Bunks 0 Posted June 20, 2007 It's an announcement for a futur product.Does it mean there will be any support and patch in the meantime? No. Does it mean the tools won't be released in the meantime? No. You're basing all your anger on assumptions and... well, on nothing, tbh. As for BI not supporting the community, I just LOL. They may not be the best in that department. They are certainly not the worst. Did I say there would be no patch in the meantime? No Did I say the tools wont be released before this?No Am I assuming anything? NO DId I say they werent supporting the game? No I didnt What I did say is good faith. As in keeping one's promise. When the game has everything they original promised and in good working order, then have at it. But to put people on new projects when the game is still way under its promises, then something doesnt smell right in Denmark. So if they patch this up to say 1.14 or 1.21 or whatever version to fix the numerous bugs it should have never had in the first place, is that not the time to think about newer versions. But if this is already in the works then where are the tools? Do they now get put back another 6 months for this? Do I have to buy another version of the game just to have the things they promised in the original version? Just like Resitance, if I wanted my OFP game to get patched above 1.46 then I had to buy a new game to do so. If the product is delayed or unfinished before this is released, then no matter how you cut it, that's called bait and switch. And like Mad dog said, alot of work is going into this. Is it not plausible that the man hours for this would not effect the outcome of what I already paid for? And is it not reasonable that the tools would have to be delayed in order to make an expansion more marketable by having no competition? Now who's doing assuming? But the main theme is called good faith. The modders and paying community have proven theirs, but this (if it is true) is not a good step toward reciprocation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sdoc 0 Posted June 20, 2007 an addon to ArmA doesn't come as a surprise to me at all. However the reaction in this forum does. What's this whining and bitching about? Don't you remember what an impact Resistance had on the game? It practicaly changed the game completely. Wich also wasn't announced at such an early stage. Haven't you seen the level of support BIS gave over the years? You guys hopefully know that the typical contract with a Publisher involves the main game and one patch/bugfix. No release of editing tools or SDK, no 1.96 patches... BIS support of the moding community, and care for their product is beyond comparison in the computer industry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dm 9 Posted June 20, 2007 such things can be done very fast, when i have toolsopen model of pickup, paste pole , paste PK model, make selection, make memory LOD points, make config of car with MG and addon is made or made model of M1 helmet, open solider, delete previous helmet, paste new helmet, addon is done ! You do realise that the new version of O2 is highly unlikely to be able to open ODOL models (the same way O2 for OFP was unable to open OFP's ODOL version) So this "with the BI tools we could do anything easily" mumbo-jumbo is exactly that. Mumbo-jumbo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wamingo 1 Posted June 20, 2007 Apologies but I got to say I think some of you modders are way ahead of yourselves. OFP's modding community added to the longevity of OFP, yes, but the modding scene is not as popular as you make it out. It really isn't. 2 million sold copies, but barely a fraction of that in downloads per addon on average. Only very big and professional looking mods like BAS's and such pulled up that average. The majority of OFP players did not use mods. Many servers even 5 years later were virtually unmodded. And worse yet... your addons are virtually unused. There are no missions! The addon makers made lots of wonderful looking models, but rarely cared to actually see their creations anywhere but amongst groups that made and kept their own missions internally. If you go online on OFP right now, you'll see the same missions played 5 years ago with a few random exceptions thrown in. Why is that? Is it because modders were more interested in making the addons than actually having people play them? Because I think so. Ooh look at this cool model, it'll fit right into my library of other unused crap. And because of the nature of the addon scene, needing so much crap to get on a server, more people were being thrown off by the game than were coming on, guaranteed. "We're making the game better", only holds true for some, I assure you. Seriously, the editor and such is right there, go use it, prepare for your mods if you will, and be happy that BIS atleast plans to release tools so you can enjoy your creativity almost entirely outside the bounds of the game and nigh on totally at BIS' expense. So if BIS needs to release an expansion then that's just what they have to do. It doesn't necessarily make them greedy or selfish. Before you open up, know that I'm not really saying anything members of such as BAS and ofpec haven't already said, long ago. (ps. I say mods and addons interchangeably, so don't take too literally) edit: Also, perhaps amongst the most popular community made additions did not need the tools.. Sound mods eg. