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MFCTI Beta Download

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there both made from BBQ bobs conversion

not sure what the other guy has done exactly..

all upgrade should be for all

rockett upgrade is for the choppers

and i think ya need to upgrade Aircraft before you get the rocketts binkster will know more with aspect

need to get it on our server so i can get to testing there could be bugs that need fixing hehe

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there both made from BBQ bobs conversion

not sure what the other guy has done exactly..

all upgrade should be for all

rockett upgrade is for the choppers

and i think ya need to upgrade Aircraft before you get the rocketts binkster will know more with aspect

need to get it on our server so i can get to testing there could be bugs that need fixing hehe

Thanks for reply russin

I played mfcti a long time ago and thought i remembered only one upgrade necessary to affect all. Hmmm, maybe it's because I'm running so many mods with it huh.gif

I'll try gasps...vanilla.

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Only the commander upgrades. If commander upgrades rockets, then you can get rockets for all vehicles that come with rockets. if you buy a chopper before you upgrade then the rocketts will not be there. doesnt matter if which squad, now there could be a bug but if so I need someone to confirm.

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Only the commander upgrades.  If commander upgrades rockets, then you can get rockets for all vehicles that come with rockets. if you buy a chopper before you upgrade then the rocketts will not be there. doesnt matter if which squad, now there could be a bug but if so I need someone to confirm.

always used to be like that.

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Oh i dunno if this has been noticed or not but AI commanders do not order AI to Defend Base/Towns

Yea I turned that line off to help beta test other things that took time. Got tired of enemy running in when I was testing. There will be a different mission for coop as this is player vs player mission.

I should have 108 content in mission tonight with a couple fixes. Check some servers for testing tonight.

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Ok new version on first post. Added a10 and changed the addon a little for 108 configs..

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the game ask mfcti&&-.pbo for the mission, where can i find it

Edit, i'v open the mission and remove the line whith MFCTI116 and that work, but ask now the correct name at start of mission mfarma


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Ok new version on first post. Added a10 and changed the addon a little for 108 configs..

M16 has a sound problem.

singleshot and burstshot has different sound.

- M4 sound too different from M16. it 's a bit shocking smile_o.gif

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Yea there are a few things I may have missed from the 108 patch. I will look into the m16 sounds. As for the mission wanting mfcti116, that shouldnt happen. The new mission needs to be added as well

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the game ask mfcti&&-.pbo for the mission, where can i find it

Edit, i'v open the mission and remove the line whith MFCTI116 and that work, but ask now the correct name at start of mission mfarma

mission whith no bug

That is OLD VERSION, 6.. Yes that will ask for mfcti.... I have new addon and new mission in download... New mission is .66... Dob you might want to take that link down so you wont confuse more people.

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I havent had time to test but I think I fixed some issues that I overlooked when I changed the addon. Anyone want to re download mfarma and the mission and test I put it on first post. Im having to leave so didnt have time to test my changes..

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I havent tested yet but I have converted saralite to Sara for the folks who dont want to download SaraLite,I also added several Towns/Starting Locations.. Fixed few bugs example... wrong pictures/names of vehicles in factories.  Here is link for   SaraMfcti

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excellent. im at work right now for the next 3 days but i can test it the next chance i get.

Kinda disapointed I cant buy my RPG Soldier which was the A10 for 100$ anymore.... lol But at least ya got it fixed


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So with 1.08 JIP should work now?

I agree with some that JIP will cause problems so it should only be used on passworded servers because cheaters will ruin the game.

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No JIP doesnt work yet. I need help with that, anyone intrested just let me know.

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Here's an update, I got JIP working but seems to be some small bugs still. First off you have to turn ai off to begin with. You cannot join in on an ai that is already playing. Everything seems to work fine if you join the other way. Also if you crash, then you can rejoin your old group and seems to have 0 bugs when that happens.

Second I got the ammo crates working correctly. I will add a link sometime this weekend with MfctiSaralite, MfctiSara, and a MfctiCOOP. And I need peoples help to post bugs.

Once the small bugs are taken care of I would like to convert sqs to sqf. Any experienced scripters would like to help me out that would be great.

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i plan on playing all weekend ill give ya a list smile_o.gifnener.gif

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Oh, wow! I love CTI. The default BIS one is good, but the original OFP MFCTI had a much better feel.

I'll get this up and running too.

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Aaaaaahhh.... smile_o.gif

But the link appears to not work Binkster, can you check it please?

Also - I lost all my shortcuts recently, including one to your site. Can you send me it please? smile_o.gif I noticed that for a couple of weeks before I lost the shortcut that the site wasn't there, I hope it's still up smile_o.gif

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Aaaaaahhh.... smile_o.gif

But the link appears to not work Binkster, can you check it please?

Also - I lost all my shortcuts recently, including one to your site. Can you send me it please? smile_o.gif I noticed that for a couple of weeks before I lost the shortcut that the site wasn't there, I hope it's still up smile_o.gif

i have checked his links they work for me.....

there the same links ill be addiing to site Downloads section

the odd time if links don't work wait a few mins system might be rebooting

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Aaaaaahhh.... smile_o.gif

But the link appears to not work Binkster, can you check it please?

Also - I lost all my shortcuts recently, including one to your site. Can you send me it please? smile_o.gif I noticed that for a couple of weeks before I lost the shortcut that the site wasn't there, I hope it's still up smile_o.gif

i have checked his links they work for me.....

there the same links ill be addiing to site Downloads section

the odd time if links don't work wait a few mins system might be rebooting

Nope - I been trying to get this file for a few hours now, at this location. I just get an endless page load screen.

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