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Editor suggestions

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I have been thinking about a place where Editors can place suggestions to improve or extend the scripting or editing capabilities

within Arma or it´s follow-up Arma2.

This includes scripting changes, editor changes, sublevel changes of menus in the editor and extended features for certain types of editor elements, like waypoints, unit-setup, etc.

This thread is strictly meant to collect and debate such suggestions only related to the editing part of the game.

Do not ask for addons or specific units or bugfixes here !

To have some kind of order in this only one suggestion per post should be made.

The content should be :

- Suggestion

- Elaborate how you think it should be implemented

- What would we gain from implementing

If this is appreciated by the forum administration and BIS it could be made a sticky.

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Have a drop-down selector in waypoint submenu to determine the height of a waypoint.

Options in dropdown:

- default

- custom

"Default" should be selected by default.

When selecting "custom" an input-field next to the selector should be activated that lets the user enter the desired height of the waypoint. The range should not be limited to positive values only, but should allow us to use negative values aswell to

have waypoints below sealevel for possible upcoming submerged units like divers, submarines, etc.

This is not only usefull for air-maneuvers but also for possible upcomming submerged units and their movement below sealevel.

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Extend the waypoint submenu with a field:


Let us have a name field for the waypoints to make it easier to work with them from scripts. If we can have dedicated names for waypoints it would be easier to control them by script. This includes moving the WP, assigning the WP, deleting it or whatever.

in my opinion it would speed up the scripting process if the WP´s had dedicated names.

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Get the old symboles back for easyer placement of units and make them accurate.

This would make it easyer for mission makers to place stuff in the editor and in a more accurate way, it would greatly reduce the place unit, preview to check if its good, close to editor, move unit, repeat from preview.

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- Suggestion

SP or MP 3d Editor [Not Real Time]

- Elaborate how you think it should be implemented

Like VBS2 smile_o.gif

- What would we gain from implementing

Well i dont no how many times ive had to play and reply a mission when editing just to see if i got a sandbag or gun emplacement in the correct place. It would be so much easyer and with it being hardcoded into the game it couldnt be explotied by hackers/cheaters. smile_o.gif

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We've had the same editor since OFP.. Even some small enhancements would be welcome. Having to always adjust the skill to maximum for AI units (or using a forEach command in an init each time) is a minor annoyance. Perhaps allow for saving\remember previous init snippets? Improved positioning of objects without having to resort to endless getpos setpos commands.

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A search function in the editor to find hard to locate objects/triggers/text.

Sometimes it might be handy to have a search function in the editor.


Place the file location of the mission some where in the editor screen so you can verify easily you have opened the right mision.

An overlay in the top corner which showed mission path\ filename for a brief period of time.

Suggestion: Set object height in the unit edit screen.

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A spawn delay option allowing you to easily make units appear in a map half-way-through the mission.

Elaborate how you think it should be implemented

A integer entry field in the unit's edit window, possibly including variance, as with a trigger's activation.

A group-leader's setting would apply to their entire group.

What would we gain from implementing

An extremely simple and intuitive method of adding reinforcements to either side during a mission without needing to touch a script.

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One suggestion:


+1 WL and a 2 days vacation from the forums for flaming and writing in capital letters.

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Reload (currently opened) mission button (if you edit the mission.sqm in an external editor)

What would we gain from implementing

Time saved. Removed mission selection hassle.


API / interface to connect / interact with external software

What would we gain from implementing

Unlimited possibilities. Integrate an own syntax check / code editor / test framework, etc.


Ability to rebuild the engine's class system (without game restart).

What would we gain from implementing



Ability to host an MP edit session which allows multiple people to

work on the same map at the same time.

What would we gain from implementing

Increased productivity. Time.


Ability to connect to a dedicated server to upload missions on the fly (low prio).

What would we gain from implementing

Remove hassle. Make the process easier. Improve MP mission testing.


Rock solid editor. Never crash. No matter what.

What would we gain from implementing

Time. Better mental status.


Configurable error message output (lines, time until fade, etc).

What would we gain from implementing

More convenient work with the editor.


Enhance / improve ArmA.RPT - by filtering messages coming

10.000 times after another. Configure ArmA.RPT output. Add

option for separated ArmA.RPT for each session and/or mission.

What would we gain from implementing

More convenient work with the editor.


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API / interface to connect / interact with external software

All of these are good so far, but I especially liked that one.

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Forgot one to add..


Assign keys for UI elements to use keyboard to use the editor more efficient.

What would we gain from implementing

Time. Convenience. Fun.

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I am totally for the joint mapmakeing ting, saves the problem for explaining to how to do it now you can just show it to them.

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Being able to group empty objects to each other and even to AI

What would we gain from implementing

Often I have wanted to randomly place a small camp i have made of empty objects so they are in a different place each time however I could just group them and move the 'leader' of them.