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted June 20, 2007 what concerns OFP, RES and etc: OFP never ever had any PC problems from my or my friends expirience, while ARMA still has problems (look at other topics) RES was big change, but Noova was very heavy comparing to CWC islands and causing lags even, so i hope new expansion will not cause PC stop, because it will be heavier OFP 1.00, 1.10 was with problem of course, like soldiers going through the walls, killings by one bullet from AKSU from 500 meters, like killing through the building by AI, okay, but from that time so many years left, so many engine/programming expirience to the developers , "BIS support of the moding community, and care for their product is beyond comparison in the computer industry" OFP was revolution than (editing, big area, addons, mission editor) because it was not closed game, everyone could improve it main succes and plus of OFP was addonmaking and edit-ability without it OFP would remain another unknowns FPS, because MOHAA, RTCW, IGI, SOF, COD , Max Payne and other would left it unknown, without editing, mission editor OFP for me would be waste MOHAA, COD has better effects and atmoshpere, action and environment RTCW, Max Payne is super in all SOF, SOF2 super engine of human destrution IGI also has big terreain Red Fraction had terrain destruction engine some other games were much better vehicle simulators what caused succes ? ONLY editability, addons, own mision creating ! i broke my first OFP disc, after playing some hours i said it was shit, because AI killed me from 500 meters by one shot, i started play on OFP since i get knowledge, that i can do my own stuff, my loved vehicles, put my weapon that i used when i was young and made my own mission with it it was over year after CWC, because i bought first OFP in 2000, than i back to OFP in 2001 after i get knowledge about addonmaking and mission making from friend, because he said "look, it is first game in which we can do our own army" i will not say i was crying that i can play Polish soldier with AKMS in hand, because it would be too pathetic but this made me to play almost Only OFP for so many years 95% of time for play was for OFP, other 5% for other because only in OFP i could drive Trabant, Skoda, to be Polish soldier fighting against Soviets , than i could implement cars that i know from my street, it was main sense of this engine/platform of course OFP campaign was super, but honestly - i even don't played one minute in ARMA campaign, my only interest was "how to make Polish soldier to this game" ! since first day after buying ARMA i was only looking for answer how to do this, how to add this... addonmaking and editing is sens of this product ARMA like OFP is platform to make our own games on it, some people can make 1985 war, some 1941, some even 1864 , you have engine-platform on which you do all your soul want ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bunks 0 Posted June 20, 2007 You guys hopefully know that the typical contract with a Publisher involves the main game and one patch/bugfix. No release of editing tools or SDK, no 1.96 patches...BIS support of the moding community, and care for their product is beyond comparison in the computer industry. BIS did support the community, but one can say that the modding community supported BIS as well. Its not hard to say without them OFP would have died off a long time ago. So does that mean this is now a one way street? Some of us do not like the game as is and purchased the game solely on the promises of modders making it better. Resistance did do wonders for OFP, but it also cost more money to do so. No one complained and went along for the ride, but we didnt have an already established modding community then like we do now. So to do things the same way means BIS is putting that group on the backburner. Many of us are still here because we trust BIS, but trust is a two way venture. Your loyality to BIS is noted, but your lack of concern for the modders is noticed as well. So who is really bitching here is just a matter of who's intrest you have. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrTroska 0 Posted June 20, 2007 Even though I dont know anything but 3 screenshots of ARMA expansion. I'm gonna buy it anyway Like I did with OFP when I bought RedHammer and Resistance  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whisper 0 Posted June 20, 2007 Some of us do not like the game as is and purchased the game solely on the promises of modders making it better. Resistance did do wonders for OFP, but it also cost more money to do so. No one complained and went along for the ride, but we didnt have an already established modding community then like we do now. So to do things the same way means BIS is putting that group on the backburner. Many of us are still here because we trust BIS, but trust is a two way venture. Your loyality to BIS is noted, but your lack of concern for the modders is noticed as well. So who is really bitching here is just a matter of who's intrest you have. I really don't see the connection between the announcement of a future expansion and BI support to mod community. Really not. + check my sig... lack of concern for modders ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bunks 0 Posted June 20, 2007 + check my sig... lack of concern for modders ... Â Delaying the process of completion is usually the consequence of not staying on task. That's logical in my world. But if you dont see the logic, oh well , we agree to disagree. as for not supporting modders: Is Sdoc another account of yours? