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KilJoy -SFG-

Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

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the problem with not always being able to rearm at a ammo truck is that the "ammo" is out..

Lets say you have 10 000 "ammo credits", (this is decided in config).

You rearm a minigun on the uh60, 5000 credits, then a vulcan, 5000 credits and after that you try to rearm a mk19 but it wont work because you got 0 in "ammo credits".

Same goes for fuel and repair. Thats why i rather see the use of scripts like in KP CTI. Posted the rearm script at the previous page.

We use it with a dialog to detect the nearest vehicles and then give you a list on what you want to use. Check http://kpcti.granq.se for download if you want to see a "working exemple".

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I've been playing and enjoying Evo quite a bit.

If there is one thing i would like to see is a <span style='color:blue'>responsability system</span>.

Player A crashes MH-6#1, respawns and crashes MH-6#2, respawns and crashes UH-60#1, etc, etc.... players run out of vehicles and leave, mission is a mess of crashed vehicles everywhere, new players either leave or restart the mission.

Much time and effort gone to waste sad_o.gif .

A "system" where a player that crashes/looses a vehicle becomes unable to use vehicles of the same class untill he repairs the destroyed vehicle would be a big + !!!


Player crashes helicopter.

Player can only fly another helicopter after the one he crashed is repaired.

Vehicles lost at sea are also a very bad thing to happen, a vehicle lost at sea should respawn at base after some time, players that crash at sea should not be allowed to fly anymore...

I once found a crashed MH-6 at top of a city block in Somato, to repair it i had to blow up the whole building with satchel charges.

I presume this would be very hard to implement confused_o.gif .

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@ May 14 2007,00:27)]I have thought about players locking vecs and allowing players to purchase them for points maybe. But its not top of the list for now. It represents quite a change I think as people would no longer repair taking away the support element which may be rewarded soon and you could end up with 30 cobras in the air and nothing else.

I haven't done any scripting for arma so excuse my ignorance, but wouldn't it be possible to keep the vehicles in their current incarnation? I mean leave the vehicles in the places they are currently and set them to be locked with no owner. The player could then 'purchase' with X amount of points the rights to the vehicle. You would then assign them owner of the vehicle and they could unlock it and fly/drive. In the event that they crash the vehicle it respawns to it's original location at base locked once again until someone purchases the right to unlock, same player or someone else. This way you'll never have more than 2 cobras or 2 gbus up in the air. It would also be an effective means of score mitigation, we would no longer see players with scores of 300+. Also people would be much more careful how they used the vehicles because it would be costing them points to gain access.

Of course that option removes the need for support units. Alternatively you could have the vehicle respawn damaged in the field, as it currently does, requiring repair and refuel and the player wishing to pilot/drive it could select the 'pay to unlock' option right at the recovered vehicle and be off.

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If there is one thing i would like to see is a <span style='color:blue'>responsability system</span>.

A "system" where a player that crashes/looses a vehicle becomes unable to use vehicles of the same class untill he repairs the destroyed vehicle would be a big + !!!

I completely agree. However there would be an issue trying to separate a good pilot with bad luck from an idiot pilot who likes to do barrel rolls to impress the chicks.

Perhaps a compromise would be that after a helo loss you can't fly for 30 minutes unless you repair a helo.

Helos lost at sea are a real pain since they can not be recovered. It is a troublemaker's wet dream. All a troublemaker has to do is gain enough rank to fly all the choppers out to sea and suddenly everyone is hoofing it to complete the map. As you suggest they really need to respawn after a period of time.

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Something else I was thinking of as far as recovery goes. I think we all agree recovering a vehicle is usually a pain in the ass. What if you added a recovery mission to the mission dispenser. Base the points on how far the vehicle is and maybe spawn some enemy on it to make it a real challenge. You can rationalize it like.. friendly blackhawk down, enemy troops dispatched to comb wreckage, recover blackhawk and eliminate all hostile targets.

Might improve the support role a bit.

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Naaa...No enemys, just the hassle going there, controling the AI´s and getting it back...Lots of points given ofcourse...

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Hi Heatseeker, I'd just like to apologize for losing the black hawk in the sea, my bloody game crashed when I was flying. I was piloting troops all day back and forth and my game crashed twice when I was flying.

Was a good game on our server tho, I started the mission about 10am on Sunday and it was still going at 10PM, was hard work at the end tho as it was getting dark.

And I agree on your idea about if the player crashes a vehicle the should not be allowed to drive another until the have repaired the damaged 1.

