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ArmA Addon request thread

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I`d like to see infantry units (models) from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.All factions,weapons.And a new island based on a map from S.T.A.L.K.E.R,that would be awesome biggrin_o.gif

Just imagine a multiplayer battle beetwen Duty and Monolith in Pripyat or somewhere near sarcofagus pistols.gif

I think there even was a STALKERmod for Operation Flashpoint.

That would be quite illegal.

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I would like to request a North version only of Saharni much like the South version execpt with corazal missing and rounded off.

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I would like to request an AAV.. Since I envy the Marines and play with them mostly... and Sahrani is an island..

It would mean much if someone could tackle this project..

I also need it for my campaign I'm 'trying' to make lol

Heres a link

Marines' AAV

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I've heard of a lot of addon makers working on FN FAL variants and packs, but I've to see any conclusive WIP shots or other. The RACS pack had a couple, but they were really the outdated sort with wooden panels.

L1A1's (with the notoriously crap 1980's optics) or even SA58 SOPMODs would make an absolutely smoking addition to the hordes of AK's and M-whatevers out there.

80's verions with optics


American variant on the original (SA58)


Updated American variant (SA58)


Latest variation


Also it would be nice with some unmarked vehicles to mix and match with all the great units being put out. Helis especially, but some non-descript armor would certanly also hit the spot.

Finally, I made this plea way back in the OFP days, but I'm yet to see a proper Centurion tank anywhere. Why?! It would still make a pretty outstanding MBT (and as far as I know is still in service) for the truly low budget militaries out there, although the M60 is probably just as prolific. Somehow it just doesn't look as awesome as the ol' heavy metal giant, though.


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Good plane to make would be L-39, since its cheap plane would make sense why SLA or RACS has it. With some light Armament, it can carry up to 1,290 kg, so some missiles, gun pods, boms etc. But also this plane would be fun to fly without any weapons.


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I always found the m551 sheridan to be pretty fascinating. It's sort of a really nice looking hodgepodge of ill fitting parts.. it's cannon was too big for its light weight .. it wasn't quite a tank but it wasn't quite an ifv.. it's cannon was too big so they cut down the barrel, which made the range to short (but the cannon still rocked the whole tank back on its heels) so they gave it missiles... but the missiles would get messed up in the gun so they were hardly used... it wasn't quite amphibious so they basically gave you parts to build a boat around it if you needed to cross water... I guess you couldn't really use half of its capabilities in Arma... like it's semi-amphibiousness or its low level airdrop / low level air extraction (!!! with a big hook.. kind of like fishing), but its outlandish mishmash of weapons would play differently than any other vehicle. Besides, it was a pretty little thing.


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Another old request, but probably one that offers a huge challenge.

OFP had a lot of C-130's, but no real equivalent on the soviet/russian side;

Antonov AN-22. It would make a pretty sick troop carrier. Or even a gunship, if one was to get inventive.


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I've heard of a lot of addon makers working on FN FAL variants and packs, but I've to see any conclusive WIP shots or other. The RACS pack had a couple, but they were really the outdated sort with wooden panels.

L1A1's (with the notoriously crap 1980's optics) or even SA58 SOPMODs would make an absolutely smoking addition to the hordes of AK's and M-whatevers out there.


I don't know what you mean by "conclusive WIP shots", but I

have been working on L1A1 variants for some time, including

the "notoriously crap 1980s optics". I also have a proper

model of a 1980s Argentinian FAL ongoing as a side-project.

There doesn't seem to be much real interest in authentic

British 1970s and 80s stuff, however. Good to encounter a

fellow enthusiast.

Porting the "Flashpoint" FLK mod stuff would be a bad idea as

most of it (with the exception of some of the vehicles)

frankly sucked.

Images disclaimer: Work is still ongoing on all of these and

apologies for the crap viewer resolution and distortion.