We could have enemy choppers attacking buildings such as bridges by grouping them to an enemy hidden soldier, buildings wont be such a great hiding place anymore tounge2.gif

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Note that these requests come from someone who treats mission making as an exercise in programming with scripts rather than a GUI-based layout problem. My perspective may not be common biggrin_o.gif

1) I second the request for faster round-trip MP editing. At present the steps I use for testing changes in MP are:-

Fire up Arma (windowed mode)

Go into editor

Load map

Use external editor (emacs) to fiddle with scripts

Preview to catch basic syntax errors.

'Export to MP'

Start server on same PC

Go to Multiplayer menu, select LAN and connect to server

#vote admin 3

start mission

Note any incorrect behaviour.

Shut down server

Go back to editor and start loop again.

There might be a couple of redundant steps here but a 'preview as Multiplayer' button would be a great convenience. (Contrast these steps with the single-player mode where I can basically test script changes immediately by previewing the mission and hitting 'retry' every time I update the scripts.

2) Much better reporting of script syntax errors. At the moment almost any error results in a fairly indecipherable generic error. Only 4 or so lines are shown at the top of the screen so half the time the context is lost.

Advantages: save a lot of time by saving the binary-chop approach of commenting out suspect pieces of the script until the error disappears.

3) I don't _think_ this is an exisiting feature but would be pleased have it pointed out to me.... Allow markers to be resized. (They can currently be rotated by keeping shift held down but I haven't found a way to resize them.)

Not a huge deal but seems to be an obvious 'missing' feature from a graphic editor.

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I think a line-of-sight map shading option for highlighted units would be quite useful.


Able to place opposing units without them instantly blasting/seeing each other.

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One more...

4) The ability to develop addons with the same flow as missions. Ie, treat them as classes and associated scripts which get refreshed on mission 'retry'. At them moment the development flow appears to be...

Edit files

PBO them

Drop PBO into Addons directory

Start Arma

Start editor

Load test mission

Note errors

Close arma

Repeat steps above.

This is a long-winded process.

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+ "unit-option" to select

eg placing helicopter - menu appears with additional/specific

features (units on buildings can have feature "patrol waypoints")

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<span style='color:darkblue'>• Swivel Unit Horizontally</span>

<span style='color:brown'>Implementation</span>

Simple key-combo for 'swiveling' any unit or waypoint on a strictly horizonal plane.

-Gains: Easily change direction of travel for rather having to click the 'compass' which requires opening of a second window. (This may already be in the editor?)

<span style='color:darkblue'>• "Dive/Bank" Angle for Waypoints</span> (for lack of better words)

<span style='color:brown'>Implementation</span>

-A simple drop down menu of a limited degree of bank/dive for a given unit or waypoint. Would be useful for planes and heli's while it would unavailable for ground/man units.

<span style='color:darkblue'>• Multiple Init Lines/Multiple OnAct Lines in UI</span>

<span style='color:brown'>Implementation</span>

-A simple extension to the current UI that provides a multiple of Init Lines. Probably three at most. Gains:Reduces head injury to Mission Editors as you don't have to get frustrated scrolling through 200 letters/numbers per init line, per unit. High visibilty quick identification for speedier editing.

<span style='color:darkblue'>• "WP Action" Customizable Indicators</span>

<span style='color:brown'>Implementation</span>

-Could be a number of ways to go about this. Easiest would be to have a drop-list or pop-up window that is clickable, and displays all available indicators so that you may customize a run-of-the-mill action's indicator on the waypoint. I.e: Speaking/running/walking/dying/firing weapon/stop etc.

High visibilty transparent indicators like the small 'movie camera' that is on a waypoint when you have sound/text used.

<span style='color:darkblue'>• Tri or Quad Color Options for Unit/Vehicle/Waypoints</span>

<span style='color:brown'>Implementation</span>

-Possibly an option in the UI of the WP Properties for 'Color' Option. Drop down menu of colors or simple block of three or four colors that are 'clickable.' One color max per unit. Color would affect grouping links (aqua colored at the moment).Options I would suspect agreeable with most people are: Red, Green, Blue, Black.

-Gains: This would be great when you are dealing with high volume of units or many WP's/Triggers associated directly with units. High visibility for quick identification of assets.

<span style='color:darkblue'>• Small Picture-in-Picture Preview of Editor Session</span>

<span style='color:brown'>Implementation</span>

-A fella can dream can't he? tounge2.gif  I would love to see something like this for single player mission editor. Full-resolution loads are not always necessary. Sometimes you just need a quick preview of how things are played out. A PIP in top right hand corner/bottom left hand corner that could be activated via a Preview-PIP button much like the Preview Button is now, may work.

There is one other thing I was thinking of. I'm not sure if it's scripting, or part of the engine, but it would be neat to have 'Unconditional' Events available as options like WP Types.

<span style='color:darkblue'>My definition of unconditional:</span>

•Run. Run in which-ever direction the unit is placed on the map. Run until you hit something, at which point, you can stop.

