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KilJoy -SFG-

Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

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Where to "rent" the Sopwith Camel and the Motorbike in Evolution huh.gif I saw a guy came in a Sopwith and later on a motorbike ?? He told me he had rented them in a city ??


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Yea right.... nener.gif

But your on something....

How about being able to spawn vehicles in gasstations.

That would be nice...

And could have a point when your far from base and need

a ride.. wink_o.gif

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camel = cheater , In evolution there are no camels

I may do this for lost at sea. 1 hour respawn. possibly on all planes too crashed anywhere as many times there not recoverable.

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Would it be at all possible to remove fuel/repair/ammo-trucks from the respawn-back-to-base script? Yesterday we were playing (just three of us, so logistics were an issue), and we had brought up one of each to be able to service the vehicles we had used in the attack (on Somato).

But when we had cleared Somato, the trucks had been removed. We weren't in any real trouble (especially since we were only as far away as Somato), but it could potentially be a big problem the further away you are.

I understand that you want to return stuff to base so that ignorant people can't mess up the game for everyone else, but it also breaks the game for serious players who take the time and effort to set up their own FARPs if their FARPs are removed after a couple of minutes.

Maybe a much longer timeout could be added to the trucks?

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The game really would grind to a halt if all trucks were mising from base. There are 3 trucks that dont respawn when they die they need repair like most other vehicles. from the runway when you go into the army base by the north entrance the three of them are standing alone on the right just west of the gas station as your heading south. The real problem is you will find is a fuel truck will only fill up about 2 uh60 and its stores are depleted and its usless then and ammo trucks arent much better. Another alternitive is to leave an ai in the truck and it will not respawn.

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@ May 16 2007,10:06)]Another alternitive is to leave an ai in the truck and it will not respawn.

But it will use the fuel of the truck as the engine will be on.

That's why I asked trucks to have infinite "internal" fuel.

May be there's a way to tell the AI to turn off the engine... Anyway, easier logistics is welcome, especially with AI that can't cross a bridge properly.


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what we do is put them in as a passenger this way the AI dont start the engine which inturn dont use fuel smile_o.gif

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Would like to say, Thanks KillJoy for spending the time to create this mission for the community. yay.gif

Also have a small suggestion for your consideration. As opposed to having fixed FARP locations, an element of realism could be added, if COL rank players were able to "Create/Spawn" a single un-moveable FARP via map click at a location of their choice? A further possibility to this would be to allow players to select this FARP as a spawn location?

Sorry if this has been suggested previously.


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The whole respawn and vehicle issue need

to be looked over..It is both good and bad.

Maby two options, 1st the existing one with

the vehicles at base, 2nd a Vehiclefactory

were you can buy personal veichles (lockable)

that doesent respawn. Maby each player could

be given a fixed amount of money at start. When

that amount is depleted you have to do some

missions or a VERRY hard one to get new money.

AND there should only be the most essential

vehicles in that factory, like RepTruck, Fuel

truck, Hummvee. The pricing shouldnt be that

high either.

Its an idea..

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Having spent many hours playing Evolution now I wanted something alittle different

So on the 169th 100MB Dedicated Server I've put ip a slightly different version to 1.5a

60 Players

More vehicles and MH6 Choppers

Halved the score required for promotions.

BMP Squad around Objectives is smarter and tuffer

Added some M2 Machine guns at airbase for defenses

thanks Kiljoy for such a cool mission and concept.

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I just wanted to share some thoughts about the

ppl playing...

Last night i had a relly nice time until:

I joined this server and when i got in all the MH6´s were lost (due to stupidty perhaps), i did some missions and gained sgt rank so i thought i´ll rep one of thouse MH6. I did and was on a mission, used the heli to get there and back...

When i got back the heli was overloading with ppl screaming take me there, no there...

I had another mission up so i say "NO i wont", i fixed their crashed heli i use it as i see fit...They started japping and i just got fed up and left....

Its getting verry frustrating to play with all these kidrambos and TKers. There is no respect for the other player.

I had a Hummvee all stashed up and ready to go on a mission

FAR north...I turn my back and of it goes.. STOLEN...

Evolution is by far the best style since cr-CTI on OFP...

But im getting tired of all these punks ruining the games...

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what we do is put them in as a passenger this way the AI dont start the engine which inturn dont use fuel smile_o.gif

I put my AI in the copilot seat of the MH-6 and it respawned and dumped him on the ground.