More SLRs

Argie FAL

The RACS FAL seems to be based on the "Counterstrike" one

and is basically a civilian "Franken-FAL". In fact, I've not yet

seen any game models of these rifles that have been really

authentic. I think the problem for many when "researching"

(read: "googling for images on t'internet") is that yanks

(especially) have made hundreds of horrible jury-rigged

abortions that they call "FALs" and gleefully post pics of them.

I also really want a Centurion (and a Chieftain). There is an

Israeli upgraded one (a sho't) being done somewhere,

but that'll have all the bollocks that the Israelis have stuck

onto it. There is also a South African "Olifant" available from

one of the freebie 3D model sites but that doesn't look much

like the classic Centurion. The British Centurion has not

attracted interest I think basically because it's 1950s kit (and

because the Yanks didn't use it very much - a few US tank

squadrons in Korea were issued British Centurions). It seems

that if it isn't present-day (or WW2) then there is not a great

deal of interest in it. The Cent was world-class in its day,


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Good plane to make would be L-39, since its cheap plane would make sense why SLA or RACS has it. ...

But how much fun would it be to shoot down? This is all

aeroplanes are good for in ArmA. wink_o.gif

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I always found the m551 sheridan to be pretty fascinating...

I had one of them for my "Action Man" ("GI Joe" to Americans)!  smile_o.gif


The [real] Sheridan wasn't especially good, though. Armour

that would barely stop rifle rounds, flaky electrics, a

disturbing tendency to incinerate the crew when hit and as

mechanically fragile and unreliable as a very fragile and

unreliable thing.

FV101 Scorpion FTW  yay.gif

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are there anybody working on any kinda After Action Review Addon for ArmA? you know like the one in VBS2. or are there any other addon that lets you record your game and watch it later?

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I don't know what you mean by "conclusive WIP shots", but I

have been working on L1A1 variants for some time, including

the "notoriously crap 1980s optics". I also have a proper

model of a 1980s Argentinian FAL ongoing as a side-project.

There doesn't seem to be much real interest in authentic

British 1970s and 80s stuff, however. Good to encounter a

fellow enthusiast.

Porting the "Flashpoint" FLK mod stuff would be a bad idea as

most of it (with the exception of some of the vehicles)

frankly sucked.

Images disclaimer: Work is still ongoing on all of these and

apologies for the crap viewer resolution and distortion.

The RACS FAL seems to be based on the "Counterstrike" one

and is basically a civilian "Franken-FAL". In fact, I've not yet

seen any game models of these rifles that have been really

authentic. I think the problem for many when "researching"

(read: "googling for images on t'internet") is that yanks

(especially) have made hundreds of horrible jury-rigged

abortions that they call "FALs" and gleefully post pics of them.

I also really want a Centurion (and a Chieftain). There is an

Israeli upgraded one (a sho't) being done somewhere,

but that'll have all the bollocks that the Israelis have stuck

onto it. There is also a South African "Olifant" available from

one of the freebie 3D model sites but that doesn't look much

like the classic Centurion. The British Centurion has not

attracted interest I think basically because it's 1950s kit (and

because the Yanks didn't use it very much - a few US tank

squadrons in Korea were issued British Centurions). It seems

that if it isn't present-day (or WW2) then there is not a great

deal of interest in it. The Cent was world-class in its day,


You're a saint.

What I meant by conclusive is I hadn't seen any promising WIP shots at all. I'd only read topics and rumors about people considering making some, but that looks absolutely awesome.

As for the RACS Fal, it looks like some old shots of the initial models that I've seen. Whether that's accurate or not, I'm not an expert, but it wouldn't be unlikely that they changed wood panels for polymers or metal later on. There are some pretty interesting "early" versions of certain guns out there.


Supposedly that's a graphic of various versions and early stages of the FAL.

And the optics WERE notoriously crap! Fine for scouting, but one of the most memorable details in the Falklands, at least according to a scout from 2 Para, before the contacts (at about 300-100 metres) you'd hear the distinctive sound of the scopes being thrown in the dirt because the soldiers would rather rely on the ironsights to save their lives. That says it all in my oppinion, if his story is accurate.

