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Fixing ArmA

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the question are : why BIS should to fix Arma? why half teams for the two projects?, they want also that Arma2 is a half good product ?

they should put all their efforts on Arma2. try to fix Arma is a commercial nonsense.

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Well, the way I see it, it is Arma 2 that's a commercial nonsense right now. I will not buy any expansion, addon, new game or pretty much anything from BIS until Arma is properly fixed and running with acceptable performance.

As I paid for Arma (and have not paid for Arma 2) and because I see no guarantee that BIS will not lie again about the game quality, I say fix ArmA first. I already supported them when I bought this crappy, badly implemented game, it'll not happen again until they prove that it was really a one-time desperate move. Right now, it doesn't seem that way. mad_o.gif

If ArmA gets fixed (properly), I might consider getting expansions and future versions, but before that, it's a guaranteed no.

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I'm trying not to comment on that one (your entitled to your opinion)

In essence ... Making Arma2 involves patching Arma1

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Matt - Not giving up on ArmA.. I just find that I dont play it any more. There is very definitely something missing from ArmA so I mainly play OFP. I am hoping that patches or mods will bring back that old OFP feeling. Hence posting in this thread - fixing ArmA. smile_o.gif

Blacksphere - Not sure who you were referring to, so I will hold back.


We've had OFP for around 5 years. ArmA has been out since the beginning of the year (February for UK and what - May for the US). People have went out and bought it in their masses and almost as soon as some people buy it, we hear that ArmA2 is going to be released next year!!! ArmA1 isnt even finished.

Forgive me for feeling that we're not going to get out of ArmA what we got from OFP. huh.gif


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Let ArmA die, theres no point making it extremely good if there gonna bring out Number 2.

Many mods (as in Modifications, not board moderators) would disagree with that, imho.

But let´s just wait and see. Maybe BIS accomplishes to make a proper game this time.

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I personally need a 3rd option in this poll.

Chioce= I love my ArmA..Hurry up and give me more!!

And this is coming from the underdog..a Vista 64bit user. wink_o.gif

No offense dude but your 3Dmark score is weak for an SLI rig. I get 11.5K with one GTX. Probably best to stop bragging in your sig.



PS : I think announcing ArmA 2 when ArmA is in it's current state is a little bit insulting. I personally wont be supporting BIS anymore. Im actually considering reinstalling Flashpoint.


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I personally need a 3rd option in this poll.

Chioce= I love my ArmA..Hurry up and give me more!!

And this is coming from the underdog..a Vista 64bit user. wink_o.gif

No offense dude but your 3Dmark score is weak for an SLI rig. I get 11.5K with one GTX. Probably best to stop bragging in your sig.



PS : I think announcing ArmA 2 when ArmA is in it's current state is a little bit insulting. I personally wont be supporting BIS anymore. Im actually considering reinstalling Flashpoint.


[stops bragging]

OT sir,

But you should PM me your score...if your running Vista 64 bit

And my score will stay on top of "STOCK" Vista 64, untill Intel produces a faster product.

Intel can easily overclock and slaughter me, since I do not want to void my warranty.

[continues bragging/]

Sorry moderators...he had it coming!

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I personally need a 3rd option in this poll.

Chioce= I love my ArmA..Hurry up and give me more!!

And this is coming from the underdog..a Vista 64bit user. wink_o.gif

No offense dude but your 3Dmark score is weak for an SLI rig. I get 11.5K with one GTX. Probably best to stop bragging in your sig.



PS : I think announcing ArmA 2 when ArmA is in it's current state is a little bit insulting. I personally wont be supporting BIS anymore. Im actually considering reinstalling Flashpoint.


[stops bragging]

OT sir,

But you should PM me your score...if your running Vista 64 bit

And my score will stay on top of "STOCK" Vista 64, untill Intel produces a faster product.

Intel can easily overclock and slaughter me, since I do not want to void my warranty.

[continues bragging/]

Sorry moderators...he had it coming!

ROFL, had what coming you tool? 12.8K in 3Dmark is garbage for SLI. People OC their C2Ds because they can. AMD's dont OC very well. Intel is the performance king and your sig just makes you look like an idiot. AMD will be further buried with the coming of Penryn etc. I have no brand loyalty, I just buy what's best. A philosophy you obviously don't adhere to.

If you have anything else to say, PM me as I do not want to derail the thread any further.



