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KilJoy -SFG-

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About KilJoy -SFG-

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    Staff Sergeant

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  1. KilJoy -SFG-

    Coop 10 The Omega File

    Thanks, Glad you like it.:bounce3:
  2. KilJoy -SFG-

    Coop 10 The Omega File

    Briefing At 1400 hrs today while on a diplomatic mission A transport helicopter went down over island of Stratis, The passenger list was classified but I can tell you it included the Secretary General and the Omega file. Due to the current situation on Stratis we can not launch a standard SAR mission so thats where your team comes in. We picked you because your the best. We want you to get in behind enemy lines, find out where the Secretary General is and extract him if possible. But your priority is the obtaining the Omega file, the enemy must never know it is somthing more then propaganda. We will give you your first task when you have your feet on the ground. Good luck, Allied Command is counting on you. Features It's dynamic. It selects nearby locations to create objectives but never the same one twice. Adjustable parameters like enemy head count and skill. Respawn on leader or at last checkpoint. Tonic's Virtual Ammo System is included as an option. Links Armaholic mirror: OmegaV1.zip Armaholic mirror: The Omega File Co-x [ALPHA]
  3. KilJoy -SFG-

    ARMA II Reinforcements Demo

    Its also standalone so new players could enter at this point.
  4. KilJoy -SFG-

    ARMA II Reinforcements Demo

    Will there be one?
  5. I believe it can help the cpu if the units are not attempting path finding or enemy tracking/engaging.
  6. KilJoy -SFG-

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    These are spawn locations for reinforcements and random locations for missions. e.g parref = pariso reinforcements. mrnd9 = random mission location 9.
  7. KilJoy -SFG-


    Played this on ses. Very good team mission.
  8. KilJoy -SFG-

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    Probably the large circles around towns. They are useful to let you know where to search for enemy and also to quickly indicate at a glance if a town is clear as they disappear then.
  9. KilJoy -SFG-

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    Nice to see people still enjoying evo.
  10. KilJoy -SFG-

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    halo is 1/10th of your rank. its only 6 points if your score is over 60 and under 100. Its free until you get first rank of 10.
  11. KilJoy -SFG-

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    @Deady about the quoted names, There may be a way to detect them and remove them from the saving system, then they could still play but the game would not remember them. The problem is you cant detect a charector in a string in arma script. but there may be another way. I was working on napalm but got sidetracked maybe ill add that some time. Thanks for all your comments and observations people, Some good ideas. Anything mentioned will be considered in any future updates.
  12. KilJoy -SFG-

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    Sounds like a hack to me as well.
  13. KilJoy -SFG-

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    Is yours a linux or a windows server harrybigsacks?
  14. KilJoy -SFG-

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    as I said about parachuter's before. It seems theres a random generic (built into the game) bug that will lock up a server if you use them in missions a lot. I have no way of fixing this as i don't even know what the problem is. All i know know is the mission will end now before a server locks up and dies. If you want to have parachuter reinforcements just play versions 1 of red and blue. Very little else changed.
  15. KilJoy -SFG-

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    jav can be fired in 2 modes , one is an arc trajectory and the other flys direct to target, direct mode seems to be 100% accurate, to fire it in direct mode get a lock but don't raise the scope and press fire. Seems to me jeeps and trucks are the hardest to hit as maybe it flys thro the crew area when theres a soft top roof?