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Armed Assault videos

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Shadak, thank you ever so much for the video of the AI. Again, it is great to see the AI in action, particularly in CQB. Some notes:

* The AI seems unafraid to use nades to flush, even when they do not know exactly where the enemy is (just their general proximity).

* On both the US and OPFOR sides, the lead soldier seems to get prone in advance of the rest of the unit to cover the corner, while the rest of the unit loops around for a better angle on the enemy.

* Notice how the rest of the US unit moves towards the left to better cover the corner from a distance.

* We see the perils of inadequate spacing in the squad - one hand grenade takes out half the US squad!

Yeah, they tend to do funny stuff sometimes. Like sniper not aiming at clearly visible enemies etc... I will try different scenario in a bit.

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Thx for vids !

Texture changing looks terrible crazy_o.gifbanghead.gif

Firefight is nice but notice (~29sec) that NS soldier died ~2 seconds after beeing hit when his "going oprone" animation ended confused_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]this really pisses my off,

web sites that need to register to download a single video, i call them crap!

can't download the video. (#download)

Guys we have a new downloads system up where you dont have to be registered to download, check it out HERE

Thanks for the vids BTW Shadak


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Here's a small example. - http://www.filefactory.com/file/594708/

confused_o.gif Yep, that's a mess. They just need to put in a couple of intermediate textures for slight/moderate damage and it would be much better.

Excellent 'nading at the end of the second vid  biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]this really pisses my off,

web sites that need to register to download a single video, i call them crap!

can't download the video. (#download)

Guys we have a new downloads system up where you dont have to be registered to download, check it out HERE

Thanks for the vids BTW Shadak


thank you very much. ^^

i though there would be some animations inside the chopper.. the movement of the hands.. ho well

i can live without it, but would be nice to have some real hands animations/simulation while piloting the choppers/planes.

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Nice vids as always, Shadak. Much appreciated. It's strange to think that they went to the point of including finger animations but we still retain the static fixed gun positions from OFP.
i though there would be some animations inside the chopper.. the movement of the hands.. ho well

i can live without it, but would be nice to have some real hands animations/simulation while piloting the choppers/planes.

Sorry to jump in "late" on this one. But the finger animation (trivial as it is) is much easier to implement than a full IK system (which would be required for the gunners to keep hold of their weapons)

Game 2 maybe wink_o.gif

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You want realistic sparks?  There they are.  Stuff doesn't spark when you shoot it with small arms in real life.  Ta-da! tounge2.gif

Bullets holes would be nice.  That's just icing, though, nothing that you'd realy notice in a game of ArmA scale.

OFP has bullet hit sounds.  Since ArmA is an advanvement on OFP, I'm assuming the reason you can't hear the hits is because of the "HDR audio."  Rifles are LOUD.  When there are weapons firing nearby you hear very little.  You'd only hear the hit if you're far enough away from the shooter (or behind him).  This is also realistic.  I'm fairly sure you can hear some misses land near the observer in that bullet sound movie.

maybe so...still there should be some kind of smoke/dust effect on impact. watch some combat clips on youtube and you'll see how much smoke a hitting bullet creates.

having no effect at all is pretty poor...it's almost like that metal fence isn't even there.

also in another vid i saw that shooting a jeep in aram creates sparks. i hope effects will be added to all those penetrating surfaces as well...(on both sides preferably)

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Quote[/b] ]Now this is a bit wierd imo... for a game that has finger animations.




I can´t download the "turrent" videos.... I see the download

option but when I click the server is always busy...

any mirror for those please?

those are videos from the heavy machine gun of tanks?

I have been waiting... some years... for that feature!! haha


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if your still taking requests Shadak i would love to see all the units and vehicles,just place them in the editor and have a walk around them and lets see interiors e.t.c

just if u get the time m8.np..thx for all the vids.

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if your still taking requests Shadak i would love to see all the units and vehicles,just place them in the editor and have a walk around them and lets see interiors e.t.c

just if u get the time m8.np..thx for all the vids.

vote for that one also biggrin_o.gif

thanks! thumbs-up.gif

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if your still taking requests Shadak i would love to see all the units and vehicles,just place them in the editor and have a walk around them and lets see interiors e.t.c

just if u get the time m8.np..thx for all the vids.