PS : My backup PC (6600 @ 3.2 (Vista 64) on air with ONE GTX hits 11.5K in 3Dmark) I dont care if it is OC'd or not. That's why your sig is so idiotic. Your performance isnt good at all and you're flaunting it like it is.

PPS : 3Dmark scores are irrelevant next to gaming performance.


FX-74 destroyed in every test by pretty much any Conroe @ stock.

Let's not forget that the FX-74 is losing to CPUs that are clocked significantly lower than it (In fact all of them are to some degree in that article - ROFL).


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You've edited your post 4-5 times since I left this morning, and now I'm amazed at your rant, ethne.

What part of the words "stock", "Vista64" & "3dmark06" are you unable to get into your thick skull?

You win ok...I've edited my sig..just for you.

Now maybe you will stfu!

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Off topic (sort of, but related to the above posts), but AMD chips tend to give you more for your money than Intel chips. You get the same performance from an AMD chip as an Intel chip for less than the Intel chip. I'd rather go with what's good and economical than go with something that's slightly better than something quite a bit cheaper.

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I believe my 1st post in this thread really got to ethne.

Maybe his ArmA isn't playing so well on his pc?

This thread could have been altered with some proper chioces in the poll..or just locked.

My main reason for going with AMD instead of Intel's largest at that point...was the FACT: If a cpu were to crap out on me...I can keep running on 1cpu. With Intel, there would be downtime waiting for the replacement, and the cost (if it were to be my fault) would be less than half of the over priced Intel. Don't get me wrong, I have built some really sweet Intel's...but the cost run several hundred more, due to cpu & memory.

I have met many of the largest Intel's out there...and my sig is about the only way I will find if there is a quad Intel...that you could throw together/ turn it on, and get a better score.

Actually, I'm looking forward to it. The major amount of pc users, do not waste time overclocking.

So I'll get back on topic.

The only issues with ArmA, is the AI bugs, which are no big deal. Play some of the SimHQ missions..they kept it simple and fun and the AI's are competitive.

Other issues are not BIS fault, I've proved them to be driver related bugs.

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^ Yeah. Surely they're just doing the same routine that every game developer does. When a game comes out, all the really good programmers go straight to work on the sequel, whilst all the trainee guys get to work on the patches for old games.

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If you had to choose, would you rather have BI fixing ArmA, or just put all their effort into ArmA2 to make it the greatest game ever?

Sorry if this is a repeat...but; foolme once...shame on you...fool me twice...just fix the product I already purchased, eh?  inlove.gif

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Really, fix it and fix it fast. Drop all work on ArmA 2 . If you cant fix ArmA1 your just going to lose a bunch of potential buisness.

If ArmA doesnt get fixed, I know I wont be getting ArmA2 or the expansion.....

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I *think* they were working on ArmA2 since before they were working on ArmA... unless you count the work they did on OFP: Elite as work on ArmA.

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Nice one:

Quote[/b] ]We prepare a patch for ArmA, which will hopefully be released in one or two months....

We gonna have patch 1.09 in first days of november...?

Another question to BIS: would it be possible to fly/travel from Chernorus to Sahrani and vice versa?

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Considering that I've already paid for ArmA, I want them to fix it before they do anything else.


And as it still seems news for you, they were already working on 'ArmA2' as 'Game2' before release of ArmA itself, they are always progressing the engine and after the release of a certain game you dont need texture/model/scene artists continue working on the game as much as needed before the game's done...

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Considering that I've already paid for ArmA, I want them to fix it before they do anything else.


And as it still seems news for you, they were already working on 'ArmA2' as 'Game2' before release of ArmA itself, they are always progressing the engine and after the release of a certain game you dont need texture/model/scene artists continue working on the game as much as needed before the game's done...

I'm well aware of this. Do I need to remind you of the question of the poll?

I don't care how long they've been working on Game 2. They released ArmA first, and I've paid for it. I want a product that works before I'll even consider buying another product from them.

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ArmA 2 was announced, and yes, we are working hard on it - now what that means for ArmA? Will we still continue supporting it?

The answer is: yes, we still keep supporting ArmA.

