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SimHQ E3 Interview

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I really like the idea of the King's Elite Bodyguards. It really reminds me of the US-backed Iraqi Special Forces. From the little rumors that circulate, these guys have training and weapons rivaling that of most countries. There seems to be a huge gap between the elite troops and regulars.

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Quote[/b] ]Or what about a fun mp mode called "Kill the king"

"King of the Hill", "King's Quest", "For the Glory of the King", "Man Who Would Be King", "Henry VIII"  yay.gif

Maybe there's entire royal family with princes and good-looking princessess...would provide stuff for really soap-opera style missions  


I think the late King Hussein of Jordan at his later years would be a great model for a Sahrani king, experienced, pragmatic and able to keep his nerve in difficult political situations.

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I believe Placebo called them the "elite King's bodyguard," where did "King's Replublican Guard" come from?  icon_rolleyes.gif

I forgot the name when I was writing it wink_o.gif

It sounded good when I thought of it. You know, Its a monarchy, they are also a Republic country and they guard the King confused_o.gif

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Going more offtopic:

Kill the King would be so great!!! Maybe BIS should do a post-release mission downloadable by the public.  

The King would start with his elite bodyguard in the capital.  But since this is a BIS game, they can travel ANYWHERE!  There might be no need for respawns as it would encourage the assasins to adopt "hit and run" type tactics to slowly pick off the guards.  Imagine convoy attacks, harrowing escapes, chase scenes (maybe even on boats! XD), desparate seiges.  It'd be like Ronin!  Yeah!!!!!!!

Who said OFP gameplay wasn't exciting? yay.gif

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I like the fact that it's based on the US Army too... I'm not so into the Marines (no disrespect meant). However, the OPFOR side will definitely get its side of the action, I'm certain. If not by BIS, then by RHS and ORCS (if they're still around). Can't wait to see my favourite Flora-clad lads runnin around.

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