Hope you come back on our server for another game Heatseeker wink_o.gif

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Well I would suggest a scaled reward system for the mission based on distance to reduce exploitation. Enemy soldiers for the same reason, else it would be too easy. Maybe only enemy soldiers for higher ranked vehicles. IE cobra/harriers/abrams. Mission points would be awarded on safe return of the vehicle to base of course. Otherwise you'd have people crashing at the farps and laughing all the way to the bank.

So missions would only be dispensed to those with rank to fly/drive the vehicle, more likely the person who crashed it. Should make the people wanting some responsibility happy.

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Based on GranQ's comment about the script for the amount of credits a service vehicle will meet before requiring its own resupply; I've found the following problem with some Fuel Trucks that I consider 'ready to serve' yet they don't refuel the vehicles I'm in.  See my comment about the FARP site between Dolores and Ortego below.

@KJ:  When the service trucks are returned to the air base or motor pool yard on the air base, do the Repair, AMMO, and Fuel trucks get resupplied with their cargo?

In OFP, VBS1, and ArmA, I've always played with the understanding that the service trucks/AMMO, Repair, and Fuel were not infinitely loaded up with the supplies to do their task.  Now in ArmA, after using the service trucks along the path of the battlefield, I've had success in getting my AI to drive the trucks back to Paraiso Air Base and ordering them to Refuel at Fuel Station, Repair at Repair Truck, ReArm at AMMO Truck, etc.  Yet with a few of the fuel trucks, when bringing them back to continue fueling vehicles at the repair site, they still wouldn't refuel, the only option in the menu was, "Refuel at Fuel Station at __ O'Clock or Grid Coord."  

After all, we all see the words, "Servicing" when we bring any vehicle to the base.  So I was hoping that the service trucks (all 3 types) would get their loads replenished with parts, AMMO, and Fuel.

 However, I've seen my share of trucks other than the Repair, that just wouldn't service other allied vehicles.  Is this a ArmA bug that will be fixed in the next 1.07 patch?  After all, some work while others don't.

 Case in point, last night on the 1.5a mission, playing on the  ]KAW[ server that satexas69 wrote about in this forum; the FARP located SW of Ortego was where my squad and I landed to refuel the MH-6.  This was the first known use of the FARP by anyone, yet the only service truck that didn't do it's job was the Fuel Truck.  I had an AI drive the truck to the Fuel Station in Dolores, since we'd just cleared that town.  I left an AI troop in Dolores, manning the .50 Cal on a Styrker.  And the AI in the Fuel Truck was ordered to "Refuel At Fuel Station" which he did and said, "Ready."  I had him drive back to the FARP but it still wouldn't refuel the MH-6.  Thankfully I wasn't that low on Fuel, but I had another AI at the Air Base drive a new Fuel Truck from the Motor Pool Yard down to the FARP and the truck worked like it was supposed to.

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And I agree on your idea about if the player crashes a vehicle the should not be allowed to drive another until the have repaired the damaged 1.

That would be REALLY lame. I suspect you have that opinion because you play on crappy public servers where everyone's hogging stuff and not playing true co-op and pulling their weight in repairing stuff.

Well that's fine and dandy, but for those of us that DO play on good servers and with good people, your above opinion would screw up the mission hardcore.

IE, stupid servers might get some help, but at the expense of wrecking already good ones.

BTW, in your idea, if I'm the driver and your the gunner, and I'm driving you around to help you get points and you get our ass blown up - am I the 'punished one' because I'm the driver?

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This can be easily fixed in a good compromise without having people abuse it.

It's simple - run a timer that puts back all items "lost at sea" to the airport after ONE HOUR (60 minutes).

The point? It's hard to abuse THAT - and in a long mission like that, getting your UH60 or Armor that some AI drive into the ocean cause he hates bridges is better than nothing.

It's simple, it's logical and surely easy for you to code.

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And I agree on your idea about if the player crashes a vehicle the should not be allowed to drive another until the have repaired the damaged 1.

That would be REALLY lame. I suspect you have that opinion because you play on crappy public servers where everyone's hogging stuff and not playing true co-op and pulling their weight in repairing stuff.

Well that's fine and dandy, but for those of us that DO play on good servers and with good people, your above opinion would screw up the mission hardcore.

IE, stupid servers might get some help, but at the expense of wrecking already good ones.

BTW, in your idea, if I'm the driver and your the gunner, and I'm driving you around to help you get points and you get our ass blown up - am I the 'punished one' because I'm the driver?


Thank you for the game Jammy, my coments werent directed towards you (we did some good gaming yesterday and you repaired lots of times) but to the general behaviour going on.


I dont see how it would screw anything up, crashed? Fine, repair and refuel your vehicle and you're all set.

