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Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

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I totally agree with you guys on the Board Rules stickies, we used to have one in each subforum, and I'm not sure when and why we stopped having them there. I'll look into it ASAP.

In regards to having multiple threads on the same topic condense to one, it's nothing to do with laziness. It's the way we've always run these forums. It works better for us, and should work better for members, as well.

Just for an example, if I do a search on TrackIR right now, look how many results I get back - wouldn't it be better if they were all directed to one central thread?




















Not to mention that when people post new topics similar to existing ones, the majority of the time any questions raised have already been answered before.

Part of the reason for stickies is also that a lot of people are just too lazy to use the search function, which frankly baffles me. I'm active on other large forums that don't even have a working search function, and the members there continual beg for one. We have a perfectly good one here and hardly anyone wants to use it. sad_o.gif

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In the past I would have rated the search function perfect, at the moment it has become way to slow when I try to search "older" topics back to the early days. Sometimes it takes more than five minutes and I cancel it.

Not all of the topics you listed are equal for me. After a first glance at the titles, there are topics about:

-discussing and promoting TrackIR

-sorting out TrackIR bugs

-looking for places to buy TrackIR

I would want to merge everything to at least three different topics, if merging is the only possibility.

What would be wrong about deleting posts immediately, of which you clearly know the answer/a proper old topic can be found with a search?

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I totally agree with you guys on the Board Rules stickies, we used to have one in each subforum, and I'm not sure when and why we stopped having them there. I'll look into it ASAP.

I disagreed smile_o.gif

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In the past I would have rated the search function perfect, at the moment it has become way to slow when I try to search "older" topics back to the early days. Sometimes it takes more than five minutes and I cancel it.

That's also been bugging me lately. When I set the search to look for older posts it can take ages. Time for a forum upgrade? whistle.gif

And instead of board rule stickies, how about a "board rules" button next to "help" in the top right corner.

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The search function is dicussed here numerous times and it is FAR from perfect:

-You can only be redirected to a thread, not to a specific post

-It is terribly slow when searching older or more forums

-The whole search form is not thought trough.

-the results aren not ordered in any manner or relevance

comeon, Google searches trilions pages within a few miliseconds, and has onny one simple text field and a search button. This search does 1073459 posts in 5 minutes and that requires clicking a dozen of buttons and text.

Not to speak of the results....

If you want an organised forum: Upgrade the damn thing, and how longer you wait the more of a mess it gets.


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Google on the other hand, also uses many thousands of servers, where as BIS uses only 1 for it's forums wink_o.gif

It's not a matter of wanting an upgrade, it is a matter of money and time on the part of the technician.

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It's really hard to find stuff because you can't search within a thread to find what you want.

Then you have to read every post until to get to what your looking for. Dozens of pages it sucks....

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Chipper, you can "print" the thread in question and then use your browser's search to find the words you want, as then the whole thread is displayed as one page.

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Chipper, you can "print" the thread in question and then use your browser's search to find the words you want, as then the whole thread is displayed as one page.

Thats a neat work around thanks

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You can also use Google to search the forum.

Add site:www.flashpoint1985.com to your search expression in Google search field, and your search will be restricted to this site.

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Should the 'ARMA : O2 TROUBLESHOOTING' and 'ARMA : O2 DOC' subforums be open yet?

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And shouldnt the 'NEXT GENERATION PC GAME' subforum be changed to ArmA2? smile_o.gif

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Yep, the 2 remaining subforums should be open soon, also the "Next Generation PC Game" subforum will be renamed.

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Who is the forum administrator (not the actual, the one set when installing the forums)?

Was checking around in the URL of my control panel and all the sudden I got the message that I was trying to hack the forums.

I'm guessing I didn't have the priveledge to even see it in my menu, so accessing it without the priveledge in my cookie will give the error message that I'm hacking.

And an email was sent to the forum admin, but I haven't recived any email back or so.

Just thinking it's good to know for all that has more serious questions about the forum itself.


Not my fault IB has bad coding

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Getting a bit crowded with ArmA 2 and Game Convention '07 threads scattered everywhere. Not sure what's the right place to post any longer.

Best solution might be to sticky the ArmA 2 thread in the ArmA - General board and move it to Next Generation - General.

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Who is the forum administrator (not the actual, the one set when installing the forums)?

Was checking around in the URL of my control panel and all the sudden I got the message that I was trying to hack the forums.

I'm guessing I didn't have the priveledge to even see it in my menu, so accessing it without the priveledge in my cookie will give the error message that I'm hacking.

And an email was sent to the forum admin, but I haven't recived any email back or so.

Just thinking it's good to know for all that has more serious questions about the forum itself.


Not my fault IB has bad coding

I swear by IP Board and for free stuff Invision free. never get any problems with them frommy experience at work.

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Some moderator just deleted my WHOLE signature (not just the picture) with "[bunnypic] Too big sig replaced by Fluffy Bunnyâ„¢"

My signature picture was within the limits (Under 100kb and within the pixel limits) but they also deleted the writing.

As far as I could tell both text and picture did not exeed the rules.

Apology anyone?

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Mates, we came up with the addon request thread to keep that discussion forum clear of garbage like the following type of post:

Quote[/b] ]Topic: WWII Units

Body: Can anyone make WWII units? I think they would be a great addition to the game and it would be super realistic!

The objective of the thread was to limit that forum to posts where people were actually working on a project, or to support people who were curious about the feasability of a project that they were doing themselves.

Now, we've got the ugly cousin of the request posts - the 'is anybody working on' post. There is no difference between this type of post and the request one except the wording. Here's an example:

Quote[/b] ]Topic: WWII Units

Body: Is anyone making WWII units? I think they would be a great addition to the game and it would be super realistic!

Notice the similarities? I'd like to propose that these posts get merged into the Addon Request Thread please.



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Topics in question now either merged or closed. smile_o.gif


I don't know, wasn't me. Last time I checked your sig (2 days ago) I came to the conclusion it's very close to the limit but still within it.

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Thanks W0lle...I just meant in general though. I mean, the discussion forum should really only be for things that are in progress, or on how to (technically speaking) make thing, ya know?

Anyway, thanks for merging them...I guess I'm just annoyed at the number of people getting by cuz of a loophole.


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Some moderator just deleted my WHOLE signature (not just the picture) with "[bunnypic] Too big sig replaced by Fluffy Bunnyâ„¢"

My signature picture was within the limits (Under 100kb and within the pixel limits) but they also deleted the writing.

As far as I could tell both text and picture did not exeed the rules.

Apology anyone?

I'm not sure who deleted your sig, but don't forget the rules for sigs include a height limit for a combined total of 150 pixels for pics AND text. Which, BTW, means your current sig is still in violation of forum rules, measuring 161 pixels high. I'd suggest you remove some text before it gets deleted again. Also note that discussion of moderation decisions or protest of same are NOT allowed in sigs.


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Before I put it "back together" is was, from what I could tell, under those text and image limits.

It was quite a bit smaller then the current one.

it was the same but only the wuote said soemthing else and there was no extra writing.

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