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Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

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I'm looking forward to seeing an official changelog for 1.08. That will most likely tell us what has and what hasn't been fixed.

Keep up the good work BI! notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gifyay.gif

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I just tested ARMA with the new directX (april 2007)...

- But the game crashed 20 min later

- When I had installed new nvidia driver without the new directX, crash after 10 min

- And without those 5 min

The game crash even with 1.5 & 1.7 i don't why, i'm note the only one, and this a bug from ARMA others game don't do that, even O.F.P !

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The game crash even with 1.5 & 1.7 i don't why, i'm note the only one, and this a bug from ARMA others game don't do that, even O.F.P !

Bit odd, this could still be a hardware issue, not every game uses hardware the same as ArmA may.

Your not overclocking? No temperature issues? no corrupt RAM modules ? Damaged Gfx Card RAM ?

Oh and good job BIS thumbs-up.gif

I'm not 1 of the whiners, I've definitely got my moneys worth so far (and more to come). As Crashdome said, I've paid more for bigger pieces of crap, BF2 for example. Returned for exchange for Homeworld2 after just 1 week.

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Quote[/b] ]Full support for multiple airports by AI pilots

At last thumbs-up.gif

Although I doubt it will be perfect, but at least it's a step in the right direction.

Quote[/b] ]I don't think we'll ever get an MP version of setpos because of JIP I think.

This can be worked around, relatively easily. Because it only effects certain types of objects. True, JIP does complicate certain things, but setposing static objects, is one of the easier things to solve.

There isn't any other game that tops OFP-Arma when it comes to value for money. I think it will be a long time coming, before one does.

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Gnat @ June 02 2007,03:40)]Your not overclocking? No temperature issues? no corrupt RAM modules ? Damaged Gfx Card RAM ?

I checked the tempareture after reboot (20c motherboard & 40c Processor)... I'm not using overclocking...

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well if i were you i would simply go to a complete reinstall of everything to see if problem fix, BTW do you tried to disable EAX or HW accelerate in audio?

i heard that there are problems when using them on some card/ driver

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Gnat @ June 02 2007,03:40)]Your not overclocking? No temperature issues? no corrupt RAM modules ? Damaged Gfx Card RAM ?

I checked the tempareture after reboot (20c motherboard & 40c Processor)... I'm not using overclocking...

In the time it takes to reboot and get to the BIOS temperatures can drop a lot. It doesn't say much. Further, CPU and MOBO temps aren't the only ones; GPU temps could be high as well.

If you can, you might want to run Arma windowed and pay attention to CPU/GPU temps as you play.

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Does anyone know if this patch will fix the issues with using addons? Would be nice to have all my addons playable after such a long time in 1.07b wow_o.gif

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thank and good job BIS ! welcome.gif

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lol some people still trying to blame hardware or overclocking for the problems with Arma.. its the game.. get over it, I gave up weeks ago. 500 bug fixes is great, shame is has thousands of bugs though.


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Does anyone know if this patch will fix the issues with using addons? Would be nice to have all my addons playable after such a long time in 1.07b  wow_o.gif

No. Because they are changing the game as they go, not big details, but small enough to make some addons not work but it's not a huge deal to update and fix it. That lies in the hands of the addon makers or yourself with the permission of the original makers.

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Who-hoo, they are releasing another wheel!

You got all the wheels when you bought it, they just werent completely round yet wink_o.gif

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Makes me laugh when you still have people moaning! I know plenty of games i have purchased recently that still have major issues that will never be fixed! I am having very little issues and will have a lot less when the 500! fixes are done. Good work BIS keep on supporting the arma community even if some are moaning gits! biggrin_o.gif Cant wait to have a few games with our american cousins pistols.gif

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Does anyone know if this patch will fix the issues with using addons? Would be nice to have all my addons playable after such a long time in 1.07b  wow_o.gif

No. Because they are changing the game as they go, not big details, but small enough to make some addons not work but it's not a huge deal to update and fix it. That lies in the hands of the addon makers or yourself with the permission of the original makers.

The addon problem was caused because they changed a part of the configs - rifles such as the M4 no longer inherit from the class mgunCore but from the new class rifleCore. So some addons that had rifles inheriting from mgunCore no longer work.

My educated guess is that they had to split the rifles and machine guns into two different groups so they could fix the problem that tracers couldn't be deactivated in options.

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Does anyone know if this patch will fix the issues with using addons? Would be nice to have all my addons playable after such a long time in 1.07b  wow_o.gif

No. Because they are changing the game as they go, not big details, but small enough to make some addons not work but it's not a huge deal to update and fix it. That lies in the hands of the addon makers or yourself with the permission of the original makers.

The addon problem was caused because they changed a part of the configs - rifles such as the M4 no longer inherit from the class mgunCore but from the new class rifleCore. So some addons that had rifles inheriting from mgunCore no longer work.

My educated guess is that they had to split the rifles and machine guns into two different groups so they could fix the problem that tracers couldn't be deactivated in options.

i wish you're right

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Quote[/b] ] I know plenty of games i have purchased recently that still have major issues that will never be fixed!

Totally agreed.

Biggest letdowns for me lately:

- Silent hunter 4

- Test Drive Unlimited

Both have bugs that make the games totally unplayable from the scratch and patches that are said to fix issues are not even on the horizon. Infact they deny bugs, like with USB HID interface in case of TDU, that hinders TDU from even starting the game, but they say that the bug is not there, despite hundreds of users who claim different (including me) from own experience.

BIS is definately trying hard to get things sorted and they are responsive to reported and confirmed bugs.

Still, there will always be some who can never get enough, expect things that were never confirmed and/or are simply to busy chasing ghosts that they don´t realize that the things they moan about actually do work but they either do not know how to use controls properly or fail to actually test them in a test-environment in the editor. They see a flaw, alt-tab, post here, post in the BTS, with capital letters and "Oh I´m so dissapointed" and in the end in 70 percent of the cases it turns out that the experiance they made is because of scripting, wrong handling, wrong settings or simply because they expect something the way they think it should happen.

Now if you direct towards solutions to their problems (yes, I haven´t given up yet trying to sort stuff like that out and directing them to already working solutions) all you get is another fanboy label. At the very top of my list are those guys who don´t even apply patches , or do not even play Arma, but keep moaning just for the sake of moaning.

I appreciate the current patches and while I see that there are real issues like the memory fragmentation of 8800 cards, it is not BIS job to develope drivers for gfx-cards. Take your anger to the manufacturers of the cards in question but don´t try to put blame for every single oddity you come across on BIS.

Talking of fairness, you shgould first check what exactly the source of the issue is and then contact the ones who are responsible.

Of course there are a load of bugs with Arma and BIS has already tried to explain why this is the case and all they do now is to make sure that everyone who has bought Arma will get the expected performance and stability plus some new features and functions.

thumbs-up.gif For me this sounds like a good plan.

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Guest Ti0n3r

Real sweet. Nice BIS smile_o.gif

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Multiple AI usable landing strips. smile_o.gif

Never thought we will get that working with AI pilots.

Great work so far, thank you BIS. thumbs-up.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Biggest letdowns for me lately:

- Silent hunter 4

- Test Drive Unlimited

yea, sure! because the others doing shit excusing that i do shit.

So BI should top it and release Game2 now as it is. Guys you are nuts. Clapping into the hands for fixing bugs they sold us on purpose to get simply cash.

You are not high value community members, you are just walking wallets.

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oh comon, i don't know any other team that works like BIS. They give alot of support for their loyal clients in all these past years.

I wount expect otherwise for the next years. With ARMA and the future GAME 2.

GO BIS! smile_o.gif

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Return you`re version of Arma, and stay out of this forum.

I`m happy with what i have right now, and don`t feel that i have waisted one cent.

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Maybe I repeat that the ? 10000000th ? time?

It is not the 42€, it is more the thing to sell me this as a game ready to use, I had a slight chance to evaluate, even without a demo at which wasn't available, but what about all those kids grabbing the pack in the shop after they got 30-40€ after endless bagging from their parents? Do you thing it is their duty to check this forum before they buy? Can you tell them häne-häne-hääääne own fault - own fault?

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Clapping into the hands for fixing bugs they sold us on purpose to get simply cash.

You are not high value community members, you are just walking wallets.

If that was the case, surely they would be charging $$$ for each patch, no?

If you wanted extra content for something like BF2, you had to fork over the $$$ and then all you got was a bunch of reskins and maybe 1 or 2 new models.

At least these patches are free, and if OFP is anything to go by, any patch we do have to pay for is going to come with a decent amount of content AND some major upgrades...

But oh well, it seems you're still intent on trolling, so the only way to stop that is to wait for you to make a mistake, then the mods can do their jobs. smile_o.gif

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