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Scripted or not, it does seem to be a much cleaner way of getting up and down a building with all the benifits as above - much less polygons and less chance of clipping errors in narrow stairwells.

Couple of questions - I couldn't read the text in the video but was there the option to choose which floor he went to or does the lift just go to the top/bottom floor?

In real life when clearing a building of enemy troops, would the lift ever be used? Surely there is too much to go wrong such as the lift breaking down or the 'ping' of the lift alerting enemy troops, grenade down the lift shaft etc. Would the stairs be taken everytime? Just asking as I have no idea being a civi and all that.

But thats not really an issue - I love the lift!

ps, telejunky, that is one helluva lift!

pps, I didn't see a sign that said maximum number of occupants / weight smile_o.gif

ppps, wonder if its a Schindlers Lift......

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I hope thats a proper lift and not just something that looks like a working lift. If it is functional, then good news for Aircraft carriers smile_o.gif


Why does the lift work fine but not for the aircraft carrier?

Why can you shoot rifles in the lift but not in moving open trucks?

I'd like BIS to sophisticate ArmA more. People want to have aircraft carriers and want to shoot in moving vehicles.

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Hmm, does the player move while the elevator is going up?

Because an elevator was possible in OFP aswell as long as you didn't move forward, backward or sideways. (you may turn)while the elevator was going up or down. I did it once with the mapfact concrete blocks from the gebaue addon.

Lol, Pierrot, I was thinking the same...

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Hmm, does the player move while the elevator is going up?

Because an elevator was possible in OFP aswell as long as you didn't move forward, backward or sideways. (you may turn)while the elevator was going up or down. I did it once with the mapfact concrete blocks from the gebaue addon.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">1. Is it possible to stand, move around and shoot with hand-feld weapons from a moving vehicle?

- No.

Well thats not a vehicle, but i think nope sad_o.gif

He just turn around but his x,y pos is always the same.

About the pic from armedassault.org, why is there a Stalker pic in an arma website??

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About the pic from armedassault.org, why is there a Stalker pic in an arma website??

I'm pretty sure it's because that's the "Ads by google" section. I bet those images are just random images that relate a little to the websites main topic.

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Quote[/b] ]Hmm, does the player move while the elevator is going up?

Because an elevator was possible in OFP aswell as long as you didn't move forward, backward or sideways. (you may turn)while the elevator was going up or down. I did it once with the mapfact concrete blocks from the gebaue addon.

I actually tried to make a simple lift too, those are the problem I had:

*soldier bounce on the floor

*you very easily go trough the floor if only with roadway lod

*no translation movement makes impossible to make a lift that goes high.

I suppose here BIS did it the same way we would but with better working lods and translation movement , it's easy job.

I think in the vid you see the player choosing the level.

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you think lift moves or you see the texture moves according to floor smile_o.gif ?

so for floor 3, you see scrolled texture on lift doors =wall/doors/wall/doors ,setpos soldier floor3 , open doors

floor3 could be done in ofp .

assuming you start on level 1 of course .

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I don't think there's any trickery here, I can believe that the roadway LODs and clipping are stable enough to do this. To help prove my point, I was actually able to stand on top of a (very slowly) moving bus in OFP:E without moving (moving relative to the bus, I was moving with it as it moved) too much (untill it accelerated and I slid off). In OFP, the player would simply stay in place as the roof of the bus moved out from under him, but in OFP:E (even though I kept sliding off) at least you were affected by the moving of the vehicle you were standing on. And verticle movement worked in OFP, you could stand on something (and move around) that moved up and down, though it was a little jumpy (and as someone mentioned you could fall through the floor), so with the improved engine I don't see why it's not possible for the elevator in that footage to be a real, moving elevator (without scripts influencing the units).

Here's a crude recording of my attempt in OFP:E to stand on a moving bus:

At least we're getting closer.

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I hope the elevator can be disabled. That would be the first thing i'd do if i was supposed to defend that hotel...

This got me thinking about actual urban combat, where the anti-tank soldiers usually take positions up on the higher floors of a building, but not the roof (so helicopters can't scout them) so they can blast tanks without fearing reprisals or early detection (that's how the russians got roasted once in Grozny). Those tall buildings i see constantly should all be enterable, atleast the higher floors... so a city would become a real deathtrap for tanks... not to mention a snipers dream come true. And i really do mean all buildings, cause if not all high buildings are enterable then you will get used to which buildings are and which aren't enterable... "oh that's house type #4, those have no interiors i don't think we are in danger of sniper fire, onward!" <=== not good, in order to induce paranoia the sniper should be able to hide anywhere...

Now that i think of it ... the lowest floor should be enterable too for defending purposes... i'm just saying that bis should make these by default cause modders rarely make buildings. whistle.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I don't think there's any trickery here, I can believe that the roadway LODs and clipping are stable enough to do this. To help prove my point, I was actually able to stand on top of a (very slowly) moving bus in OFP:E

I tested lifts on Aircraft carriers in OFP a while back. A lot depends on the class of vehicle and what it's doing. Out of all the vehicles, ships worked the best. A little bit of extra movement, but they follow the platform without any major problems. Infantry will fall straight through or be left suspended in mid air, depending on the direction. However with infantry if you keep moving, or rotating on the spot then lifts work fine. So yeah it should not take a lot to get them working. But it's even easier just to animate some textures and setpos the player at the correct floor.

Quote[/b] ]1. Is it possible to stand, move around and shoot with hand-feld weapons from a moving vehicle?

- No.

