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About einsena

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  1. einsena

    African Militia

    this mod would be great for those black hawk down or the west side boys vs SAS kinda missions thanks!
  2. einsena

    SLX MOD public release

    thanks for the news, although that's some bad news right there. we will be(or at least i) will be waiting for another Solus release. if need be, i'd be glad to help in anyway possible. i'm not much of an ArmA modder, but i'm familiar with codes. SLX is so amazing, that it causes repercussions that effects other unreleased mods, because they want to also utilize one or two modules of SLX. what's more amazing is that it's a 1 man job?! wow! i hope the wait won't be as long as Duke Nukem Forever lol! speaking of DNF! 3D realms has just announced that DNF is actually 6 months away from release
  3. einsena

    SLX MOD public release

    oh my lord, Crysis? rly? ok then anyways the "**" and "&&" characters does not actually exist in the real line of codes. it is not meant to be taken literally, the "**" and "&&" are meant to be used as a marker on the quoted section of codes, it is meant to assist you in pointing what section of the code that needs to be edited. this markers are not commonly used or practiced by coders, it is meant to assist the "casual" coders of the world lol. and fortunately casual coders, despite their lack of coding skills usually compensate with their superior common sense. so, whenever you see a **// on the quoted section of code you need to remove the // on your section of code. and whenever you see a && on the quoted section of code you need to add a // on your section of code. the "//" it self is a code segment comment function for C++, but of course you know this already right?
  4. einsena

    Fix ArmA choppers now!

    i actually prefer ArmA's flight control compared to OFP, but that's maybe because i like to play flight sims too! the way i see it, it's better this way, because now we're forced to have a dedicated "pilot" and that enforces teamwork. and due to the higher difficulty to fly an aircraft, it limits the amount of lawn dart pilots in ArmA, which is for me, a good thing.
  5. einsena

    SLX MOD public release

    Me too I would re-add the crossair ingame. How to do it? i don't want to sound like an ass, but you guys should read the whole thread before posting any questions.
  6. einsena

    Durg's Vegetation Fix

    thanks for your hard work! i couldn't survive without it(literally) in ArmA lol!
  7. just change the vlaue of the velocity<(number) to a number that you like. also if you really want a unit to gib easily you can set the velocity to <1. with that value the unit will gib even if it moves a little bit. so you'd see a lot of unit getting gibbed even if it died of gunshot. my recomended value is 13, with that value only high explosive damages causes the unit to gib.
  8. yep, experiment with it yourself if you found the needed parameter for a unit to gib is too high/low. the lower the value, the less distance needed for a dead unit to move before it gibs(units jumps when a high explosive rounds impacts)
  9. einsena

    ArmA Addon request thread

    i'd like to request a fix for the current weapons firing systems for the AGMs and Vikhrs (since i'm not able to mod yet lol) i think we need to introduce this points to ArmA, to make the Vikhrs more realistic and not so easy to use(IRL it's very labor intensive to deploy a Vikhr, same goes to TV guided AGMs) one are also applicable to non radar guided AGMs. i think this points will negate any "unrealistic" Vikhr super capabilities that ArmA 1.14 has introduced. the Vikhrs are great but are also hard to use, lots of systems need to be activated and manually operated by the pilot in order to deploy one. so,my suggested points are 1.introduce a delay between the moment the target is locked to the moment the weapon is able to be fired (simulating pilot seeking target) 2.introduce a "beaming period" which is a period where the target needs to be locked until it's destroyed or the missile will self destruct. not needed for the AGM since AGM is fire and forget weapons 3.if the accumulated "beaming period" exceeds 2~3 minutes the Vikhrs cannot be fired for 2~3 minutes (simulate laser cool down period). Vikhrs only because Vikhrs are laser beam rider missile, and IRL laser designators cannot be activated for long periods of time and needs a cool down period after each usage. this, i feel will bring a whole new level of "realism" to the game, the first point would also be applicable to non radar guided AGMs, because the AGM is TV guided and the pilot needs to also seek the target.
  10. einsena

