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SimHQ E3 Interview

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Guest Ti0n3r

Thanks. Not a very good interview though. IMO.

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Quote[/b] ]Multi-player features Co-op mission options and can support up to 200 players, with multiple, independent mission taskings.
o_o ohhh In total?

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Guest Ti0n3r
Quote[/b] ]The game uses "aim down the sights" weapon aiming graphics to add a touch of realism when using a rifle in combat

Hmm does that mean 3D ironsights? Hope so inlove.gif

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Did you see that? Will probably go Gold in July!!!!

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Wow nice article:

each main mission is accompanied by several support missions that the player can choose to enter as an alternative to the main campaign mission

so thats no issue anymore smile_o.gif

Love al the great info, but i still can't wait to get my hands on a trailer

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Hmm, you think a place calling itself "The Simulation Community's Headquarters" would know a bit more about OFP. There were some basic inaccuracies in there and some features hyped as new even though they appeared in the original.

There were also a couple of disappointing things mentioned, if accurate.

Interesting article though. Just hope some of the upcoming interviewers ask the questions OFP vets and I want answered.

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SimHQ covers a wide range of game genres (primarily flight sims) and so you can't expect the E3 interviewer to be a dedicated OFPer. Don't be too harsh as I think he was also malnourished. crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]some features hyped as new even though they appeared in the original

But that's what BIS has been doing all along, like presenting working real stellar constellationts as features which have been in OFP eons ago. On the other hand, naturally the want to get new customers which are not familiar with the original title so it is perfectly reasonable.

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Quote[/b] ]

Although the GUI slider for visibility range can go out to 3000 meters, the sweet spot for fps and gameplay seemed to be around 1600 meters, which is over a half mile and quite acceptable for most tactical needs.

Uuuh... while technically correct, 1600 meters IS greater than 1/2 mile, it's actually almost exactly equal to 1 FULL mile. It's a shame that the author didn't also have a doctorate wink_o.gif

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1600 is 9.344 meters - which is 30.656168 feet - short of a full mile.

Aaaanyways, that booth is smaller then an outhouse and about as atractive. sad_o.gif Ahwell, no hype around ArmA. I guess waiting 5 years for the next edition was kind of a bad idea, publishers kind of treating the game like a new one.

Maybe BIS should tell publishers that the first game ever made by their studio sold roughly 1.5 million copies.

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=) I was hoping for 1800-2000m so pilots could have better view but 1600m sound good also. smile_o.gif

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I have a feeling that 1600-3000m for example is not the absolute view distance, maybe that is just the max range you can spot individual trees and objects. I think you are able to see mountain ranges and other features at around 10km or something, similiar way how it's done in Oblivion.

That's what the screens look like. It's interesting to see is 1600m or other range the standard mp view distance now.

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Nice read... the view distance is better, I hope Next Gen pushes 10km+. Dynamic view distance might of helped a little, ie around complex cities drop the view...thus simulating smog. and on the open plains crank it up.. Anyway July for gold... fingers crossed..

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"Although the GUI slider for visibility range can go out to 3000 meters, the sweet spot for fps and gameplay seemed to be around 1600 meters"

I'm not too happy to read this. Could be enough for the most infantry mission but I think it's not really better than OFP for fix-winged ones (I usually set viewdistance to 2500 over basic OFP islands but I could use some more).

Edit: typo

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Guest Ti0n3r

I'm still waiting for the preview/interview from WW2EC, as they promised to look at it from the perspective of an OFP fan.

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one thing you need to remember is that in ofp having the view distance set to 5000m does not give you a 5000m view  distance it is much closer to 2500-3000m

Im feeling distinctly underwhlemded so far by E3 confused_o.gif

hopefully there will be more soon

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omfg 200 players online? wow_o.gif

OFP could have 6064 right?

I hope they're not talking about theorical limit but more the realistic one wink_o.gif

Though I'm very doubtfull

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I am pleasantly surpised, first couse it looks I will have no problem running the game decently, second because of the 200 mp limit (though not sure if it is all human players).

Another is the expected July gold status which sounds very good to me, could have been alot worse yay.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

I guees they mean that the game will be finished in June/July. They have to find a publisher this month/June if they want the game to go gold in that month.

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