Another benefit of lifts compared to moving vehicles is, nobody drives them. So you don't have to worry about coordinating the whole thing across MP.

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Quote[/b] ]I don't think there's any trickery here, I can believe that the roadway LODs and clipping are stable enough to do this. To help prove my point

i hope there isnt too because we wanna shoot thru the lift doors on floor 2 as the enemy goes past on its way to 3 smile_o.gif.

the only reason i mention is it done the other way, is because when ,the door animation for open activates, the origina texture (doors closed) can be clearly seen and eventualy he walks right thru it smile_o.gif.

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Here's a crude recording of my attempt in OFP:E to stand on a moving bus:

Did you see this? From the ArmA vid the elevator looked believable to me, I don't think BIS would use cheap tricks either.

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there is a big difference between going along with a bus whilst already on it and the floor coming up and taking you with it, yes i have seen it, i seen it on my own x box and have seen better examples of riding on a moving object in ofp, also lift examples on the carriersI am not here to ask if it is a "cheap trick",but to find out how it is done and how it can be developed in other areas, when this guy fires a nade ,it seems not to hit any objectalso strange but yet very ofp like which made me question ,if this lift is a solid object a box with better solid floors and detection of unit why didnt nade hit it( not an absolute reason to write off but enuff to ask ,raise doubts)..i was hoping the windows would blow and we would see an example of destructable buildings.

not to mention the link to the video says


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Those who wonder why we appear to have a standing in a moving vehicle (the lift) yet no ability to do so in other vehicles need to consider the differences between the two.

A lift (elevator) moves in just two directions. The direction of movement is vertical not lateral, you may feel the movement in your stomach but you aren't thrown from side to side.

If you stand in the back of a truck and it accelerates, you will fall over. If if turns a corner you will fall over. If it brakes you will fall over. Now how would BIS model and animate that? Should you suffer injuries or even death if you're stupid enough to be standing? This was the biggest problem from the VBS concept videos - they were extremely unrealistic.

As great as it would be to be able to stand on or in vehicles, handling the cases where doing so would result in falls/injuries is a lot of work. Without such a system the whole approach would be something you'd expect from an arcade game.

I expect people will mod the ability, with all the changes it's probably possible now. However BIS couldn't add it to the game without spending huge amounts of time making it even remotely realistic or leaving it extremely unrealistic.

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when this guy fires a nade ,it seems not to hit any objectalso strange but yet very ofp like which made me question ,if this lift is a solid object a box with better solid floors and detection of unit why didnt nade hit it( not an absolute reason to write off but enuff to ask ,raise doubts)..i was hoping the windows would blow and we would see an example of destructable buildings.

Probably not finished Fire Geometry LOD.

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They did say they still have some surprises up their sleeves... maybe they will have movable in vehicles...

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we can only hope tounge2.gif , but i seriously doubt it. I think there type of suprise is chucking in the BIS Camel! biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif .

Or some kick ass nuke firing scud or somthing crazy_o.gif

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A collision detection has much to do with movable in vehicles. When you transport objects on vehicles, you always have to calculate collisions between objects and vehicles. If this calculation is too simple, objects behave unrealistic: drop through the floor or start bouncing unstably.

If ArmA doesn't support movable in vehicles, I'm afraid the collision detection is also still as simple as in OFP.  huh.gif

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You apparently haven't been keeping up to date or played OFP:E,collision has been far improved past OFP,OFP:E even supports this,sure you can't stay on a fast moving vehicle,the fastest I was able to was was in a T-55 while a corpse stayed on the front of the tank,even then I think it was because the turret was in the way. But no it is not the same as OFP is,you may not be able to stand in a fast moving vehicle,but who can,okay if the vehicle stays on a straight course then yes,your body will balance and compensate,however as stated,if the object is turned,you fall over,if a brake is hit,you go flying. Personally I'd rather not fight on the back of a moving vehicle so somebody could quickly hit the break and cause me to slam my head into the back of the cab or go flying off the vehicle,thats just stupid. Now sitting in a vehicle and firing,even that is somewhat not understandable,for one you wouldn't have perfect balance,there would be bumps in the road and whatnot so your bullets wouldn't go where their supposed to,not to mention if its a crowded vehicle you might accidently shoot a team mate because of your stupidity to fire at them. Still,all things considered,this is a bad idea. Yes I know your thinking ships and whatnot,naval fleets,and how fast do they move? Not really fast,so it may be possible with them as they move slow.

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I just think the videos are too big..

make them smaller whistle.gif

No! Make them even larger, some of us here want to be able to see the best quality possible. If we could get some nice HD movies then it would be sweet.

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There have been several videos now where we can see the ironsight of the M136 AT weapon.

I know it is all work in progress and I love the new 3D ironsights but:

it looks like this:


(pic from www.armedassaults.de out of the www.ofpmdb.net ambush video)

I made an Ironsight for the M136 some time ago and made it this way (based on real photos and some infos I found here ):


The problem about the one we have in ArmA that it seems to be static ... so it will always look like that even if you move ....

but if it always looks like that you won't be able to use it how it was meant to be used... I don't want to be nitpicking, but can someone tell me if it is just wrong or if it can also be use like that ?

Because I always thought that the middle part is where the hitpoint is and not the right one ...

thx benus

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I think that sight is still WIP, slight misalignment on the model is what I say.

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ever thought that maybe he's moving or he was in the process of aiming and the view isn't exactly going to be dead center even when you are still?

looks like he's looking through the sights while walking to me.

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