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Public Ban List

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help.gif ive checked many games  that run with anicheat softies

or with the  upcoming ROE systems that will be everywhere within games

AA does it EA does it and  doom engine games does it

+they use banlists from a lill everywhere like gbl is doing for arma atm

they have like pb  and a r.o.e system and like average 5 banlists from  anti cheat comunities

and i can say even if they cheat it will be   fast forgotten cuz they  wont be long ingame they even kick  people with  teribly bad and offensive  provoking language

banlist only is not a solution with there last methods

really need some extern cheat catchers or ROE that need    an End User Lisence Agreement to kick  or ban them for a good while

and  i dont say u dont find cheaters but i guarantee u much lesser then on our servers here  at this moment


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In the meantime you can choose the GBL HERE  whistle.gif

ok - i went there?

Quote[/b] ]Monday, 26 March 2007  

We are now looking for more servers to become active  Team Killer  Hunter servers

i dont see any information on the banned PIDS, no names.... nada!

but i do see 5 digit pids?


i hear a lot of talk - but what actually happened till now?

BTW Jin : if you start using words like "ROE", you make me think of MYIS, and that makes me sick, VERY SICK!

i will fight any MyIS effort to invade the arma community...

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Honestly I have yet to see any solutions that even work. In-game scripts are the best at the moment. We need something a little more dynamic to make this work. Maybe Bis could do something like a central account system. If the servers subscribe to it then you would have to be logged into your account to use a server. This would be at the BIS website not every servers site. We could then have system wide bans that go into place. It would also verify the keys and ensure that the players are not going to screw around. At the moment there is no punishment if you go off team killing for days on end. Where as that would just ban your account from playing and thus you need a new key to play. Shrug, who knows but I hope someone comes up with something at some point.

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update on the 1 month bit.

The new GBL database is 90% done. general users wont see much of a difference, but for admining it ( such as adding approved TKH admins ) its going to be a lot easier to manage.

To those who have been waiting on a Username or those who have already got a username to add ID's to the banlist Your ID will be sent to you shortly ( new users) existing users please contact me to get an ID for the new list ( which will be online this week )

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Well Jerry, a quick 1,2,3 step M8..........  

Go to the web page


1. Go to main menu & "Access the Banlist"

Picture here

Once you have done that you will see this Pic

2. Click on the flag, you will then see this pic

once you have done that

3. Download the .txt file & add it to your server.

The more servers who sign up to become a Banning server, then the more chance we have of getting rid of these annoying people, the ban list works if servers download this .txt.

But to achieve this goal we need more input from dedicated servers, we need them to sign up!! Once they have signed up they can also update the Banning list.

We currently have just over 60 numbers who are banned for 1 month(this is an issue that we are looking at).

Hope this helps      band.gif  whistle.gif

Who do you take me for bud?

i see you posting that info all over the place...

A quick 1-2-3 usage of your GBL, is beyond my question.

my question marks on your system, do not lie in the 'idea' of a banlist, but eventually realizing and maintaining it.


What does a 5 digit PID in you BANLIST?

Who are those PIDS?

Why are they in the banlist, and based on what violation, When where they banned and on what server, and most important - Who decided to ban him and add to the list?

unless you can clearly explain me the above questions, i keep having BIG question marks on this project....

ffs, change that javascript ticker on that site!


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I have to agree with Jerry. Also putting them out there for public view isn't the best solution. While i am going to guess that quite a few of the pids in there are keygen created you are going to help someone convert their key to that ID to play for real. Jerry has a very valid point and to be honest with you.

I don't know what the future will be for this product with all the cheats. I have been finding more and more out there and just general changes that are ruining the game.

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How about this, server admins would have to run the program but it would sit on the computer and block out anyone who sends a pid that is on the ban. It would deny all IP traffic from this user for a specified amount of time. I have a program i was writing a while ago that would do just this. I might fix it up and see if i can build it so that it will talk to a database for the future.

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1:- What does a 5 digit PID in you BANLIST?

2:- Who are those PIDS?

3:-Why are they in the banlist, and based on what violation, When where they banned and on what server, and most important - Who decided to ban him and add to the list?


1:- I have no idea what you mean with one

2:- We cant leagally advertise PID's with names, or record them with name/details as in the UK that could fall fowel of the data protection act by colating personal info.

3:- The Banlist is for Persistant teamkillers at present. We do not record where they were banned, but we will be recording who has banned then in version 2 or the databse soon, but that information will not be available to the public as nether is the date stamp of when the ban was placed as its not required to generate a ban file for a server.

Only server admins who have been authorised and received a Banning ID login can add names to that list. No one else can.

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Quote[/b] ]


Who are those PIDS?

