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SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

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5- The ammo count is fubar, there is only a single number which displays below the weapon name.

I think this is done on purpose for realism.

You only know how many mags you have not the ammo inside them.

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Quote[/b] ]ammo counter removed(only number of magazines or last bullets shown)

Nice stuff btw and lots of unique features! Hope you keep polishing it, right now it feels quite... unpolished. Especially the sounds get a little crazy sometimes (but maybe it just takes some time to get used to the new effects).

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Ah yes, but it does look a little weird being outside of the ammo count box..

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Thanks for the mirror Serial Killer, finally I can test this out, can't wait  thumbs-up.gif

/EDIT: Very slow though, 23kb/sec confused_o.gif

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D@nte: Thanks!

Smiley_Nick: Thanks, it'll be interesting to hear if any of the GL3, wounds, or melee scripts work. biggrin_o.gif Those ones I think will have the most trouble, but most of the other stuff besides that should work in MP, although the vehicle get in animation scripts might not work all the way due to locality issues or something. It would be really cool if the swords and other melee stuff in SLX Melee work, so you could check that out too. "removeAllWeapons this; this addMagazine {SLX_Sword_Anim}; this addWeapon {SLX_Sword_Anim}" theres also some melee units in the editor which will either work better or worse than a regular GL3 init'd unit since their event handlers haven't been messed with in a while. tounge2.gif

Kroky: My FFUR download is almost done and I will add the effects tomorrow, so you could wait until then or keep trying on your own. Just search for "EventHandler" and wherever you see an "init="_this exec {\FFUR\stuff.sqs}";" or whatever add ";_this exec {\SLX_GL3\SLX_Init_GL3.sqs};" on the end so it looks like this: "init="_this exec {\FFUR\stuff.sqs}";_this exec {\SLX_GL3\SLX_Init_GL3.sqs};"


Ok I tried to add the lines whereever eventhandlers are. But when CPP2BIN I get error. So somehow the syntax is not correct. I think I wait till you've done the ffur compatible config and will check it out. Then I will sure learn more.

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@ Solus, will this mod at some point work 100% with FFUR2.5 with all its effects? I sure hope so, it looks awesome, good job and keep it up!

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Wow! Fire looks definately better than in ArmA! Hope you workin on this for ArmA when times come biggrin_o.gif

Any movies out with this mod?

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very nice mod with very interesting effects thumbs-up.gif i've notice that there is no radar in armored vehicles or aircrafts , is it intended ?

the ctd when savegame is a big big problem though

thanks for the mod smile_o.gif

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Thanks everyone !

XCess: 1. After getting "healed" you are only barely above being critically wounded, you've lost a lot of blood and your entire body is really strained so it's going to be really hard to aim and walk. Which basically means that you are about at half damage to about all of your body parts, including your arms, which decreases your aiming stability the more damaged they are, and your legs, which I think might cause a limp but I'm not sure, and the wounded animations have a large "duty" setting which is what reduces your stamina while sprinting. So after you finish playing all those wounded animations you are really, really, tired out and your aim will suffer much more than if were sprinting that whole time, which also decreases your aiming stability. So to get rid of it you could just get yourself to an actual healing thing, like a medic, hospital tent, or ambulance, and get healed, that will take care of maybe half of your aiming problems. For the being tired part, you could just lay down and rest for a while, or I think I heard of an OFP bug that restores your stamina when getting in a vehicle, so you could try that too. 2. This is a compromise between the AI's going too slow in the dragging vehicle, the speed of the AI's animation while in it, the speed of the player's animation while in it, and the ground roughness. I tried to make it work well in most situations but of course it's not going to be perfect in everything. Perhaps a different dragging vehicle could be created for players and one for AI's at some future update that would fit more situations better. 3. It makes one sound of dragging, the "noise" sound, and another for the "engine" sound, which is heavy breathing, since they are hauling someone along with them(sometimes at high speeds tounge2.gif). 4. That is caused by the way OFP uses the AddAction command. It would probably be ridiculously difficult to change. When you use the drag option on yourself it tries to run the AI helper script to make sure someone is coming to help you, although it's hard to tell if it is or isn't sometimes. 5. This is intentional, it is the number of magazines you have left. I would have hidden it completely but then I realized that it I could hide only the active number of bullets, so I did that instead. You can change this back to the way it was by just deleting the resource.cpp in the bin folder, it is the only change in the file. 6. I will add the pistol ammo defines in the next config updates and modify the ranges and use probabilities so they won't use them too much. 7. That's from the scripts setting your squad from combat mode "Red" which is "Engage at will" and behaviour "Stealth" or "Danger" (which makes units take cover behind objects using the OFP AI) to combat mode "Yellow" which is to stay in formation and "Open fire". I might consider disabling this but it might give the player's group a harder time against enemy groups that are trying to use cover. I'll look into maybe having an option to disable it at some future update. 8. Heh, those were for testing, I'll remove them in the next update. You can disable them by turning off rifle tracers mode in your options. 9. I'll ignore it then since I've already written so much. tounge2.gif Thanks for your comments!

