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Why so many Evolution servers?

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It irks me a bit to see 85% of the servers are running Evolution the rest are either doing that Berserk map, co-ops, and you might see one or two ctfs going on.

Yeah I played Evolution but seriously do we need all those servers running it? Don't get me wrong it is fun aside from the frequent lag spikes. We need more variety!!

But why hasn't the classic CTI been popular in ArmA?

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Because CTI was broken until 1.08, when they finally fixed the setPos bug on static objects. Since then most people have obviously got stuck on Evo.

I would like to see some CTI servers too.

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Evolution is simple now still the hot mod coz it is easy to learn and have the evolving systems. Considering to CTI. Well to me the best CTI mode is obviously crCTI and its still embrassing me why there is hardly any those guys from OFP crcti community playing that in ArmA but u could see in OFP that they have in every evening always 20 persons game up.

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Well to me the best CTI mode is obviously crCTI and its still embrassing me why there is hardly any those guys from OFP crcti community playing that in ArmA but u could see in OFP that they have in every evening always 20 persons game up.

I and the CTI community I play with tried the ported crCTI on ArmA at several versions. It simply hadn't the same feeling.

CTIs emphasizes vehicle vs. vehicle battles, which is a strength of OFP. (High FPS, wide flat terrain, easier handling of any vehicle etc.)

Evolution offers vehicles also, but most people do infantry fight, where ArmA has a little advantage. (Big Towns, realistic aiming).

But commanding a battle tank is a real nightmare in ArmA.

Also the unmodded content is very biased for the West side, which is totally inexcusable in a CTI.

Hence we do not play CTI in ArmA and, as we play CTI most of the time, we do not play ArmA wink_o.gif

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I'm getting really sick of evolution, and would love to see those good old coop maps being up again (air cav any1??)

clad that my clan server is up and running in a 2 days time, so no more evo yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

btw it's looking ridiculous now: all the coop games are evo, and maybe 1-2 other coop crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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RTS 4 is gaining players and is a very good pvp co op cti map

its basically any sort of play you want

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RTS 4 is gaining players and is a very good pvp co op cti map

its basically any sort of play you want

RTS is worse than evolution.rts and evolution sucks.if i want to play with bots i play campaign.The only enjoyable coop is with your friends in the teamspeak.In evolution you must clear all the island banghead.gif .The best coop is the few time missions but good missions like desert ambush.

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you guys complain about evo. and want more CTI maps. i can host a map on my server all day that is CFI and no one will join it.

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It irks me a bit to see 85% of the servers are running Evolution the rest are either doing that Berserk map, co-ops, and you might see one or two ctfs going on.

Yeah I played Evolution but seriously do we need all those servers running it? Don't get me wrong it is fun aside from the frequent lag spikes. We need more variety!!

But why hasn't the classic CTI been popular in ArmA?

probably because its the only thing that has some playability at the momment.

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Evo is pretty fun, especially since your fighthing a much larger force of enemies, even if they are bots. One thing i would like tho, is the ability to get, and pilot everything from the begining, although, this might cause more smack tards to pop up and destroy everything, but still.

I personaly enjoy the game more when i can get a squad of 20 guys, roll into a town with Strykers/Hummers, light crap up, and always have the option of calling in air support.

Theres just something about a human piloted A-10/AH-1z flying over your head and taking out the three tanks that were pinning you down that is more appealing to me then getting spawn camped by some guy in a tank....

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What the hell is wrong with RTS?

Its not against AI.. its PVP WITH AI.

Its basically CTI with a bit more depth IMO, instead of having to get money you need to get a balance of resources, while creating forward bases, defending and attacking other bases...

Easy to learn too... theres even a help menu if you get stuck.

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Just an observation, but..

Something always strikes me about posts that describe Evo positively: are they really talking about a tactical shooter? I don't remember OFP MP being like this. Then, I never played online at all, sticking only to LAN. Could swear it was closer to Ghost Recon 1 than a post-BF1942 respawn fest. wink_o.gif

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Just an observation, but..

Something always strikes me about posts that describe Evo positively: are they really talking about a tactical shooter? I don't remember OFP MP being like this. Then, I never played online at all, sticking only to LAN. Could swear it was closer to Ghost Recon 1 than a post-BF1942 respawn fest. wink_o.gif

Agreed. ArmA MP has been taken over by people too scared to play a map where you can actually lose. Evo has no real point to it, there is only 1 possible ending and no way to lose.

Before ArmA came out, I really thought CTI would be popular. Now with the building setpos bug fixed, it is about time more servers started playing it. Large scale PvP, imagine how awesome that can be.

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i'm looking forward to CTI coming back as well, but without addons, I feel that it won't be just yet - as its been said already, the opfor side is overwhelmed by the BLUFOR equipment, which would make a fair CTI hard to come by just yet

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we at SES treat Evolution as good mission for training, getting used to all the vehicles, weapons and how AI react in certain areas.