I am not sure if the same will happen in vehicle.

I recall a suggestion that I would agree with, and that is have it so that vehicles when damaged retain some fuel. Maybe enough to either get it to a FARP or a gas station?

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Evolution is by far the best style since cr-CTI on OFP...

But im getting tired of all these punks ruining the games...

Yeah, I wish people would stop playing all alone in the game and actually work together...

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had another "fun" repair thing.

We drove down to cayo to fix a mh6, so we did. Cleared the rest of town we not talking many minutes.. come back and the trucks are respawned.. "ah damnit, well lets fly back".. and the mh6 isn't working.

Fk anderson, if you take one of the few TRANSPORT helicopters for yourself and then complains about people want you to transport them.. then i think you should play it in "singleplayer mode"

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For my private modded version, I added a script to the UH60s (and added 2 more of them) that give the pilot a "Rescue Vehicles" option in the action menu. When selected the script looks for vehicles in a radius of 20m from the chopper and sets their damage to 0 and their fuel to 40%.

Rescuing downed vehicles is now relatively easy and downed choppers can be flown to a FARP or base for refueling as needed.

The other approach is to use an airlift script, but that seems more challenging to implement.

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what we do is put them in as a passenger this way the AI dont start the engine which inturn dont use fuel smile_o.gif

False. Um, they'll respawn. You MUST have an AI in as driver to stop the respawn.

Quote[/b] ]May be there's a way to tell the AI to turn off the engine... Anyway, easier logistics is welcome, especially with AI that can't cross a bridge properly.

To get an AI in drivers seat but with engine OFF, put him in as driver (engine comes on), tell him to "stop", then using commands, again go to action and say "passenger seat", and then go to actions, and tell him to move to "drivers seat", and he'll slide back over. Basically while he's in the cab, your slidding him to passenger then back to driver. The engine stays off. (A lot of work for something simple, but it's a method that does work)

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Having spent many hours playing Evolution now I wanted something alittle different

So on the 169th 100MB Dedicated Server I've put ip a slightly different version to 1.5a

60 Players

More vehicles and MH6 Choppers

Halved the score required for promotions.

BMP Squad around Objectives is smarter and tuffer

Added some M2 Machine guns at airbase for defenses

thanks Kiljoy for such a cool mission and concept.

Great, you turned it into some lame version of Battlefield II or Quake.

The author ASKED you not to mod it, but yet you did. Again, great.

Knocked DOWN the promotions? Great.

Added M2 at airbase to get easy kills and points against aircraft? Great.


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*IF* You love evolution, but are tired of the "general public" kiddies, and want to play with some mature players, private message me for server name and pass to our dedi server.

Our server is a dedicated 1.05 (currently) and has been running for 3+ months now. It's private, and passworded to keep the general public (idiots) out. We run evolution in persistant mode (meaning when nobody's on, mission is still going till server crashes or it's completed or we somehow reset it).

If you want it, private message me for server name/ip and pass.

However - If you don't meet these criteria, don't Private Message me:

1. You play as a true team member, we all attack the same city/objective together, we assist one another, and while it's natural to be competative for points, once you get 20-30 over others, you start helping out more than before, and always let the "little guy" blow up the secondary objectives. We don't REQUIRE you to be overly co-op crazy and militaristic, but we do play co-op as COOPERATIVELY. We help one another, we're very opened minded, and we share the workload (getting the trucks, repairing, etc).

When we're done with a city, NOBODY goes on to attack the next city until we have everything repaired, back at airport (or whereever the stash is), and we're all ready to move on. This is co-op, not adventure island.

2. You know how to command AI and know how to help clean up vehicles (repair, refuel) after we take cities and help put stuff BACK at airport or at our next "rally point" to take next city.

3. If you make colonel or some very high rank, and a "regular" that plays on our server shows up with little to no points, you allow him to be your gunner and make some rank so he's useful to help you, and in turn you both have fun.

4. You don't "hog" vehicles. If you make a rank first, you don't use up all the vehicles of a type leaving them out for repair. Instead, you take ONE, use it (and/or others), repair them, and keep going. If you wreck a lot of vehicles in a city, after we complete the city, you're expected to be one of the busier guys helping out repairing all the stuff.. ie, true team player.