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whisper 0 Posted June 20, 2007 Apparently, work should be done by Black Element, so.... And I only have 1 account here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Espectro (DayZ) 0 Posted June 20, 2007 This is getting ridiculous - next person who wants to turn this thread into a spamfest or bitch and moan session will get a +1 WL and a week's PR.Stay ontopic. So discussing if the release of this official expansion is a good idea or not, in the expansion-thread on the official discussion forum is not allowed? I'm sorry, did you take your pills today? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadow 6 Posted June 20, 2007 So discussing if the release of this official expansion is a good idea or not, in the expansion-thread on the official discussion forum is not allowed? Honestly I dont see the point in discussing if this was a good idea or not because regardles of what people here think, the expansion pack will be released. Feel free to arguement as long as there is no flaming or insults thrown about. That is what Major Fubar said too. I have no problem telling someone I'm not happy with something without insulting them so it should be perfectly possible here aswell. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yeb 0 Posted June 20, 2007 There are new images on armed assault.info. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ti0n3r Posted June 20, 2007 There are new images on armed assault.info. Too bad you can't tell if the campaign will be more like CWC or not from the pics ;p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebud 18 Posted June 20, 2007 And too bad the pics show really nothing new as far as I can tell. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yeb 0 Posted June 20, 2007 It does show new stuff, look at this picture: a nose bandage! . Anyway, seems we have some views of the new island. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeMeSiS 11 Posted June 20, 2007 I demand jokes throughout the whole campaign about this guy with that thing on his nose. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MisterXY 0 Posted June 20, 2007 WTF? They didn't fix the M203 vs. hand thingy? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rellikki 7 Posted June 20, 2007 It looks like there will be new kind of grass too. Looks kinda dry in my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colkurtz 0 Posted June 20, 2007 Hey nice screens, better than those horrible merc ones. But I would have liked to have seen some new addons, I'm going to stay positive on this and wait for BIS to make an official statement on what to expect. I'm praying for tracers, fast roping and improved Opfor models to be included but that may be a wish too far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebud 18 Posted June 20, 2007 The island may be the new one and the grass may be new, but at first glance it they just look like screens from what is already in ARMA. At 2nd glance I do like the dry grass and I really really hope any new island is one climate or I should say locale only and not a mix of terrain styles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmitri 0 Posted June 20, 2007 Expectations, expectations If they took the current ArmA resources and produced two excellent campaigns approaching the 'ol Resistance glory days - I'd be happy. This doesn't hinge on a new vehicle or some scripted feature. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted June 20, 2007 Expectations, expectations If they took the current ArmA resources and produced two excellent campaigns approaching the 'ol Resistance glory days - I'd be happy. This doesn't hinge on a new vehicle or some scripted feature. I dont see anything new other than the grass too, i do like the dry grass and not seeing the weirdo mercs makes me feel better... If BIS can pull decent looking PMC's, new OPFOR, a whole new island, few new vehicles, weapons and a campaign... oh yes, it will make Arma much more interesting . How about a few animals? If you are outraged because it will cost 30€/$ while comunity made creations are free, wow... lol. edit: I didnt mean you dmitri, i was going to post an opinion about the resistance campaign but got a bit lost and on topic . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted June 20, 2007 Morphicon Limited released an interview with Maruk about Queen`s Gambit Ohh and also 3 new screens. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1498 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
telejunky 0 Posted June 20, 2007 We got the german translation > german translation on armabase.de < have fun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites