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WIP: stuff you are working on!

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Well, for personal use I added the script to the legionnaires and changed the sounds, some from soundforge and for some I will ask for permission/switch them out.

30vs30 runs fine with fraps, 50vs 50 went well without fraps in open fields (high settings, shadows), but more will drop the fps. I didn't create LODs other than 1.000 yet so I'm playing with very high object details, adding proper LODs and switching down object details will probably make larger battles possible.

It's good, but it still looks rather more like a fight between football hooligans

than Roman legionaries. Would it be technically possible to get them to fight

in lines? As they used to say in the Roman army:

"Nihil enim magis in itinere vel in acie custodiendum est, quam ut omnes

milites incedendi ordinem servent."

("Nothing is more important, either on the march or in line of battle, than

that the men should strictly keep their formation.")

Or, as "General Maximus" also said; "We stay together...we stay alive" :rolleyes:

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Czechoslovak experimental semi-automatic gas operated rifle from 1940, ZK 420.

I'll use this rifle a little modified for an scifi/steampunk mod for ArmA

Still many work to do on it :)

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I think you could have made them more interesting looking.. semi crushed with the edges dog eared and stuff. Cigarette packs only look like that on the store shelves.

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Engener - could you please consider making a miliary code book or small military radio or something like that that could be placed in the map with editor and also carried by by the player?

It'd be a great misson to recover a missing code book or some other attractive item from a crashed helicopter, etc...Ghost Recon Style :)

Just an idea Sir - Cheers


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Is there any Merkava (Israeli Tank) WIP AddOn?

The Merkava is a beautiful tank ;)

Israeli addons (incl. Merkava Mk IV tank) are here

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I'm working on a rifle and a aircraft carrier although still no has textures.


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Well that's certainly a wide range of interests. A rifle and an aircraft

carrier! What sort of rifle is it going to be? It looks rather like a Stoner 63.

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The rifle is based on a model of an m96 very similar to Stoner 63.

Edited by Fran89

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I am currently working on some kind of a RolePlay mod because I want to see if I can do it.

Can anyone help me by modelling some of the following?:

- Prison with opening & closing cell doors to keep about 8 people

- SWAT van

- Ambulance van

- Skateboards (Okay, I guess that's a lot "inspired" by City Life, but Armatec won't let me use his ones)

- Nice civilian cars (i.e. some Volkswagen, Audi, Ford, Dodge, Subaru, Toyota, Renault etc.)

- Some other buildings (like a bank, some flats, shops etc.)

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I am currently working on some kind of a RolePlay mod because I want to see if I can do it.

Can anyone help me by modelling some of the following?:

- Prison with opening & closing cell doors to keep about 8 people

- SWAT van

- Ambulance van

- Skateboards (Okay, I guess that's a lot "inspired" by City Life, but Armatec won't let me use his ones)

- Nice civilian cars (i.e. some Volkswagen, Audi, Ford, Dodge, Subaru, Toyota, Renault etc.)

- Some other buildings (like a bank, some flats, shops etc.)

That's alot of stuff and rather ambitious, remember it will take hours, days, weeks depending on skills and free time to create only one car from skretch.

Also, after the modelling is finished it will take alot of time of texturing, config and testing.

However, to speed up the process, you could use 3rd party models, such as the ones from Googles warehouse. You don't have to worry about permissions as you are granted an unlimited license to re-distribute and modify by Google the moment a user uploads his model.

See e.g. this:


Still, some of the models on Google are way too high poly so you would have to download alot and search for the best match. That takes some work too, if you don't have the professional version... and if you have it in Bulldozer, you need selections, rvmats...

I think it's best if you download the ArmA1 Sample Files and have a thorough look at ArmA Modding Tutorials, Gnat has done some nice video tutorials in the last weeks, if you want to get this started.

Then start modelling buildings/small misc items, as they are easier to create.

Edited by Icewindo

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Some early WIP of one of the final Arma 1 retextures I will be doing...Australian SASR in woodland and desert Auscam. BDU texture is mostly done. Still have to do normals and gear.




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Very nice as always advardk!
Thanks Aardvark! Good luck mate! :)





Very good quality textures there, ardvarkdb! :)

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Almost done with the SASR units. Just a few more tweaks.


A few more photos can be seen here

Edited by ardvarkdb
added link to combat photography thread

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Thanks Ardvarkdb! (spelled your name correctly this time :) )

They look fantastic! :D

EDIT - just noticed mate that the camo on the boonie hats looks a little small in the pics - are the DPCU and DPDU shapes on the hats in the same proportion to the uniform?

Sorry if I'm wrong - it's hard to see on the pics ;)


Edited by Stewy

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Hi, have you think in use the BIS woodland pants textures instead the Johnn's woodland

textures? i think that will look better. Let's C ya

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Good eye Stewy! Easy fix, thankfully. Glad you like the units. I should finish them up here soon. I'm mostly just tweaking the normal maps and playing around with the idea of adding some dirt to the uniforms (or adding dirt versions).

Very cool looking units Jewish Freak!

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can anyone attach this to some US RTO unit, P85 maybe?





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