I'll try that since it doesnt require any encounter preparing smile_o.gif And I'll do the vid of AI trying to walk inside the building.

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cool thanks shadak!

and thank the gods for armed assualt..ahem i mean B.I.S

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Not to overload the plate, but would you throw 5 or so platoons from each side in the same area and see what it does to your 'puter? I've been concerned about this for some time. Thanks for feeding us poor ArmAless souls! smile_o.gif

'Alms for the poor' tounge2.gif

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Thank You for Your time Shadak.

I have one request, could You do me a favour and shot one short simple movie. You on the hill with sniper rifle, enemy squad in about 300 m distance on open area, try to shot them all tounge2.gif With all that big open areas and realistic ballistics ArmA should be a paradise for sniping fans but we didnt get any vid showing that feature.

Thanks and have fun playing ArmA. I hope thet polish release date is solid, if so ill have game within 10 days and ill help you sharing ArmA with poor "505 fellows" wink_o.gif

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great !! yay.gif

and please shadak don´t forget to show some interiors (M113, BMP) or turn out driver option in tanks... I think yours will be the first videos showing that...


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Thanks for the videos Shadak! I didn't see anyone selling fruit and veg in that market!  biggrin_o.gif  The AI seem competent at least!

The Rusty car vid I took a screen and I think it is supposed to be a 'burned out' texture!


Personally I would rather see it get riddled with bullet holes like in GR and after a while maybe burst into flames and then have the 'burned out' texture!  smile_o.gif

I guess BIS just have too much to implement in too short a time!

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Quote[/b] ]and please shadak don´t forget to show some interiors (M113, BMP) or turn out driver option in tanks... I think yours will be the first videos showing that...

Parece que me encontre un compatriota, que planes tenes vikingo para el armed?

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Quote[/b] ]and please shadak don´t forget to show some interiors (M113, BMP) or turn out driver option in tanks... I think yours will be the first videos showing that...

Parece que me encontre un compatriota, que planes tenes vikingo para el armed?

hola snake!!

(hi snake)

por favor revisa tus mensajes privados te escribi por ahi...

(check your PM I wrote you there)


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Great work! I appreciate it that you take so many clips on request for all those ArmA-hungry people. They showed us the pros and cons pretty well, some major, lets say "problems", where discovered, the capabilities of the AI where displayed, very good work!

If you have time and fun to do it, the/a video of the grasses and the effects they produce, probably concealment to the infantry, would be cool .

And yes, some action-scenes from missions would be great as well, but it´s only a suggestion, don´t feel forced to anything!

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i thought that 2 but you just click on 'download with filefactory basic for free (half way down the page) then click on 'download now' (again halfway down the page)

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Seems to be like OFP, the AI doesnt like exchanging their free world for some AI paths in buildings.. tounge2.gif

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Very interesting Shadak.

The first video demonstrates that there has been little, if any improvement over the original OFP. In the original OFP, if you specified the AI to follow you in formation they simply would NOT follow you into a building unless their position in the formation (which would frequently be too wide to be contained in the structure) was inside it and they would most likely stand in position outside of it.

This seems to be the case in the first video.

The second video is much, much more encouraging. Not only do the AI units follow you intelligently into the structure (keeping a tight formation, too), but they do not get stuck on scenery or seem at a loss for what to do.

The reason why I am encouraged by these videos is because I honestly did not expect the AI to negotiate structures on simply 'stay in formation' mode. I did not expect this at all. I was mostly concerned that whether or not the AI would go to a position in a house, if told, in an intelligent manner and not simply glitch.

While it is annoying that they simply refused to enter the structure in the first video, the fact that when they did enter it (the other structure) in the second video they did not glitch and DID follow the player accurately is very promising.

I'm not expecting to do much CQB in OFP (any, in addition to the outdoor combat, I will consider a bonus), but this is promising.

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