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Who cares about graphics? Gameplay is more important than a shadow that isn't the right size or an explosion that doesn't look 100% realistic. I'm sure things like this can be modded after the game is out if you don't like them anyway or if you don't like the graphics just don't buy it, its simple.

And remember that the game isnt finished yet so they are still adding features and other things to the game.

And how can you tell what a game is like from a few pictures and some videos anyway? I thought you needed to play a game before you could decide what is wrong with it.

Well thats my crappy rant out of the way.

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No you do have a point,the problem is many people in terms of gripes with movement and models,seem to think inside of the box,they only see AA in the images,not what it can be or what lies ahead,and by that I'm talking about community content,think about it,multiple gun positions and better physics give more reasons to make buildings and naval units.

I highly believe that a unit can stay on a moving vehicle,and I found this out by accident in OFP:E once. I ran over a civilian car and it flipped up and threw the civy out,wellt he civilian landed on my tank and STAYED on my tank perfectly still while I moved,but when I stopped the corpse was thrown off.

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Graphics help with immersion.

Proper graphics + sound = sensory immersion. Proper gameplay added on to that = total mental immersion aka digital crack.

I also think that people should be able to lay / crouch on a moving vehicle to be transported. I have seen this in BF2 now and then with people laying on a T90 and being transported good distances (just demo, didn't want the full game) but mostly it forces a tk on the driver.

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Ah yes I did this earlier,it wasn't there originally,originally if you got on any moving vehicle in bf2 you were instantly killed,i forget why they changed this...anyway its not really a good idea unless you can say..SIT on the back of the tank,but even then the turret shouldn't be able to move in a full circle because it would whack you in the head,seems like a rather useless thing to add really.

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Armored dessant is far from useless, it's a very handy thing to do in less then optimal combined arms situations. (although i wouldn't cimb on a tank too willingly as long as my side doesn't have complete air control >_> - but that's offtopic)

Anyways, i don't care about graphics at all, that's the big problem for me, because there are games out there that are a lot uglier (balkans, steel beasts) but are far more realistic then ArmA and it seems that instead of improving realism BIS added a bunch of features, some of which are great additions and help realism a bit but most are useless additions like character swapping. I'd like tanks to move and shoot realistically, same with aircraft/soldiers/cars. If i can't have that the game better be looking pretty.

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The one with the "cross" crosshair is with a soldier carrying M60 or something like that...? help.gif


...And the US team gets its ass handed to it by the Czech Republic.

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I think the graphics look pretty damn good.

Have you seen the vidios? The animation is nice and smooth, and like everyone is saying, the game is still under development.

Granted the game still looks alto like OFP...thats becose, esentially, it is.

ArmA is OFP tarted up to the hilt with new animation, bigger islands, improved physics, new shadow system, better looking models and probably improved sounds eventually. I'll be buying it out of loyalty to flashpoint. I loved it then, i still love it now, it's the only game to have kept me interested for more than a week. Infact its kept me hooked for years.

I'm sure to love every aspect of Armed Assault and hope to be addicted to that for years to come too. Untill Game2 is out, the it starts again!! biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Yeap,soon we won't have a life because of OFP but w'ell be happy.

I just dont understand why people are griping about graphics..is it something about having this OMG UBER SHINY stuff or are they blind? In terms of graphics I think they have been looking at too many replacement mods that replace the original models with communit content,that they forgot what REAL OFP looks like.

Be that the case,wheres mah beatin shoe.

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Guest Ti0n3r

That could have been me talking about any generic 'Assault the town' OFP mission wink_o.gif

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That could have been me talking about any generic 'Assault the town' OFP mission wink_o.gif

what about the pics? you have them too?

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Yeh bit generic, I'm also a member of the press, where does one get this cd? biggrin_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

If this guy can get a copy of the press demo then so should OFP.Info yay.gifwhistle.gif

Edit: And yes, this was a j/k wink_o.gif

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Well, because the SimHQ report get the #1 number, perhaps more AAR report on the way. Hope the best. After all, a nice/disturbing piece of the feedback forum:

FYI, I can confirm that a LOT of work has been done on this title since E3: I recently placed one of the top programmers from BI into a British studio, but before he came over he had a month of solid work - no days off - to help get the title into the best possible shape before he left. From what he said, they were all working their fingers to the bone.

Bad for them, good for us.

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If this guy can get a copy of the press demo then so should OFP.Info yay.gifwhistle.gif

Damn it, i hate the press, they always get sooner the game... biggrin_o.gif

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If this guy can get a copy of the press demo then so should OFP.Info yay.gifwhistle.gif

Damn it, i hate the press, they always get sooner the game... biggrin_o.gif

.... Where?! How?!

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Quote[/b] ]I take the default layout of weapons and have a full squad of twelve under my command

12+ leader??? That would be nice if they added one more as you never use F1. Lets hope!

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Quote[/b] ]Quote (Cifu @ June 13 2006,13:57)

Quote (Ti0n3r @ June 13 2006,13:54)

If this guy can get a copy of the press demo then so should OFP.Info yay.gifwhistle.gif

Damn it, i hate the press, they always get sooner the game... biggrin_o.gif

.... Where?! How?!

like this >>>>>>>>

Quote[/b] ]Well I got my media edition, press kit that includes a demo of the Armed Assault game this AM from my new best-est friend Guod, and have uploaded quite a number of screens on my web site, a couple of the best ones directly here below.

In time I will make some movie clips and more screens, if you have any questions or request, let me know and I'll see what I can do for you.

Quote[/b] ] >>>"...I got my media edition, press kit that includes a demo of the Armed Assault game this AM from my new best-est friend Guod..."<<<

Ah-hemmmm! That was the copy I obtained, and handed over to guod since he had your address! [smile] I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the boss would take credit for this... [big Grin]

Seriously, glad you're liking it. It looks like a good title. Kinda bummed that I didn't snag a spare copy.

>>>"Is the campaign implemented at all yet? Are you under an NDA?<<<

Jeevz, it's the demo we picked up at E3. You should really read the copy we wrote about our interview with Idea/Bohemia. There's no NDA. It's a press demo. As for release date and issues, read the article - when the main site comes back on-line.

Hey! Wait a minute... he got your demo disk and mine in case one of ours was damaged

SO we are but consumers in a shop with bars on the windows watching the assistants play smile_o.gif. ok i am jealous .but i am allowed to be smile_o.gif

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Hey I remember Magnum,he wasn't really good in the video's,even shot a few of his own men,ah well.

I do have to wonder if they will add blood decalls though,I'm guessing they will since in (I think..) OFP and (for certain) OFP:E,when soldiers die a puddle of blood soon forms where they lay. As bad as it may sound,the blood is nice,for one it distinguishes BIS from all the others who make war games with no spot of blood,and its realistic,sure its one of the perhaps brutal aspects but hey,who said war was fought with barbies and flowers?

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I wish they'd give me something to work with. I could've written a much better AAR than that. sad_o.gif

Not that it was bad, it's just that it could've been so much more.

For reference, read any of these I've written and tell me if you'd like to see me do an ArmA one:






Those are the ones written as actual AAR's. Picposts/light AAR's are here:




Anyhow, hopefully one of these days I'll be able to do some kind of ArmA preview. I think I'd do a good job. wink_o.gif

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You get my vote.

would love to see a real preview/aar or whichever by a real player with some experience.

Bis give this guy the press demo :P

oops should of said another :0, parkers was good too.

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