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Hold fire

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It seems that units don't hold fire all the time.

When I use my binoc and RMB to reveal some targets, my units move into position and one by one they reply with "ready to fire". So far so good.

I didn't gave the order to attack them.

But after a short period they start firing them, mostly snipers and machinegunners. Why do they do that?

They should only fire when I tell them to do or when the enemy fires at them. They always ruin my surprise attack, who's in charge here? mad_o.gif

Is it a bug or is there a reason behind this?

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Have you ordered them NOT to fire? Otherwise they are free to fire as default. If I´m not wrong of course biggrin_o.gif

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Yeah, I have the same problem. During many missions, I told my men to go on "STEALTH" and "HOLD FIRE". No luck, each time they engage without my order.

Worst of all, they don't even obey when I tell them to stop or disengage. They are just berserks...

Is it depending on skill ? I might do a test with increasing skills to see if it has an influence.


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i think if an enemy comes within a certain distance they will fire in self-defence regardless of orders...

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i think if an enemy comes within a certain distance they will fire in self-defence regardless of orders...

Probably, or they are under fire from someone, maybe a silenced weapon if you can't hear it...

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I think some of the command menu 'commands' are bugged or don't register when you play in single player.

For example in the editor or a single mission when you order your AI men to go 'Safe', they don't. Yet they do in the multiplayer mode.

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Quote[/b] ]For example in the editor or a single mission when you order your AI men to go 'Safe', they don't. Yet they do in the multiplayer mode.

They do in SP but you have to put your gun down first (toggle raise weapon key) and it takes some time.

Quote[/b] ]Probably, or they are under fire from someone, maybe a silenced weapon if you can't hear it...

No, I'm 100% sure there were no silenced weapons involved. It tried it in the editor.

Ok, Boecko, thx. This explains a lot. smile_o.gif

I've noticed that special ops are much better in obeying the hold fire command, because they are harder to spot by the enemy.

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Nope, I have the same problem here.

Me too, and they blow charges without any order too.

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When you select targets through binos, don't you use LMB, which is also assign to 'fire'?

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Now THIS is a bug, where I could beat the crap out of the AI...

Same problem here. But they didn't blow up satchels without order so far!  biggrin_o.gif  rofl.gif

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Yeah, I have the same problem. During many missions, I told my men to go on "STEALTH" and "HOLD FIRE". No luck, each time they engage without my order.

Worst of all, they don't even obey when I tell them to stop or disengage. They are just berserks...

They haven't been taking that stuff from "Jacobs Ladder" have they? biggrin_o.gif

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I've got this problem too, it's STUPID! crazy_o.gif It wasn't a problem in the original OFP.

I like to very carefully coordinate my attacks, if your men won't hold fire when you tell them to then what's the bl00dy point in this being a "realistic" combat simulator!?!?

Right now this issue makes the game very difficult to play with any degree of tactical precision, as soon as one of your guys decides to disobey the hold fire command your whole squad is as good as dead. Completely ridiculous! Please fix this BIS confused_o.gif

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"maybe AI's have feelings too. Like in real life.. people cant handle the presure and they start to fire without order. biggrin_o.gif "

i understand what you mean, and i agree. Sux

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I've git the same problem. But when i give them the order "don't fire", before they see enemys, then they hold fire. But when thy've seen enemys before you give the order "don't fire", they shot all magazines empty biggrin_o.gif

Maybe try this out wink_o.gif

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i think this also happens when a unit is set to "careless".

I had about ten SLA units on careless and another ten of US troops on careless. I had their waypoints such that they walk into each other.

So far so good... they walk... dont fire.. but exchange ugly stares.

however when they start to get really close (i.e. body contact) they will open fire and everything will go messy with everyone else opening fire.

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I think that you missuse ENGAGE and TARGET commands.

In hold fire mode AI should fire only when you order him ENGAGE (SpaceBar+Left mouse button which will also release him from formation) or FIRE comand (via comand menu).

If you just order TARGET (from comanding menu, StaceBar+RMB will work on 1.06), AI will respond READY and waiting for FIRE command (check Squad training mission).

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I think that you missuse ENGAGE and TARGET commands.

In hold fire mode AI should fire only when you order him ENGAGE (SpaceBar+Left mouse button which will also release him from formation) or FIRE comand (via comand menu).

If you just order TARGET (from comanding menu, StaceBar+RMB will work on 1.06), AI will respond READY and waiting for FIRE command (check Squad training mission).

Thats because there is a car in the training mission and not an acutal enemy.

In the editor if you order your squad to cease fire (3-2 in the menu) they automatically start firing at a certain distance to enemies althogh they are in hold fire mode and have no targets assigned via command menu.

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in OFP i had the opposite problem-in the commando missions i could either leave the guys on "open fire" and have them shoot tanks with an mp5 or put them on "hold fire" where they would never fire even if someone stepped on them.

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In the editor if you order your squad to cease fire (3-2 in the menu) they automatically start firing at a certain distance to enemies althogh they are in hold fire mode and have no targets assigned via command menu.

No, they open fire because the enemy spotted them first.

Check boecko's test missions on the first page of this thread.

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