    KA50 AT Weapon Fix for ArmA 1.14

    mm i don't know about a ground based(spec ops) LD painted targets, but AFAIK Vikhrs does not have this capability. for one the Vikhr's laser receiver is on the back of the missile facing the launcher platform, the Vikhr then try to orientate its flight trajectory relative to the beamed laser light form the launcher. also the Vikhr are TV(the TV is for orientating the Laser Designator) AND Laser guided, both systems have to be activated in order to launch a Vikhr, although the TV system are able to be activated indefinitely. so, sorry for repeating my suggested approach to the solution is 1.introduce a delay between the moment the target is locked to the moment the weapon is able to be fired (simulating pilot seeking target) 2.introduce a "beaming period" which is a period where the target needs to be locked until it's destroyed or the missile will self destruct. 3.if the accumulated "beaming period" exceeds 2~3 minutes the Vikhrs cannot be fired for 2~3 minutes (simulate laser cool down period). this, i feel will bring a whole new level of "realism" to the game, the first point would also be applicable to non radar guided AGMs, because the AGM is TV guided and the pilot needs to also seek the target. i need to learn how to mod lol, i'd really like to see this systems being simulated correctly in ArmA.
  11. einsena

    KA50 AT Weapon Fix for ArmA 1.14

    well Vikhrs are great BUT they're quite labor intensive to deploy! here's the procedure to employ one on Lomac (AFAIK they modeled it quite accurately) 1. first like the AGM you need to point and ground lock the seeker to the target that you wish to destroy. but unlike the AGM the seeker is built in on the airplane itself the only purpose of seeking it with the planes seeker is to point the laser designator to that point(this takes precious time and attention of the pilot). at this point the Vikhrs are not yet ready to be launched 2. you need to activate the laser designator, this laser designator can not be activated for long periods of time(about 2~3 minutes or so). also after each activation a cool down period is needed in order to use it again without damaging the laser designator.(just like the real US Army laser designator, which is already moded and released by NonWonderDog with his NWD_RangeFinder) 3. standard procedure dictates that Vikhrs are to be launched in pairs, just in case one of them lost the laser signal from the plane(rarely happens, batter safe than sorry) 4. Vikhrs ARE NOT fire and forget weapons, it's a laser beam rider, which means you need to stay locked on target or the Vikhrs would get lost and self destruct if close enough to ground. this fact paired with the fact that the laser designator is not able to be activated in long periods of time makes it have a huge disadvantage. BUT the Vikhrs when locked properly with the laser designator used wisely are deadly, accurate, fast, and flexible. what needs to be fixed IMO is to slowdown and limit the current ArmA 1.14 Vikhr locking mechanism. maybe put a delay or something from the point the target is locked and the point where the Vikhrs are able to be fired. this is to simulate needed pilot workload. also limit the time which the KA-50 is able to fire the Vikhrs after activating or locking a target to simulate the laser designator activating and cooling down. man i wish i can make a mod for this lol! just my 2 cents
  12. you need to un pbo the pbo to a regular folder first. here's a link, look for the Cpbo file in Arma tools and download, if you have further bumps, then maybe you should consult the forums a little more. good luck!
  13. einsena

    KA50 AT Weapon Fix for ArmA 1.14

    no, it's not different warheads, it's different modes. there's impact and proximity detonation mode. the Vikhrs are that good! as for why the west hasn't counter develop any equivalent systems, i think it's because different countries have different strategies. Americans often develop their systems to be dedicated to a role and excell at it. Russians on the other hand likes to develop something that are able to do almost everything, but not that great in a particular role. for example Mi-24 Hind, it's a Gunship/Troop/Cargo Helo, it's a able to do those role but not so good compared to a dedicated sytems like KA-50 or Mi-28
  14. einsena

    KA50 AT Weapon Fix for ArmA 1.14

    I'm afraid it has something to do with this side are suppose to be more superior than that side brainwash propaganda.
  15. einsena

    KA50 AT Weapon Fix for ArmA 1.14

    Realistically speaking the 9K121 Vikhr are able to be employed against air targets. it is able and designed to do so, and no the AGM-65 are not able and was not designed to engage air targets. just in case you were wondering if this can why can't the AGM do it also. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AT-16_Scallion