Yeah, the Centurions are really old and dated, but as far as I know they're still being used extensively in Africa and places with similar budgets, and as you say they were top of the line when they came out, so it's really not a bad choice if you got no money at all and you want to create some armored mayhem against other people wih no money smile_o.gif

Especially if those "other people" were as smart as to get some of the Russian firecrackers of the same era.

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I always found the m551 sheridan to be pretty fascinating...

I had one of them for my "Action Man" ("GI Joe" to Americans)! smile_o.gif


The [real] Sheridan wasn't especially good, though. Armour

that would barely stop rifle rounds, flaky electrics, a

disturbing tendency to incinerate the crew when hit and as

mechanically fragile and unreliable as a very fragile and

unreliable thing.

FV101 Scorpion FTW yay.gif

That's the appeal to me. Super powered death machines get over exposed.

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Didn't mean to get anyones panties twisted by putting them somewhere else.

Hey guys.

> I guess you could say this is a sort of request. I am a avid player of

> Arma and OFP since they debuted and they're pretty much the only thing I

> play anymore.

> What I am asking id if you folks would, or at least put me in touch

> with someone who would, consider doing an add on pack that is based on the

> CBS television show Jericho?

> If you're unfamiliar with it, it is a post-apocalyptic drama that

> centers on the United States after a nuclear attack. The US is fragmented

> following the attack into three separate factions, The Old GOv(East) a

> Texas Republic and the Allied States of America which is a new, fascist

> style government formed in the west.

> Myself and others have been tasked by CBS themselves to promote the

> show by any and all means necessary and since we do have a very large

> group of gamers to our site, I thought this would be a very good way to

> cross promote our two programs. If you need ideas specifically as to what

> I am looking for, please let me know and I can get them to you almost

> immediately.

> I have been told that since there is no charge for downloading add ons,

> that there is no issue with copyright infringement. So please, let me know

> if you or if you know, someone who might be up for this task. You can also

> check out our websites which are http://www.jerichorises.com and

> http://www.jerichonet2.com

> Please let me know!


> Thanks,

> GenPatton43

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Supposedly that's a graphic of various versions and early stages of the FAL.

And the optics WERE notoriously crap! ...

Yeah, the Centurions are really old and dated, but as far as I know they're still being used extensively in Africa and places with similar budgets...

I'm not denying that the optic sight was crap. It was a good

idea in theory and was great on the range - with a well

fitting 'scope - but in practise it had problems in the rough

and tumble of the field. The very design of it meant that it

inevitably suffered from wandering zero. Even design

modifications to the cam-base and the mount top cover

didn't completely cure the problems. I'm considering how to

represent the randomly wandering zero and rattling sight

unit "features" of the sight in my addons.

That FAL poster looks accurate. The top one is the US

prototype (the yanks almost adopted the FAL) and the next

down looks like the original Belgian-issue model - wooden

furniture, plain muzzle, type-1 receiver. The very-early British

SLR prototypes were also very similar. There looks like an

early L1A1, a German, a Canadian and an Israeli in there too.

An addon-artist could spend years doing just FAL variants but

I'm restraining myself to doing a few basic British variants of

the rifle, and a couple of Argentinian models (for a made-up

allied or opposing force - although captured Argie rifles were

used by the British for various purposes too in the years after

the Falklands war).

If/When I get onto doing British infantry from the 1950s (I'm

limiting myself to kit from 1965-1985 for now) I'll give them

the prototype of the British SLR to use too. Whole battalions

got these for evaluation in the mid-1950s.

Yes, there may well still be a few Centurions rumbling around

in the real world but the type is still low in the addon

popularity stakes compared to the American things, Leopard

tanks or the various Russian horrors.  I've started a little

research project for eventually building a Chieftain since it

looks unlikely that anyone else will do it.

