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Public Ban List

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At first I was a bit sceptical about a ban list but after witnessing [TKC] Wesker's exploits on the GOL-Clan server last night where he used some sort of cheat to destroy an entire base and repeatedly team killed the many players who respawned, I am now all in favour.



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I'm among the first ones to support legal punishment for intentional team killing, but for this system I just hope that personal bans on servers stay out of the public list. That includes everything from word fights, grudges, unmixed chemistry, fun bans to cheat suspicions (I'm sure that guy cheats, he MUST cheat).

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For our Donations to the list, were inputting TK bans directly to the list, and not mixing them with our local bans. We download the TK list and append it to our local list. Common sense thing.

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hrm if i where to code the system i wrote a few post before, would someone write the shell script to regulary update the ban list from the server?

I know enough my way in php mysql to write the shared ban list system but i don't know arma enough for the server part.

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So, is anyone going to start a dedicated Banlist website to act as a front end for the this ? or will I sart one myself ??

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it doesnt exactly tell you much about the project, who's envolved or how things work. As an input/extraction interface its fine.

Were not going to get people to trust it unless they can easily find out who, what and why.

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trust should be earned by the test of time, not by a fancy UI (microsoft avoided this lesson).

tbh i think with all the file hacking, editing, addons, clunky server commands, and dodgy remote admin, OFP and ArmA players should be used to the "its functional, if lacking in eye candy" world.

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Can anyone put together a list of pirate version IDs?

I know 18118919 is one, are there anymore?

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With a CDkeygen out there in the wild, there will be THOUSANDS of pirated keys. I would stick to just the TKr's and troublemakers.

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Yep, our servers been pretty good at removing pirate copies on its own.

Website is online, but unfinished. The ban list database is functional within it, layout is done, started work on forum areas. Not fit for consumption yet, but It may be after a couple more hours tonight and then we will release the URL to you.

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ok good work, but remember to back it up ! -- with a forum your web server will get hacked to **** twice as much as before.

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Well, its up, and appears to be functioning.

If you are running a server that uses the banlist, or submit to the banlist, you can add youe servers details through your user menu when you register. You can also submit squad & fan site links.

You dont need to register to download the current banlist.


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so , what would the server admins prefers?

-1: A shared ban list that everybody can download but only trusted persons can add/remove bans?

-2 A set of private banlist where any server admin is free to create his own list (for one or more servers) add/remove bans from it and can choose to "trust" or not one or more lists, (trusting a list would add it to your own when a server request a ban list update)

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If you dont have trusted people adding ID's to the list you run the risk of people inputing anything, or worse, numbers at random.

If you want to increase the databse functionality you need to talk to Sebastien. Website stuff I can do.

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i am asking cause i don't want to go in the trouble of developping something that won't interest anybody.

Well the concept is that if someone is entering bogus data you can choose as server admin not to trust his list, all bans should have a valid explanation and can be disputed.

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I can put a section up in the forum for those who feel they have been banned wrongly to make appeals etc.

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Hi all

For the record I think public ban lists are impossible.

I even think server bans are dodgy for the same reasons others have already listed.

Legal Risk of ban lists

There is one major problem any public ban list suffers from. That is the laws of libel. They exist in most countries in the world. For a ban list to be legal and not lead to severe financial penalties for those running it, they would have to be 100% accurate without any possibility of being wrong, and we all know that is impossible.

It would be a simple matter for an unscrupulous person to arrange for a partner in the con to be placed on the ban list. The person would have arranged a pre-existing irrefutable alibi.

They then sue everyone, all server admins, organisations such as leagues, programmers who write the software for the ban list all those involved in running and creating such a ban list.

Real damage is easily provable; denied access, reputation, international disemination etc. The sheer legal expenses of cost of the court case then both their own in defense and the plaintiffs, which will be designed to be so excessive that it would close down the servers of those involved.

And since most servers are not run by public limited liability companies but by individuals and groups of individuals each of those people is individually liable. Fancy loosing your house anyone? Or having a monthly attachment to earnings for years to come?

Of course ther will be an out they will let you settle out of court, but believe me it will not be cheap.

It is almost certain that the small print in your web site and server providers contract specificly prevents you from running or operating a ban list. Many countries also have laws preventing such lists from being held on computer at all or as in the UK require proper legal registration of any such list, with procedures and policies to remove false data and registered person responsible and legaly liable for them.

Volunteers any one?

It is a quagmire people do not get into it.

The existing TK scripts mete out timely punishments based on the event at the time and those punishments can be made to fit the crime.

Kind Regards walker

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@walker: As owner of a server, you can deny access to players. Otherwise their wouldn't be passwords on servers wink_o.gif.

Now if it would be BIS that organized all this and block you on all servers that would be different. A ban list as this one, won't be on each server, and isn't controlled by a company, so legally they cannot do anything.

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Expecting every map maker to include code to stop/punnish teamkilling is quite frankly impossible and unworkable and something that shouldnt be expected of map makers.

If its illeagle to run banlist, one word, punkbuster.

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