Its not that hard to repair 1 vehicle but its a pain to repair the mess made by the others. Your vehicle, your <span style='color:blue'>responsability!</span>

Instead of trashing 9 more fix your own mess first (it happens to everyone) or have someone do it for you.

The only problem is the APC's, their survivability might depend on the gunner and his capacity to take out RPG's first (im no good at that so i avoid being APC gunner alot) but regarding all the others its the driver/pilot that exposes the vehicle, not the gunner.

Im sure it wouldnt be such a big problem to the good players and their nice servers since they already "pull their weight" repairing stuff...

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Well done KilJoy. Outstanding mission. Nothing fills up my dedicated server like starting Evolution. I start the mission. stand guard at the spawn point, and watch the players come pouring in.

Well done indeed!  

:-) *We need a hand salute smiley face here*

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Amazing mission, I'm addicted thank you!

One thing is confusing, sometimes when I play Evolution 1.5b the choppers respawn after they are destroyed, on other games they dont and you have to go and find and repair them (which is very, very annoying).

Why are there different versions both called 1.5b?

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Mandrake i believe your answer is not even 2 or 3 pages back (and if you cannot be assed to look its because there is an MH6 respawn option on this version. Settable by the admin at the start of the game)

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Mandrake 1.5b is fake ,the last offical version was 1.5a. People like to rip off my work and rename it and call it there own. I will not discuss the rip off versions in this thread. Its not hard to make everything respawn, your missing the point.

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A somewhat trivial sugestion now.

All the civilian vehicles are the same 4 found everywhere.

I think it would be nice to find diferent vehicles in diferent areas of sahrani.

Off roads and bikes in barren areas and farm land, buses and civilian cars in towns, the odd tractor here and there too smile_o.gif .

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I would agree totaly heatseeker. The only concern I have is im not sure what effect having every type of model car you can have in the game would have. As far as i know they way it usually works for games like this is if you have a type of car in game its textures and model have to be held in memory ready for use all the time weather you can see it or not. This would lead to performance issues for clients If you used every vehicle you can in one map. Probably ones like when you see incorrect damage textures, low poly models , low resolution textures for a moment longer then you should. If I knew for sure it didn't work this way Id like to make a random civilian parked car generator using all possible cars.

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Speaking of vehicles...

Could you please place some civilian vehicles

in the areas that are in missions pleas??

I jion a freshstarted server and thought i

could use some points so started a mission.

Guess were it went of?...........HUPANI...

I had to Kill my self to get back...

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So there is no Evolution 1.5b? oh my i've been playing an imitation!

btw Killjoy is there a place that we can download the map? I cant seem to find it anywhere but the servers have new versions up very quickly.

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So there is no Evolution 1.5b? oh my i've been playing an imitation!

btw Killjoy is there a place that we can download the map? I cant seem to find it anywhere but the servers have new versions up very quickly.

Almost every server i've been run the original 1.5a.

Has for the vehicles i understand the concern and the fact that the mission is quite demanding already but it could always be tested smile_o.gif .

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I doubt ArmA reserves memory for unseen textures/models etc.

(Which is why some people on low end graphics card gets delayed models/textures if they turn around quickly, or teleport to a place).

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i dont know about civ cars but for instance if you include the A-10 in a mission you get this in your mission file.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> addOns[]=




There was a thing where you would get an error messge if you created an vehicle by script and it was not included by adding it in the editor at some stage which adds the package to addons like above for a-10. Why include addons like this unless omitting them saves memory. It seems to me this prompts the engine to preload the textures and models related to A-10.

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A somewhat trivial sugestion now.

All the civilian vehicles are the same 4 found everywhere.

I think it would be nice to find diferent vehicles in diferent areas of sahrani.

Off roads and bikes in barren areas and farm land, buses and civilian cars in towns, the odd tractor here and there too smile_o.gif .

(Joking) Heatseeker, I guess you didn't get the memo that Al's Used Cars has a monopoly of all car dealerships on Sahrani, all the locals as well as the soldiers that fight there love Al. "No credit check, no income, no keys. Just get in and drive it off the lot!


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This can be easily fixed in a good compromise without having people abuse it.

It's simple - run a timer that puts back all items "lost at sea" to the airport after ONE HOUR (60 minutes).

The point? It's hard to abuse THAT - and in a long mission like that, getting your UH60 or Armor that some AI drive into the ocean cause he hates bridges is better than nothing.

It's simple, it's logical and surely easy for you to code.

That's a great idea I hope to see implemented/included in the next release. (A million thanks, KilJoy = Evolution Coop rocks!wink_o.gif


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