Patch Plans

We prepare a patch for ArmA, which will hopefully be released in one or two months. Currently we plan to contain following fixes or improvements:

* Some AI detection fixes

* Fixed fog on DX 10 cards

* Fixed anti-cheat signature timeout

* Added some additional anti-cheat measures

* More reliable VON

* Fixed CTD when resuming from a save in large and/or script intensive missions

* Fixed spontaneous death while driving a motorcycle in MP

* Fixed AI soldier can't fire behind the sandbags

* Fixed compatility problems caused by various copy protections uses

The patch will be completely independent on Queens Gambit, which will be running on 1.08, and no release data for this patch is set yet but we intend to first release it as public beta 1.09 before final release will be made available.



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Quote[/b] ]   * Some AI detection fixes

  * Fixed fog on DX 10 cards

  * Fixed anti-cheat signature timeout

  * Added some additional anti-cheat measures

  * More reliable VON

  * Fixed CTD when resuming from a save in large and/or script intensive missions

  * Fixed spontaneous death while driving a motorcycle in MP

  * Fixed AI soldier can't fire behind the sandbags

  * Fixed compatility problems caused by various copy protections uses

this is all fine and dandy, but... when BIS comes up with a list of changes like this you got to wonder what are they thinking about?! When the bugs mentioned above will be fixed who's gonna notice it, or let me re-phrase it - how will the fixes affect gameplay overall. When AI will be able to shoot from behind a sandbag it's not gonna change the gameplay. Anti-cheat? - they'll find a way to hack it sooner or later. But lemme tell you what will get noticed - realistic tracers, realistic vehicle explosions and damage, different character animation system, the list goes on. If BIS cannot figure out how to do tracers they can just look at 6th Sense Addon. They spend month on "a more reliable VON" (what's VON??? - everyone uses TS...) instead they could do something about character animation so the controlls are more fluid and seamless so we can finally snap outta those long reloading animations whenever we want.

The point is a developer either gets it or doesn't. If they don't they get phased out by someone who does get it. BIS at one point managed to deliver something amazing, but the follow-up was very weak. ArmA with all it amazing graphics still hasn't moved beyond OFP in terms of gameplay. Seems like they did everything right the first time and then just kinda lost it and did the complete opposite the second time around. They introduced some bizzare inexplicable "new features", like rusting wheels or tracers in sniper rifles. You cannot blame it just on engine limitations. What's even more puzzling is that there is clear and loud feedback from the community that wants them to get it right and they kinda ignore it and go about it their own way.

I know I sound a bit sidetracked, but here is my point. What makes me think ArmA 2 move is a bit premature is the fact that in ArmA, BIS failed to get too many things right they should have gotten right in the frist ArmA release, considering how much has been done in OFP by themselves and by the comunity. It seemed like in ArmA many of those great things that had been achieved in OFP have been rolled back in favour of a few graphic gimmicks. Now, ArmA 2 will have a larger scope than ArmA. If they failed with ArmA what makes you think they will get it right on a larger scale? Fix ArmA, prove you can get it right then you'll have less things to fix in ArmA 2. But the question is - do they really know what they are doing? ArmA is afterall an infantry sim. Ground and airborne vehicles are just a sweet extra. Thus it should be first of all about how the gun feels in player's hands in game and how easy it is to control your character. And in that department there is quite a bit of improvement to be had in ArmA.

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They're fixing the stuff the mod community CAN'T fix. The things in that list have been moaned about for months on end by countless people, then they finally announce they're working on them and they get slagged off for not doing some eye candy crap, which, whilst maybe being more noticable won't actually improve the gameplay all that much. People moan about the AI, they're fixing it, but oh, people want more impressive tracers too. Use the mods that do that then, BIS is fixing the things the modders can't fix without getting sued for hacking source code.

I don't understand why this community is so damn cynical these days. BIS actually fix and acknowledge most of the more common complaints with the damn game and they still get moaned at. Sure they're not the fastest team ever, but rushing things "half-baked" will just lead to an ArmA 1.00 all over again, and I'm sure you'd complain some more if they didn't take their time with patches if that was to happen.

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My feelings lie somewhere between sluggCDN and Madus_Maximus' posts. I'm VERY happy about the save game fix and any AI detection improvement is a good one. I'm already happy with gun control and body momentum but agree the 'stuck while reloading' animations and the like need a better tweak. hardcoded enhanced tracers would have been nice but i can live quite happily with the modded ones.

The one bug that boggles me mind is the AI bridge crossing crazy_o.gif  I just can't see why this hasn't been addressed as it has a major effect on my AI managment. Maybe it can't be fixed with this current engine but it'd be nice to hear this so i could let it die, mourn and move on.

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