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We need someone to make a small military quad bike.

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Hi everyone,

Is there an easy way to mod the stock BIS MP5SD or MP5 by fitting the stock Aimpoint site on them?

Any hints in the right direction would be greatly appreciated, or has it already been done?

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Modular mods!

Just to throw it out there... I know that some mods are already quite modular, such as 6th sense (from what I understand.) But there are still a few which just won’t collaborate with one another. So this is more or less a shout out to future mods, and how they’re structured.

Because I consider myself quite the average Joe, I know very little about scripting and the like (for now anyway.) So it frustrates me when I play a mod that I really do enjoy but at the same time I know that there are parts of it which other mods have done better... tracers, sound just as an example but because of how certain mods are structured it’s not feasible for someone with my limited knowledge to change these aspects.

Just wondering if there are any drawbacks to structuring mods in that fashion, essentially breaking them up into smaller sections?

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Is there anyone which might recreate as an addon the sand/papers storm of QG's campaign third chapter?


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Bit of an underground choice since it was supposedly only used by certain special forces with the budgets to afford it, but the G41 remains the Rolls Royce of the G3 series, and although it may be dated (and out of the H&K assembly lines) today, it's still a very solid weapon.


Another edit:



White phospherous. Horrible when used as a weapon, but it is still an awesome one at that. While most often used to lay down an effective smoke screen, it's also been used offensively, against people, which isn't very ethical, but then again war was never about treating eachother nicely.

Either way it would be nice to see a grenade that would both provide the smokescreen as well as seriously seriously harm someone if you threw it close enough to them, to replace the very harmless ones in ArmA.

Not to mention the awesome effect of one of those going off as seen above. Quite possibly havoc on the framerate, but it would be so worth it.

I'm not denying that the optic sight was crap. It was a good

idea in theory and was great on the range - with a well

fitting 'scope - but in practise it had problems in the rough

and tumble of the field. The very design of it meant that it

inevitably suffered from wandering zero. Even design

modifications to the cam-base and the mount top cover

didn't completely cure the problems. I'm considering how to

represent the randomly wandering zero and rattling sight

unit "features" of the sight in my addons

Yeah, the way I heard it in the case of the Falklands they were also prone to fogging, so with the dodgy weather conditions, the troops often found them quite useless. It would be an absolutely exceptional stroke of realism for someone to even consider the faults of the equipment in an addon for once. I'd really like to see that.

Sounds like some awesome projects that you're working on though, really looking forward to giving them a go.

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I am playing ArmA on Veteran with TrueInGameUI, I can't see how much bullets I have left in magazine. I am reloading when I have about 5 left and when I want to check how much ammo I have left, ArmA shows 5 magz, but I really have about 31 bullets....

Here the Idea came.

Would any coder be able to write an config to make magazines after reloading be dropped on ground? With unused ammo in it.

To see the packages on ground.

With Andy_Mags it would look delicious.

And it would be funny to find banana clip somewhere near your base xD

"You will loose the unused drowns" -Mafia tutorial.

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i don't request an addon, but a mod tounge2.gif a mod which would be an anticipation of the future. something maybe like "frontline fuel of war" smile_o.gif

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Any coder? ; )

How about increasing Barrett M107 direct fire distance from 500m(BIS) to correct 1000m? Just by a simple replacement.

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...I can't see how much bullets I have left in magazine. I am reloading when I have about 5 left and when I want to check how much ammo I have left, ArmA shows 5 magz, but I really have about 31 bullets....

Here the Idea came.

Would any coder be able to write an config to make magazines after reloading be dropped on ground? With unused ammo in it...

On a related note, I'd like it if someone could remove the

ammo counter that appears at top left. The round count

could perhaps flash up for a second only when a mag is first

loaded or when a gun is picked up, but I wan't to be forced

to count rounds for myself while firing - like in reality. The

automatic ammo counter is too redolent of an "arcade game".

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