•FireAt Unit (w/Primary - Secondary - Alternate Weapon). Automatic getPOS of unit or location. Consequently firing weapon in the given direction as the target is located. Unconditionally. Could be implemented as time-out or countdown(?).

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Ummm..... Swivel unit horizontally. ArmaVidz try Shift + hold left mouse button on unit + drag. wink_o.gif

Multiple init lines? Ummm.... Use a script? alt + tab when you need to access it ....

Small Picture-in-Picture Preview of Editor Session... a dream it is ... why would they implement that, when you have RTE in VBS2 for just (a lot of) $ ? biggrin_o.gif

The "unconditional" thingy could be implemented into a script... I think smile_o.gif I think there was a command for "scramble/run around" in OFP... or am I hallucinating?

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Weather change for now has to be done with setovercast manually by trigger or script. The weather section misses a dropdown menu that does the following:

- offers a timer to determine the length of initial weather phase

- a second field for length of transition from one "weather" to another

- transition states should be: instant, regular, extended, where istant would switch the weather instantly (cutscenes), regular would be a predefined time that does a smooth change (e.g. 3 minutes) , extended would unlock a user input field where the mission creator can edit the time value to his liking.

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<span style='color:blue'>Problem</span>


See screenshot depicting a mission with many many large waypoints making it very messy.

It makes it:

- hard to select what you want and

- hard to see which one you've selected and

- hard to see which chain (group) of waypoints you've selected, since highlight color is a shade of black

(Not sure if this is similar to ArmaVidz's suggestion?)

Suggested solution

- Highlight the selected chain (group) of waypoints in a bright color (eg: blue or red), not a shade of black like it does now

- Provide the ability to totally hide all waypoints on the map while not in F4 Waypoints mode, exactly like it does with F6 Markers mode.

- Provide ability to only display a portion of the waypoints (a selection via a drag box) or as a minimum, option to hide all waypoints except selected chain of waypoints.


proper display of current waypoint (chain) selection


<span style='color:blue'>Problems</span>

Open up access to arma.rpt file and it's contents:

- 1. Add a time stamp (and maybe date stamp) to arma.rpt.

- 2. Add the relevant script file name (if applicable).

- 3. Either make arma.rpt viewable (non-locked file) while mission is running or

- 4. make arma.rpt file loadable via loadfile for display in (user developed) debug output dialog (inside mission)

- 5. enable debugLog in retail version

Suggested solution

- 1. & 2. Eg: if current time is 4:15:07.12 pm, show:

161507 init.sqf: The error message...

- 3. use read-only shared file locking, rather than both read/write deny file locking

- 4. provide a function which returns a pathname to arma.rpt as configured by server/system

- 5. just enable debugLog command


easily accessible, time trackable and informative error messages


<span style='color:blue'>Problem</span>

For very large rectange/ellipse markers, currently it's almost impossible to find it's centre to modify it's properties.

Suggested solution

draw a centre dot or preferably a radius line on the marker to any edge, so that you can click on it to select it


usable marker property editing


<span style='color:blue'>Problem</span>

Defining an invalid class/typo for dialogs causes ArmA to exit program.

Suggested solution

Display the error message and allow ArmA to continue running.

If error is a threat to saving the mission, then disable the Save button until mission is reloaded.


Saves having to load ArmA dozens of time to solve non-obvious typo's in description.ext and #include files.


<span style='color:blue'>Problem</span>

Accidently dragging the wrong object/waypoint/marker, which was meticulously aligned is a problem. (See first image for complicated example.)

Suggested solution

Provide an undo last move/drag option.


Saves having to reload mission to undo last accidental drag

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how about a small window in the unit select which shows an image of whatever ur selecting.

Advantage to us

makes it easier to find the right object or building

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3 suggestions belonging to eachother

Ingame scripteditor

Scripting easy scriptsat the fly in the game, with selections like

"Unit: s1,s2" or maybe "Global (all units who activates the scripts)".


A folder, called scripts or alike in your game-folder, where you can add in all scripts, so it can be chosen in a dropdownlist in a ingame scripteditor.

Also the creation of subfolders should be able, so you can have a folder for called "test_scripts", one called "my_new_campaign".

Of course, scripts can also be implemented in the missions own folder, so missions can be made public without any hassle.

Variable explanation of scripts

Like DreamWeaver (WYSIWYG editor for websites), when coding you get a few suggestions when you write a function (ie, which variables should be placed in the script).

For example, you write:

"this exec " "

then it plops up a square above saying "script.sqs" but also have a dropdownlist of the installed scripts in your scriptlibrary, and when you choose one, it automaticlly makes the end of the code, which makes it look like this:

"this exec "test_scripts/myscript.sqs" "

The benefits of these three are faster scripting, easier scripting for those who are not to good at scripting, and an easier interface making your job more efficient.

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