I myself think ArmA wasnt really designed for PvP in mind.

my 2 cents smile_o.gif

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That is rediculous to say ArmA isn't for PvP... It is for PvP as much as OFP was.

The problem is simply that the map/mission makers refuse to restrict players to what they can capture when. They allow for too many lone-wolves.

Evo doesn't restrict you to what towns you go to. Lone wolves can easily seperate themselves from other players, rather than being restricted to play with their team.

RTS doesn't restrict you to what towns you capture at what times, so players can easily drive/fly an ammo truck to a town near the enemy's base, and use it as an FB. Lone wolfing is frequent here because any tosns can be taken at any time.

There just isn't a concentration of players yet on these maps. Berzerk is the only one that makes this somewhat successful.

What I think we need, is an Evo/Berzerk/WWIIOL type system.

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RTS doesn't restrict you to what towns you capture at what times, so players can easily drive/fly an ammo truck to a town near the enemy's base, and use it as an FB. Lone wolfing is frequent here because any tosns can be taken at any time.

There just isn't a concentration of players yet on these maps. Berzerk is the only one that makes this somewhat successful.

What I think we need, is an Evo/Berzerk/WWIIOL type system.

AFAIK, Berzerk doesn't limit which towns you can cap and when.  I made a series of missions called C&H sector control where you had to take territories in order.  99% of the time, the mission was over in 10 mins or less because one team wouldn't coordinate to take the territories in order and the other team would.

Anyway, RTS-IV doesn't limit that for several reasons.  One main reason is that if you create a FB too close to the enemy base, and the enemy has half a brain, you'll have BMP's breathing down your neck in short order.

I'm all about freedom in these PvP games instead of restricting everything down to the micro level, so if a team wants to gamble and go for a FB next door to the enemy, then fine, try it.

Also, with 1.08, the AAA is much improved, so it's a lot harder to simply fly in a truck now, if the opposition has a decent net of AAA around.

I also hear the argument that BLUFOR has superior weapons/vehicles/etc. That's why the pricing system has checks and balances built in so the East can still win just fine if they play their cards right.

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But then you've got a bunch of lone wolves running around capping things sometimes randomly. ArmA isn't worth playing if every1 goes off on their own and does their own thing. ArmA is built for teamwork, tactics, etc... Not for lone wolfing.

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We removed Evo from our Coop server, we found that there is a lot of other servers running it, we wanted too offer players standard Coop maps

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We removed Evo from our Coop server, we found that there is a lot of other servers running it, we wanted too offer players standard Coop maps

Very good decision IMO. I think only a few servers should have Evo, that will get more people playing different maps on other servers. I think many of the people playing Evo don't realise what else is out there.

Evo is also putting off some new players confused_o.gif

There are so many other good coops and PvP maps. Some of the smaller coops can really be awesome too and have scenarios that you wont get in Evo.

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I tryed to get it deleted to but I got a response back like its a good recruitment tool blabla, the most frustate ting is I make missions my self with some othere guys, they are a bit more difficult then the average co-op and we spend loads of time makeing them good but then nobody plays them cause of evolution.

I am starting to tink why the hell i am spending my time makeing missions if they arent going to be played anyway.

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I tryed to get it deleted to but I got a response back like its a good recruitment tool blabla...

Yea I've seen that too sad_o.gif It's a load of crap IMO. I never learned to play OFP by earning points for kills and unlocking vehicles and weapons with points.

Playing proper missions is the best way to learn ArmA. Many of the new players are actually put off by Evo.

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More CTF! And new version of Hexenkessel! By the way, could somebody tell me why it is called just that way?

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I think AGSF was the clan who made Hexenkessel and I think it means "witches caddle or pot" in german and that pretty much descripes the action in the small "pot". Don't quote me on that though.

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I tryed to get it deleted to but I got a response back like its a good recruitment tool blabla...

Many of the new players are actually put off by Evo.

Yeah. Or they assume Evo's gameplay is representative of the rest of ArmA\OFPs gameplay. As one new player complained: "Why in ArmA do I have to enter a building to change my viewdistance, that sucks." Another expressing disappointment at not "ranking up" or respawning during a coop. These are not players experiencing their first game. They've been playing a couple of months. A couple of months of only Evo.

I never thought I'd say this, and in no other context does it apply, but: Real men can handle being a seagull. wink_o.gif

Having a single local server to play on which is Evo 24\7 highlights it. Not many players around these parts. Fifteen+ players on is great, and a rarity. Having 10 quit when an admin changes the map from Evo.. sucks (of course..I don't really care - don't need vast sums of players to have a good time, still...in the interest of community - it sucks.).

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