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Public Ban List

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working on it. when a server gets overrun with muppets i try to find the admin and tell them about the gbl.

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is there any ability to log the name in question with each id ? - i know its not solid info, but it would be useful.

on this vein, has sgt.fagot been banned yet ? -- 24/7 teamkiller. if anyone get's his arma id, please add it to the list.

in the last few days i've seen 3, yes just 3 players that *need* banning. - players that if yu see connect to a server you can be 100% sure a mass of teamkilling will follow. This is what the global ban list should be for. Its very easy to pick holes in it and yes it may not be perfect, but if the servers just banned a handful of idiots the game experience would improve massively overnight.

I've also seen SGT.FAGOT numerous times and he's a NOTORIOUS teamkiller. He curses, flames, does whatever to intentionally ruin the game.

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Hes on the list.

You mean he was already on the list or from now on? How many servers use this banlist? And which ones?

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hes been on the list for a few weeks.

We dont force server hosts to register or list there servers if they just download the banlist for use, so i can t say how many use the produced list.

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Ive just added 2 more IDs to the list and these 2 guys seem to have cheats that i havnt seen before.. They must be TKC or something simler.. Ive been following them from server to server and they are hardcore.. Please download and use the updated list.


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Ive just added 2 more IDs to the list and these 2 guys seem to have cheats that i havnt seen before.. They must be TKC or something simler.. Ive been following them from server to server and they are hardcore.. Please download and use the updated list.


Chances are they are also using ID changers. They say on forums that there already is one but still in private use. You could just as well be banning 2 innocent players.

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Ive just added 2 more IDs to the list and these 2 guys seem to have cheats that i havnt seen before.. They must be TKC or something simler.. Ive been following them from server to server and they are hardcore.. Please download and use the updated list.


hardcore in this case meaning "dense", not "cool".

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Ive just added 2 more IDs to the list and these 2 guys seem to have cheats that i havnt seen before.. They must be TKC or something simler.. Ive been following them from server to server and they are hardcore.. Please download and use the updated list.


Chances are they are also using ID changers. They say on forums that there already is one but still in private use. You could just as well be banning 2 innocent players.

From all the info i have gathered there is no ID Changers as of yet for ArmA. So dont worry. for now  confused_o.gif

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Whats the topic on 10 & 11 digit ID no.

Anybody have info on this?

Been seeing lots recently, most are doing the TKing

My German Game had two digits less than my UK version.. it depends i guess..

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Why only a month ban? I would like to see permant bans. I like the way VAC works in steam, though thats for cheating...

Do you put cheaters on the list too? And any way to automatically update this list to the server, and merge with exiting bans? Can I use comments in the ban list?

EDIT: Any way to get id's of the TK'ers who disconnect right after blowing chopper down, or something?

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Lots of questions.

The Month ban was to give all a chance to see if they learned there lesson. If not, back on the list they go.

The list is for teamkilling only as actual cheating can be very difficult to prove. anyone can have a finger pointed at trhem and accused of cheating because they got the drop on someone.

No automatic intergration with a servers own banlist. You ether use this list as it is, or copy the ID's into your own server banlist to merge them.

The Banlist only accepts Number, not comments or woring etc.

you can get the ID of a Teamkiller who runs away by reading the servers little text window ( on the serving PC ) which logs all joining & leaving activity from the moment you run the server untill the time it stops. When A player joins this little display shows the Players name, ID and any mods they are running. Copy and paste that data into notepad and use the search function, its quicker than trying to read a moving display.

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good to see this continuing

you may want to take a look at this guy as he's publically video his exploits on the 16AAB server, of all places. Small amount of irony there...


he's an active member of the TKC team, so he's likely to be back on your server till he gets banned.

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@youtube poster

wish i had him and a big stick for a few mins.

Id "ruin" him.

sorry but folks like this annoy me, but im giving him the attention he wants so enuf from me.



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I gotta agree, these TK'ers are pathetic dorks.  I'd be very happy to see Walkers Pavlonian corrective action AND the GBL (with forgiveness) in place.  Wouldn't that be nice?  A TK'er kills and gets the corner treatment (and maybe a spanking for being such a vile loser), escapes out only to return and find he's banned.  Off goes their Arma, up goes the ID changer (when it comes out), and back up goes ArmA.  At least 5-6 min of peace if the individual is REALLY disturbed.

Wouldn't it be nice to combine the GBL with the new datastorage tools and one of the  external IP monitors?  An IP ban from the server would be fantastic.

Please keep up the good work against the sociopaths.  biggrin_o.gif

*Checking the BTS for a feature request on logging IP's*

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to be honest, i think the month limit is a bit silly, just ban them for good.

the bit that winds me up is that years ago there was anouther generation of idiots just like them being stupid, and now they've grown up and i'll bet look back and think "damn what a waste of my time, and hell i was being a retard at the same time" but yet there's always a new bunch of morons willing to ruin every game on the net, who will them grow up (mentally, i mean) and realise they too were being dicks.

you have to put up with this constant stream of idiots who ruin it for everyone. I hope one day these guys will grow up and have their game ruined, and realise what a total waste of space it is.

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these sad people will learn when they can no longer get online to play a game in any server. just requires people to get on board with the GBL.

If people dont want to be tked all the time by the TKC community then get supporting the GBL. with enough support there will be dedicated servers that muppets from the TKC will not be able to get into no matter how many times they change their ids and profile names.

We are all still waiting on BIS to help out the admins and get us a remote tool to use. banghead.gif

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i said that already in other thread but i suggest use of spectating script from Kegetys to ID any tker who drive over people / ramm vehicles etc ...

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just had a thought. would it not be nice if you could type "#admin request" into armed assault and have the server send a message to the admin (via email or irc) and contact an admin to get them to join the server and stop a problem like a muppet.

is that scriptable ? (prolly not, but hey!wink_o.gif

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