s

Btw. Please make sure that campaign can be played. Both Res and CWC. Please ;p

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