Why are they in the banlist, and based on what violation, When where they banned and on what server, and most important - Who decided to ban him and add to the list?

That would be a great idea for improvement.

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Quote[/b] ]2:- We cant leagally advertise PID's with names, or record them with name/details as in the UK that could fall fowel of the data protection act by colating personal info.

Scew that law its a game, and we all arnt from the UK lol

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actually, (as a straight up question) are you sure on that ? -- i wasn't aware that an online game alias fell under the data protection act, as its not personal information, is it ?

i mean, your msn address, email address, icq number, yes, but a game name gives no way to contact you, so it's just raw data, isn't it ?

(anyhow... i'd prefer this info to be simply "ID X was banned for ", that way you wont get muppet A using someone else's name in game to get them a bad rep, as it'll still be on their ID) (till the id changers hit the street, but that's BIS'es problem).

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Just like to butt in here and ask is there a way for a player to lookup and find out his own ID?

To lookup and see if it's been added to the global ban list.

Reason i ask is i've ben getting the  'you were kicked from the server' message from one UK server for the last week.

And now i'm finding another one of my fav uk servers is giving the same message.

Not sure if that message even means that my id has been banned or not?...would be nice if the server left a clearer message about why i was kicked...or if i am banned then state that at least so i know!

I have a feeling someone is abusing this feature and banning me for no good reason

I have never TK'd deliberatly,and would never spoil anyones enjoyment of a game,i have never abused anyone...i'm always helpfull if someone asks for help of any sort and seeing as i love arma and have a legit copy i would soon see myself unable to play at all if i did.

Is rather annoying as there a very few fast Uk servers as it is!

fair enough if one server host doesn't like me or something for some reason...but if hes used that to put my id on the ban list...well thats totaly out of order!


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Sure, you just need to download the list and have a read ( use notepad and then you can search )

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wow quick reply

but i dont know what my own id num is so that txt doc doesnt help until i know what my id # is

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At the main screen where you can see the optinos/play/etc

look up at the top left, you see a Soldier, click that to get your user profile, and in there you will find your player ID.

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Doesn't "you were kicked from the server" mean that it's locked or it doesn't like your face or custom sounds. From my personal experience you just return to the game browser with a message "you are banned on the server".

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It could be a custom file causing it, but he wants to know where his id is, so i told him.

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Thanks for your help,ill go check that out.

Btw i do think that a ban list is of some sort is a good idea

We need some way of keeping the deliberate TK'ers from spoiling such a great game the the rest.

@celery & Rambo

I don't use any custom files...only thing i use is the beta patch

also might have got the message slightly wrong..'kicked off the game' not server!

that happens as soon as double click on one of the 2 servers i'm talking about

Also i have heard people saying lock the server while ingame...could that be the reason i can't join them?,locked the server...and is it possible to you tell if a server is locked from the server browser?

update..checked the ban.txt and my id isn't listed.:yay:


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Hope you guys know baning ID's is pointless when it comes to TKC. they prob have ID changer that they aint made public. Only way to ever stop them is to ip ban there range like i do on my ofp server and like the roughnecks server.

Quote[/b] ]good to see this continuing

you may want to take a look at this guy as he's publically video his exploits on the 16AAB server, of all places. Small amount of irony there...


he's an active member of the TKC team, so he's likely to be back on your server till he gets banned

I beleave your already ip banned on my server along with 100 other people. Ask your friend GRU Sniper. I banned him when he cheated in a CTI game. Sad thing is he claims he never cheats in CTI.. just c&h and dm lol.

All i can say is.. if you dont own a dedicated server with full remote access with a firewall like blackice server protection that you can use for ip baning then your pretty much doomed vs the TKC guys who are willing to goto any length to cheat and ruin games.

There should be some kind of law to stop these guys modifly the exe like the tkc supercheat 1.26c. wont be long before they have a supercheat for arma to ruin games and even crash server where they spawn so much crap that server cant take it and dies.

I heard its alegal to modifly the exe but dunno if that is true and if it is then bis should do something about this or arma will end up like ofp....

Quote[/b] ]

A group of hackers could take down the TKC site  

Or a group of people with dynamic IPs can terrorize their forums

Thats on already been some time ago :P There site went down when a certain 100mbit server mass downloaded files of there site with a mass download program using up all there monthly bandwidth... thats the reason you have to enter a code when you download stuff off there site now  rofl.gif

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I think there is a way to make a utility to find some cheaters. If we watch the packets (I know its taboo but were in the dark closet with with some perverts) we can tell some things going on. Can't stop everything but we can resolve a few things at least. Mass kills are one that we can stop, another is the damage radius (except if a mod changes it).

Oh yeah, is anyone else playing around with something like this or are they too keeping the methods they are using in a empty field with no one around to see them?

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