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Armed Assault videos

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This "Jihad" video, was removed from these forums awhile back as propaganda.

Actually, it wasn't...

It was removed because it ended up in a screaming match, and it stayed removed because it wasn't posted in the video thread.

Now, before we have another big flamefest here, let's make one thing clear:

Most likely some people will object to this video on political grounds.

I can understand that, and it is very regrettable.

But this is NOT the right place to discuss political opinions. (The off-topic forum would probably be more appropriate.)

So, please, if you do want to discuss this video keep your comments restricted to the technical and aesthetical aspects.

Thank you!

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Madman, in cinematography terms the video was awful confused_o.gif . But I found it interesting to show that ArmA is releasitic. wink_o.gif .

The Jihad video . . . saw it a while ago but didnt think to post about it here due to the potential political 'backlash', flaming, shouting, kicking and screaming that may occur. No comment.

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a little bit C&C feeling:

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T_D i have to say this looks very very nice smile_o.gif

You absolutely reached the C&C feeling!

Now i´m very much looking forward to this mod.

Will you base it on the fictional units?

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Madman, in cinematography terms the video was awful confused_o.gif

But that wasn't the point of the video, it's just showing gameplay and what the game can handle. It's not meant to be cinematic.

I thought the video was pretty impressive, I don't know of any other game that can touch that smile_o.gif .

The Jahad video has now been posted 3 times in this thread huh.gif .

The C&C stuff looks promising wink_o.gif .

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Actually, the first Jihad video posted was removed from youtube and was different, this more recent Jihad video, it's been posted before (so this is the second "run" this video has been posted).

Politics aside, I wouldn't believe for one second that any troopers at an outpost would be standing still after one of them had been sniped. That's just plain dumb irrealistic. As for the rest, oh well... IMHO this violates Forum Rule no.19, for portraying senseless carnage...

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BUZZARD @ Mar. 22 2007,16:40)]IMHO this violates Forum Rule no.19, for portraying senseless carnage...

Rubbish, it's not real killing. Otherwise loads of ArmA videos and screens showing executions and fun blowing up hoards of civvies with satchel charges wouldn't be allowed. It's fake propaganda anyway, as real propaganda it would be a miserable failure.

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Yall need to grow up. That said. What would you recommend I change to make this look better? <<-- Retarded video. I don't know why I posted it. It really really is a stupid waste of 10 seconds.

Perhaps a moon in the background with light shining on the general? (This is just a template for my Base Attack 4 Movie). I'm spending a considerable amount of time more than I did with Base Attack 3. I didn't really get as much publicity as my previous vids. I must be starting to suck crazy_o.gif


I have a trailer coming up for KaRRiLLioN's Sahrani Virus: A New Beginning (MP) Check it out, the mission is really a hoot! It gives a feel of resident evil on its highest scale... (Best felt on "Extreme difficulty", no kidding) And yes, it has zombies. The trailer isn't that good. I made it in 30 minutes before work and had it rendering when I was there.

This video was shot in the dark and has low volume frequency's, as it is short, I recommend, turning the sound up on your PC and hitting the lights off. smile_o.gif

edit: *Trailer deleted, 2 posts down is final version. This was old

*Editing this video quick for sound adjustments.

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Interesting trailer Victor.

And that thing for BA4 needs more atmosphere, such as your 'moon' example....

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Yea I did not intend to use that first video as a final cut.

Actually I don't even know why I posted that here. Updated Trailer version coming in a few minutes.

Edit: Final v1.1 Trailer Released.

Sahrani Virus Part 2 Trailer. You might (doubt it) be confused while watching this trailer. Since this is a trailer for Virus Part 2... Obviously part 1 was prior to this smile_o.gif

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Haha I can see a time when fighting in some open area when out of no where a missile shoots over head at that speed then destroys the city you were either trying to defend or some reinforcements. Man imagine the psychological damage this could have on the enemy. "We're beating them back!" then from over head a missile flies overhead and BAM a tomahawk slams into the rear of the players force. "Holy Sh*t where the hell did that come from?"

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Nice stuff, deanosbeano!! Reminds me of wizzywig's Tomahawk for OFP!

But, contrary to the looks of it, it seems you have a sturdy building there as target! biggrin_o.gif

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well whatever anything reminds anyone of anything i can assure all models and scripts are 100 % for arma and owned and made by myself or mandoble and are not copies.

May i present to you a beautiful thnig called mando_missile

all credit to mandoble for scripts and a small part in making the none standard models you will see / not see by myself.

he hopes to release today the scripts and misssions keep a close eye on a&m C

Enjoy and cicky here to be amazed

ps the scrpts are designed to be used with bis default ,in tis vid so any launch anomolies such as missile to ship are my fault , i added the subs after i recieved the scrpts and should of altered the launch pos And watch out for superman eta about 41 seconds

ps i have lots to do on models ,

rotate tomahawk 180 %

make wings unfold on init

shadow work on sub

some textures on torpedos

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well whatever anything reminds anyone of anything i can assure all models and scripts are 100 % for arma and owned and made by myself or mandoble and are not copies.

Deanosbeano, please, I did not want to be understood that I was thinking that you had used any of wizzywig's or anybody else's stuff to do anything!!! crazy_o.gif I know your stuff is 100% original!!! And it's amazing at that!!! Keep it up!!! thumbs-up.gif

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Just a little movie about our clan [MCY] presenting our staff...

http://d01.megashares.com/?d01=3ef79bd [16Mb small]

http://d01.megashares.com/?d01=d8163e6 [56Mb big]

Edit. those dl's might be limited to 1, if it's not working try again later or try below

other mirror:

http://z18.zupload.com/download.php?file=getfile&filepath=55676 [16Mb small]

http://z18.zupload.com/download.php?file=getfile&filepath=55708 [56Mb small]

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