Serial Killer: Thank you and OFP.info for the mirror !! biggrin_o.gif

Metal Heart: I figured that even though it is unpolished it's still fairly playable and with ArmA so close there really isn't that much time to spend polishing it even further. It might as well be enjoyed while it can be, even if it's not perfect. The supersonic crack is a little weird to hear at first, but if you watch some war videos and listen close it might start to make sense. It really clicked with me when I was watching a documentary where there was a convoy of some soviet style vehicles driving through a corner in a city, leaving after a ceasefire or something, and then a whole bunch of staticy crackling started happening which I thought might just be poor video and audio quality, and then I realised what it was... gunfire, lots and lots of it raining down from the buildings at the the leaving convoy... Although I'm still not sure if it's correct or not, perhaps Dslyecxi would know. OFP seems to make the sound higher pitched the more in front of the bullet you are, so in front of it is more like a "snap" and to the side it's medium pitch, like a "crack" and near the back it's even lower pitched.

Kroky, V.P.: I'm installing FFUR 2.5 right now to get the config so there's a very high chance that it will be done and working as close to 100% as it's gonna be within the next few hours.

de la rocka: Thank you ! biggrin_o.gif I might make some stuff for ArmA, time will tell. Although most of this stuff should hopefully not be too difficult to convert, since ArmA apparently seems to not be too different from OFP. If I don't port it them maybe someone else will.

supershooter: Thanks, that would be really cool !

william1: Yes, the default radar is "magical" and tanks, APC's, and aircraft could see any vehicle at any height or direction, even behind them, at the maximum radar range. This has been intentionally disabled. Anti aircraft vehicles should still have radar though, but perhaps some addons that should have radar do not, but I think the gameplay benefits outweight some of the drawbacks.

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Sounds like a good mod.

Shall download soon and will also get an extra mirror for you.

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Cant wait for SLX to be FFUR 100% compatible smile_o.gif thank you so much Solus you are great notworthy.gif

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Really sounds like a great mod !

Gonna give it a try. It seems to be quite a piece of work...


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the effect when the bullets hit the ground is very nice but i think that the smoke it produces is a little bit overdone , maybe it should be decreased a little to be more realistic smile_o.gif

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This happened most of the time bullets struck, mostly with machine gun (even on the tank); when it hit any object (car, house, bush ect.....) ??

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Well just been playing around and I must say that overall, I'm impressed, even though it is rather unpolished, but still good fun. I love the dirt and smoke and fire and destroyed vehicle models, but I find this whole dragging and healing business a little too intricate to worry about in the heat of battle. Also the action menu can get rather cluttered. I've dragged myself (lol) when trying to reload and I've gone to melee mode when trying to activate NVGs lol. I really like the supersonic cracks and impact sounds the rounds make now, but it seems to have come at the expense of discharge sounds? The firing sounds seem way too low, pretty much all I hear now are whizzes, cracks and pops. I don't know, I've never been in a real firefight, so by all means this may be realistic.

Oh and the sky and moon are amazing. best sky mod I've seen to date thumbs-up.gif

Would it be possible to port the sky over to another mod, say, when I want to use ECP or FFUR (which work in MP, as opposed to SLX which is still untested)?

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to supershooter

it happened to me too until i put the @sfx mod folder at the end of the command line

p.d. those pics exceed 100 kb , you are going to die .... biggrin_o.gif

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Cant wait for SLX to be FFUR 100% compatible smile_o.gif thank you so much Solus you are great notworthy.gif

Yearh im hoping that the sounds and models of FFUR will be remained(including weapon attributes/stats), and the cool additional features of SLX to be merged with FFUR. That would make a KILLER mod. : )

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i dont think you installed the BAT correctly, judging from your screenshots you are running the default sky.

Try reinstalling the BAT, or make sure you install the right one for your operating system.


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The amount of features sound incredibly nice, unfortunately I can't try it atm, but I'm looking forward to a cooperation in order to make the incoming FFUR 2006 2.9.9 patch SLX compatible, by including the new smoke'n fire Fx textures to the incoming patch as well, of course, only if Solus would grant permission to use some parts of his nice mod.




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