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Arma - Single Play Firefights - (with many mods)

6 min Hi Res Vimeo

Quote[/b] ]Includes many modifications within the footage some of which are:

My Mixed Soundmod (my own config using parts of nearly every sound mod released to date for pretty much every sound replacement, ** ONLY FOR PERSONAL USE **).

Description in full on the video page, nothing fancy just raw footage of firefights  pistols.gif .

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Aushilfe @ Nov. 23 2008,23:28)]
Who made THIS?  rofl.gif

Its an official trailer for VBS2. First one on this page:

VBS2 Videos

I know that, seen it ages ago. I meant the hilarious dub. wink_o.gif

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Who made THIS?  rofl.gif

Arnold Schwarzenegger?

If it was Arnold it would be a hell of a lot easier to understand crazy_o.gif

I had a hard time understanding that. I suppose he isn't an English speaker.

Notice the part where the guy is walking around inside the moving aircraft whistle.gif

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Damn, I didn't know they had retired terminators working for the marketing department at BIA!

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<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=332><PARAM NAME=MOVIE VALUE=http://www.armedassault.eu/Television/BISvideo.swf?vquality=hq&youtubeID1=pyNiqTqOov8&linkID1=http://www.armedassault.eu.com/&youtubeID2=&linkID2=&youtubeID3=&linkID3=&youtubeID4=&linkID4=&><PARAM NAME=PLAY VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=LOOP VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=QUALITY VALUE=HIGH><EMBED SRC=http://www.armedassault.eu/Television/BISvideo.swf?vquality=hq&youtubeID1=pyNiqTqOov8&linkID1=http://www.armedassault.eu.com/&youtubeID2=&linkID2=&youtubeID3=&linkID3=&youtubeID4=&linkID4=& WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=332 PLAY=TRUE LOOP=TRUE QUALITY=HIGH></EMBED></OBJECT>

Quote[/b] ]Channel 6 - Xtreme Sports Outtakes with Mr.Kingsley & Jerry Hopper.

With the preparations for a the new TV station Channel 6, the team of SahraniRadio went to Watkins Mountains for the recording of the first episode of the "Xtreme Sports" series. these scenes are from the behind the scenes.

More info about Channel 6 will soon be available at http://www.armedassault.eu


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In that VBS2 site there is a new video off the UK Forces Pack and it says:

Quote[/b] ]"Bohemia Interactive is proud to present the following video showing the completed UK Content Pack in VBS2.

The Pack includes 137 new unit, vehicle and weapon models and a wide range of new functionality (including PhysX articulated vehicles)."

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am I the only one thats getting a 404 page not found when I try to download or watch Kenworts videos?

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sorry.. I'm moving servers.. should be ok soon.. smile_o.gif

EDIT: Fixed, enjoy.. wink_o.gif

ArmA - Mountain slide by crevetolog

Sliding down the hill with a boat and tank! Funny.


Arma Cheers to the British by SopmodJack1975

A small Tribute to the British WW2 Veterans .THANK YOU.


Arma: Dogfight camel armed assault MP by Minimalaco

Dogfight camel armed assault MP


ArmA - Operation Delta Knife I by USMCG0811

35KT Nuclear weapons test.


ArmA - BM² by mm3pir



Armed Assault Evolution Unlocked plus teamspeak by armedassaultweb

Some footage of the Evolution mission, attacking the town of Paraiso. Armored, crafty and Sniper involved here.  


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Ahh working now. Thanks Kenwort.

Nice. BHD mission is looking like something awsome.

and that avgani firefight was awsome.

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