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SJB Weapons Pack

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Nice model. I like the double feed of rounds into the mechanism  biggrin_o.gif

Thats the zasleh (I'm using the old-school OFP zasleh-cheat to imitate the feeding of the rounds).

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You know you can animate that now?

(a-la the vanialla ArmA weapons, just make sure you get the anim direction the right way round crazy_o.gif )

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Hey Jackal, nice to have some updates from you; the HKs are looking excellent. The HK53s look like they'll be fun. smile_o.gif

M249's also looking pretty smart, but something about the profile of the barrel looks a little off to me: In the picture you posted the barrel looks very straight, where it tapers in then back out again towards the muzzle brake in many of the images I've seen, and on BIS's ArmA model.


Might just be the angle you took the picture at though, so I apologise if I'm talking crap here. The model is otherwise brilliant from where I'm standing, (your M145 puts the one I attempted to make some months ago completely to shame biggrin_o.gif) and the textures look superb.

As ever, I look forward to more updates mate.

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You know you can animate that now?

(a-la the vanialla ArmA weapons, just make sure you get the anim direction the right way round crazy_o.gif )

Yeah I know wink_o.gif I'll probably end up animating it (though the rotation will look dodgy unless I re-align the rounds to be more circular in the way they hang).

@da12thMonkey: The barrel is just a place holder, the picture doesn't show its only 5 faces and looks very square when viewed from the wrong angle so I'll be remaking it using the image you posted as a base, thanks wink_o.gif

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Ey yo Jackal326!

I know that you are working on a new Desert Eagle, hope Deagle Mk. XIX cal. .50AE! If yes, i can give you a nice support for it! I got a real one, if you need some interesting pictures i can do some! Or if you need an original sound, i could try to get a sound when i go to shoot with it.

Just if you have any interests, for detailed pics of the insides, 6"barrel, magazine, or whatever, tell it me, and ill do them for you wink_o.gif

Data of it:

color: black

barrel: 6"

weight: 2kg

ammo: .50AE .44 .357 (but needs other barrels, but i dont have them :P)

type: Mark XIX .50AE (changeable barrels from .50AE to .44 or.357)

pistol handle: custom with extra grip

sights: original (will change next time to lighted ones with light dots)

here some example pictures:







its made with my telephone!

I will do the support pics with a digi cam for a more detailed view.

If any interests, contact me per PM or in this thread!



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Thanks for the offer Sentry. When I begin more thorough work on the handguns, I'll be sure to give you a yell for those more detailed images.

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The SMG pack has been placed on the back burner recently. I just seem to lack the motivation to put the work into to finish it, though it it only requires a little work. I simply keep finding other projects that keep distracting me; the Mercs being a fine example, not to mention early work on the assault rifle pack and intimitant work on the pistols and LMGs (which will be merged with the Assault Rifle pack due to them using the same calibers of ammunition, and the fact that I don't plan to include many LMGs in comparison to the numbers of SMGs etc. that I've included, so having their own pack seems pointless).

As for progress on the Mercs, they're only really a side project, but I keep adding things and changing bits and pieces, so I doubt they'll ever be "finished" per se. That said, I'll releasing the first version with the SMG Pack, when its ready anyway. Infact, I just finished my own personal unit model. I'll post a few shots when I get around to testing it.

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They are... magnificent. I really can't wait to use your stuff in the editor, used your OFP stuff until the very last of my OFP days.

Good job, as always. smile_o.gif

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They're looks great.

Can't wait for this pack xmas_o.gif

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Mercs are very cool, but there is something missing.

Hmm, let me think about it.

Ah I know, they need MP5!!

MfG Lee biggrin_o.gifwink_o.gif

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Mercs are very cool, but there is something missing.

Hmm, let me think about it.

Ah I know, they need MP5!!

MfG Lee biggrin_o.gifwink_o.gif

Very true. rofl.gif

PS: Looking good Jackal

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Give them the SF Recon backpacks and it would be perfect i think. They look alot like SAS units

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i understand its hard work, but ive been waiting a long time, almost a year to see something from Jackal. huh.gif

I remember reading a post by someone on these forums many moons ago, and though I cannot remember the exact phrasing, or who originally posted it, it was to the effect of:

"A one man band plays a song slower than an orchestra".

While musically, that quote has no weight what-so-ever, in the addon making sense, a truer word has never been spoken/typed. I'm working, for the most part, on my own on these addons. While most of my work is based on models/textures by other authors (with credit and permission), its still a hard task to undertake when you not only work ~40 hours a week, but also like to have some form of social life on top of that. I appreciate people's furstrations with the time-span involved, but at the end of the day I have to prioratise.

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Well do you want to work as one man project?

Sorry if it has been said in the thread somewhere.

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@Q: Yes, I do wink_o.gif

@Lee_H._Oswald/King Homer: Well, I haven't got a shot of them carrying any of the SMGs, but will a teaser for the Assault-Rifle/MG Combined pack do?



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When ever (and i hope soon) you release them, is it possible to have model with the goggles on too?

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