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Dynamic War

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Quote[/b] ]do youthink it's could be possible to make your mission MP compliant ?

Yep, but not by me. wink_o.gif

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Hello MrN !

I have tested your mission and I like it. As I have tried to adapt DMA's work or even write a dynamic mission from scratch in OFP and ArmA, I know what kind of trouble you ran into wink_o.gif

v0.91G works fine for me, except :

- the insertion chopper relands, stays down for a while, then moves back to base after the team has been inserted. I ran into this kind of problem when creating dynamic insert/evac scripts. I might have a look at your own scripts.

- after a couple of "rest", the game suddenly became highly unplayable due to lag, without visible reason. Maybe too much scripts launching at the same time ?

I'll play it some more and maybe come back with some improvements idea...

Keep up the good work ! Looking forward to next versions...


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Nice. I'll get this one too.

I recently installed OFP with Tonal Redux and Sanc's dynamic tonal missions. I love those things.

I'm gonna go slightly off Topic here, forgive me, but bear with me and tell me if you noticed the same things;

I loaded up the OFP editor, placed a west group and changed the LAWsoldier to an AT soldier (there are no LAW class' in ArmA). I saved the mission.

Then I moved the mission folder from the OFP directory to the ArmA dirrectoy and opened it up in the ArmA editor....

What did I see? Nothing! The units were all placed well off map, i mean miles out to see! So I changed the map from .intro to .sara as sahrani is a bigger map.

Now what did I see? No grass! That’s right, importing missions created in the OFP editor disabled ArmA's grass, dramatically improving performance!

So, after amending a few class names like BMP2, LAW and RPG soldiers etc, what would happen if we import the whole CCE template into ArmA? Any ideas…

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Hey man, have you tried putting it into a campaign style mission like GDCE? IIRC that's the work around for the CTDs. IIRC only.

But if that doesn't work, then we'll have to wait for the next patch where this issue is getting fixed.

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Quote[/b] ]That’s right, importing missions created in the OFP editor disabled ArmA's grass, dramatically improving performance!

I suspect there could be a setTerrainGrid command lurking around somewhere for that to happen.

Quote[/b] ]So, after amending a few class names like BMP2, LAW and RPG soldiers etc, what would happen if we import the whole CCE template into ArmA? Any ideas…

Try it and find out. smile_o.gif There's just enough differences between OFP's commands and ArmA's to be a pain in the a**e!


Quote[/b] ]Hey man, have you tried putting it into a campaign style mission like GDCE? IIRC that's the work around for the CTDs. IIRC only.

I haven't tried and TBH I'm not going to. I've spent too much time getting this to work and to convert to campaign would require rebuilding the whole thing from scratch. I haven't got the energy for that. I wish shinden1 the best of luck with GDCE but I want to try and keep this suitably different.


Also, I think autosaves should be fine now crazy_o.gif, it's mid-mission saves that can cause grief.


Anyhoo, here's an update


Added 1 airstrike option earlier

Deleted about 24 logics (therefore variables) and now use a trigger to capture different objects and their locations to set the missions by

Because of this I can add more locations, :-D so there's now about 8 more Raid locations,Patrol mission now has 17 different locations, Defend has about 30.

Spawn Enemies should exit properly and I'm now "deletegroup"-ing all the created groups, this could be the cause of spawning failing after 8-10 missions because ArmA's group limit is being reached. I also suspect this is why the savegame is getting so big.

If no option is selected at the beginning and the dialog remains up it defaults to Easy.

Scatter scripts check if they're in water

New Outpost mission with 7 locations (as suggested by troop, I couldn't call it FARP though, juvenile as I am the word is too close to fart. Maybe I read too much Viz when I was younger...)

Most missions now require the player to be near the objective for the mission to end. No just using support to complete a mission. wink_o.gif

Added better armour spawning on some missions

Livened up defend mission

Added West groups patrolling the south

Fixed APC and Chopper script not exiting

Skiptime now more subtle

Increased a couple of stats to increase main mission duration.

Added a couple more music tracks


Fixed Defend town mission broken in 0.91h

Added mission end if Officer is killed in Defend mission.


Removed spawning shilkas



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rofl.gif LMFAO!! rofl.gif

I've only just downloaded and tried this dynamic war out.

First mission was to kill the Infantry moving from A to B.

really intense. loads of troops cople of BRDMs. I had to call in air strike. Lost two guys, Then, omg, then the enemy starts shouting "Run away!, Runaway, run away"! as in Monty Python and the Holy grail!!!

I love it! this is fantastice.!! lol!!!

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Nice changes - I haven't played ArmA for a while and it's nice to see all the new things that you put in this mission.

After the praise, I do have one question, too: what's the trigger to end the Ambush mission? I'm using 0.92b (no addons), killed all enemies - got the "Objective completed, call for extraction" message first, but I was pinned down and had no option but to clear up the entire enemy force. At this point when I call the extraction and return to the base, the commander doesn't have the "End Mission" command. What do I need to do?

The notebook shows the mission completed (green checkmark), but when I click on the links in the mission description ("Ambush" and the enemy comes from "here"), they're already placed back to the upper right corner of the map, where you have all the other resources.

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kudos to you MrN smile_o.gif

you gotta love the dynamic missions!

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Quote[/b] ]then the enemy starts shouting "Run away!, Runaway, run away"



Quote[/b] ]What do I need to do?

I've slightly changed the trigger area for the action to appear you may need to get closer to the officer. Ambush should be working whistle.gif

Let me know if you can't proceed.


Thanks, yes I do. Good job really! tounge2.gif



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MrN, Do you have some kind of DAC running ad well?

or just a scater effect of troops?

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Quote[/b] ]Do you have some kind of DAC running ad well?

