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Is this game worth buying?

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Asking people here if the game is worth buying will most likely generate a very positive response wink_o.gif we are the game community afterall! wink_o.gif

Im glad you're going to buy it, i bought OFP way back in 2001 and played it for years, much more than any other game i played.

And yes, the engine is very flexible, mods can range from simple reskins or island creation, to full blown conversion mods (for example theres an RTS ArmA mod in progress)

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Quote[/b] ]" si la mona se viste de seda , mona se queda "

While being French, I currently live in Madrid  and my Spanish tells me that "mona" also means cute... as well as she-monkey.

So being more of an Arma enthusiat, I'd take it for cute, and not ugly or she-monkey... nener.gif

Quote[/b] ]GeForce 5900XT 128 mb RAM

I'm afraid that won't cut the mustard for Arma. I have about the same CPU as you and it's fine - especially in multiplayer since the dedicated server while handle the AI and physics - but your graphic card may too weak to play it properly.

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Thanks all you guys,

I will buy it.

You guys have mostly good things to say about the game, and even though mods are a pain in the arse, that will hopefully change.


With a computer being something that was recently discovered by archaeologists digging for dinosaurs, I will probably have to upgrade before being able to fully enjoy the game.

My current specs are:

2,4 gHz Pentium 4

1024 MB DDR2 RAM (233 mHz)

GeForce 5900XT 128 mb RAM

Is it possible to achieve any kind of playability with these specs?

Quote[/b] ]Benny what didn't you like about the demo, the graphics, gameplay or performance?

Gameplay mainly.

First off I had to find my way through the crappy menu and start a multiplayer game. Then I used several minutes finding out how to change weapons.

When I eventually ventured into the game, I was immediately stunned by the graphics although a bit rough (due to my graphics card I bet). I took my first steps and soon found some enemies. I knelled and squeezed off a few laser rounds. This really frustrated me as it did with OPF, why include tracers when they are so bad. I went to the stupid menu for the 5th time changing the sensibility of the mouse and trying to turn off the tracers, with no succes.

I then played for half an hour, being impressed with the graphics and to some extend the physics, but the controls, and a feeling of a game with great potential being ruined by a few deficiencies.

Quote[/b] ]Or the missions? Because noone likes the missions

No the number/variety of the missions was a big minus too.   

By the way, is the game easy to customize/mod/edit?

Thanks again you guys,


Hi Benny,

The only thing that might let your rig down is the Gfx Card IMO.

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Quote[/b] ]From what I can judge so far, geforce 7900 + 3Ghz P4 have no problems, while dualcores with 8800 seem to be more erratic in performance (ranging from awsome to plain crap)

Not wrong - Occasionaly mine verges on unplayable with a quad core and 8800GTX + all the trimmings, I do however see huge potential in this game and have enjoyed some single player times with it already when I can stump up enough FPS for it to become more than a slideshow.

Fingers and toes crossed for some sort of performance patch in the near future  inlove.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Fingers and toes crossed for some sort of performance patch in the near future

The performance is fine for me and runs very smooth on 7900GT on normal detail. People will have to realize that this is cutting-edge game and will not run 100fps everything maxed out even on the best cards like 8800. Oblivion's detail system is a fake, cities are only included partly when exiting them and view distance is much lower and you can't zoom into distant ranges. ArmA looks so much better and realistic than that.

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@ Topic: Is this game worth buying?

A nice quote found inside the "VTOL Topic":

All good things comes to those who wait (usually).

I think, it says all.

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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Ah i wouldnt go so far to say 'an investment'... its still a good purchase, but it will be made better wink_o.gif

But i wouldnt go so far to say that it isnt a purchase..

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Ah i wouldnt go so far to say 'an investment'... its still a good purchase, but it will be made better wink_o.gif

But i wouldnt go so far to say that it isnt a purchase..

Thats not what i meant wink_o.gif .

What i meant is that buying Arma is like making a good investment, there is a future ahead with this game, like OPF but with even more possibilities now.


Arma is a platform with a game in it smile_o.gif .

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There may be many bugs with this game, but as BIS have just proved too me, they work hard to fix it.

I want to say thanks to all the staff for fixing my Invalid CD Key problem and im sure many others are glad also.

Yet another reason to get yourself a copy.

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Quote[/b] ]Thats not what i meant wink_o.gif .

What i meant is that buying Arma is like making a good investment, there is a future ahead with this game, like OPF but with even more possibilities now.

There's a future with any game. Your acting as if this is the only game in the world with a modding community, and BIS is the only company suporting its games. To be fair, this is a small community compared to other games.

I don't see it as an investment and I don't see it like an investment either.

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Arma is not a purchase, its an investment.

an investment is buying a commodity that gains worth over time. ArmA is already being sold at a reduced price around here, losing street worth fast. i expect to find the game in the bargain bin by the time the US release is ready.

BTW: i know that's not what you meant, just some food for thought...  whistle.gif

i see it this way: the longer you wait, the better the game gets (through patches) and it'll also be cheaper.

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Exactly, Arma's value will increase with time, just like stock, fine art, good wine, etc.

By value i obviously dont mean comercial value... initially OPF ran like a dog, didnt have any content creation tools or even working MP, just see where it got

smile_o.gif .

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There's a future with any game.  Your acting as if this is the only game in the world with a modding community, and BIS is the only company suporting its games.  To be fair, this is a small community compared to other games.  

I don't see it as an investment and I don't see it like an investment either.

You're still here     huh.gif

Please enlighten our small community of the other 'great' games out there that pass your highly refined taste. Of course, were mostly interested in realistic/tactical military sims for both sp/mp.

