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About Grim_Fandango

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  1. Grim_Fandango

    OFP Addon request thread

    Thanks a lot! :)
  2. Grim_Fandango

    OFP Addon request thread

    I've seen that around, but I don't think it includes 1979. It's their retro mod that features the sino-vietnamese conflict.
  3. Grim_Fandango

    OFP Addon request thread

    Here we go again: Anyone got a copy of VME's PLA 1979 mod? I see it's posted in the history of this thread, but the links are dead. I don't see it on any of the databases that are still alive, and Google-translating my way through the VME forums didn't make me much wiser.
  4. Grim_Fandango

    OFP Addon request thread

    It's times like these I could kiss this community. Thanks a million.
  5. Grim_Fandango

    OFP Addon request thread

    I've tried searching high and low, but I'm at a total loss as to where I might come across a copy of the DDAM (Danbat Danish Army Mod) 4.1 for OFP. Most of the teams old sites are down, and the most recent one that I know of doesn't carry the addon. Does anyone have it laying around? OFPR.info has 4.03, but that's missing a few goodies compared to 4.1 Of course I've thrown RavenDK a message, but given how busy the average modder is, I figured I might get lucky here, sooner.
  6. Grim_Fandango

    Official DDAM Wip Thread

    Awesome work, as we've come to expect from you guys. Hopefully ArmA 2 will run long enough to see a lot of iterations. It seems the Swedish Forces Project are also doing some 80's soldiers in keeping with the OFP tradition - Is that anything you might indulge in at any point? I know we'd get nuked within an hour or two of a war, but we can dream right? I laugh at stories from soldier friends about dragging around rifles that were molded from thrown away toilets (referring to the ceramics in the G3's, which were apparently pretty heavy).
  7. Hey Sirex, what went wrong? Not that I stand a chance in hell of fixing it :P AllowGetIn False makes my guys stay outside, but then they have the silly standard formations. I wish I was script-smart enough to mess around with it. Would you mind sharing that script? Using that I should be able to make a loop to make guys stay with the vehicle in a custom formation, while using AllowGetIn, which should bring me a lot closer to some dismounted infantry support :)
  8. I remember using a script that created custom formations based on your own design in one of the games. I don't know whether that's still possible, but it was really simple to use back then. It was before ArmA II though.
  9. Both of those give me smoke (Which I've been looking all over the internet for - Thanks for that) but what if you want some really big dramatic world-ending pillars of smoke? Like first Gulf War, or Michael Bay-movie smoke? I'm trying to simulate a battle after a retreat, with the resulting fires from shelling in the distance. I'm thinking of smoke that might be seen from a few miles away. I've tried both of those, but I can't seem to make Kylanias smoke bigger, and there's an obvious cap on the BIS_Effects_Burn pillars.
  10. That would be awesome. I managed to find that myself in the reference after the fact, but your script seems infinitely more clever, not least with the fact to define it for all groups on the map. Thanks for the effort.
  11. So is there a way to make the infantry start outside the vehicle and stay outside the vehicle? For me that only works occasionally if I change them from "In Cargo" to "None" in the editor, and set a very short waypoint, which isn't really working for me. How do I skip to locking them out, without letting them get back in? The idea is to get the infantry supporting the vehicle, close to contact, and bring the firepower of both to bear at the same time. I think it would be awesome with a custom formation that has the infantry flanking the vehicle on either side, perhaps with some at the rear. I imagine it would be a bitch to make, but any scripts to refine the vehicle behaviour (especially with infantry) is very welcome!
  12. Grim_Fandango

    Lcwf mod (rok) - wip

    I'd say the ROK are as BLUFOR as you can get. They've been heavily involved in anti-communist operations throughout Asia, and are obviously strongly supported by the US. I think that's more than a proper argument for making them BLUFOR as standard, even if it is restrictive to the imaginations of some. They were also known as some of the most tough, professional and effective soldiers to partake in Vietnam, achieving far greater results than any other coalition force. I don't know where the ROK is militarily today compared to then, but I'd love to see a proper mod covering the conflict/region.
  13. Grim_Fandango

    Real Night Vision

    Thanks for the replies guys, but it wasn't really what I was looking for. I've resorted to simply using knowsAbout, it's kinda clunky but it seems like there's no other option available for the moment. You have to wonder about things like that though. I don't see what purpose it serves to make units, even ones with nightvision, into Mr Magoos.
  14. Grim_Fandango

    Real Night Vision

    I'll be sure to check out Zeus AI, but what is it those mods do? I'd much rather tool around with it myself.
  15. Hey guys, Is there a way to define/improve the vision of a unit at night, ie to make a unit completely ignore that it's night? At the moment my AI are getting to within 20 metres of an enemy formation before actually spotting them, when I can see them at five to ten times that range. I've tried using setViewDistance, but it does absolutely nothing. Since most western special forces raids are carried out at night, it would be a real shame to change the whole thing into daytime, simply because the units aren't working properly. I've looked through the forums, but I haven't found anything touching on it.