Nope. Every time the mission is ended they all get deleted and regenerate at the base locations. East loons travel to other bases randomly and West loons go to the patrol points. Because I'm using Guard waypoints to move them around though they won't hesitate to go join a fight normally.


I guess you got it working. wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]What do I need to do?

I've slightly changed the trigger area for the action to appear you may need to get closer to the officer. Ambush should be working whistle.gif

Let me know if you can't proceed.



It still doesn't work, I tried it several times. No matter how close I go to the officer, the menu item doesn't show up. Also, this is the 3rd job in the mission (first was patrol, then seek & destroy), it was working fine then. I'm running 1.08 with no addons and the latest version of your mission. Can you please take a look to see what could be wrong?

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I guess you got it working. wink_o.gif

in fact i don't, the first mission i tried (patrol ) it was situated in the middle of the ocean crazy_o.gif also i had a estrange error message on the top left corner of the screen , very long one (could not create i don' know waht...) sad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]It still doesn't work, I tried it several times.
Quote[/b] ]it was situated in the middle of the ocean

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! crazy_o.gif

If this was something physical I'd built like lego I'd smash into little pieces. banghead.gif

I honestly don't know what's going on with your game xxbbcc. I'll double check everything but I can't think of a reason why if the objective gets ticked you don't get the action.


Someone else reported something similar by PM and it turned out to be an addon that he was running, if you run vanilla Arma with no addons you should find it'll work. If you find out which addon causes it let me know please.



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after testing for a while i think i found the addon that causes the conflict, it's RAE_sandbagFix.pbo , taking it out the mission works well and there are no patrols in the water smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]it's RAE_sandbagFix.pbo

Weird, it must be doing something to the setpos command I guess.

Thanks for letting me know.


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That is very weird indeed... Sandbag fix causing this ? I thought it just changed the destructtype of some objects ? Well, I'll give it a try tonight. Nice find anyway.


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Quote[/b] ]It still doesn't work, I tried it several times.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! crazy_o.gif

If this was something physical I'd built like lego I'd smash into little pieces. banghead.gif

I honestly don't know what's going on with your game xxbbcc. I'll double check everything but I can't think of a reason why if the objective gets ticked you don't get the action.

MrN, thank you, don't worry about it - eventually the game crashed on me; I reloaded from the last autosave, got a different job, but now it seems no matter how many times I try, the game crashes when I try to reload later. (The job type doesn't seem to matter anymore, although I was able to reload during the ambush mission several times.)

I think I'll stop playing ArmA again until at least the savegame patch comes out for this pathetic "game". I feel sorry for you (and other mission makers), since you did a good job with your mission and your new version was pretty much the only reason for me to run ArmA after a while.

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oh man , this mission is really well done , the detail level is exquisite, love the variety of missions and options of support. the only but i could say is that i'd like to have more variety of weapons to choose , the enemy is very far and my sight is not as good as before, you know tounge2.gif

congrats ! thumbs-up.gif

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oh man , this mission is really well done , the detail level is exquisite, love the variety of missions and options of support. the only but i could say is that i'd like to have more variety of weapons to choose , the enemy is very far and my sight is not as good as before, you know  tounge2.gif

congrats ! thumbs-up.gif

You seem to get better weapons as you progress. I have one of those .50cal snipers! tounge2.gif

Also, i just saw the end outtro. All the guys doing they cool down exercises. Good to see you have injected humour.

The only thing I'd like is a truck at the air port to drive my self back to the Officer (lazy in games as well as real life you see.)

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Quote[/b] ] eventually the game crashed on me

Could you put the savegame up for download so I can have a peak at it? Don't know if it'll help but I've run out of ideas.


Glad you got it working ok and enjoying it, as stegman points out you do get more weaponry the better you get. More kills= more stuff!


Quote[/b] ]Also, i just saw the end outtro. All the guys doing they cool down exercises. Good to see you have injected humour.

I couldn't think of any way of ending this so I just went with the cheesiest option.

Quote[/b] ]The only thing I'd like is a truck at the air port to drive my self back to the Officer (lazy in games as well as real life you see.)

Would it help if I came round and played it for you? wink_o.gif



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Quote[/b] ]The only thing I'd like is a truck at the air port to drive my self back to the Officer (lazy in games as well as real life you see.)

Would it help if I came round and played it for you? wink_o.gif



Now that would be real lazy! biggrin_o.gif

btw, i just had a problem with the search and destroy mission.

We had to go blow up the enemy "hardware".

I called in air strike, arty. air support and Infantry!

When i finally arrived, there was nothing there. Couple of bodies, few busted up Cobras, many fallen trees, but nothing alive. I searched high and low.

Extraction was denied until the mission was over.

Don't know what caused it, but it might be worth having an "abandon mission" option for cases like this (could result in loss of score to discourage the act)... huh.gif

(P.S. thanks for the info the.)

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Quote[/b] ] eventually the game crashed on me

Could you put the savegame up for download so I can have a peak at it? Don't know if it'll help but I've run out of ideas.

Unfortunately, no; I deleted all savegames, since they took up a lot of space (not just from your mission, from others, too.) I might try again, as I like your mission, but ArmA is just waaay too frustrating. But anyway, thank you for your work - someday when BIS finally fixes it, I might be able to play it through.

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thanks Mr. N for making such an enjoyable mission for arma

i have however encounted a problem:

i get the helicopter to bring me back to base after mission completion, then i end the mission, then i get a new mission, then go to the medic, he tells me to get a new mission first, then i goto the pilot guy who tells me to get a new mission first

i go back to the mission guy.....

no luck

i look at my map, i have a completed mission listed

GURK i'm already back at base, what can i do???

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