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There's a future with any game.  Your acting as if this is the only game in the world with a modding community, and BIS is the only company suporting its games.  To be fair, this is a small community compared to other games.  

I don't see it as an investment and I don't see it like an investment either.

You're still here     huh.gif

Please enlighten our small community of the other 'great' games out there that pass your highly refined taste. Of course, were mostly interested in realistic/tactical military sims for both sp/mp.

Ghost Recon? that game had quality mods even years after. "Year of the Monkey" ring a bell?

Rainbow Six 1-3? still today, there are probably more people playing Raven Shield than ArmA.

there are probably more games, but those are what i could think of in 2.5 seconds. biggrin_o.gif

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@Topic starter

If you looking for "realistic tactical combat sim", I'm afraid it's not here.

But if you want bigger BF2, then this game is for you!

Welcome to the rambo's play ground! welcome.gifpistols.gif

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@Topic starter

If you looking for "realistic tactical combat sim", I'm afraid it's not here.

But if you want bigger BF2, then this game is for you!

Welcome to the rambo's play ground! welcome.gifpistols.gif

Gez!! Glad ppl dont take notice of comments like that!

Never heard/played a co-op?

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@Topic starter

If you looking for "realistic tactical combat sim", I'm afraid it's not here.

But if you want bigger BF2, then this game is for you!

Welcome to the rambo's play ground! welcome.gifpistols.gif

This is really weird. This is exactly the opposite of what the CTF community is saying about the game!

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Yes ArmA is worth buying in any way.

If an addon comes out ( Of course *after* the game has been patched to a fully stable and enjoyable state ) I am going to buy that as well.

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1.04 fixes A LOT of issues I had with with original 1.0 releases, multiplayer is actually playable now and performance is so much better. This English EU release is what ArmA should've been from the start, but better late than never I guess...

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Quote[/b] ]Mods are in a 95% a pain in the ass, a waste of time, effort in the installation dealing with multiple bugs and incompatibilitys and a waste of hard drive

How is unextracting a file, then dropping the .pbo into Arma\Addons a pain in the ass? I guess if that is too complicated for you, then I don't know what to say.

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Thats not what he meant. Its pain in the ass when you play online.

You get kicked all the time for missing addons and by the time you find out what you need and download it, the server might even be gone.

Unless its a total covertion like FDF for example, its difficult to play online with a bunch of addons. Many addons have wierd compatibility with one another (at least in OFP). You get lots of errors and many people don't even bother with servers that you need a gazilion different addons by different authors..

Sure for offline, no big deal. For online its another story.

The problem is that ARMA's addon system is ancient when it comes to MP. In every other game, mods/addons are being downloaded automatically from the server. In ARMA you have to search everything yourself and do it manually. That takes time and sometimes you can't even find the right thing.

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Quote[/b] ]" si la mona se viste de seda , mona se queda "

That would translate as:

" Even if the ugly dresses like a lady, ugly will stay ".

There's a saying in my country too.

"Beauty is only skin deep"

Arma might not be breath-takingly beautiful or have a super-slick interface but beneath it's problems beats the heart of a proper PC game. It's got substance, rewards and longevity far greater than 99% of the dross that gets released nowadays. You get out what you put in.

Right now, the only problem I have with having bought arma is putting up with all the mongs that have bought it expecting it to be superBF2megablast. They get bored quickly, don't even attempt to play the game properly and start moaning or TKing. I'm sure they will dry up in months to come though.

I never really liked ofp multiplayer as much as other ofp fans but I played it single player pretty solidly for five years. Probably the best 30 pounds I ever spent. Should everyone buy it? No. Don't get it if you only have thirty minutes a night gaming time or are impatient. If you are anything like a hardcore PC gamer I couldn't recommend any game more. Even if you don't like it now you can try it again in a year with new mods/missions or on a new computer. Find a good server with like-minded players and anyone with an ounce of patience would like this game.

Thirty quid, pfft. Priceless.

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Even if you put a couple hundred units defending a town, a few hundred assaulting, and simply watch the tactics and carnage from 5km away- it's worth it.

Handcrafting the specific situation you want to experience in SP, in minutes to a few hours - It's worth it.

Playing online with groups who's nature is to use teamwork (the everpresent threat of quickly dying tends to do that) -It's worth it.

Being part of a massive combined arms Op.  - It's worth it

And finally, having to fall back from cover to cover because of an unrelenting assault (Rarely ever had to do that in a first person game before.  When I did, it did not have this element of fear) and needing to rely on teammates to survive. - It is worth it, and it will only get better.

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There's a future with any game.  Your acting as if this is the only game in the world with a modding community, and BIS is the only company suporting its games.  To be fair, this is a small community compared to other games.  

I don't see it as an investment and I don't see it like an investment either.

You're still here     huh.gif

Please enlighten our small community of the other 'great' games out there that pass your highly refined taste. Of course, were mostly interested in realistic/tactical military sims for both sp/mp.

Ghost Recon? that game had quality mods even years after. "Year of the Monkey" ring a bell?

Rainbow Six 1-3? still today, there are probably more people playing Raven Shield than ArmA.

there are probably more games, but those are what i could think of in 2.5 seconds.  biggrin_o.gif

R6 is fine for a tightly controlled, small squad based sim. I'm currently having fun with R6 Vegas for a quick bubble-gum shootem up, but wow, you want to see negative forums, check theirs out!

But lets be honest, those games don't attempt anything on the scale of OFP/ArmA. Maybe I'm in the minority, frankly I don't care, those games will never scratch the itch that OFP provides. Wide open terrain, total freedom of movement, full command of unlimted troops, Armour, Aircraft and so much more. It's become cliche', but you really cant compare these games to anything else.

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