5. You use teamspeak, having a working headset/mic and you speak fluent English (no offense to those that don't, but communication is obviously necessary).

6. You play generally in the USA (CST) evenings (which is when most of us play).

Fardwark & Fk Andersson -

I wrote this on page 45. If you 'fit the bill', feel free to join others of us on that server that DO play it the way Kiljoy intended and in true co-op manner.

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had another "fun" repair thing.

We drove down to cayo to fix a mh6, so we did. Cleared the rest of town we not talking many minutes.. come back and the trucks are respawned.. "ah damnit, well lets fly back".. and the mh6 isn't working.

Fk anderson, if you take one of the few TRANSPORT helicopters for yourself and then complains about people want you to transport them.. then i think you should play it in "singleplayer mode"

That wasnt the issue...

There were MH6 crashed allover the place but they had to

use the one i spent a LOT of time to have repaired??

NO..I say, let them repair one if they want transportation

OR take better care of the ones that DO exist..

They could atlest have been polite enough to ASK..

But no, they DEMAND...Thats what my six year old

son do...And i say no to him aswell.

I dont agree at all there GranQ..

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Great, you turned it into some lame version of Battlefield II or Quake.

The author ASKED you not to mod it, but yet you did. Again, great.

Knocked DOWN the promotions? Great.

Added M2 at airbase to get easy kills and points against aircraft? Great.


Bla Bla

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Great, you turned it into some lame version of Battlefield II or Quake.

The author ASKED you not to mod it, but yet you did. Again, great.

Knocked DOWN the promotions? Great.

Added M2 at airbase to get easy kills and points against aircraft? Great.


Bla Bla


 Before I read your reply to a friend of mine, and fellow ArmA player, satexas69, I thought with a callsign like Ice, you wouldn't literally be "ice cold" in your reply to satexas about your modification of KJ's Evolution Coop on your teams server.  

When I see the callsigns of folks, I may relate it to what I know of military callsign history, past and present day. They're given to the pilots by their peers, and the callsign usually fits the character in some way. So, before seeing your response, I liked your callsign and thought decent of you; that maybe you were probably like Ice in TOP GUN, who "flew by the book."

 Well, I'm with satexas69 on his post about your modification to KJ's mission, Ice.

 Your "Bla Bla" reply, though just two words, speak volumes about the type of ArmA player you must be; the kind that doesn't want to earn the right to use the other equipment as KJ designed it, which was perfect imho.

 Well now I know two fellows, the other's an 18-year old fellow (see ** below), who modify missions so they have the upper hand in firepower by editing the mission so they don't have to work at promotions and earn the points quicker, and maybe finish the map quicker in the process without the aid of your team mates.

 I enjoy the movie, TOP GUN, and Ice was a respectable pilot, because he flew by the book.  Another movie I enjoy is, HEARTBREAK RIDGE. Clint Eastwood's famous line, "Adapt. Improvise. Overcome." is just what it takes in KJ's Evolution Coop, which is appropriately named, because if you play it the way he meant for it to be done, only survival of the fittest will win by adapting, improvising, and overcome, but without without microwaving (modifying) the mission.

Finally Ice, it goes without saying, but I'll write it anyway, that you won't change your callsign, but when I see it from now on, that it's "Bla Bla", or "Microwave", because you want your promotion now! (served in seconds).

** The 18-yr old guy, is a buddy of mine, who plays VBS1, OFP, and now ArmA. In ArmA, he modded the KA-50 with Air to Air missiles, so he could shoot down US aircraft in ArmA. He didn't put A-A missiles on the AH-1Z Cobra to even the playing field, even though in real life AND in ArmA, it has the launcher rails on it. In multiplayer ArmA, he almost always plays on the OPFOR side because he's also modded the AK-47s with ACOG and Dragunov sights!

@KJ: We're looking forward to your next release and enjoy your mission as it is because it plays great, especially on private servers with your team mates on Teamspeak! Peace! HooAhh!!

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All ive done is made some changes. Ive given fulll credit to the creator. Nothing has been stolen. If someone expects that they can create a map then stop people from modding it they need their head read.

get over it. If you dont like it dont join my server.


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Ive given fulll credit to the creator. Nothing has been stolen.

no you didn't. the creator has repeatedly asked everyone not to modify his mission, at least until it is fully finished.

not respecting his wishes is not giving credit or respect.

respect. familiar with that word?

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